765 research outputs found

    The positioning of White Russians in Manchukuo : The actual condition of Orientals and Westerners in “Co-Existence and Co-Prosperity” and “Racial Harmony” Society

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    The positioning of White Russians in Manchukuo society is an important topic, especially taking into account that they were announced as“ citizens” of a New State. This article examines the actual economic and social condition of White Russians comparing to other ethnic groups in Manchukuo society, especially to Japanese and Manchurians/Chinese. The author will present the differences between the public propaganda for White Russians and the reality which they had experienced in Manchukuo. It is hoped that this article will show what kind of“ Racial Harmony (minzoku kyowa)” and“ Harmony of the Five Races( gozoku kyowa)” society were created in the New State in case of minority group such as White Russians

    Aperfeiçoamento de Abordagens para o Recrutamento de Pessoal na Indústria Hoteleira

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    The purpose of the article is to develop a recommendation system for hospitality enterprises using non-traditional forms of recruitment. The dynamism of changes in the environment is found to necessitate the use of innovative approaches based on the real needs and opportunities of modern hospitality industry enterprises. It is confirmed that the effectiveness of personnel recruitment depends on the mastery of up-to-date methods. It is established that implementing the totality of the proposed modern human resource management technologies will contribute to increased personnel productivity and efficiency of hotel enterprises. The introduction and implementation of innovative technologies of personnel management are found to bring changes to other resource areas – in the nature of the hotel product, in the way relationships with the key customers are constructed, and in the economy of the hotel enterprise as a whole in a digitalized environment.El objetivo del artículo es desarrollar un sistema de recomendación para empresas de hostelería que utilicen formas de contratación no tradicionales. Se considera que el dinamismo de los cambios en el entorno requiere el uso de enfoques innovadores basados en las necesidades y oportunidades reales de las empresas modernas de la industria hotelera. Se confirma que la eficacia de la contratación de personal depende del dominio de los métodos actualizados. Se establece que la implementación de la totalidad de las tecnologías modernas de gestión de recursos humanos propuestas contribuirá a aumentar la productividad del personal y la eficiencia de las empresas hoteleras. Se encuentra que la introducción e implementación de tecnologías innovadoras de gestión de personal trae cambios a otras áreas de recursos: en la naturaleza del producto hotelero, en la forma en que se construyen las relaciones con los clientes clave y en la economía de la empresa hotelera en su conjunto. en un entorno digitalizado.O objetivo do artigo é desenvolver um sistema de recomendação para empresas de hospitalidade usando formas não tradicionais de recrutamento. O dinamismo das mudanças no ambiente exige o uso de abordagens inovadoras baseadas nas reais necessidades e oportunidades das empresas modernas da indústria hoteleira. Confirma-se que a eficácia do recrutamento de pessoal depende do domínio de métodos atualizados. Fica estabelecido que a implementação da totalidade das modernas tecnologias de gestão de recursos humanos propostas contribuirá para o aumento da produtividade do pessoal e da eficiência das empresas hoteleiras. A introdução e implementação de tecnologias inovadoras de gestão de pessoal trazem mudanças para outras áreas de recursos – na natureza do produto hoteleiro, na forma como os relacionamentos com os principais clientes são construídos e na economia da empresa hoteleira como um todo em um ambiente digitalizado

    Research Of Economic Development Of Territorial Subjects Of The Russian Federation With Use Of Multiple-Factor Model

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    The article is proposed and considered multiple-factor model analysis of development of regions of the Russian Federation. The idea of building a spatial model was based on the methodology of modified ABC-analysis, where as the main characteristics were considered: the production of goods and services, the dynamics of production and volume of innovative products and services in the region. The results of the analysis are of great practical importance for the development of the strategy of strengthening the unity of the economic space and innovative development of our country


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    The paper focuses on the work of steel industrial fences in the conditions of the Far North, based on the results of the actual impact of snow masses. A computational model is developed for estimating the resulting stresses in the structure. Methods for assessing the impact of snow masses are proposed. The technologies of strengthening the existing fences are analyzed

    Induced absorption spectra of crystal violet in various solvents

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    The study of short-lived induced (singlet-singlet) and long-lived induced (in particular, triplet-triplet) absorption capacity of crystal violet (CV) in various solvents was carried out by the pump-probe method. Water, dimethyl sulfoxide, isopropyl alcohol, and ethyl alcohol were selected as solvents. The formation of triplet states in various CV solvents was revealed upon excitation by nanosecond radiation of the 4th harmonic of a Nd: YAG laser (wavelength 266 nm, average power –25.5 mV, repetition frequency –3Hz, pulse duration –10 ns, peak power –10-12 MW/cm2). It is shown that the spectrum of the induced CV absorption in ethanol contains two closely spaced bands at 400 and 485 nm. Short-lived and long-lived induced CV absorption in isopropanol at room temperature (λmax=400 nm) was recorded


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    This research paper is the attempt to analyse the examination session period in Master’s programs in view of the language requirements, especially “Business foreign (English) language”. The research paper states that the training process should be the whole spectrum of foreign-language communicative competences, as well as the research activity. The article deals with the improvement of intercultural business communication skills in the preparation of Master’s degree students of the Russian higher educational institution for international projects within the foreign languages framework. The Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education are analysed; recommendations are given on changing the content of the foreign language course in the magistracy.Данная статья представляет собой попытку проанализировать период экзаменационной сессии в магистерских программах с учетом требований к языку, особенно «Деловой иностранный (английский) язык». В статье указывается, что учебным процессом должен быть весь спектр коммуникативных компетенций на иностранном языке, а также исследовательская деятельность. В статье рассматривается возможность совершенствования навыков межкультурного делового общения при подготовке студентов магистратуры высшего учебного заведения по международным проектам в рамках иностранных языков. Проанализированы федеральные государственные образовательные стандарты высшего образования; даются рекомендации по возможному видоизменению содержания иностранного языка в магистратуре