11 research outputs found


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    Dünyanın yaşı ilerledikçe artan nüfus ve ihtiyaçlar, gelişen sanayi ve bunlara bağlı olarak ortaya çıkan çevresel sorunlar neticesinde dünyanın can damarları olan nehirler, denizler, okyanuslar, gün geçtikçe daha da kirlenmekte ve etkin, uygulanabilir, ekonomik, maksimum fayda sağlayan atık yönetimi kaçınılmaz hale gelmektedir. Denizlerdeki kirlilik deniz canlılarını, insanları ve dolayısı ile bütün ekosistemi olumsuz etkilemektedir. Bu temelde yapılması gereken, deniz kirliliğinin çeşitleri ve kaynaklarının doğru tespiti ile uygulanabilir çözümlerin ortaya konmasıdır. Bütün bunlar göz önünde bulundurulduğunda deniz yüzeyi ve kıyı atıklarının yönetimi de büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada İstanbul ili, deniz yüzeyindeki ve kıyıdaki atıkların toplanma yöntemleri ve bertarafına ilişkin aşamalar incelenmiştir. Daha etkin bir deniz yüzeyi ve kıyı atıkları yönetimine dayanak sağlaması amacıyla; 6 adet deniz yüzeyi ve 4 adet kıyı bölgesinden alınan atık numuneleri üzerinde, 2016 yılı boyunca, dört mevsimi temsil edecek şekilde, Nisan, Ağustos, Ekim ve Aralık aylarında karakterizasyon işlemi gerçekleştirilmiştir. İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi Deniz Hizmetleri Müdürlüğü'nün görev kapsamında yer alan deniz ve çevresinin temizliği faaliyeti, İstanbul Çevre Yönetimi Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ (İSTAÇ) tarafından gerçekleştirilmekte olup karakterizasyon çalışması için kıyı ekipleri ve 8 adet deniz yüzeyi temizleme teknesi ile toplanan atık numuneleri İSTAÇ Alibeyköy şantiyesine getirilmiş ve gruplandırma yapılarak tartım işlemi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yapılan karakterizasyon çalışması sonucunda İstanbul ili deniz yüzeyi atıklarının içeriğinde; % 26,91 oranında geri dönüştürülebilir atık, %70,44 oranında biyobozunur atık ve %4,24 oranında diğer atıkların bulunduğu; kıyı şeridi atıklarının içeriğinde ise % 27,71 oranında geri dönüştürülebilir atık, %65,35 oranında biyobozunur atık ve %6,86 oranında diğer atıkların bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir.As the world grows older, the increase in human population and their needs, diminishing resources, developing industry and the environmental consequences resulting from them, the lifelines of the world, rivers, seas and oceans become increasingly polluted day by day, and the need for waste management which is effective, feasible, economical and maximally beneficial becomes inevitable. Pollution in the sea affects marine life, people and therefore the entire ecosystem. On this basis, it is necessary to establish the correct detection of the types and sources of marine pollution and the feasible solutions. Thus, the management of the sea surface wastes is of great importance. In this study, the methods of collecting and disposing of wastes on the sea surface and coast of city of Istanbul were examined. For the purpose of supporting a more efficient surface treatment of the sea surface; including the sea surface and coasts wastewater samples collected from the 6 sea surface 4 coastal regions, to represent four seasons throughout the year; characterization process was performed in April, August, October and December. The cleaning activites of the sea and its surroundings, which are included in the scope of the duty of the Directorate of Maritime Services of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, are carried out by Istanbul Enviromental Management Industry and Trade Inc. (ISTAC). Waste samples collected by the coastal teams and 8 marine surface cleaning machines for the characterization work are collected and brought to Alibeyköy worksite and weighed by grouping. As a result of the characterization performed, it was determined that % 26,91 of waste collected from the surface in the Istanbul Bosporus area could be recyclable, %70,44 of waste was biodegradable and %4,24 was other wastes. % 27,71 of the waste collected from the shore in the Istanbul Bosporus area could be recyclable, %65,35 of waste was organic and %6,86 was other wastes

    Alüminyum panel giydirme cephe sisteminin cephe testlerine göre performansının araştırılması.

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    Extruded aluminium has become the material of choice for building envelope owing to its lightness, wide range of possibilities for profile design, durability and the eco-friendly attitude. In the light of recent technological developments in metal and glass industries, there has been various new approaches towards aluminum curtain wall systems which are mostly preferred by architects in high-rise buildings. Herein, the panel curtain wall system is determined as innovative and the modern aluminium curtain wall system. Furthermore, in the recent prestigious high-rise buildings, the demand of the architects and the contractors begins to replace the conventional curtain wall system which is constructed via stick construction technique, with panel curtain wall system which is applied to the building in a modular form . The main aim of this study is to investigate why the panel curtain wall system comes to the forefront especially for high-rise buildings. Accordingly, the basic architectural, structural and constructional design principles of unitized aluminium curtain wall systems are defined, analyzed and then the advantages and disadvantages of this system are pointed out from an architectural point of view. In order to evaluate the performance of panel curtain wall system against environmental factors, the facade tests, which are new and still-developing methods in Turkey, are used. The extensive facade tests have been conducted on full-scale specimen under field conditions reproduced in an equipped test chamber by authorized facade testing company and the assessment of this curtain wall performance was provided accordance with related standards. The two story full-size specimen, was 3000 mm to 7600 mm, belongs to one of the prestigious office towers constructed in İstanbul. The facade tests conducted to the specimen include watertightness, air permeability, wind resistance and building movement tests. In this study, the performance criteria of panel curtain wall system were investigated not only against environmental factors but also against human sourced factors. It is expected that this study will provide a guideline for system designers on the future research and development phase and for architects on the selection of curtain wall systems for their buildings due to the conducted test results and other advantages taken throughout this study.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Characterization of Marine Debris in Marmara Sea

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    Marine debris is a global issue. It is proper to know the characterization of marine debris for determining the applicable strategies. For that reason, this study was conducted at 10 different locations of Marmara Sea within the boundaries of Istanbul Province, which is one of the most strategic location of our country. As a result of the study, it was determined that, sea surface debris were composed of 69.66% biodegradable wastes, 26.98% recyclable wastes, 0.34% hazardous waste, 2.56% textile waste, 0.04% diaper, 0.18% non-burning materials and 0.23% burnin materials, while sea coast wastes were composed of 65.36% biodegradable waste, 27.77% recyclable waste, 0.39% hazardous waste, 6.47% textile waste and 0.02% nonburning materials

    Radiographic and histopathologic evaluation of radiolucent lesions involving impacted teeth: A multicenter study

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    Objective: The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate the radiographic and histopathologic features of the pathologic lesions associated with an impacted tooth in the maxilla and mandible of patients who were admitted to three different university hospitals located in different cities. Materials and Methods: One hundred one patients (36 females and 65 males) aged between 8 and 67 and who have radiolucent lesions associated with the impacted teeth were included in this study. Data related to the age and gender of the patients, and the findings of cone-beam computed tomography, and histopathologic diagnosis of the lesions were recorded and analyzed. Results: Majority of the lesions were in the posterior region of the mandible (62.4%), related to the mandibular third molars (59.4%), and were diagnosed as a dentigerous cyst. The most common features of the lesions were unilocular radiolucency (91.1%), well-circumscribed (90.1%), and expansive (85.1%). A statistically significant relationship was found between the migration of the impacted tooth/teeth related to the lesion (p<0.05) and the expansion of the lesion (p<0.01) according to gender. A statistically significant relationship was found between the migration of the impacted tooth/teeth related to the lesion (p<0.05) and the histopathological diagnosis of the lesion (p<0.01) according to age groups. Conclusion: Knowing all of the clinical, radiological and histopathological features of the lesions provide the surgeon to reach the correct diagnosis. Thus, the doctors achieve high success in treatment with the right treatment plan.Amaç: Bu retrospektif çalışmanın amacı, farklı şehirlerde bulunan üç farklı üniversite hastanesine başvuran hastaların üst ve alt çenesindeki gömülü diş ile ilişkili patolojik lezyonların radyografik ve histopatolojik özelliklerini değerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu çalışmaya gömülü diş ile ilişkili radyolüsent lezyonu olan 8-67 yaş aralığındaki 101 hasta (36 kadın ve 65 erkek) dahil edildi. Hastaların yaşı ve cinsiyeti, lezyonların konik-ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi bulguları ve histopatolojik tanısı ile ilgili veriler kaydedildi ve analiz edildi. Bulgular: Lezyonların çoğu mandibula posterior bölgede (%62,4), mandibular üçüncü molar dişlerle (%59,4) ilişkiliydi ve dentigeröz kist tanısı aldı. Lezyonlarda en fazla görülen özellikler uniloküler radyolüsensi (%91,1), iyi sınırlı (%90,1) ve ekspansif (%85,1) olması idi. Cinsiyete göre lezyon ile ilişkili gömülü diş/dişlerin migrasyonu (p<0,05) ve lezyonun ekspansiyonu (p<0,01) arasında istatiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki bulundu. Yaş gruplarına göre lezyon ile ilişkili diş/dişlerin migrasyonu (p<0,05) ve lezyonun histopatolojik tanısı (p<0,01) arasında istatiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki bulundu. Sonuç: Lezyonların tüm klinik, radyolojik ve histopatolojik özelliklerinin bilinmesi cerrahın doğru tanıya ulaşmasını sağlar. Böylece hekimler doğru tedavi planı ile tedavide yüksek başarı elde ederler

    SARcopenia Assessment in Hypertension: The SARAH Study.

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    © 2022 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.Objectives: The aims of the study were to investigate the relationship between sarcopenia and renin-angiotensin system-related disorders and to explore the effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers on muscle mass/function and physical performance. Design: This multicenter, cross-sectional study was performed using ISarcoPRM algorithm for the diagnosis of sarcopenia. Results: Of the 2613 participants (mean age = 61.0 ± 9.5 yrs), 1775 (67.9%) were hypertensive. All sarcopenia-related parameters (except chair stand test in males) were worse in hypertensive group than in normotensive group (all P < 0.05). When clinical/potential confounders were adjusted, hypertension was found to be an independent predictor of sarcopenia in males (odds ratio = 2.403 [95% confidence interval = 1.514-3.813]) and females (odds ratio = 1.906 [95% confidence interval = 1.328-2.734], both P < 0.001). After adjusting for confounding factors, we found that all sarcopenia-related parameters (except grip strength and chair stand test in males) were independently/negatively related to hypertension (all P < 0.05). In females, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors users had higher grip strength and chair stand test performance values but had lower anterior thigh muscle thickness and gait speed values, as compared with those using angiotensin II receptor blockers (all P < 0.05). Conclusions: Hypertension was associated with increased risk of sarcopenia at least 2 times. Among antihypertensives, while angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors had higher muscle function values, angiotensin II receptor blockers had higher muscle mass and physical performance values only in females

    Oral Research Presentations

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    Clinical and molecular evaluation of MEFV gene variants in the Turkish population: a study by the National Genetics Consortium

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    Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is a monogenic autoinflammatory disorder with recurrent fever, abdominal pain, serositis, articular manifestations, erysipelas-like erythema, and renal complications as its main features. Caused by the mutations in the MEditerranean FeVer (MEFV) gene, it mainly affects people of Mediterranean descent with a higher incidence in the Turkish, Jewish, Arabic, and Armenian populations. As our understanding of FMF improves, it becomes clearer that we are facing with a more complex picture of FMF with respect to its pathogenesis, penetrance, variant type (gain-of-function vs. loss-of-function), and inheritance. In this study, MEFV gene analysis results and clinical findings of 27,504 patients from 35 universities and institutions in Turkey and Northern Cyprus are combined in an effort to provide a better insight into the genotype-phenotype correlation and how a specific variant contributes to certain clinical findings in FMF patients. Our results may help better understand this complex disease and how the genotype may sometimes contribute to phenotype. Unlike many studies in the literature, our study investigated a broader symptomatic spectrum and the relationship between the genotype and phenotype data. In this sense, we aimed to guide all clinicians and academicians who work in this field to better establish a comprehensive data set for the patients. One of the biggest messages of our study is that lack of uniformity in some clinical and demographic data of participants may become an obstacle in approaching FMF patients and understanding this complex disease