47 research outputs found


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    Familiarisation is an important factor of safety on technologically advanced ships. International Safety Management Code (ISM Code) states that the Company should establish procedures to ensure the familiarisation process, but the exact way in which familiarisation should be carried out and the duration of the process are not determined. Familiarisation is often regarded as formality although it should not be the case at all. Non-compliance with the required familiarisation procedures and flaws in the safety system often result in human error. The latter is a major cause of numerous sea accidents. The research published has revealed that shipping companies and seafarers often fail to follow the prescribed procedures and perform familiarisation inadequately. This research is based on a survey of Croatian and Montenegrin deck and engine officers. The survey results indicate weaknesses in the familiarisation and handover processes on board ships. Therefore, suggestions are made for enhancing the existing procedures, aiming at a more efficient familiarisation and handover, particularly aboard technologically advanced ships

    Green Transport Chains Analysis: Pollution vs. Price and Time Elements on Asia – Eastern Adriatic Trade

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    The article emphasizes the importance of considering modern transport chains from the point of view of green transport. In addition to the traditional way of dealing with transport chains and supply chains, where the focus is on the price and timing of the transport service, all stakeholders in such chains should be systematically informed about the level of GHG emissions and energy efficiency so that a higher level of awareness of cargo owners can be ensured to choose sustainable transport and logistics services. The main contribution of the research is an in-depth understanding of the complexity of the transport chains through the ports of the eastern Adriatic from the green transport perspective. Analysed ports as Koper, Rijeka, Bar, and Durres have on the sea-side different overseas connections and the land-side different land connections that produce different levels of pollution and consume different levels of energy. At the same time there are commercial and operational differences. The importance of analysing and understanding the operation of green transport chains (GTCs) by the use of developed IT tools is particularly emphasized. Various transport services from Asian ports through four ports on the eastern Adriatic coast are analysed. The analysis includes a comparison of transport times, the cost of total intermodal transport, and the level of pollution with CO2, NOx, SOx, and Non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC) emissions. The research study provides a comprehensive and transparent approach to dealing with complex transport chains in the eastern Adriatic region and can serve as an approach for providing proper information to the stakeholders along the entire transport chain. The results reveal the shortcomings of the southern transport route mainly due to poorly developed rail transport, which is also reflected through the low starting basis for the development of GTC regionally

    Integral equation approach for proximity effect in a line constituted by two solid conductors of circular cross section

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    U ovom radu predstavljena je analiza efekta blizine u vodu sastavljenom od dva identična vodiča kružnog poprečnog presjeka. Integralna jednadžba za raspodjelu gustoće struje u jednom od vodiča riješena je približno uzimajući da je gustoća struje u obliku konačnog dvojnog stupanjskog reda s nepoznatim koeficijentima koji su određeni metodom podešavanja u točkama. Raspodjela struje dobivena prikazanom metodom provjerena je uporabom softverskog paketa FEMM 4.0. Također, izračunat je omjer otpornosti pri izmjeničnoj i istosmjernoj struji, a rezultat je pokazao dobro poklapanje s raspoloživim rezultatima.This paper presents an analysis of the proximity effect in a line consisting of two identical solid conductors of circular cross section. Integral equation for the current distribution in one of the conductors is solved approximately by assuming the current density in the form of a finite double polynomial series and by applying the point matching procedure. The current distribution obtained by the presented method has been checked by implementing the FEMM 4.0 software package. Also, the a.c. to d.c. resistance ratio is calculated and the results are compared to the available ones, and a good agreement is exhibited

    Familiarisation Aboard Ships of Croatian and Montenegrin Officers

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    New officers joining the ship must be aware of their obligations regarding information of security and safety on board. Furthermore, familiarisation includes technical skill related to ships’ equipment. Because of the lack of time during handover due to a short time of cargo operations in port, handover is often inadequate. Familiarisation should last more than a month. Officers’ contracts are usually shorter than familiarisation process. Familiarisation time and lack of familiarisation are considered as period of great risk of human error. In this paper the authors research familiarisation and handover as safety aspects


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    This paper deals with autopilot proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller design. In the literature, various available methods for PID controller have been presented. Based on the fact that the existing methods do not guarantee the optimal response of the system on the input step change, in this paper we used a valuable technique called Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) in order to optimally design PID controller taking into account the system limitation such as the value of the rudder angle saturation. Furthermore, we have compared system response on input step and ramp change of input signal for a few PID controller parameters values obtained by using different methods known in literature. It has been proven that by applying the PSO method, it is possible to determine the optimal PID controller parameters which guarantee fast and proper response from the aspect of the minimal overshoot and the minimal settling time. The obtained results confirm the applicability and efficiency of using PSO method for optimal autopilot PID controller design

    Integration of virtual instrumentation in marine electrical engineering education

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    This paper has been prepared within the framework of the ERASMUS+ CBHE project titled “Sustainable development of blue economies through higher ed-ucation and innovation in Western Balkan Countries - BLUEWBC”. Also, the research presented in this paper is supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the RS, contract no. 451-03-68/2022-14/200132, which is implemented by the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Čačak - University of Kragujevac.Virtual instruments have wide application and they are used not only for measurements and control but also as an excellent tool in engineering education. They can be utilized in real and actual labor-atories. They present huge support for individual learning and distance learning. This paper presents an example of using virtual instruments in the education of future Electro Technical Officers, actually the present students enrolled in the study program of Marine Electrical Engineering at Faculty of Maritime Studies Kotor, University of Montenegro. With the aim of promoting practical exercises for the subject Ship's Measurements as a part of the undergraduate study of Marine Electrical Engineering, the paper proposes examples of laboratory exercises with belonging schemes of connection and experimental set up.Publishe

    Radon indoor survey in Montenegro

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    Sistematsko istraživanje radona u stalno nastanjenim stanovima u Crnoj Gori završeno je krajem 2016. godine. Mjerenja radona su rađena detektorima tragova CR-39, u trajanju dva puta po 6 mjeseci. Dobijeno je da je srednja godišnja koncentracija aktivnosti radona u stanovima u Crnoj Gori 110 Bq/m3 , a medijana 52 Bq/m3 . Prosječne godišnje koncentracije aktivnosti radona u stanovima po opštinama kreću se od 40 Bq/m3 (Budva) do 201 Bq/m3 (Nikšić). U kvadratima mreže 10 km x 10 km, koja prekriva teritoriju države, prosječne godišnje koncentracije aktivnosti radona u stanovima su u opsegu od 30 Bq/m3 do 732 Bq/m3 . Srednja godišnja koncentracija aktivnosti radona u stanovima urbanih područja (86 Bq/m3 ) znatno je manja od one u stanovima ruralnih područja (144 Bq/m3 ). Takođe, srednja godišnja koncentracija aktivnosti radona u kolektivnim stambenim zgradama (51 Bq/m3 ) više nego dvostruko je manja od one u individualnim porodičnim kućama (119 Bq/m3 ).First systematic national radon survey in 1095 dwellings in Montenegro was finished by the end of year 2016. Radon was measured with CR-39 nuclear track detectors during two consecutive six-month periods. It is obtained that the national average radon activity concentration in indoor air of homes in Montenegro is 110 Bq/m3 and median is 52 Bq/m3 . The average indoor radon concentrations in the municipalities are in range from 40 Bq/m3 (Budva municipality) to 201 Bq/m3 (Niksic municipality). The average radon concentrations are also calculated for each of 131 squares of the 10 km × 10 km grid which covers territory of Montenegro, and they are in a range from 30 Bq/m3 to 732 Bq/m3 . In rural areas, the average indoor radon concentration (144 Bq/m3 ) is much higher than the corresponding one in urban areas (86 Bq/m3 ). Also, the average radon activity concentration in the single-family detached houses (119 Bq/m3 ) are more than twice higher than in dwellings of the large apartment buildings (51 Bq/m3 )

    The marketing strategy proposal of selected company on promotial items market

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    Import 25/10/2006Prezenční116 - Katedra marketingu a obchod

    Comparisons of discriminant analysis and classification trees

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    Tato bakalářská práce porovnává dvě metody na diskriminaci a klasifikaci dat ve vícerozměrné statistické analýze. Zatímco diskriminační analýza zastupuje klasickou statistickou metodu na diskriminaci a následnou klasifikaci dat, metoda CART představuje nový postup v data-minigu, který využívá umělou inteligenci. První polovina této práce je věnována teoretickému popisu a srovnání těchto dvou metod. Její druhá polovina už je demonstrací obou metod na praktickém příkladu. Na závěr jsou výsledky obou těchto metod srovnány a zhodnoceny.This bachelor thesis compares two methods to discrimination and classification of data in multivariate statistics analysis. While discriminant analysis represents the classical statistical method for discrimination and subsequent classification data method, CART is a new procedure in data-minig, which uses artificial intelligence. The first half of this work is devoted to theoretical description and comparison of these two methods. The second half is the demonstration of both methods on practical example. At the end, the results of both methods are compared and evaluated