21 research outputs found

    Kajian Efektifitas Penerapan Berbagai Metode Asesmen Pada Uji Kompetensi Profesi Penyuluh Perikanan (Studi Kasus Uji Kompetensi di Jurusan Penyuluhan Perikanan STP Bogor)

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    Sertifikasi profesi Penyuluh Perikanan merupakan suatu upaya legalitas kompetensi dan profesionalisme profesi Penyuluh Perikanan. Sertifikasi bertujuan untuk membangun keprofesian dibidang penyuluhan perikanan, peningkatan kualitas penyuluhan, Dengan sertifikasi profesi, diharapkan Penyuluh Perikanan tidak hanya kompeten menangani masalah dan materi teknis, akan tetapi juga fungsi dan peran lainnya dalam sistem penyuluhan perikanan. Dalam melaksanakan profesi Penyuluh Perikanan dituntut adanya penerapan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia (SKKNI) Penyuluh Perikanan yang telah ditetapkan berdasarkan SK Kemenakertrans Nomor 403 Tahun 2014, SKKNI ini merupakan acuan dalam penyusunan Materi Uji Kompetensi (MUK). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji metode asesmen yang paling efektif diterapkan pada pelaksanaan uji kompetensi profesi penyuluh perikanan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode diskriptif dengan analisa data menggunakan statistik sederhana, dengan responden para penyuluh yang melakukan uji kompetensi tahun 2015, 2016, dan 2017 di Jurusan Penyuluh Perikanan Sekolah Tinggi Perikanan di Bogor. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa sebanyak 213 orang merupakan penyuluh perikanan yang sangat berpengalaman (pengalaman kerja lebih dari 5 tahun), metode asesmen yang efektif adalah menerapkan metode portofolio dan wawancara. Sebanyak 187 orang merupakan penyuluh belum banyak pengalaman, metode asesmen yang efektif adalah menerapkan kombinasi metode portofolio dan demonstrasi serta uji tulis/lisan. Sebanyak 64 orang merupakan penyuluh pemula/calon penyuluh, metode asesmen yang efektif adalah menerapkan metode p demonstrasi dan uji tulis/lisan. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini adalah metode asesmen yang efektif diterapkan pada proses sertifikasi dibagi menjadi 2 kriteria : 1) bagi penyuluh yang berpengalaman metode asesmen nya adalah protofolio untuk mengetahui tingkat keterampilan, dan wawancara untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuannya, 2) bagi penyuluh yang belum berpengalaman metode asesmen nya adalah demontrasi untuk mengetahui tingkat keterampilan, dan uji tulis/lisan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuannya, Kata Kunci: Efektifitas, Metode Asesmen, Uji Kompetensi, dan Profesi Penyuluh Perikanan

    Expanding Duplication of Free Fatty Acid Receptor-2 (GPR43) Genes in the Chicken Genome

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    International audienceFree fatty acid receptors (FFAR) belong to a family of five G-protein coupled receptors that are involved in the regulation of lipidmetabolism, so that their loss of function increases the risk of obesity. The aim of this study was to determine the expansion of genesencoding paralogs of FFAR2 in the chicken, considered as amodel organism for developmental biology and biomedical research. Byestimating the gene copy number using quantitative polymerase chain reaction, genomic DNA resequencing, and RNA sequencingdata, we showed the existence of 23 ±1.5 genes encoding FFAR2 paralogs in the chicken genome. The FFAR2 paralogs shared anidentity from 87.2%up to 99%. Extensive gene conversion was responsible for this high degree of sequence similarities betweenthese genes, and this concerned especially the four amino acids known to be critical for ligand binding. Moreover, elevated nonsynonymous/synonymous substitutionratios onsomeamino acids withinor inclose-vicinity of the ligand-bindinggroove suggest thatpositive selectionmay have reduced the effective rate of gene conversion in this region, thus contributing to diversify the function ofsome FFAR2 paralogs. All the FFAR2 paralogs were located on a microchromosome in a same linkage group. FFAR2 genes wereexpressed in different tissues and cells such as spleen, peripheral blood mononuclear cells, abdominal adipose tissue, intestine, andlung, with the highest rate of expression in testis. Further investigations are needed to determine whether these chicken-specificevents along evolution are the consequence of domestication and may play a role in regulating lipid metabolism in this species

    Controlling of Tugboat Fuel Consumption Owned by PT. Transcoal Pacific, Sangatta Branch

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    Fuel consumption is an energy conversion that converts the chemical energy of a fuel into another energy at a certain time. Fuel consumption must always be monitored because it will affect the company's profit. Since fuel is a significant expense, the company must be efficient in its usage to allow the company to grow. The author summarizes the problem and tries to solve the problem using quantitative research methods. The research is conducted at the branch office by interviewing the company's staff. PT. Transcoal Pacific is a company that focused on its service at preparing ships to carry cargo in coal. The company monitors the fuel consumption using a fuel lock system, so the target can be reached in using fuel as few as possible and get maximum profit. Based on the result of this research, it is clear that the company lacks the aspect of fuel monitoring. This causes the target cannot be reached. The old fuel lock cannot be applied by the tugboat and dragging where the vessel swept away by sea current that may increase fuel consumption. The company has to increase the monitoring aspect and implement the obligation to solve the problem to improve fuel consumption efficiency


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    This examination forwarded to identify the kind of atributes that reflecting the fisheries exten-sion development and analizing the fisheries present status in some region in Indonesia. Data collecting method implemented during the field survey process, and also literature tracement as the secondary date. This study employs the multi dimensional scaling for the analizing method as the examination of the fisheries present status.  Based on the result we know that the sustainability sta-tus of fisheries extension system in decentralize circumstance majority in sustainable condition, except on equipment dimension.  Key words:    decentralize  circumstance, development system, extension fisheries, sustainability statu

    PKA drives paracrine crisis and WNT4-dependent testis tumor in Carney complex

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    Large Cell Calcifying Sertoli Cell Tumors (LCCSCTs) are among the most frequent lesions occurring in Carney complex (CNC) male patients. Although they constitute a key diagnostic criterion for this rare multiple neoplasia syndrome resulting from inactivating mutations of the tumor suppressor PRKAR1A leading to unrepressed PKA activity, the LCCSCT pathogenesis and origin remain elusive. Mouse models targeting Prkar1a inactivation in all somatic populations or separately in each cell type were generated to decipher the molecular and paracrine networks involved in the CNC testis lesion induction. We demonstrate that Prkar1a mutation is required in both stromal and Sertoli cells for the occurrence of LCCSCT. Integrative analyses comparing transcriptomic, immunohistological data and phenotype of mutant mouse combinations led to understand the human LCCSCT pathogenesis and demonstrated unprecedented PKA-induced paracrine molecular circuits in which the aberrant WNT4 signal production is a limiting step in shaping intratubular lesions and tumor expansion both in mouse model and human CNC testes

    Whole-genome sequencing of 234 bulls facilitates mapping of monogenic and complex traits in cattle

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    The 1000 bull genomes project supports the goal of accelerating the rates of genetic gain in domestic cattle while at the same time considering animal health and welfare by providing the annotated sequence variants and genotypes of key ancestor bulls. In the first phase of the 1000 bull genomes project, we sequenced the whole genomes of 234 cattle to an average of 8.3-fold coverage. This sequencing includes data for 129 individuals from the global Holstein-Friesian population, 43 individuals from the Fleckvieh breed and 15 individuals from the Jersey breed. We identified a total of 28.3 million variants, with an average of 1.44 heterozygous sites per kilobase for each individual. We demonstrate the use of this database in identifying a recessive mutation underlying embryonic death and a dominant mutation underlying lethal chrondrodysplasia. We also performed genome-wide association studies for milk production and curly coat, using imputed sequence variants, and identified variants associated with these traits in cattle