1,492 research outputs found

    A class of second order BVPs on infinite intervals

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    In this work, we are concerned with a boundary value problem associated with a generalized Fisher-like equation. This equation involves an eigenvalue and a parameter which may be viewed as a wave speed. According to the behavior of the nonlinear source term, existence results of bounded solutions, positive solutions, classical as well as weak solutions are provided. We mainly use fixed point arguments

    Systems of φ-Laplacian three-point boundary-value problems on the positive half-line

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    We study the existence of positive solutions to boundary-value problems for two systems of two second-order nonlinear three-point φ-Laplacian equations defined on the positive half line. The nonlinearities may change sign, exhibit time singularities at the origin, and depend both on the solutions and on their first derivatives. Using the fixed-point theory, we prove some results on the existence of nontrivial positive solutions on appropriate cones in some weighted Banach spaces.Вивчається iснування додатних розв’язкiв граничних задач для двох систем двох нелiнiйних триточкових φ-лапласових рiвнянь другого порядку, що визначенi на додатнiй пiвосi. Нелiнiйностi можуть змiнювати знак, мати часовi сингулярностi на початку координат та залежати, як вiд розв’язкiв, так i вiд їх перших похiдних. Теорiю нерухомих точок застосовано для доведення деяких результатiв щодо iснування нетривiальних додатнiх розв’язкiв на вiдповiдних конусах в деяких звaжених банахових просторах

    Positive solutions for singular ϕ\phi-Laplacian BVPs on the positive half-line

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    In this work, we are concerned with the existence of positive solutions for a ϕ\phi Laplacian boundary value problem on the half-line. The results are proved using the fixed point index theory on cones of Banach spaces and the upper and lower solution technique. The nonlinearity may exhibit a singularity at the origin with respect to the solution. This singularity is treated by regularization and approximation together with compactness and sequential arguments

    Existence de l'application exponentielle riemannienne d'un groupe de difféomorphismes muni d'une métrique de Sobolev

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    AbstractWe prove the existence of geodesics of the weak Riemannian Lie group(DiffH∞(Rn),gHk)=(Diff(Rn)∩(Id+⋂k∈NHk(Rn;Rn)),gHk), where gHk is the weak Sobolev metric of order k. Next, we study the Riemannian exponential mapping induced by this metric. For k=1, the result immediately gives the local existence of solution in C∞(;H∞(Rn;Rn)) of the n-dimensional analog of the Camassa–Holm's equation on the Euclidean space Rn

    System of singular second-order differential equations with integral condition on the positive half-line

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    In this work, we are concerned with the existence and the multiplicity of nontrivial positive solutions for a boundary value problem of a system of second-order differential equations subject to an integral boundary condition and posed on the positive half-line. The positive nonlinearities depend on the solution and their derivatives and may have space singularities. New existence results of single and multiple solutions are obtained by means of the fixed point index theory on special cones in some weighted Banach space. Examples with numerical computations are included to illustrate the obtained existence theorems. This paper surveys and generalizes previous works

    On a singular multi-point third-order boundary value problem on the half-line

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    summary:We establish not only sufficient but also necessary conditions for existence of solutions to a singular multi-point third-order boundary value problem posed on the half-line. Our existence results are based on the Krasnosel'skii fixed point theorem on cone compression and expansion. Nonexistence results are proved under suitable a priori estimates. The nonlinearity f=f(t,x,y)f=f(t,x,y) which satisfies upper and lower-homogeneity conditions in the space variables x,yx, y may be also singular at time t=0t=0. Two examples of applications are included to illustrate the existence theorems

    On The Impact Of Family Versus Institutional Blockholders On Dividend Policy

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    This paper investigates the effect of not only the controlling shareholders but also their identity on dividend policy. For a large panel of French firms during the period 2006-2010, we find that the dividend payout ratio increases with the ownership concentration. However, this result changes with the identity of the largest shareholder. Family-controlled firms are more tempted to distribute lower dividends while firms dominated by institutional investors likely distribute higher dividends. Empirical results also reveal that firms with more independent directors are associated with higher dividend payout in contrast to US cross-listed firms

    Boundary value problems for doubly perturbed first order ordinary differential systems

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    The aim of this paper is to present new results on existence theory for perturbed BVPs for first order ordinary differential systems. A nonlinear alternative for the sum of a contraction and a compact mapping is used

    Catherine Collomp et Mario Menendéz, dir. Exilés et réfugiés politiques aux Etats-Unis : 1789-2000.

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    Dans cet ouvrage collectif de 16 contributions portant sur les exilés et les réfugiés politiques aux Etats-Unis de 1789 à 2000, C. Collomp et M. Menendez se sont efforcés, dans un souci évident de clarté, d’approfondissement et de cohérence, de présenter un travail à la fois chronologique et thématique. Le grand intérêt de cet ouvrage est l’analyse sans complaisance de la continuité et des changements des perceptions et des politiques concernant les réfugiés aux USA. L’ouvrage commence astuci..

    Beslechting van transfer pricing geschillen

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    The research focuses on the various procedures for transfer pricing dispute resolution existing at an international level between states and taxpayers. These procedures are the advance pricing agreement procedure, the mutual agreement procedure and the arbitration procedure. The objective of the research is to determine to what extent the current transfer pricing procedures provide a fair and also sufficiently efficient and effective framework for the resolution of cross-border transfer pricing disputes. The answer to the central question will be based on an evaluation of the dispute resolution framework against the higher national and international standards of fair trial and on stocktaking research (i) into the results acquired with the procedures at national and international level, (ii) into the present national and international legal basis for its implementation, and (iii) into the changes in the procedures that were over the years introduced. Next, the study identifies the main issues in the dispute resolution framework paying equal attention to each of the transfer pricing procedures. Finally, the study offers recommendations that can solve the identified issues and that can, in particular, create a framework for the resolving cross-border transfer pricing disputes that responds better to the criteria of fairness, efficiency and effectiveness. LEI Universiteit LeidenGrenzen van fiscale soevereinitei