112 research outputs found


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    Infrastruktur merupakan bagian dari kelengkapan suatu daerah sebagai alat penunjang kebutuhan hidup manusia baik pada sektor sosial maupun sektor ekonomi. Salah satu sarana infrastruktur yang dapat mendukung laju perekonomian adalah dengan pembangunan jalan raya. Lapis perkerasan pada suatu jalan raya sering mengalami kerusakan meskipun sudah ditetapkan umur rencananya. Hal tersebut dapat terjadi karena faktor air, cuaca, beban kendaraan, material itu sendiri, dan faktor alam, maka dengan itu jalan raya harus dibuat sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku. Jalan tol Palimanan – Kanci telah dibangun sejak tahun 1997 yang menghubungkan Palimanan – Kanci sejauh 28,8 km, jalan tol ini membantu memperlancar arus lalu lintas di jalur pantura. Jalan tol ini terdiri atas 1 simpang susun, 17 jembatan perlintasan kendaraan dan 17 jembatan penyeberangan orang serta 3 gerbang tol dengan sistem transaksi tol terbuka. Namun akibat meningkatnya volume lalu lintas, beberapa ruas pada Jalan Tol Palikanci membutuhkan pemeliharaan khusus. Saat ini Jasa Marga Cabang Palikanci tengah melakukan pemeliharaan dengan melakukan pekerjaan Scrapping, Filling dan Overlay (SFO).Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah analisis tebal lapis perkerasan Komposit jalan pada Jalan tol Palimanan – Kanci dengan Metode Analisa Komponen SKBI 1987 Bina Marga. Dalam analisis ini diperoleh tebal lapis perkerasan pada ruas jalan tersebut yang dapat memberikan gambaran lengkap tentang perkerasan jalan yang diperlukan untuk menampung volume lalu lintas selama umur rencana


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    This paper explains the importance of research data as a source of information in serving users in research libraries as a result of the open science movement that is spreading around the world. Researchers/scientists are no longer satisfied with the publication of their written work, but primary data produced from research activities also need to be shared through an online repository system. This is in line with the demands of users who are increasingly complex in finding sources of information. Still a small number of research libraries that serve research data make it difficult for users when looking for information on primary/research data. An aspect of the benefits of research data services for research libraries is that they can create opportunities to increase library visibility and expand the role of libraries. The competence of librarians must be prepared to support research data services, given that there is no formal education in this regard. The concept of embedded librarian is possible as a solution through training, internships, and further education related to research data management. The practice of applying the concept of embedded librarians in the context of research places librarians more than just supporting staff, but librarians are placed as partners of researchers in conducting research activities

    Preliminary Study of the Use of Sulphonated Polyether Ether Ketone (SPEEK) as Proton Exchange Membrane for Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC)

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    Sulfonated polyether ether ketone (SPEEK) was utilized as a proton exchange membrane (PEM) in Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC). The SPEEK performance in producing electricity had been observed in MFC using wastewater and glucose as substrates. The MFC with catering and tofu wastewater produced maximum power density about 0.31 mW/m2 and 0.03 mW/m2, respectively, lower that of MFC with tapioca average power density of 39.4 W/m2 over 48 h. The power density boosted because of the presence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as inoculum. The study using of S. cerevisiae and Acetobacter acetii, separately, were also conducted in with glucose as substrate. The MFC produced an average power densities were 7.3 and 6.4 mW/m2 for S. cerevisiae and A. acetii, respectively. The results of this study indicated that SPEEK membrane has the potential USAge in MFCs and can substitute the commercial membrane, Nafion.Article History: Received: Juni 14th 2017; Received: Sept 25th 2017; Accepted: December 16th 2017; Available onlineHow to Cite This Article: Putra, H.E., Permana, D and Djaenudin, D. (2018) Preliminary Study of the Use of Sulfonated Polyether Ether Ketone (SPEEK) as Proton Exchange Membrane for Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC). International Journal of Renewable Energy Development, 7(1), 7-12.https://doi.org/10.14710/ijred.7.1.7-1

    Pohon Industri (Interaktif) Sebagai Pengembangan Layanan Informasi di Perpustakaan PDDI LIPI

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    Abstract(Objectives) The purpose of writing this paper is to explain the process of making industrial trees (interactive) as an information service development activity carried out by the Center for Scientific Data and Documentation (PDDI) which is useful for the community because it provides an overview and stimulates entrepreneurs to carry out and develop product diversification with economic value through the schematic presented. (Method) The stages of making an industrial tree start from topic selection, literature search, article selection and analysis, then proceed with visualization which is then posted on the web.. (Findings) The result of this research showed that audit experience, audit expertise, and locus of control significantly positive affect audit judgment taken by the auditor. Keywords: Information services, Industrial tree (interactive), PDDI LIPI.

    Inovasi Layanan Perpustakaan Khusus Dalam Ekosistem E-Research Dalam Mendukung Open Science: Studi Kasus Perpustakaan PDDI LIPI

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    Tujuan makalah ini adalah menjelaskan inovasi layanan perpustakaan yang mendukung terwujudnya perpustakaan khusus berbasis inklusi sosial yang menekankan pada faktor manfaat perpustakaan yang dapat dirasakan di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi literatur. Pengumpulan penelitian dilakukan melalui observasi, dan studi pustaka (literatur). Observasi dilakukan dengan cara mendata kegiatan layanan dan produk pengetahuan yang pernah dibuat oleh PDDI LIPI. Studi literatur dilakukan dengan cara menelaah refensi yang berhubungan dengan layanan dan pembuatan produk pengetahuan. Hasil telaah literatur kemudian dianalisis dan diinterprestasikan dalam bentuk hasil dan pembahasan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa idealnya perpustakaan PDDI dapat mempertahankan dan meningkatkan layanan yang pernah dilakukan sebelumnya, seperti kegiatan Co working Space dan pemanfatannya, mengadakan talkshow, diskusi publik, knowledge sharing, dan pengembangan produk layanan berbasis pengetahuan serta membuat inovasi layanan data penelitian sebagai salah satu terobosannya

    Analisis Biaya Dan Waktu Pada Pekerjaan PVD – Preloading Proyek Jalan Tol Trans Sumatera Ruas Simpang Indralaya – Prabumulih Dengan metode Konsep Earned Value Analysis

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    ABSTRACT  The implementation of this toll road construction project requires cost and time control. For this reason, research is carried out using the earned value analysis method in order to detect as early as possible if there is a cost overrun or delay that may occur in the implementation of a project. For the results of the analysis, it is found that based on the calculation of the performance analysis of the progress of this work, the cost performance index is 1.212 this value indicates a CPI > 1 which means that the expenditure is smaller than the planned budget. The schedule performance index is 0.889, this value indicates SPI < 1, which means that the work has been delayed from the plan. The result of the calculation of the estimated cost at the time of project completion (EAC) is Rp 19,035,298,952. So, the total cost needed to complete the project is Rp 19,035,298,952 indicating that the cost required for project completion is less than the planned budget of Rp 23,073,860,159, from this value the difference is Rp 4,038,561,207. From the analysis of the estimated completion time or Estimate Completion Date (ECD), it is found that the time required to complete the project is 465 days, which means that the work has been delayed by 15 days.  Keywords: Time, Cost, Earned Value Concept, PVD-Preloading.   ABSTRAK  Pelaksanaan proyek pembangunan jalan tol ini dibutuhkan pengendalian dari segi biaya dan waktu. Untuk itu dilakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan metode earned value analisys agar dapat mendeteksi sedini mungkin bila terjadi pembengkakan biaya maupun keterlambatan yang mungkin terjadi dalam pelaksanaan suatu proyek. Untuk hasil analisis yang didapatkan bahwa berdasarkan perhitungan analisa prestasi progress pekerjaan ini, indeks penampilan biaya bernilai 1,212 nilai ini menunjukkan CPI > 1 yang artinya pengeluaran lebih kecil dari anggaran yang direncanakan. Indeks penampilan jadwal bernilai 0,889 nilai ini menunjukkan SPI < 1 yang artinya pekerjaan mengalami keterlambatan dari rencana. Hasil perhitungan prakiraan biaya saat penyelesaian proyek (EAC) Rp sehingga total biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan proyek adalah Rp menunjukkan bahwa biaya yang diperlukan untuk penyelesaian proyek lebih kecil dari anggaran yang direncanakan sebesar Rp 23.073.860.159, dari nilai tersebut didapat selisih sebesar Rp 4.038.561.207. Dari hasil analisa prakiraan waktu penyelesaian atau Estimate Completion Date (ECD) didapat waktu yang dibutuhkan hingga akhir proyek selama 465 hari yang artinya pekerjaan mengalami keterlambatan selama 15 hari. Kata kunci: Waktu, Biaya, konsep nilai hasil (Earned Value Concept), PVD-Preloading


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     In general the intersection is vulnerable to jamming because of frequent conflicts between vehicles, the second meeting of the conflict is the path of the vehicle. One of Tanjung Api-Api KM 9 Palembang is one intersection signals that are pretty solid. Research needs to be done for it to provide. The capacity of the junction (C) and volume (V) vehicles that operate on the junction parameters to find out the level of service the junction. Geometric intersection data, the volume of the vehicle, the condition of the city and the junction is analyzed using Manual Indonesia road capacity (MKJI) 1997 and Bina Marga (BM/2013) to get the capacity of the junction and the junction service levels from a year 2016-2021. The results of the analysis of the capacity of Tanjung Api-Api KM 9 Palembang at peak morning is 3365 smp/hour, at peak lunch is 3304 smp/hour and at the peak of the afternoon was 3196 smp/hour. While the road level of service (Level of Service/LOS) on Tanjung Api Api KM 9 Palembang at peak hours in the morning at Jln. Kol. H. Burlian with level of service "F" belongs to a standstill, the queue length (volume of the vehicle exceed the capacity of the flow has experienced congestion). At the Summit lunch at Jln. Kol. H. Burlian with level of service "F" belongs to a standstill, the queue length. At peak hours in the afternoon at Jln. Kol. H. Burlian "F" belongs to a standstill, the queue length. Certain management application needs to be done on each foot of the intersection of LOS his being in the critical zone, Kol. H. Burlian (Polda) to Kol. H. Burlian (KM 12) as well as vice versa.Keywords: Crossing Signals, capacity, Level of Service / LO


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    Seorang guru profesional di era milenial atau Generasi Y, tidak cukup hanya menguasai empat kompetensi guru, yakni kompetensi pedagogik, kepribadian, profesional, dan sosial. Perkembangan teknologi informasi yang begitu pesat, mengharuskan seorang guru menjadi bagian dari kemajuan teknologi itu sendiri. Jika mereka lahir pada Generasi X atau genereasi tradisional, maka mereka harus mengejar ketertinggalan itu dengan belajar berbagai aplikasi teknologi kekinian. Jika tidak, maka mereka hanya akan menjadi guru yang pandai menceritakan masa lalu belaka, padahal masa lalu sudah lama ditinggalkan. Mendikbud, Prof. Muhajir Effendi menambahkan guru profesional di zaman milenial harus memenuhi kompetensi inti (expertise), tanggung jawab social (responsibility), dan kesejawatan (esprit de corps). Di sinilah urgensinya guru menyesuaikan metode pembelajaran di era disruptive technology.A professional teacher in the millennial era or Generation Y, it is not enough to only master the four teacher competencies, namely pedagogic, personality, professional, and social competencies. The development of information technology is so rapid, requires a teacher to be part of the advancement of technology itself. If they were born in Generation X or the traditional generation,then they must catch up by learning various applications of contemporary technology. If not, then they will only become teachers who are good at telling the past, even though the past has long been abandoned. Minister of Education, Prof. Muhajir Effendi added that professional teachers in the millennial era must meet core competencies (expertise), social responsibility (responsibility), and peer relations (esprit de corps). This is where the urgency for teachers to adapt learning methods in the era of disruptive technology

    Cendawan Penyebab Abortus Dalam Alat Reproduksi Sapi Betina [Fungi Causing Abortion in Reproductive Track of Cow]

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    The study on cases of abortion in cow caused by fungi have never been reported so far in Indonesia. The aim of this research is to get prevalence of cows have not and have aborted, both have reproductive disorder, and health cattles associated with percentage of fungi isolated.The study included both field survey and laboratory examination of samples. The samples of vaginal fluid were collected by using cotton swabs in cow which had suffered abortion or cow had repeated breeding, as well as freeze dried semen for artificial insemination (AI), and also examining the occurrence of abortion in cattle. The samples were collected in Sukabumi and Bandung, and then cultured in Sabouraud Dextrose Agar by stretch method, followed by incubation at 37oC. Number of samples collected consisted of 56 samples of cattle which had suffered from abortion and cow that had reproductive problems; 38 samples as control; five samples of freeze dried semen. There were no cases of abortion observed when field survey was conducted, therefore organ samples were not available for pathological and histophathological examination. Further examination on growth rate of yeast showed 20% of yeast presented in cows with abortion, 17% in cows with reproductive problem and 14% in normal cattle. On the other hand,there were samples that did not show any growth of yeast recorded f rom cows with abortion (15%)cattle with reproductive problem (7%) and normal cows (27%). Meanwhile, only twowith 2 yeast growth observed in semen samples. It was concluded that samples from cattles with reproductive problems (with and without aborted experiences) showed higher number of growth of yeasts compared with normal cow (P0,05)
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