129 research outputs found

    Understanding the heritage experience: a content analysis of online reviews of World Heritage Sites in Istanbul

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    This study explores dimensions of heritage tourism experiences utilizing the user-generated content (UGC) on a travel sharing website and offers insight for understanding the factors that can affect the heritage tourists’ evaluation of travel experiences at a destination. For this purpose, a content analysis of 5212 heritage experience reviews posted for heritage sites on a UGC travel website, TripAdvisor, is conducted. An analysis of reviews revealed 59 items forming six dimensions that include authenticity, the importance of guides, cultural values, sense of heritage, local hospitality and awe. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed as well as limitations. Suggestions for further research are provided

    A late-onset hematoma developed after sexual intercourse following sacrospinous hysteropexy and mid-urethral sling surgery: case report

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    Introduction: Sacrospinous hysteropexy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure option for apical prolapse repair. Despite a significant number of postoperative hemorrhage and hematoma cases reported in the literature, life-threatening hemorrhage as a complication after sacrospinous hysteropexy is rare. In this case, in addition to sacrospinous hysteropexy, midurethral sling surgery was performed via the needleless technique for stress urinary incontinence. The case presented here is of a hematoma that developed following sexual intercourse on the 10th postoperative day after sacrospinous hysteropexy and its successful management and treatment without re-operation. A review of the literature did not reveal any cases similar to the present one. Method: Both sacrospinous hysteropexy using the Surelift® Contasure Prolapse System and midurethral sling surgeries were performed without any intraoperative complications. Case: A 40-year-old, female patient who had undergone both sacrospinous hysteropexy and midurethral sling surgery presented with pain following sexual intercourse on the 10th postoperative day. A hematoma of 4 cm was palpated at vaginal examination on the right posterolateral site and confirmed with computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A vaginal tamponade was put in place and removed after 2 days follow-up in the hospital. After two weeks, contrast MRI revealed a hematoma smaller in size and after one month the hematoma was not observed. Discussion: Vascularity of the sacrospinous ligament (SSL) space includes an abundance of collateral blood vessels and significant anatomical variations can result from anastomosis. Finding and repairing injured vessels during SSL and pararectal area surgeries transvaginally or via laparotomy is difficult even for the experienced surgeon. Although sacrospinous hysteropexy is a minimally invasive transvaginal procedure, adverse effects may result due to the physical trauma of sexual intercourse so the patient should be warned to avoid sexual intercourse during the postoperative recovery period. If concurrent procedures have been performed along with sacrospinous hysteropexy, finding the source of the complication is essential for management and treatment. Conclusion: Knowledge of treatment options and pelvic vascular anatomy is fundamental for the diagnosis and management of complications. Although the literature is lacking in relevant data and case studies, the example of this case indicates that having sexual intercourse can result in postoperative development of hematoma in the SSL area, and that the patient should be warned to avoid sexual intercourse during the 6-week postoperative period. Vaginal packing should be the first treatment approach for management of intraoperative and postoperative hematoma and hemorrhage

    Mandibular parametreler ile yaş ve cinsiyet arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılması: Retrospektif çalışma

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    Amaç: Panoramik radyograflarda ölçülen mandibular parametreler (gonial açı, bigonial genişlik ve ramus yüksekliği) ile bireyin yaşı ve cinsiyeti arasındaki ilişkinin saptanması hedeflenmektedir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmada 19-69 yaşları arasındaki 230 kadın ve erkeğe ait panoramik radyograflar üzerinde gonial açı, bigonial genişlik ve ramus yüksekliği olmak üzere üç parametre ölçülmüştür. Elde edilen veriler istatistiksel olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Tüm yaş gruplarında kadın ve erkek arasında gonial açı değerlerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmazken, ramus yüksekliği ve bigonial genişlik değerlerinde istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulunmaktadır. Sonuç: Bu çalışma adli diş hekimliğinde mandibular parametreler kullanılarak yaş ve cinsiyet tayini yapılmasında yardımcı olabilir.ANAHTAR KELİMELER Bigonial genişlik, gonial açı, panoramik radyograf, ramus yüksekliğ

    MTF-Based Performance Comparison of Techniques for Deblurring Optical Satellite Imagery

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    Blurring is a significant concern in electro-optical satellite imagery due to its negative effect on image quality, which is caused by an undesirable loss of bandwidth.Blurred images and compromised image quality may result from atmospheric distortions, camera aberrations, and relative motion during the imaging process. Deblurring is thus a process used to restore deteriorated images, reduce blur, and recover the original image. The major type of blur explored in this study is Gaussian blur, and its effects on the image are investigated by applying the blur in equal proportions. Furthermore, influence of blur on the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) of an electro-optic satellite image as well as the impacts of deblurring techniques, namely the Richardson-Lucy Deconvolution Algorithm, the Regularization Filter, and the Blind Deconvolution Algorithm on MTF values, wereexplored

    Recent Advances in Health Biotechnology During Pandemic

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    The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which emerged in 2019, cut the epoch that will make profound fluctuates in the history of the world in social, economic, and scientific fields. Urgent needs in public health have brought with them innovative approaches, including diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. To exceed the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, various scientific authorities in the world have procreated advances in real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) based diagnostic tests, rapid diagnostic kits, the development of vaccines for immunization, and the purposing pharmaceuticals for treatment. Diagnosis, treatment, and immunization approaches put for- ward by scientific communities are cross-fed from the accrued knowledge of multidisciplinary sciences in health biotechnology. So much so that the pandemic, urgently prioritized in the world, is not only viral infections but also has been the pulsion in the development of novel approaches in many fields such as diagnosis, treatment, translational medicine, virology, mi- crobiology, immunology, functional nano- and bio-materials, bioinformatics, molecular biol- ogy, genetics, tissue engineering, biomedical devices, and artificial intelligence technologies. In this review, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of various scientific areas of health biotechnology are discussed

    RF MEMS aygıtların güvenilirliğinin yaşam süresi çlçümlerine dayalı olarak artırılması.

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    This thesis presents fabrication of shunt, capacitive contact type RF MEMS switches which are designed according to given mm-wave performance specifications. The designed switches are modified for investigation in terms of reliability and lifetime. To observe the real-time performance of switches a time domain measurement setup is established and a CV (capacitance vs. voltage) curve measurement system is also included to measure CV curves, pull-in and hold-down voltages and the shifts of these due to actuations. By using the established setup reliability and lifetime measurements under different bias waveforms in different environments are performed. After investigation for the most suitable condition for improving lifetime long-term tests are performed and the outstanding result of more than 885 hours of operation under cycling bias waveform is obtained.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Exploration of the ways of empowering people in the design process through product personalization for prolonged product lifetimes

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    Product personalization has many potentials in extending product lifetimes and sustainable consumption, through strengthening the emotional bond between people and their products. In addition, production and post-use of products need to be considered in the design process to develop design solutions in line with sustainability principles. Product personalization is defined in the study as, a process during which a product's aesthetic and functional attributes are defined, adapted or modified by the user during design, use and post-use stages of the product lifespan. To increase a product's personal relevance to its user, during the process of personalization, user is involved as co-designer and co-maker of the product. In this study, product personalization is discussed within the local context via empowering local skills and knowledge and enabling the use of local materials and production techniques. The ways of enabling people in the design process through product personalization are explored via research through design approach. Firstly, a lighting design exploration is developed based on the design considerations emerge from the personalization and sustainability literature, and an online survey exploring people's reasons and methods of personalization. This design exploration is further developed through three generative sessions during which the participants personalize the design exploration, record and share their experiences in the personalization process, and thus theoretical ideas are refined. The results of the study reveal that, people's needs for personalization, their skills and motivation levels and ease of re-personalization during use phase need to be considered during design process, and these design considerations are interrelated

    A comparison of emergency and therapeutic modified Shirodkar cerclage: an analysis of 38 consecutive cases

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    Objective:To compare the maternal and neonatal outcomes of patients with emergency versus therapeutic cerclage.Materials and Methods:The study included 38 female patients who underwent cervical cerclage using the modified Shirodkar method in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of Düzce University Medical Faculty Hospital and Düzce Atatürk State Hospital.Results:The operating time for the emergency cerclage group was significantly longer than that of the therapeutic group (30.40 minutes vs 19.85 minutes, p=0.001). Following the cerclage procedure, the cervical length was longer in the therapeutic cerclage group [29.90 millimeters (mm) vs. 22.45 mm, p=0.001]. The cerclage to birth interval was also longer in the therapeutic group (91 vs. 138 days).Conclusion:In comparison with therapeutic cerclage, the total duration of pregnancy after emergency cerclage is shorter, and newborns have a greater need for intensive care. Both methods, however, protect against advanced prematurity, which causes neonatal loss

    Does educational level affect vulvar perception?

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    Objective: The purpose of this study was to reveal whether educational status level affects vulvar perception. Material and Methods: The participants were separated into three groups according to their educational status, with the first Group consisting of participants who were primary school graduates, the second Group those who were middle school/high school graduates, and the third Group included those who had studied at the post-graduate or doctoral level. A total of 17 questions about genital perception were posed using a questionnaire. Results: Among the groups, no differences were observed in terms of satisfaction with the genital area (p= 0.293). The satisfaction rates and aesthetic desires of the individuals who had the highest level and the lowest level of education were similar; however, it was observed that the middle group found the image of their genital area less normal (p=0.026), and it was determined that more of the participants in this group planned to have aesthetic surgery than those in the other groups (p?0.001). In Group 2, of the participants, 23.6% stated that they would like to undergo aesthetic surgery if they could financially afford it, while this rate was 6.6% and 8.9% in Groups 1 and 3, respectively (p=0.007). Conclusion: Vulvar perception is higher in both low and high levels of awareness. The participants having a middle-level education might have been using the media in a wrong way and thus had difficulties in obtaining accurate and reliable information. Copyright © 2018 by Türkiye Klinikleri