429 research outputs found

    Scientific challenges in modeling mastication of meat using engineering tools

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    This paper gives an overview of scientific challenges that may occur while performing modelling meat (as a product) and simulating mastication by using engineering tools. To evaluate these challenges, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis method has been employed to assess six engineering tools often used in analyzing different perspectives of food oral processing. As a result, a risk priority number comprising of severity of the failure, occurrence probability of a failure and difficulty to detect the failure has been calculated. Results show that finite element method and emotion detection are two tools with highest levels of risks. The first method is a known engineering solution used for analyzing different types of materials, but when it comes to meat as a very complex and anisotropic material, risk of inadequate calculations is high. Emotion detection is not so much dependent on meat as a product consumed but on imperfections of software and risk of recognizing false emotions is high. Findings indicate that more research is needed for a more sophisticated use of these engineering tools. Further studies should include other engineering models that simulate meat breakdown during mastication, the role of saliva and jaw movement with the aim to carry out full modelling of mastication of an average meat consumer.This paper gives an overview of scientific challenges that may occur while performing modelling meat (as a product) and simulating mastication by using engineering tools. To evaluate these challenges, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis method has been employed to assess six engineering tools often used in analyzing different perspectives of food oral processing. As a result, a risk priority number comprising of severity of the failure, occurrence probability of a failure and difficulty to detect the failure has been calculated. Results show that finite element method and emotion detection are two tools with highest levels of risks. The first method is a known engineering solution used for analyzing different types of materials, but when it comes to meat as a very complex and anisotropic material, risk of inadequate calculations is high. Emotion detection is not so much dependent on meat as a product consumed but on imperfections of software and risk of recognizing false emotions is high. Findings indicate that more research is needed for a more sophisticated use of these engineering tools. Further studies should include other engineering models that simulate meat breakdown during mastication, the role of saliva and jaw movement with the aim to carry out full modelling of mastication of an average meat consumer

    Online circuit breaker monitoring system

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    Circuit breakers are used in a power system to break or make current flow through power system apparatus. Reliable operation of circuit breakers is very important to the well-being of the power system. Historically this is achieved by regular inspection and maintenance of the circuit breakers. An automated online circuit breaker monitoring system is proposed to monitor condition, operation and status of high and medium voltage circuit breakers. By tracking equipment condition, this system could be used to perform maintenance only when it is needed. This could decrease overall maintenance cost and increase equipment reliability. Using high accurate time synchronization, this system should enable development of system-wide applications that utilize the data recorded by the system. This makes possible tracking sequence of events and making conclusions about their effect on-line. This solution also enables reliable topology analysis, which can be used to improve power flow analysis, state estimation and alarm processing

    Meat supply chain in the perspective of UN SDGs

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    This paper presents an overview of the meat supply chain in the perspective of main UN sustainable development goals (SDGs). To perform this overview, meat supply chain was presented with five main stakeholders (livestock farmers, slaughterhouses, meat processors, retailers and consumers). As this chain is specific, four SDGs have been revealed as most important, as follows: SDG6 — Clean water and sanitation; SDG7 — Affordable and clean energy; SDG12 — Sustainable consumption and production; SDG13 — Climate action. Discussion and literature review was performed for each of the four UN SDGs. In addition, other UN SDGs of interest for this supply chain have been briefly presented

    Three Pillars of Novel Nonthermal Food Technologies:Food Safety, Quality, and Environment

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    This review gives an overview of the impact of novel nonthermal food technologies on food safety, on quality, and on the environment. It confirms that research in this field is mainly focused on analyzing microbial and/or chemical aspects of food safety. However, recent research shows that in spite of various food safety benefits, some negative (quality oriented) features occur. Finally, this paper shows the necessity of analyzing the environmental dimension of using these technologies

    The Impact of Technical Copy Protection and Internet Services Usage on Software Piracy

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    Software piracy has recently gained enormous attention, not only in the context of P2P-networks. As one countermeasure against software piracy, publishers have been implementing Digital Rights Management systems such as technical copy protection measures into their software products. This paper examines the impact of different technical copy protection measures and Internet services usage on software piracy using data from an internationally organized online survey. The results show that technical protection measures fail to achieve their protection goals, as none of the studied protection measures completely avoids piracy. A higher level of copy protection does not always make a legal software installation more likely. In contrast, a low level of protection does not necessarily lead to intense illegal copying. P2P- and Chat-networks compromise the security of technical copy protections as they provide access to cracked software copies, fostering software piracy. Based on our results, we discuss the impact of our findings on the publishers\u27 anti-piracy strategy from an economic point of view and present possible security improvements for hardware- and software-based copy protections

    Environmental impact of meat industry - current status and future perspectives

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    This paper gives an overview of the environmental impact of the meat chain. This industry has a significant impact on the environment and current scientific research outlines three main perspectives - product-based using life cycle assessment as a tool; process-based exploring the main environmental aspects and; systems-based, analyzing the rationale for environmental management. Environmental impacts influence three dimensions - climate change, consumption of natural resources and environmental pollution. Future research should focus on environmental impacts of the meat chain expressed in terms of existing and newly developed environmental indicators and identifying solutions for decreasing the overall environmental impact

    Model optimiacije ribočuvarske službe u cilju zaštite vodenih sistema

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    Važan segment svakog upravljačkog sistema su ljudski resursi i pronalaženje modaliteta da se isti koriste racionalno i ekonomično. Cilj rada je da se na konkretnom primeru određivanja parametara koji utiču na optimalan broj ribočuvara po prvi put prikaže mogućnost primene skalarnog metoda ocenjivanja (SMO) u praktičnom upravljanju ribolovnim vodama. Kombinovanjem metoda SMO sa metodom analitičko hijerarhijskog procesa, moguće je upravljačke odluke na objektivan način valorizovati i učiniti metodološki primenljivim prilikom određivanja optimalnog broja ribočuvarske službe. Objektivnost definisanja kriterijuma i izbor alternativa u odnosu na postavljeni cilj zavise od dostupnih inicijalnih informacija i iskustva donosioca odluka, ali je ovaj nedostatak moguće otkloniti donošenjem alternativnih rešenja zasnovanim na principima višekriterijumske analize i matematičkog modelovanja. U ovom radu SMO metod je prezentovan na primeru organizovanja ribočuvarske službe i daje mogućnost da se ciljni parametri odrede u kvalitativnom i kvantitativnom pogledu, kroz optimalizaciju broja potrebnih ribočuvara. Rezultati ovog rada ukazuju na potrebu inoviranja postojećih metoda pri donošenju upravljačkih odluka po pitanju organizovanja ribočuvarske službe. Iako na prvi pogled ovaj metod izgleda komplikovan, primenom odgovarajućeg softvera i korišćenjem tabelarnih kalkulatora, ovaj metod postaje izuzetno primenljiv i efikasan u donošenju pravilnih i realnih zaključaka

    Sustainability of animal origin food waste in Serbia

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    This research analysed attitudes related to food waste sustainability and estimated amounts of animal origin food waste and food packaging waste discarded in Serbia. The field survey covered 494 respondents from Belgrade, Serbia. Results present their degree of agreement with nine selected food waste sustainability statements and their reported quantities of discarded animal origin food waste and food packaging waste. Our study showed respondents have a higher rate of agreement related to the negative social and environmental dimensions of food waste, while they have no opinions associated with the economic dimensions. Regarding animal origin food waste quantities, it is estimated that households dispose around 200 g of waste every week (11.3 kg per year) and slightly under 30 different pieces of food packaging. On an annual basis, 7,234 tons of CO2 emissions can be associated with animal origin food waste and 706.4 tons with food packaging waste in Serbia

    Exposure Assessment and Risk Characterization of Aflatoxin M1 Intake through Consumption of Milk and Yoghurt by Student Population in Serbia and Greece

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    The objective of this research was to perform an exposure assessment of aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) intake through the consumption of milk and yoghurt by the student population in Serbia and Greece. A food consumption survey of milk and yoghurt was performed during the first half of 2018 in the two countries with at least 500 interviewees (aged between 18 and 27 years) per country, covering their dietary habits and body weight based on one-day and seven-day recall methods. Values for the concentration of AFM1 were extracted from published research. Finally, a Monte Carlo analysis of 100,000 iterations was performed to estimate the intake of AFM1 from the consumption of the two dairy products. Results revealed that the estimated average exposure of students to AFM1 was in the range of 1.238-2.674 ng kg(-1) bw day(-1) for Serbia, and 0.350-0.499 ng kg(-1) bw day(-1) for Greece, depending on the dietary recall method employed. High estimations for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cases/year/10(5) individuals, depending on the prevalence of Hepatitis B virus surface antigen positive individuals (HBsAg+), were 0.0036-0.0047 and 0.0007-0.0009 for Serbia and Greece, respectively. Presented Margin of Exposure (MOE) and Hazard Index (HI) values indicate increased risk from exposure to AFM1, particularly in Serbia

    The influence of age on the exploitation period in broiler reproduction of parents in Ross hybrid 308

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    These investigations were intended to identify the influence of parental flock age at heavy hybrid Ross 308 (usage period) on more important reproductive capabilities (carrying eggs intensity of brood eggs,egg mass, one day old chick mass, relative chick mass share in complete egg mass) and consumption of food per processed – hatched chicken (final product of production cycle). Flock usage period lasted for 40 weeks (all eggs), respectively, 38 (brood eggs) weeks and there was possibility, based on achieved results, with evaluation of phenotype correlation, to get some concrete conclusions about the age influence on analyzed parameters during mentioned flock rising period. Phenotype correlationamong investigated characteristics has been identified since second half of parental flock using period, since 41st week age (20th carrying eggs week) up to the end of production process when parental flock was 61 week old (41st egg production week). Flock age has statistically important positive (P < 0.05) influence on carrying eggs intensity of brood eggs until 49st week (rp = 0.391) and on percentage of chicken feasibility regard the complete number of inputted eggs until 50th week (rp = 0.434). There wasstatistically significantly increasing of egg mass and one-day old incubated chicken mass (P < 0.001) as parental flock was older. Complete correlation connectivity has been identified between egg mass and absolute chick mass (P < 0.001), while very strong (P < 0.001) or strong (P < 0.01) correlative connectivity between egg mass and relative chick share [(chicken mass/egg mass) x 100]. Further more, we determined negative correlation between eggs age and food consumption per hatchedchicken for all time of breeding broiler parents, except 61st week when we determined positive coefficient of phenotype correlation (rp = 0.062), but statistically inconsequent