31 research outputs found

    Étude de la diversitĂ© du domaine Bacteria et du rĂšgne Fungi au cours du rouissage du lin sur champ par une approche de metabarcoding

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    Flax (Linum ustitatissimum L.) dew-retting is a short-term, semi-controlled natural process during which plant cell walls are partially degraded by microorganisms to facilitate fiber extraction for various industrial applications. Under- and over-retting are associated with ‘bad fiber quality’ and it is therefore essential to master this process. The microbiology of dew-retting is poorly characterized mainly because it is currently based on the utilization of cultured approaches and phenotypic identification.The implementation of a metabarcoding approach during three independant flax dew-retting campaigns allowed us to characterize, for the first time, the bacterial and fungal community dynamics at this ecosystem level. The taxonomic assignment of OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Units) led to the identification of new taxa not previously associated with dew-retting in particular a high presence of Bacteroidetes phylum. Multivariate analysis and correlation tests identified a number of factors affecting this process. We have demonstrated : (I) that swathe turning has a significant effect on the microbial structures, (ii) the existence of a "terroir" effect and the fact that bacterial communities are affected by precipitation and (iii) the existence of a year effect and the fact that fungal communities are affected by temperature. Bacterial CAZyme (Carbohydrate-Active-Enzymes) predictions, allowed us to identify different families involved in plant cell wall degradation thereby providing a basis for future studies using a metatranscriptomic approach.Le rouissage du lin cultivé (Linum ustitatissimum L.) sur champ est un procédé naturel, rapide et semi-contrôlé durant lequel les parois végétales sont partiellement dégradées par les micro-organismes afin de faciliter l’extraction des fibres pour différents usages industriels. Le sous- et le sur-rouissage sont associés à une mauvaise qualité de fibre, il est donc essentiel de maîtriser ce processus. La microbiologique du rouissage reste encore mal caractérisée en raison d’études basées uniquement sur des approches de cultures dépendantes et d’identification phénotypique. La mise en place d’une approche de metabarcoding au cours de trois campagnes, nous a permis de caractériser l’évolution des membres et structures du domaine Bacteria et du règne Fungi, à l’échelle de son écosystème, pour la toute première fois. L’assignation taxonomique des OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Units) a permis l’identification de nouveaux taxa encore non associés au rouissage et notamment le phylum Bacteroidetes, très représenté. Grâce aux analyses multivariées et aux tests de corrélations, nous avons identifié plusieurs facteurs influençant ce processus. Nous avons démontré : (i) que le retournement des andains a un effet significatif sur les structures microbiennes, (ii) de l’existence d’un effet "terroir" avec des communautés bactériennes affectées par les précipitations et (iii) de l’existence d’un effet "millésime" avec des variations de structures fongiques expliquées par les températures. Les prédictions des CAZomes (Carbohydrate-Active-Enzymes) bactériens nous ont permis d’identifier des familles potentiellement impliquées dans la dégradation des parois cellulaires qui serviront de base pour une étude plus approfondie par méta-transcriptomique

    Study of bacterial and fungal diversity during flax dew-retting by using metabarcoding

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    Le rouissage du lin cultivé (Linum ustitatissimum L.) sur champ est un procédé naturel, rapide et semi-contrôlé durant lequel les parois végétales sont partiellement dégradées par les micro-organismes afin de faciliter l’extraction des fibres pour différents usages industriels. Le sous- et le sur-rouissage sont associés à une mauvaise qualité de fibre, il est donc essentiel de maîtriser ce processus. La microbiologique du rouissage reste encore mal caractérisée en raison d’études basées uniquement sur des approches de cultures dépendantes et d’identification phénotypique. La mise en place d’une approche de metabarcoding au cours de trois campagnes, nous a permis de caractériser l’évolution des membres et structures du domaine Bacteria et du règne Fungi, à l’échelle de son écosystème, pour la toute première fois. L’assignation taxonomique des OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Units) a permis l’identification de nouveaux taxa encore non associés au rouissage et notamment le phylum Bacteroidetes, très représenté. Grâce aux analyses multivariées et aux tests de corrélations, nous avons identifié plusieurs facteurs influençant ce processus. Nous avons démontré : (i) que le retournement des andains a un effet significatif sur les structures microbiennes, (ii) de l’existence d’un effet "terroir" avec des communautés bactériennes affectées par les précipitations et (iii) de l’existence d’un effet "millésime" avec des variations de structures fongiques expliquées par les températures. Les prédictions des CAZomes (Carbohydrate-Active-Enzymes) bactériens nous ont permis d’identifier des familles potentiellement impliquées dans la dégradation des parois cellulaires qui serviront de base pour une étude plus approfondie par méta-transcriptomique.Flax (Linum ustitatissimum L.) dew-retting is a short-term, semi-controlled natural process during which plant cell walls are partially degraded by microorganisms to facilitate fiber extraction for various industrial applications. Under- and over-retting are associated with ‘bad fiber quality’ and it is therefore essential to master this process. The microbiology of dew-retting is poorly characterized mainly because it is currently based on the utilization of cultured approaches and phenotypic identification.The implementation of a metabarcoding approach during three independant flax dew-retting campaigns allowed us to characterize, for the first time, the bacterial and fungal community dynamics at this ecosystem level. The taxonomic assignment of OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Units) led to the identification of new taxa not previously associated with dew-retting in particular a high presence of Bacteroidetes phylum. Multivariate analysis and correlation tests identified a number of factors affecting this process. We have demonstrated : (I) that swathe turning has a significant effect on the microbial structures, (ii) the existence of a "terroir" effect and the fact that bacterial communities are affected by precipitation and (iii) the existence of a year effect and the fact that fungal communities are affected by temperature. Bacterial CAZyme (Carbohydrate-Active-Enzymes) predictions, allowed us to identify different families involved in plant cell wall degradation thereby providing a basis for future studies using a metatranscriptomic approach

    Nouvelles techniques de méta-omiques pour le diagnostic de la qualité microbiologique des sols

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    National audienceLes nouvelles techniques de mĂ©ta-omiques ont bouleversĂ© le domaine de l’écologie microbienne, notamment grĂące Ă  l’apport des nouvelles techniques de sĂ©quençage Ă  haut dĂ©bit. Cette rĂ©volution a aussi Ă©tĂ© bĂ©nĂ©fique en proposant des outils afin de mesurer et de rĂ©aliser des diagnostics de la qualitĂ© microbiologique des sols. Quels sont les bio-indicateurs utilisĂ©s ? Comment sont-ils Ă©tudiĂ©s et appliquĂ©s Ă  grande Ă©chelle ? Dans cet article, seront prĂ©sentĂ©es les diffĂ©rentes techniques de mĂ©ta-omiques illustrĂ©es par des exemples validĂ©s ou en cours de validation ainsi que les dĂ©veloppements futurs afin de rĂ©pondre Ă  l’enjeu essentiel d’une meilleure comprĂ©hension et prĂ©servation des sols.Abstact: New meta-omics techniques for diagnosis of soil microbial quality.The new meta-omics techniques have upset the field of microbial ecology, particularly due to the contribution of the new high-throughput sequencing technologies. This revolution has benefited from fundamental research point of view but also by giving access to tools dedicated to new measurements and to carry out soil microbial quality diagnosis. What are the bio-indicators used? How are they studied and applied on a large scale? This article will be focused on the different meta-omic techniques illustrated by valid or undergoing validation examples, as well as future developments in order to answer the essential challenge of a better understanding and preservation of the soil

    Characterization of Bacterial and Fungal Community Dynamics by High-Throughput Sequencing (HTS) Metabarcoding during Flax Dew-Retting

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    Flax dew-retting is a key step in the industrial extraction of fibers from flax stems and is dependent upon the production of a battery of hydrolytic enzymes produced by micro-organisms during this process. To explore the diversity and dynamics of bacterial and fungal communities involved in this process we applied a high-throughput sequencing (HTS) DNA metabarcoding approach (16S rRNA/ITS region, Illumina Miseq) on plant and soil samples obtained over a period of 7 weeks in July and August 2014. Twenty-three bacterial and six fungal phyla were identified in soil samples and 11 bacterial and four fungal phyla in plant samples. Dominant phyla were Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, and Firmicutes (bacteria) and Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, and Zygomycota (fungi) all of which have been previously associated with flax dew-retting except for Bacteroidetes and Basidiomycota that were identified for the first time. Rare phyla also identified for the first time in this process included Acidobacteria, CKC4, Chlorobi, Fibrobacteres, Gemmatimonadetes, Nitrospirae and TM6 (bacteria), and Chytridiomycota (fungi). No differences in microbial communities and colonization dynamics were observed between early and standard flax harvests. In contrast, the common agricultural practice of swath turning affects both bacterial and fungal community membership and structure in straw samples and may contribute to a more uniform retting. Prediction of community function using PICRUSt indicated the presence of a large collection of potential bacterial enzymes capable of hydrolyzing backbones and side-chains of cell wall polysaccharides. Assignment of functional guild (functional group) using FUNGuild software highlighted a change from parasitic to saprophytic trophic modes in fungi during retting. This work provides the first exhaustive description of the microbial communities involved in flax dew-retting and will provide a valuable benchmark in future studies aiming to evaluate the effects of other parameters (e.g., year-to year and site variability etc.) on this complex process

    Explorer les fonctions microbiennes à partir d'informations taxonomiques : un état de l'art des outils et des méthodes

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    National audienceÀ l'Ăšre des Big Data, d’énormes quantitĂ©s de donnĂ©es sont disponibles et constituent uneoccasion unique de dĂ©velopper des algorithmes de prĂ©diction performants. En Ă©cologiemicrobienne, ce phĂ©nomĂšne a jouĂ© un rĂŽle majeur dans la façon dont nous abordons labiodiversitĂ© depuis l’apparition des NGS. L’étude des microbiomes environnementaux par lesoutils les mĂ©ta-omiques a conduit Ă  la dĂ©couverte de nouveaux organismes, fournissant ainsiune source importante d’informations taxonomiques et fonctionnelles. L’un des futurs dĂ©fis, estde rĂ©ussir Ă  associer une fonction Ă  une diversitĂ© microbienne pour amĂ©liorer notrecomprĂ©hension des fonctions du microbiome (British Ecological Society, 2016). Bien quecertaines technologies renseignent sur les fonctions putatives ou rĂ©elles, elles restentfastidieuses et coĂ»teuses Ă  mettre en oeuvre. L’approche de metabarcoding est courammentutilisĂ©e pour obtenir des informations sur la diversitĂ© microbienne avec un coĂ»t trĂšs abordable,mais elle ne permet pas directement d’obtenir des informations sur les fonctions microbiennes.Deux solutions vivement dĂ©battues au sein de la communautĂ© scientifique Ă©mergentactuellement pour tirer des informations fonctionnelles Ă  partir d'un profil taxonomique : (i)l'infĂ©rence fonctionnelle et (ii) l'assignation de traits Ă©cologiques. Si la plupart des outilsdisponibles sont utilisables uniquement pour les procaryotes, comme PICRUSt le plus connu,d’autres alternatives existent afin d’étudier les eucaryotes et notamment les champignonscomme par exemple FUNGuild. Ainsi, nous prĂ©senterons un Ă©tat de l’art des outils et mĂ©thodesdisponibles, illustrĂ©s par diffĂ©rents exemples permettant de faire le lien entre la diversitĂ© descommunautĂ©s et leurs fonctions ou traits Ă©cologiques en ciblant l’environnement sol

    Dynamic of bacterial and archaeal diversity in a tropical soil over 6 years of repeated organic and inorganic fertilization

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    International audienceThe soil microbial community plays important roles in nutrient cycling, plant pathogen suppression, decomposition of residues and degradation of pollutants; as such, it is often regarded as a good indicator of soil quality. Repeated applications of mixed organic and inorganic materials in agriculture improve the soil microbial quality and in turn crop productivity. The soil microbial quality following several years of repeated fertilizer inputs has received considerable attention, but the dynamic of this community over time has never been assessed. We used high-throughput sequencing targeting 16S ribosomal RNA genes to investigate the evolution of the bacterial and archaeal community throughout 6 years of repeated organic and inorganic fertilizer applications. Soils were sampled from a field experiment in La Mare (Reunion Island, France), where different mixed organic-inorganic fertilizer inputs characterized by more or less stable organic matter were applied regularly for 6 years. Soil samples were taken each year, more than 6 months after the latest fertilizer application. The soil molecular biomass significantly increased in some organically fertilized plots (by 35–45% on average), 3–5 years after the first fertilizers application. The significant variations in soil molecular microbial biomass were explained by the fertilization practices (cumulated organic carbon inputs) and sometimes by the soil parameters (sand and soil carbon contents). The structure of the bacterial and archaeal community was more influenced by time than by the fertilization type. However, repeated fertilizer applications over time tended to modify the abundance of the bacterial phyla Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes , and Proteobacteria. To conclude, the present study highlights that the soil bacterial and archaeal community is lastingly modified after 6 years of repeated fertilizer inputs. These changes depend on the nature of the organic input and on the fertilization practice (frequency and applied quantity)

    Atlas français des champignons du sol

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    National audienceUn seul gramme de sol peut contenir plusieurs millions de champignons microscopiques !Depuis un milliard d’annĂ©es d’évolution et d’adaptations, le rĂšgne des champignons est un acteur incontournable de la biodiversitĂ© de notre planĂšte. Les champignons sont souvent observĂ©s grĂące Ă  leurs sporophores qui se dĂ©veloppent au-dessus du sol. Ces derniers reprĂ©sentent pourtant seulement la pointe de l’iceberg de leur diversitĂ© car les champignons sont en rĂ©alitĂ© majoritairement prĂ©sents sous forme microscopique dans nos sols. Dans cet atlas, les auteurs, qui sont des chercheurs INRAE spĂ©cialistes en Ă©cologie microbienne et en sciences du sol, dĂ©voilent une nouvelle vision des champignons. Ils ont rĂ©alisĂ© le premier inventaire national complet des communautĂ©s de champignons du sol sur l’ensemble du territoire national. Ceci a Ă©tĂ© rendu possible grĂące Ă  l’utilisation des derniĂšres technologies de sĂ©quençage massif de l’ADN environnemental sur les 2 200 sols du RĂ©seau de mesures de la qualitĂ© des sols, couvrant l’ensemble de l’hexagone. Cet atlas synthĂ©tise l’ensemble des connaissances scientifiques et reprĂ©sente le premier guide naturaliste sur la distribution et l’écologie des communautĂ©s de champignons du sol Ă  l’échelle de la France, Ă  destination du grand public. Il cartographie l’abondance, la diversitĂ© et la composition des communautĂ©s de champignons du sol Ă  grande Ă©chelle et permet d’identifier les paramĂštres de l’environnement (e.g., type de sol, climat, mode d’usage, gĂ©omorphologie) qui conditionnent cette distribution.Il aborde aussi plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment la distribution des grands taxa fongiques prĂ©sents dans les sols français, permettant de mieux comprendre leur Ă©cologie en termes de sensibilitĂ© Ă  certaines conditions environnementales et d’implication dans les grandes fonctions et services rendus par les sols. L’Atlas conclut par des dĂ©monstrations opĂ©rationnelles de l’utilisation des champignons en tant que bio-indicateurs de la qualitĂ© des sols pour Ă©valuer l’impact et la durabilitĂ© de certaines pratiques agricoles, industrielles et urbaines. Un ouvrage unique, tant par le sujet traitĂ© que par des reprĂ©sentations originales permettant d’apprĂ©hender le monde mystĂ©rieux et incroyable de ce rĂšgne invisible des champignons du sol. L’ouvrage est en cours de rĂ©daction, sa parution est prĂ©vue en dĂ©but d’annĂ©e 2024

    Inferring microbiota functions from taxonomic genes: a review

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    International audienceAbstract Deciphering microbiota functions is crucial to predict ecosystem sustainability in response to global change. High-throughput sequencing at the individual or community level has revolutionized our understanding of microbial ecology, leading to the big data era and improving our ability to link microbial diversity with microbial functions. Recent advances in bioinformatics have been key for developing functional prediction tools based on DNA metabarcoding data and using taxonomic gene information. This cheaper approach in every aspect serves as an alternative to shotgun sequencing. Although these tools are increasingly used by ecologists, an objective evaluation of their modularity, portability, and robustness is lacking. Here, we reviewed 100 scientific papers on functional inference and ecological trait assignment to rank the advantages, specificities, and drawbacks of these tools, using a scientific benchmarking. To date, inference tools have been mainly devoted to bacterial functions, and ecological trait assignment tools, to fungal functions. A major limitation is the lack of reference genomes—compared with the human microbiota—especially for complex ecosystems such as soils. Finally, we explore applied research prospects. These tools are promising and already provide relevant information on ecosystem functioning, but standardized indicators and corresponding repositories are still lacking that would enable them to be used for operational diagnosis


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    International audienceSoils are one of the major reservoirs of biological diversity on our planet, hosting a huge diversity of microorganisms. Numerous studies have demonstrated the role of microbial diversity in soil functions, such as nutrient cycling or pathogen management. Given the key role of soil microorganisms in the regulation of soil ecosystem functions, the environmental factors driving soil microbial diversity need to be understood. In France, we have the opportunity to benefit from a national soil survey (called the French Soil Quality Monitoring Network), which represents one of the most extensive and without a priori soil sampling survey available to date. Through several funded projects, we were able to decipher the spatial distribution of microbial diversity at the scale of France. These analyses provided extensive maps of microbial diversity, structure and composition and reveals the heterogeneous and spatially structured distribution of microbial communities at the nationwide scale. We also identified the ecological processes involved in the biogeographical patterns of microbial diversity, and develop co-occurring networks identified within the relative abundance of bacterial taxa dataset to the scale of France in order to better understand the processes involved in community assembly. From an operational point of view, innovative diagnosis tools were developed with obtained datasets, using statistical predictive models according to environmental parameters. They provide reference values fitted for a given pedoclimatic condition, which is to be compared to the corresponding measured data for a robust diagnosis of soil biological quality. These innovative tools allow a robust diagnosis of soil biological quality

    AmĂ©liorer la valorisation des effluents d’élevage porcin dans un environnement herbager Ă  forte biodiversitĂ©

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    Webinaire de conclusion du projet Aporthe du 04 mars 2021Le webinaire de conclusion du programme APORTHE s’est dĂ©roulĂ© le jeudi 4 mars en matinĂ©e : « Porcs et bovins dans le Massif central : des complĂ©mentaritĂ©s Ă  cultiver« . Il a rassemblĂ© prĂšs de 130 personnes et a permis de dresser un panorama des principaux acquis du programme et des conclusions essentielles qui en ressortent.Impact des pratiques de gestion des effluents d’élevage sur la qualitĂ© microbiologique des sols (Sophie Bourgeteau)Gestion des effluents dans les exploitations mixtes « Porcin – Bovin » (Sylvie Mugnier