8 research outputs found

    A ‘teoria da renda da Floresta’ como complemento à ‘teoria da renda do Solo’ para a análise econômica de ativos florestais

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    Economic analyses of forest assets are traditionally based on financial indicators – obtained with help of discounted cash flows. Noteworthy in this context is the Land rent theory – Lrt, also known as land expectation value. In opposition to the Lrt the Forest rent theory - Frt was developed. With this study it was aimed to present the Frt approach, complementarily to the Lrt, in the context of Pinus taeda plantation grown in southern Brazil. The presented Frt approach allows the evaluation of the forest asset by a different perspective, with emphasis on the capacity of the asset to generate wealth on a sustainable basis. It was concluded that the Frt is an interesting and complementarily approach to the Lrt. According to the Frt, regulated or close-to-regulation Pinus taeda plantations, aiming at maximizing the economic performance on a sustainable basis, should consider production cycles >30 years. The multiproduct management strategy presents twice as much economic outputs than the pulpwood one, regardless of the length of the production cycle (16-30 years). The use of Frt complementarily to the traditional cash flow analyses, reinforce the economic viability of multiproduct management strategies with production cycles longer than the ones commonly regarded.Análises econômicas de projetos florestais são tradicionalmente baseadas em indicadores financeiros – obtidos a partir da construção de fluxos de caixa descontados. Nesse contexto, merece destaque a ‘teoria da renda do Solo – trS’, também chamada de valor esperado da terra – VET. Em contraposição a esta, surgiu a ‘teoria da renda da Floresta – trF’. Foi objetivo do presente estudo apresentar a trF como complemento à trS no contexto de plantações de Pinus taeda no sul do Brasil. A abordagem apresentada pela trF permite avaliar a gestão do ativo florestal por uma outra perspectiva, dando maior ênfase à capacidade do ativo em gerar riqueza de forma sustentável. Conclui-se que a trF é uma abordagem interessante e complementar à trS. De acordo com a trF, plantios de Pinus taeda regulados ou próximos à regulação, com o objetivo de maximizar o retorno econômico de forma sustentada, devem considerar ciclos de produção >30 anos. O manejo multiprodutos apresenta resultado econômico duas vezes superior ao pulpwood, independentemente da duração do ciclo de produção (16-30 anos). O emprego da trF de forma complementar às análises tradicionais, com fluxos de caixa descontados, reforçam a viabilidade de estratégias de manejo multiprodutos com ciclos de produção mais longos que os comumente utilizados

    Effects of a Pinus taeda L. shelterwood on frost protection and growth of Eucalyptus dunnii Maiden young plants

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    This paper aimed to evaluate the effects of three Pinus taeda shelterwoods intensities on frost protection and growth of E. dunnii young plants. The study was developed in the district of Capão Alto, SC. Three different shelter intensities were established from a 23 years old P. taeda plantation: trees only in the perimeter of the stand (TB), 20 (T20) and 50 (T50) trees per hectare. The control, a clear-cut (TCA), was also located. Despite plants of E. dunnii were damaged by frosts with temperatures of until -5 °C, independent of the treatment to which they were exposed, the increase of the shelter intensity, until 50 trees per hectare, decreased the damages caused by frosts. It was also verified that as more intensive the shelter, lower was the growth in height and diameter of the E. dunnii, before and after the frosts. This technique is recommended for the establishment of E. dunnii in areas with severe winters.Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da cobertura de Pinus taeda na proteção contra geadas e no crescimento de plantas jovens de E. dunnii. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no município de Capão Alto, SC. Três diferentes intensidades de cobertura foram estabelecidas a partir de um povoamento de P. taeda com 23 anos de idade: bordadura (TB), com árvores apenas no perímetro do talhão; 20 (T20) e 50 (T50) árvores por hectare na cobertura. Por último, a testemunha (TCA), onde as plantas de E. dunnii cresceram a céu aberto. Apesar de todas as plantas de E. dunnii apresentarem danos causados por geadas, com temperaturas de até -5 °C, independentemente do tratamento ao qual estavam expostas, conclui-se que o aumento da intensidade de cobertura até 50 árvores de P. taeda por hectare diminui os danos causados por geadas. Quanto maior a intensidade de cobertura, até 50 árvores de P. taeda por hectare, menor é o crescimento em altura e diâmetro do colo do E. dunnii, antes e após as geadas. O sistema de plantio sob cobertura é uma forma de diminuir os danos em plantas de E. dunnii em regiões com invernos severos

    A proposal for the existing germplasm of Cryptomeria japonica (L.F.) Don. at the Experimental Station of Rio Negro, PR, aiming at the production of genetic improved seeds

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    Cryptomeria japonica é originária da região temperada do Japão, onde é amplamente plantada em função da alta durabilidade e trabalhabilidade da madeira. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de procedências japonesas de C. japonica, implantadas em 1980 na Estação Experimental da Universidade Federal do Paraná, município de Rio Negro, Paraná. Realizou-se levantamento dendrométrico em setembro de 2011, o qual serviu de base para as análises estatísticas e genéticas. A produtividade observada aos 31 anos variou de 9,3 m³.ha-1.ano-1 na testemunha (Camanducaia), até 22,2 m³.ha-1.ano-1 na procedência Miyagi. A partir dos resultados, foram propostas estratégias de melhoramento genético para a criação de uma Área de Produção de Sementes (APS) e um Pomar Clonal de Sementes (PCS), bem como a seleção de indivíduos superiores para reprodução assexuada. Para tal, considerou-se uma intensidade de seleção que mantivesse ao máximo a variabilidade genética entre procedências, mas explorasse a variação dentro de cada procedência. As sementes produzidas terão um ganho no crescimento diamétrico estimado em 9,2% para a APS (curto prazo) e de 14% para o PCS (médio prazo). AbstractA proposal for the existing germplasm of Cryptomeria japonica (L.F.) Don. at the Experimental Station of Rio Negro, PR, aiming at the production of genetic improved seeds. Cryptomeria japonica is indigenous to the temperate region of Japan where it is widely planted, due to its wood quality, high durability and workability. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of Japanese provenances of C. japonica, established in 1980 at Experimental Station of Parana Federal University, municipality of Rio Negro, Parana State. Dendrometric measurements were carried out in September 2011, which was the basis for statistical and genetic analysis. The productivity at age 31 years ranged from 9.3 m³.ha-1.year-1 (control), up to 22.2 m³.ha-1.year-1 (Miyagi). A breeding strategy was proposed based on a seed production area (SPA) and on a clonal seed orchard (CSO). Moreover superior individuals for vegetative reproduction were also selected. The selection intensity was suggested considering the maintenance of expressive genetic variability among provenances, but exploring the variation within each provenance. The estimated genetic gain for diameter growth was 9.2% for the SPA (short term) and 14% for the CSO (medium term).Keywords: Forest breeding; seed production area; clonal seed orchard.Cryptomeria japonica is indigenous to the temperate region of Japan where it is widely planted, due to its wood quality, high durability and workability. The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of Japanese provenances of C. japonica, established in 1980 at Experimental Station of Parana Federal University, municipality of Rio Negro, Parana State. Dendrometric measurements were carried out in September 2011, which was the basis for statistical and genetic analysis. The productivity at age 31 years ranged from 9.3 m³.ha-1.year-1 (control), up to 22.2 m³.ha-1.year-1 (Miyagi). A breeding strategy was proposed based on a seed production area (SPA) and on a clonal seed orchard (CSO). Moreover superior individuals for vegetative reproduction were also selected. The selection intensity was suggested considering the maintenance of expressive genetic variability among provenances, but exploring the variation within each provenance. The estimated genetic gain for diameter growth was 9.2% for the SPA (short term) and 14% for the CSO (medium term)

    Dendroecologia de um povoamento de Cryptomeria japonica (L. F.) Don. com 25 anos de idade no sul do Brasil

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509814579Cryptomeria japonica is indigenous to the temperate region of Japan, where it is known as ‘sugi’. In Brazil, the plantation of this species is recommended for the highlands and cold regions in the southern, where it is well adapted to the edaphoclimatic conditions. The aim of the study was to evaluate the correlation between meteorological variables and growth of a 25 years old Cryptomeria japonica stand. Cross-sectional discs from 30 different trees were collected, within all diametric classes. After dried and sanded, annual rings were measured and correlated with meteorological data by dendrochronological analysis tools. The growth series showed an intercorrelation of 0.668. The radial growth of the species was positively influenced by the minimum temperature of September and by the medium temperature of May. There was no correlation between growth and precipitation, although peaks of growth were observed in years with high precipitation.  http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509814579Cryptomeria japonica é originária da região temperada do Japão onde é conhecida como ‘sugi’. No Brasil, o plantio da espécie é recomendado em regiões altas e frias do sul do país, onde possui boa adaptação às condições edafoclimáticas. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar as correlações entre variáveis meteorológicas e o crescimento de um povoamento de Cryptomeria japonica com 25 anos de idade. Para tal, foram coletados discos transversais de 30 diferentes árvores, compreendendo toda a amplitude de variação diamétrica. Após secos e lixados, os discos tiveram seus anéis anuais de crescimento medidos e correlacionados com dados meteorológicos, utilizando ferramentas de análise dendrocronológica. As séries de crescimento apresentaram uma intercorrelação de 0,668. O crescimento radial da espécie foi influenciado positivamente pela temperatura mínima do mês de setembro e pela temperatura média do mês de maio. Não houve correlação significativa do crescimento com a precipitação, embora tenham sido verificados picos de crescimento em anos mais chuvosos

    The last giant Araucaria trees in southern Brazil

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    Araucaria angustifolia (Bertol.) Kuntze is a native tree species of major importance in southern Brazil. It is a regional symbol due to its iconic shape and stature in the landscape; its wood was once economically important and its seeds are an important source of food for the fauna and are presently used in regional cuisine. Despite its importance and apparent abundance, the species is facing extinction mainly as a result of unregulated exploitation and deforestation. This study catalogued the remaining individuals in order to add to the body of knowledge available on A. angustifolia, a species that has become rare across its historic range. The circumference at breast height (1.30 m), the total height, and the tree volume were measured (3,529 araucarias). We catalogued trees with a large diameter measuring them in loco over three years involving a journey of more than 6,800 km. The volumes of these old trees are very large, ranging from 38.2 m3 to 106.6 m3. The largest A. angustifolia individual is located in the state of Santa Catarina and measures 3.25 m in diameter. The giant araucarias with > 2.00 m in diameter are rare and only 13 individuals could be found in southern Brazil; a priority action at the governmental level is to recognize and preserve these monumental trees and together with a need for a public policy of drawing up specific inventories of large trees

    Growing space in a 35-year-old Pinus taeda stand

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    Considering the economic importance of the Pinus species in Brazil, especially in the southern region, this study was carried out to fill some gaps and assist in the production processes of this species. The specific objective was to evaluate the influence of different growing space regimes in experimental plantations of Pinus taeda L., aged 35 years, without thinning, located in the state of Santa Catarina. Diameter at breast height (DBH) and total height data were collected, and the Gamma and Weibull (3P) probability density functions (PDF) were used to describe the structure of the diameter and height variables, respectively. Then multivariate analysis and discriminant functions were applied to identify the correlation of these variables. For qualitative variables, tree health was assessed in three classifications: 1 - Healthy, with no apparent damage; 2 - Initial stage of deterioration by pests and/or diseases; and 3 - Advanced stage of deterioration by pests and/or diseases. The trunk quality variable was also evaluated in three classifications: 1 - Trunk without apparent defects; 2 - Slightly crooked trunk, however cylindrical and devoid of considerable ramifications; and 3 - Trunk with strong tortuosity or bifurcation. The results showed that growing space directly affected the average diameter. Stands with greater space per tree maximized the variables when considering height and DBH together. Stands with less growing space, on the other hand, favored better trunk quality, and the dominant individuals in height had superior health and trunk quality compared to the others

    Dendroecology of Cedrela fissilis from Araucaria Forest

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    Embora a madeira de Cedrela fissilis Vell. seja de grande interesse comercial, seu uso é limitado em função da escassez de informações quanto à silvicultura da espécie. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento e a correlação deste com variáveis climáticas em seis municípios na divisa dos estados do Paraná e Santa Catarina. Amostras radiais do lenho foram coletadas de 42 indivíduos. Após secas e lixadas, os anéis de crescimento foram marcados, mensurados e avaliados. O incremento médio em diâmetro foi de 1,1 cm ano-1. Considerando um diâmetro de corte de 40 cm, estimam-se rotações de 30 a 36 anos para a espécie. De 42 indivíduos amostrados foi possível codatar 28 séries de crescimento, apresentando uma intercorrelação de 0,551. A correlação de Pearson entre as variáveis climáticas e o crescimento radial C. fissilis não apresentou resultados significativos para a maioria das variáveis. Contudo, a umidade relativa do ar em dezembro foi significativa e inversamente proporcional ao crescimento radial.Although the wood from Cedrela fissilis Vell. has great commercial interest, its use is limited due to the lack of information regarding forestry of the species. The aim of this study was to evaluate growth and its correlations with climate variables in six districts at the eastern border of Paraná and Santa Catarina states. Radial wood samples were collected from 42 individuals. Once dried and sanded the annual growth rings were marked, measured and evaluated. The average diameter increment was 1.1 cm year-1. Considering a cutting diameter of 40 cm it was estimated rotations of 30 to 36 years to the species. From the 42 individuals sampled, it was possible to cross date 28 growth series, which presented an inter-correlation of 0.551. Pearson correlation analysis between radial growth and climate data did not show significant values for most of the variables. However, the relative humidity of the air in December was significant and inversely proportional to the radial growth

    Initial Growth of Pinus taeda by Fertilization Response at Planting

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    ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate how the fertilizer composition, type and application method contribute to the initial growth of Pinus taeda applied at planting. Seedlings from an open-pollinated seed orchard of Pinus taeda were planted on a Humic Dystrudepts soil containing 15 treatments of fertilizer application at planting. Basal diameter (immediately above ground – about 5 cm) and total height were measured on all live plants after six, 12 and 42 months. The basal diameter at six and 12 months ranged from 0.49 to 0.63 cm and 1.64 to 2.15 cm, respectively. The height at six and 12 months ranged from 0.49 to 0.64 m and 0.77 to 1.01 m, respectively, indicating that fertilizing improved this characteristics in ~30%. Fertilizer composition, type and application method contributed to the first year of growth of Pinus taeda. Nevertheless, fertilization response disappeared after 42 months