105 research outputs found

    Translationally invariant nonlinear Schrodinger lattices

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    Persistence of stationary and traveling single-humped localized solutions in the spatial discretizations of the nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equation is addressed. The discrete NLS equation with the most general cubic polynomial function is considered. Constraints on the nonlinear function are found from the condition that the second-order difference equation for stationary solutions can be reduced to the first-order difference map. The discrete NLS equation with such an exceptional nonlinear function is shown to have a conserved momentum but admits no standard Hamiltonian structure. It is proved that the reduction to the first-order difference map gives a sufficient condition for existence of translationally invariant single-humped stationary solutions and a necessary condition for existence of single-humped traveling solutions. Other constraints on the nonlinear function are found from the condition that the differential advance-delay equation for traveling solutions admits a reduction to an integrable normal form given by a third-order differential equation. This reduction also gives a necessary condition for existence of single-humped traveling solutions. The nonlinear function which admits both reductions defines a two-parameter family of discrete NLS equations which generalizes the integrable Ablowitz--Ladik lattice.Comment: 24 pages, 4 figure

    Elastic properties of fullerites and diamond-like phases

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    Diamond‐like structures, that include sp2 and sp3 hybridized carbon atoms, are of considerable interest nowadays. In the present work, various carbon auxetic structures are studied by the combination of molecular dynamics (MD) and analytical approach. Two fullerites based on the fullerene C60 and fullerene‐like molecule C48 are investigated as well as diamond‐like structures based on other fullerene‐like molecules (called fulleranes), carbon nanotubes (called tubulanes) and graphene sheets. MD is used to find the equilibrium states of the structures and calculate compliance and stiffness coefficients for stable configurations. Analytical methods are used to calculate the engineering elastic coefficients (Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, shear modulus and bulk modulus), and to study their transformation under rotation of the coordinate system. All the considered structures are partial auxetics with the negative value of Poisson's ratio for properly chosen tensile directions. It is shown that some of these structures, in a particular tension direction, have a very high Young's modulus, that is, 1852 GPa for tubulane TA6

    AlGaAs/GaAs Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors

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    In this article, we present an overview of a focal plane array (FPA) with 640 × 512 pixels based on the AlGaAs quantum well infrared photodetector (QWIP). The physical principles of the QWIP operation and their parameters for the spectral range of 8–10 μm have been discussed. The technology of the manufacturing FPA based on the QWIP structures with the pixels 384 × 288 and 640 × 512 has been demonstrated. The parameters of the manufactured 640 × 512 FPA with a step of 20 μm have been given. At the operating temperature of 72 K, the temperature resolution of QWIP focal plane arrays is less than 35 mK. The number of defective elements in the matrix does not exceed 0.5%. The stability and uniformity of the FPA have been demonstrated

    Insights into the mechanisms of eukaryotic translation gained with ribosome profiling

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    The development of Ribosome Profiling (RiboSeq) has revolutionized functional genomics. RiboSeq is based on capturing and sequencing of the mRNA fragments enclosed within the translating ribosome and it thereby provides a â snapshotâ of ribosome positions at the transcriptome wide level. Although the method is predominantly used for analysis of differential gene expression and discovery of novel translated ORFs, the RiboSeq data can also be a rich source of information about molecular mechanisms of polypeptide synthesis and translational control. This review will focus on how recent findings made with RiboSeq have revealed important details of the molecular mechanisms of translation in eukaryotes. These include mRNA translation sensitivity to drugs affecting translation initiation and elongation, the roles of upstream ORFs in response to stress, the dynamics of elongation and termination as well as details of intrinsic ribosome behavior on the mRNA after translation termination. As the RiboSeq method is still at a relatively early stage we will also discuss the implications of RiboSeq artifacts on data interpretation


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    Close packed carbon nanotube bundles are materials with highly deformable elements, for which unusual deformation mechanisms are expected. Structural evolution of the zigzag carbon nanotube bundle subjected to biaxial lateral compression with the subsequent shear straining is studied under plane strain conditions using the chain model with a reduced number of degrees of freedom. Biaxial compression results in bending of carbon nanotubes walls and formation of the characteristic pattern, when nanotube cross-sections are inclined in the opposite directions alternatively in the parallel close-packed rows. Subsequent shearing up to a certain shear strain leads to an appearance of shear bands and vortex-like displacements. Stress components and potential energy as the functions of shear strain for different values of the biaxial volumetric strain are analyzed in detail. A new mechanism of carbon nanotube bundle shear deformation through cooperative, vortex-like displacements of nanotube cross sections is reported

    Numerical study and experimental validation of deformation of <111> FCC CuAl single crystal obtained by additive manufacturing

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    The importance of taking into account directional solidification of grains formed during 3D printing is determined by a substantial influence of their crystallographic orientation on the mechanical properties of a loaded material. This issue is studied in the present study using molecular dynamics simulations. The compression of an FCC single crystal of aluminum bronze was performed along the axis. A Ni single crystal, which is characterized by higher stacking fault energy (SFE) than aluminum bronze, was also considered. It was found that the first dislocations started to move earlier in the material with lower SFE, in which the slip of two Shockley partials was observed. In the case of the material with higher SFE, the slip of a full dislocation occurred via successive splitting of its segments into partial dislocations. Regardless of the SFE value, the deformation was primarily occurred by means of the formation of dislocation complexes involved stair-rod dislocations and partial dislocations on adjacent slip planes. Hardening and softening segments of the calculated stress–strain curve were shown to correspond to the periods of hindering of dislocations at dislocation pileups and dislocation movement between them. The simulation results well agree with the experimental findings