30 research outputs found

    ANORAGA TANDHING Pelukisan Kisah Manusia Dalam Dunia Panggung Pertunjukan Kethoprak

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    Anoraga tandhing merupakan salah satu repertoar lakon kethoprak yang bersumber pada babad Majapahit mengkisahan Anoraga/Kuda Anjangpiani putra Adipati Ranggalawe dari kabupaten Tuban dalam membangun kariernya sebagai senapati Majapahit. Artikel  ini meneliti aspek makna yang terkandung dalam teks melalui ekspresi daramatik yang muncul dari pelakonan para aktor di atas panggung. Nilai pertunjukan dipaparkan berdasarkan pada kualitas ungkap-ungkap dramatik dalam struktur pertunjukan. Dari pengamatan terhadap pertunjukan kethoprak tersebut    Secara utuh lakon Anoraga Tandhing memperlihatkan kemapanan bentuk dan struktur pertunjukan yang mengacu pada pola bakuan dan konvensi tradisi yang berlaku. Perwatakan, tipologi, garap nilai mengacu sepenuhnya pada nilai insani dan humani, selalu menggarap konteks kemanusiaan dalam dunianya.  Bangunan sturuktur dramatik dalam lakon Anoraga Tandhing mengacu pada nilai filsafati dan kearifan local masyarakat jawa “sangkan paraning dumadi” yang selalu dikaitkan secara luluh lebur dengan konsep budi pekerti luhur dalam pilahan nilai “nistha madya, utama” (kemuliaan dan kesempurnaan hidup)

    Pertunjukan Sandhur Ttuban Refleksi Peralihan Masyarakat Agraris Menuju Budaya Urban

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    Pertunjukan Sandhur merefleksikan Perubahan masyarakat agraris menuju budaya urban. Dalam Tesk pertunjukan Sandhur Terdapat kode hermeneutik, kode proairetik/tindakan naratif dasar, kode semantik, kode kultural, dan kode simbolik. Teks pertunjukan dapat dimaknai sebagai tanda dan simbol meresapnya budaya urban dalam kehidupan masyarakat Tuban. Hubungan manusia, Tuhan, alam, dan kebudayaan melekat pada struktur pertunjukan Sandhur. Kehidupan manusia menjadi bagian dari siklus kosmis yang utuh. Untuk membaca, mendeskripsikan pertunjukan Sandhur digunakan pendekatan kualitatif, peneliti menjadi instrument utama. Untuk memotret fenomena alamiah pertunjukan mengacu pada model etnografi. Untuk memahami teks pertunjukan Sandhur peneliti mempertajam analisis interpretatif terhadap “sosially meaningfull action” digunakan pendekatan semiotik. Struktur pertunjukan, medium pertunjukan, serta ekspresi pelaku pertunjukan Sandhur dapat diamati melalui refleksi simbolis yang melekat pada pola penandaan. Gejala simbolik yang terurai secara sistematik dalam dinamika pertunjukan mengungkapkan subtansi Perubahan budaya desa yang disebabkan oleh proses urbanisasi. Perubahan tatanan hidup sesuai dengan kodrat alamiah dan hukum Perubahan ruang dan waktu

    Pengaruh latihan fisik intensitas sedang terhadap persentase lemak badan wanita lanjut usia

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    ABSTRACT Santosa Budiharjo, M. Mansyur Romi & Djoko Prakosa - The effect of moderate intensity physical exercise on the body fat percentage in elderly women Background: Postmenopausal women tend to increase the body fat percentage. A decline in estrogen level cause decrease in lipolytic process. Objective: To know the effect of moderate intensity physical exercise on body fat percentage in elderly women. Method: Pretest and posttest control design. A total amount of thirty, healthy women, 60-70 years old, was divided into three groups. The first group was treated by exercise three times a week, the second group was treated by exercise two times a week and the third group was a control group. The exercise used was D series of fitness dance for elderly created by PERWOSI Yogyakarta which is a low impact aerobic dance with moderate intensity (70-79 % maximal heart rate), 40-54 minutes/day for eight weeks. Result: The result showed that the first group revealed a significantly decrease in body fat percentage (p 0.05), however there was a significant correlation between the duration of exercise and the body fat percentage (r = -0.9042). Conclusion: The low impact aerobic dance with moderate intensity, 40-54 minutes/day, three times a week, for eight weeks decreased body fat percentage. Key words: moderate intensity low impact aerobic dance - excercise frequency - body fat percentage -elderly wome

    Neuroprotective effect of vitamin D3 toward apoptosis induced by ethanol in CA1 pyramidal cells of rat hippocampus

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    As an antioxidant, Vitamin D3 can protect neurons from damage caused by oxidative stress.Ethanol is known to have neurotoxic effects by inducing an increase in oxidative stress. One ofthe brain regions that is most sensitive to neurotoxic effects induced by ethanol is hippocampus,especially its CA1 region. This study was aimed to determine the neuroprotective effects ofvitamin D3 in preventing the apoptosis in CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells induced by ethanol.Fifteen male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) were randomly divided into three groups. The controlgroup was given daily normal saline solution intraperitoneally. The ethanol group was given20% ethanol solution at a dose of 3 g/kg BW/day intraperitoneally. The vitamin D3 group wasgiven vitamin D3 1 μg/kg BW/day in 20% ethanol solution at a dose of 3 g/kg BW/dayintraperitoneally. After 30 days, the rats were sacrificed, their brains were perfused with PBSfollowed by fixative and the hippocampus was dissected for histological preparations.Immunohistochemical staining for caspase was performed. Percentage of apoptotic CA1hippocampal pyramidal cells was calculated. The results showed there was no significant difference(p> 0.05) on the total number of pyramidal cells between the control group (20.52 ± 1.31), theethanol group (19.02 ± 1.60), and the vitamin D3 group (21. 06 ± 0.70) per field of view.However there was a significant increase (p<0.05) in the percentage of apoptotic CA1hippocampal pyramidal cells in in the ethanol group (16.09 ± 0.67%) compared to the controlgroup (10.60 ± 0.95%). Vitamin D3 significantly (p<0.05) prevented an increase in the percentageof apoptotic CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells in the vitamin D3 group (10.82 ± 0.64%). Inconclusion, vitamin D3 had a neuroprotective effect to prevent an increase in apoptosis in CA1hippocampal pyramidal cells to the neurotoxic effects induced by ethanol

    Pengaruh Posisi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Mahasiswa Praktek Engine Sepeda Motor di Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Padang = The Influence of working position to performance of the students\u27 working in the motorcycle ...

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    The practical class of motorcycle engine course which was held in the Engineering Faculty workshop of Padang State University was conducted in a squat position. This position does not comply with a healty working norm. A research was done to improve the procedure by using a motorcycle elevator in which the students can do the practicum in a standing position. This experiment was done using one group pre and post test design which was intended to find out whether there was an improvement on comfort and fatique after changing from squatting position to standing position. It was done at the automotive workshop of the Engineering Faculty of Padang State University. The samples consisted of 20 students who have passed the motorcycle course. They conducted the main engine component practical classes in squatting position and standing position alternatively. After a practical class, they were given questionnaires on Body Area Discomfort Map (BAD) to measure discomfort. Before and after the practical class, the researcher assigned Reaction Timer L 77 to measure fatique. The time needed to finish the practical class was recorded. The data were analyzed using two way variance and one way variance statistical analysis of SPS 2000. The result showed that (1) working in a standing position was very significantly more comfortable (p < 0,01) than in a squatting position, (2) working in a standing position caused very significantly less fatique (p < 0,01) than in a squatting position, and (3) working hours in a standing position very significantly shorten (p < 0,01) than in a s quatting position Keywords: comfort -fatique -working hours

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Kursi dan Meja Kerja Yang Ergonomis Terhadap Kenyamanan dan Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja Industri Pembuatan Emping Melinjo di Padang Pariaman

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    ABSTRACT Small-scale industry of emping melinjo production is one of the sectors raising a very high potential in national development, because of its capability for absorbing manpower and it\u27s scatter to the remote village. However, the labor problem in the form of work position, comfort, and productivity of worker has not gotten attention yet from labor. This study had the aim of observing the effect of traditional work position difference, working with chair and table whatever there is, and working using chair and table which have been ergonomical to work comfort and productivity. This was an experimental study with time series design. Research location was a small-scale industry that produce emping melinjo in Padang Pariaman. Research subject was determined with inclusion criteria as much as 25 female workers. Independent variable of the study was work in traditional work position, work using whatever chair and table an the market,and work using ergonomical chair and table. Dependent comprised comfort measured using measurement scale of discomfort on the body, and work productivity measured using productivity measurement sheet. Statistical analysis used in this study was Oneway Anova. The result of this study indicated that there was a very significant influence in comfort and productivity of emping melinjo producing workers who work under the traditional work position, work using whatever chair and table an the market and work using ergonomical chair and table. The use of ergonomical chair and table could decrease the discomfort as much as 65,35% and increase worker productivity as much as 77,13%. Thus, there was an effect in using ergonomical chair and table to the comfort and productivity of emping melinjo producing workers in Padang Pariaman. Keywords: work position - comfort - productivity

    Kontribusi Kekuatan Otot dan Fleksibilitas Sendi Terhadap Waktu Tempuh Renang 50 m Gaya Crawl = Contribution of the Muscle Strength and the Joint Flexibility toward the Time Taken for Swimming 50m by Crawl Stroke

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    ABSTRACT The swimming velocity, basically derives from the swimmer\u27s capability to increase the propulsive force, to reducing the drag, or the combination for both of them. Therefore, it needs strong muscle and the flexibility of joints in the swimming sport. The strength is to increase the propulsive force and the flexibility is to maximize the use energy more efficiently and to reducing the drag. The results of this research are expected to be useful to improve the swimmer\u27s achievement in Indonesia. The subjects of the research consist of 10, they are between 14 to 24 years old To find out the relationship between the muscle strength and the time The time taken for swimming 50 m by crawl stroke, it uses the linier regression analysis, while to find out the relationship between the muscle strength and the join flexibility with the time taken for swimming 50 m by crawl stroke, it uses double regression formulation. To find out the differenees of the time taken for swimming 50 m by crawl stroke, it is found the average of the time taken. The strength components and the joint flexibility which are influential on toward the time taken for swimming 50 m by crawl stroke are the strength of pull-arm muscle and push-arm muscle and the joint flexibility of shoulder flexi and plantar flexi. The effective contribution of the muscle strengthpull-arm and push-arm is 41,60 - 61,69%, and the joint flexibility of shoulder flex i and plantar flexi is 38,47% - 52,39%. Keywords: muscle strength -join flexibilityâtime taken for swimmin

    Ethanol Extracts of Centella asiatica Leaf Improves Memory Performance in Rats after Chronic Stress via Reducing Nitric Oxide and Increasing Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) Concentration

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    Background: Centella asiatica is herbaceous plant that has medicinal value to improve learning and memory. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) has a significant role in memory formation process, while oxidative stress causes memory impairment. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the effects of ethanol extracts of Centella asiatica leaf on memory performance and serum BDNF (neurotrophins) and Nitric Oxide(NO) concentration of rats following chronic electrical stress. Materials and Methods : Twenty male rats (Sprague Dawley) were divided into four groups: control/aquadest group and groups treated with three different doses (mg/kg) of Centella asiatica :150 (CeA150), 300 (CeA300) and 600 (CeA600). Memory performance was tested using probe test in Morris Water Maze before and after oral administration of ethanol extracts of Centella asiatica leaf followed by electrical stress for 28 days. At the last day of memory exercise following chronic stress, blood sample was taken from periorbital veins of all rats. Concentration of serum BDNF and total NO was assessed using ELISA. Data were analyzed using one way ANOVA. Results: Treatment groups had higher percentage in probe test water maze and serum BDNF concentration after chronic stress. Mean time percentage (%) of probe test in water maze performance for control group, CeA150, CeA300, and CeA600 were 53.33+2.43, 55.78+4.16, 63.33+4.07, and 73.55+3.29 (p<0.05). Mean concentration of serum BDNF (ng/ml) for control group, CeA150, CeA300, and CeA600 were 1.52+0.89, 1.49+0.20, 1.73+0.15, and 2.16+0.20 (p<0.05 vs control group). Control group had higher serum NO concentration compared to all treatments groups. Mean concentration of serum NO (µmol/L) for control group, CeA150, CeA300, and CeA600 were 5.94+0.52, 3.98+0.35, 3.06+0.33, and 2.82+0.21 (p<0.05). Conclusion: Ethanol extracts of Centella asiatica leaf increases memory performance and serum BDNF concentration, and also decreases Nitric Oxide levels in rats after chronic stress

    Konsep Estetika Sindhír dalam Tradisi Tayub Tuban

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    Artikel ini membahas konsep estetika yang digali dari tradisi tayuban, sindhir memiliki peranpenting dalam setiap pergelaran. Kehadiran masyarakat dituntun oleh pandangan ideal tentangsindhir, terpenuhinya hajat hidup melalui tradisi tayuban. Untuk itu penelitian difokuskanpada penuturan emik yang memaparkan tentang konsep estetika sindhir. Pengamatan langsungdilakukan terhadap peristiwa tradisi tayuban dimana sindhir memiliki peranan penting dalammembangun estetika dan dinamika tayuban. Wawancara mendalam, metode mendengarmenjadi sarana utama dalam menggali konsep estetika sindhir dalam tradisi tayuban. Daripenelitian yang dilakukan dapat dirumuskan bahwa dalam tradisi tayuban terdapat konsepkeindahan yang bersifat lahiriah, keindahan batiniah, dan keindahan illahiah. Konsepkeindahan lahiriah merupakan keindahan yang dibangun dalam tatanan indah inderawi.Keindahan batiniah melalui kekuatan intensitas batin melalui puasa dan doa keindahan illahiahmerupakan keindahan karena karunia illahi, diberkati oleh Tuhan. Konsep wiraga, konsep ayukebatinan, dan konsep angsar harus dibangun oleh sindhir melalui laku.Kata Kunci: Sindhir, Estetika, Tradisi Tayuban, Tayub Tuba

    FAKTOR UMUR PADA PENGARUH NIR SANGGA BEBAN TERHADAP Musculus Soleus DAN Musculus Extensor Digitorum Longus Rattus

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    Nir sangga beban merupakan salah satu tindakan trapeutik yang tidak jarang dilakukan, dan dapat diberikan pada berbagai umur dalam jangka waktu yang cukup panjang. Padahal, beban merupakan salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh trofik terhadap otot skelet. Tikus-tikus jantan umur 1, 7, 17 dan 23 hari diamputasi salah satu tarsus belakangnya, sehingga tungkai amputasi tidak menyangga berat badan. Pasca amputasi tikus-tikus dipelihara selama 3, 5 atau 7 minggu dengan diberikan pakan dan minum ad libitum. Pada tiap kelompok umur awal perlakuan, di masing-masing akhir perlakuan, diambil 5 tikus untuk diperiksa m. soleus dan m. extensor digitorum longus baik dari sisi amputasi maupun sisi kontrol. Dibuat sediaan histokimiawi otot secara metode potong beku dan dipulas dengan HE serta ATPase. Pada masing-masing otot diperiksa berat, proporsi jumlah masing-masing tipe serabut otot beserta diameter transversalnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak tergantung umur awal perlakuan, pada m. soleus nir sangga beban berat otot, diameter transversal serabut otot, dan proporsi jumlah serabut otot tipe I secara sangat bermakna lebih rendah dibandingkan m. soleus kontrol. Kecuali pada kelompok umur 1 hari, selama perlakuan nir sangga beban berat, diameter serabut otot serta proporsi jumlah serabut otot tipe I m. soleus masih mengalami perkembangan. Pada kelompok umur 1 hari, nir sanga beban menyebabkan diferensiasi serabut otot m. soleus berhenti. Pengaruh nir sangga beban terhadap m. extensor digitorum longus relatif hanya terlihat pada lebih rendahnya berat otot dibandingkan kontrol. Dari hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa inisiadsi pacuan motoneuron penting untuk diferensiasi serabut otot selanjutnya