18 research outputs found

    The Influence of Employee Ability, Hospital???s Ethic and Leadership to Satisfaction through the Employee Commitment: A Study on Indonesian Type A Government Hospital

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    Aims: The aims of this study is to confirm the direct and indirect influence of employee ability, \ud perceived of hospital???s ethic and leadership to the satisfaction of customer through employee \ud commitment. Sample are hospital???s stakeholders that consist of paramedics (frontliners, doctors, and \ud nurses) and inpatient of healthcare insurance. \ud Study design: A survey instrument comprising a construct of employee ability, perceived \ud hospital ethic, leadership to employee commitment and satisfaction of customer. By using the \ud personal survey, data was collected from the paramedics, doctors, nurses and inpatient of \ud healthcare insurance of type A government hospital. One hundred and sixty (160) respondents of \ud paramedics, nurses (also take another function as frontliners) and doctors. Meanwhile one hundred \ud and sixty (160) respondents of inpatient healthcare insurance, that clasified according to the classes \ud of hospitalization services, altogether the sample are at total of 320 respondent. By using the self \ud perception questionnaires and customer evaluation the influences among variables also analyzed by \ud using the Structural Equation Modelling method. \ud Methodology: This study include 160 sample paramedics (113 women, 47 men; age range 25 ??? 60 \ud years), consist of 80 nurses and frontliners, 80 doctors (specialist and general doctors). This study \ud also include 160 inpatients sample (88 women, 72 men; age range 23 ??? 68 years old) in the \ud hospitalization of VIP and VVIP about 120 inpatients and regular class about 40 inpatients at Care \ud Departmen of Type A Government Hospital at Makassar, Indonesia. \ud Results: The results of the analysis shows that: (1) The survey instrument was shown to be reliable \ud and valid according to the CR > 2, and p < 005; (2) The implementation of hospital???s ethic more \ud emphasized on the paramedics and nurses (also as a frontliners); (3) The study proves a direct \ud influences of employee ability, hospital???s ethic, leadership to employee commitment (0.10, 0.52, \ud 0.072); to satisfaction (0.35, 0.094, 0.71); and indirectly influences to satisfaction through employee \ud commitment (-0.54). \ud Conclusions: Universal conclusions of the study proves the empirical test of a direct and indirect \ud influences among variables construct that consist of employee ability, hospital???s ethic, leadership to \ud employee commitment upon satisfaction of inpatient Type A Government Hospita


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    Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the factors that influence the agility of human resources at the Regional Government Owned Bank of South Sulawesi and West Sulawesi, namely PT Bank Sulselbar in Makassar City. The indicators of the factors measured in this study are the attitude treatment factor, the experience factor, the participatory advantage factor, the cooperation factor, the work design factor, the innovation factor, the self-development factor, the self-promotion factor, the level of focus factor, the systematic factor, the risk-taking factor, the professionalism, competitive power factor, organizational culture factor, and commitment factor. This study uses a quantitative descriptive analysis method and uses the SPSS application with a population of 336 where by using purposive sampling of 156 respondents from four divisions, including human resources division, back officer, frontliner and marketing. This paper using the slovin formula, a sample of 75 people was found. Results of this research, it was found that the attitude treatment factor, experience factor, participatory advantage factor, cooperation factor and work design factor were categorized as organizational factors and included in the well agile category. Innovation factor, self-development factor, self-promotion factor, level of focus factor and systematic factor are categorized as creativity factors and are included in the well agile category. The risk taking factor, professionalism factor, competitive power factor, organizational culture factor, and commitment factor are categorized as networking factors and are categorized as agile. All factors have been tested and have valid and reliable data


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran pemanfaatan media internet oleh para pengusaha untuk memasarkan produk-produk pakaian jadi yang mereka tawarkan, disamping itu juga untuk mengetahui berbagai manfaat ikutan internet dalam memasarkan produk pakaian di Makassar. Hasil penelitian Pemanfaatan Internet Sebagai Media Promosi Pemasaran Produk lokal Oleh Kalangan Usaha Di Kota Makassar menyimpulkan bahwa : Pengusaha produk lokal memanfaatkan media internet dengan melakukan advertising, Sales promotion, direct marketing, dan personal selling terhadap produk-produk mereka di internet karena dapat melakukan pemasaran secara cepat, Para pengusaha merasakan manfaat yang sangat besar dengan menggunakan media internet dibandingkan secara kovensional karena dapat mengurangii jumlah biaya dan waktu yang dikeluarkan dalam proses penjualan produk-lokal, Pembelian baju kaos didominasi oleh anak muda sedangkan orang tua lebih memilih produk sutera untuk keperluan yang bersifat formal, dan saat ini para pengusaha produk baju kaos sudah banyak menggunakan internet, tetapi pengusaha produk sutera masih sangat minim yang menggunakan media internet dalam penawaran produk sutera.Abstract The aim of this research study to get an overview of media use of the Internet by entrepreneurs to market their apparel products they offer, as it also to know the various benefits of follow-up internet in marketing their apparel products in Makassar. Utilization of research results Internet Marketing Promotional Products For local media circles By Business In Makassar concluded that: (i) Employers of local products by utilizing the Internet media advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, and personal selling of their products on the internet because it can do marketing quickly, (ii) the employer felt tremendous benefit by using the internet compared to Conventional media as it can at reducing the amount of costs and time spent in the process of selling local products, (iii) Purchase T-shirt while dominated by young people parents prefer silk products for the purposes of which is formal, and now T-shirt entrepreneurs have a lot of products using the internet, but employers are still very minimal silk products using internet media in silk product offerings.

    Effect of Leadership and Employee Work Performance to Employee Performance Through the Satisfaction of Work as Intervening Variable in PT. Wedu District Merauke

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    Human resources is one of the determinants of corporate success because the role of human resources as a valuable asset is to plan, implement and control various corporate operations. This study uses quantitative methods to examine the population or specific samples, random sampling in general and quantitative / statistical data analysis with the aim to test the hypothesis that has been established using the help of software SPSS 20.0. The result of this research found that partially leadership style and work environment have positive and significant influence to the satisfaction, leadership style and work environment have positive and significant effect to performance, job satisfaction have positive and significant effect to performance. while indirect influence shows the style of leadership and work environment have positive and significant influence to performance through satisfaction

    The Leadership Style Of Mayor And Deputy Mayor Of Makassar

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    Leadership is needed because it has the responsibility to move, direct, influence and lead the people they lead to jointly realize the goals of the organization. This study aims to analyze the influence of autocratic leadership style, democratic, free control, participatory, visionary and transformational to the performance of employees at the Government of Makassar City Period 2014 - 2019; and analyze among the dominant leadership style influence on employee performance at Makassar City Government Period 2014 - 2019. This research is a survey with quantitative research. The population of the research is 11.449 employees of Makassar City Government and the research sample is determined using Slovin formula 5% obtained by 387 respondents as respondents. Data collection techniques used questionnaires and documentation techniques. Data analysis used is Multiple Linear Regression. The results showed that the leadership style of autocracy gave a negative effect on the performance of employees of Makassar City Government Office. Furthermore, leadership style in the form of democratic style, free control, participative, visionary and transformational have positive and significant influence to the performance of employees at Makassar City Government Office period 2014 - 2019. Also found variables dominant leadership style (X5) which is based on regression coefficient value nilai . This means that the achievement of the work of each employee in realizing the achievement of organizational goals is determined more by the leadership style of the leadership that can give leadership significance to each subordinate either as a direction selter, agent of change, spokenperson or as a coach that affect the achievement of employee performance in quantity , quality, efficient utilization of time and effectiveness of budget USAge. &nbsp;Keywords: Leadership Style, Autocratic, Democratic, Free Control, Participatory, Visionary, Transformational and Performanc


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menginvestigasi pengaruh reputasi perusahaan terhadap reaksi investor. Populasi yang digunakan adalah seluruh perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) dengan periode penelitian tahun 2015-2018. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 32 perusahaan atau 128 observasi yang dipilih dengan metode purposive sampling dan menggunakan data sekunder yaitu harga penutupan saham dan corporate image index bagi perusahaan yang termasuk dalam Indonesia's Most Admired Company. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi. Hasil analisis menunjukkan reputasi perusahaan memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap reaksi investor. Kata-kata kunci: reputasi perusahaan, reaksi investo


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    Dalam penelitian ini yang menjadi titik pemahasan adalah apakah jumlahkaryawan yang dilakukan oleh PT. Sermani Steel Makassar berpengaruh terhadap produktivitas karyawannya.Setiap penelitian mengandung tujuan dan kegunaan yang akan dicapai, demikian pulah dalam penlitian ini.XII,44hlm