4,860 research outputs found

    The Myth of the Molecular Ring

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    We investigate the structure of the Milky Way by determining how features in a spatial map correspond to CO features in a velocity map. We examine structures including logarithmic spiral arms, a ring and a bar. We explore the available parameter space, including the pitch angle of the spiral arms, radius of a ring, and rotation curve. We show that surprisingly, a spiral arm provides a better fit to the observed molecular ring than a true ring feature. This is because both a spiral arm, and the observed feature known as the molecular ring, are curved in velocity longitude space. We find that much of the CO emission in the velocity longitude map can be fitted by a nearly symmetric 2 armed spiral pattern. One of the arms corresponds to the molecular ring, whilst the opposite arm naturally reproduces the Perseus arm. Multiple arms also contribute to further emission in the vicinity of the molecular ring and match other observed spiral arms. Whether the Galactic structure consists primarily of two, or several spiral arms, the presence of 2 symmetric logarithmic spirals, which begin in the vicinity of the ends of the bar, suggest a spiral density wave associated with the bar.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, accepted by MNRA

    The evolution of Giant Molecular Filaments

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    In recent years there has been a growing interest in studying giant molecular filaments (GMFs), which are extremely elongated (> 100pc in length) giant molecular clouds (GMCs). They are often seen as inter-arm features in external spiral galaxies, but have been tentatively associated with spiral arms when viewed in the Milky Way. In this paper, we study the time evolution of GMFs in a high-resolution section of a spiral galaxy simulation, and their link with spiral arm GMCs and star formation, over a period of 11Myrs. The GMFs generally survive the inter-arm passage, although they are subject to a number of processes (e.g. star formation, stellar feedback and differential rotation) which can break the giant filamentary structure into smaller sections. The GMFs are not gravitationally bound clouds as a whole, but are, to some extent, confined by external pressure. Once they reach the spiral arms, the GMFs tend to evolve into more substructured spiral arm GMCs, suggesting that GMFs may be precursors to arm GMCs. Here, they become incorporated into the more complex and almost continuum molecular medium that makes up the gaseous spiral arm. Instead of retaining a clear filamentary shape, their shapes are distorted both by their climb up the spiral potential and their interaction with the gas within the spiral arm. The GMFs do tend to become aligned with the spiral arms just before they enter them (when they reach the minimum of the spiral potential), which could account for the observations of GMFs in the Milky Way.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, MNRAS accepte

    The MICE luminosity monitor

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    The MICE experiment will provide the first measurement of ionisation cooling, a technique suitable for reducing the transverse emittance of a tertiary muon beam in a future neutrino factory accelerator facility. MICE is presently in the final stages of commissioning its beam line. The MICE luminosity monitor has proved an invaluable tool throughout this process, providing independent measurements of particle rate from the MICE target, normalisation for beam line detectors and verification of simulation codes

    Giant Molecular clouds: what are they made from, and how do they get there?

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    We analyse the results of four simulations of isolated galaxies: two with a rigid spiral potential of fixed pattern speed, but with different degrees of star-formation induced feedback, one with an axisymmetric galactic potential and one with a `live' self-gravitating stellar component. Since we use a Lagrangian method we are able to select gas that lies within giant molecular clouds (GMCs) at a particular timeframe, and to then study the properties of this gas at earlier and later times. We find that gas which forms GMCs is not typical of the interstellar medium at least 50 Myr before the clouds form and reaches mean densities within an order of magnitude of mean cloud densities by around 10 Myr before. The gas in GMCs takes at least 50 Myr to return to typical ISM gas after dispersal by stellar feedback, and in some cases the gas is never fully recycled. We also present a study of the two-dimensional, vertically-averaged velocity fields within the ISM. We show that the velocity fields corresponding to the shortest timescales (that is, those timescales closest to the immediate formation and dissipation of the clouds) can be readily understood in terms of the various cloud formation and dissipation mechanisms. Properties of the flow patterns can be used to distinguish the processes which drive converging flows (e.g.\ spiral shocks, supernovae) and thus molecular cloud formation, and we note that such properties may be detectable with future observations of nearby galaxies.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Clumpy and fractal shocks, and the generation of a velocity dispersion in molecular clouds

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    We present an alternative explanation for the nature of turbulence in molecular clouds. Often associated with classical models of turbulence, we instead interpret the observed gas dynamics as random motions, induced when clumpy gas is subject to a shock. From simulations of shocks, we show that a supersonic velocity dispersion occurs in the shocked gas provided the initial distribution of gas is sufficiently non-uniform. We investigate the velocity size-scale relation σrα\sigma \propto r^{\alpha} for simulations of clumpy and fractal gas, and show that clumpy shocks can produce realistic velocity size-scale relations with mean α0.5\alpha \thicksim 0.5. For a fractal distribution, with a fractal dimension of 2.2 similar to what is observed in the ISM, we find σr0.4\sigma \propto r^{0.4}. The form of the velocity size-scale relation can be understood as due to mass loading, i.e. the post-shock velocity of the gas is determined by the amount of mass encountered as the gas enters the shock. We support this hypothesis with analytical calculations of the velocity dispersion relation for different initial distributions. A prediction of this model is that the line-of sight velocity dispersion should depend on the angle at which the shocked gas is viewed.Comment: 11 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Spiral arm triggering of star formation

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    We present numerical simulations of the passage of clumpy gas through a galactic spiral shock, the subsequent formation of giant molecular clouds (GMCs) and the triggering of star formation. The spiral shock forms dense clouds while dissipating kinetic energy, producing regions that are locally gravitationally bound and collapse to form stars. In addition to triggering the star formation process, the clumpy gas passing through the shock naturally generates the observed velocity dispersion size relation of molecular clouds. In this scenario, the internal motions of GMCs need not be turbulent in nature. The coupling of the clouds' internal kinematics to their externally triggered formation removes the need for the clouds to be self-gravitating. Globally unbound molecular clouds provides a simple explanation of the low efficiency of star formation. While dense regions in the shock become bound and collapse to form stars, the majority of the gas disperses as it leaves the spiral arm.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures: IAU 237, Triggering of star formation in turbulent molecular clouds, eds B. Elmegreen and J. Palou

    A Comprehensive Study of the Radiative Decays of J/ψJ/\psi and ψ(2S)\psi(2S) to Pseudoscalar Meson Pairs, and Search for Glueballs

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    Using 53 pb1^{-1} of e+ee^+e^- annihilation data taken at s=3.686\sqrt{s}=3.686 GeV, a comprehensive study has been made of the radiative decays of samples of 5.1 million J/ψJ/\psi and 24.5 million ψ(2S)\psi(2S) into pairs of pseudoscalar mesons, π+π\pi^+\pi^-, π0π0\pi^0\pi^0, K+KK^+K^-, KS0KS0K_S^0K_S^0, and ηη\eta\eta. Product branching fractions for the radiative decays of J/ψJ/\psi and ψ(2S)\psi(2S) to scalar resonances f0(1370,1500,1710,2100,and2200)f_0(1370,1500,1710,2100, \text{and} 2200), and tensor resonances f2(1270,1525,and2230)f_2(1270,1525, \text{and} 2230) have been determined, and are discussed in relation to predicted glueballs. For ψ(2S)\psi(2S) radiative decays the search for glueballs has been extended to masses between 2.5 GeV and 3.3 GeV.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figures, published in PR

    Shocks, cooling and the origin of star formation rates in spiral galaxies

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    Understanding star formation is problematic as it originates in the large scale dynamics of a galaxy but occurs on the small scale of an individual star forming event. This paper presents the first numerical simulations to resolve the star formation process on sub-parsec scales, whilst also following the dynamics of the interstellar medium (ISM) on galactic scales. In these models, the warm low density ISM gas flows into the spiral arms where orbit crowding produces the shock formation of dense clouds, held together temporarily by their external pressure. Cooling allows the gas to be compressed to sufficiently high densities that local regions collapse under their own gravity and form stars. The star formation rates follow a Schmidt-Kennicutt \Sigma_{SFR} ~ \Sigma_{gas}^{1.4} type relation with the local surface density of gas while following a linear relation with the cold and dense gas. Cooling is the primary driver of star formation and the star formation rates as it determines the amount of cold gas available for gravitational collapse. The star formation rates found in the simulations are offset to higher values relative to the extragalactic values, implying a constant reduction, such as from feedback or magnetic fields, is likely to be required. Intriguingly, it appears that a spiral or other convergent shock and the accompanying thermal instability can explain how star formation is triggered, generate the physical conditions of molecular clouds and explain why star formation rates are tightly correlated to the gas properties of galaxies.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures. MNRAS in pres