15 research outputs found

    Dust (Total Suspended Particulate) Exposure Risk Assessment in Unit Packer PT. X

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    Dust (Total Suspended Particulate) is one type of air pollutant that often found. Dust exposure in long time can cause health problems. The purpose of this study is to analyze the risk of dust exposure in the Unit Packer PT X. This research is descriptive using Environmental Health Risk Assessment (EHRA). The variables were dust hazard identiļ¬ cation, dose-response analysis, exposure analysis, and risk characteristics. The average dust concentration in Packer Unit 7.01 mg/m3 so it was below the TLV (Threshold Limit Value) of the Health Minister Decree of The Republic of Indonesia No. 1405/Menkes/SK/XI/2002 concerning Requirements and Environmental Health Ofļ¬ ce Work Industry. Intake received the largest individual that is on Packer Unit 1 is 0.621 mg/kg/day and RQ > 1, which means the population is has a risk for non-carcinogenic effects in the next 30 years. In addition, the presence of dust in the workplace can cause effects inconvenience in work and when inhaled for a long time can also be a negative impact on the health of the workforce. So that, it needed to control as a preventive measure such as maintain the ļ¬ lters dust, reduce the number exposure by wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) such as respirators (anti-dust masker), and reducing the duration of dust exposure such as employee work rotation to other unit

    Gambaran Faktor Risiko Kontaminan Biologi pada Uji Lingkungan di RSU ā€œYā€ Surabaya

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    Hospitals as a place of health care and workplace have a variety of potential hazards that can harm health. One of the efforts of the hospital environment can be done by conducting supervision and inspection. The purpose of this research, to describe the risk factors of biological contaminants in the environmental test results conducted in Surabaya General Hospital "Y". This research was descriptive research with a cross-sectional approach. This research uses secondary data of the laboratory test results of BBTKLPP Surabaya in 2015-August 2017, as well as literature from several sources to support the data available. Data were analyzed in a descriptive and presented in the form of tables and graphs. The results of biological examinations on air space, food and beverage, medical device swab, air conditioner, and clean water in unqualified conditions. Only the quality of the wall swab and floor can be said to be good and qualified. Public hospital "Y" Surabaya is still not qualified in terms of quality microbiology tests based on the decree of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia number 1204 the year 2014 on health requirements of the hospital environment. A thorough evaluation is necessary to improve the quality of microbiology in the environment in the hospital Y Surabaya, especially in areas with high risk such as surgical rooms and ICU

    Pembiasaan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat di Pondok Pesantren di Era Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru

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    Pondok pesantren merupakan tempat berisiko terjadinya penularan Covid-19 karena santri tinggal dan melakukan kegiatan bersama-sama setiap hari. Kondisi seperti ini perlu adanya komitmen pimpinan, pengelola, santri dan seluruh masyarakat pesantren agar aktif melakukan pengendalian dan pencegahan penularan Covid-19. Beberapa permasalahan pesantren terkait PHBS salah satunya berasal dari para santri yang saling meminjam alat makan, alat ibadah bahkan pakaian masih belum 100% hilang. Santri masih belum terbiasa mencuci tangan dengan sabun dan air mengalir, belum menggunakan masker dengan baik atau bahkan tidak menggunakan masker sama sekali, sulit mejaga jarak, kurangnya aktifitas fisik, dan konsumsi makanan yang kurang bergizi. Program pemberdayaan ini dilaksanakan dengan metode Community Based Research (CBR) yang memperhatikan identifikasi permasalahan serta upaya preventif bagi masyarakat dan proritas dukungan, pengembangan sistem serta pembangunan sosial yang fokus pada masyarakat, dan menjawab kebutuhan masyarakat. Adapun tahapan CBR adalah: laying the foundation, research planning, information gathering and analysis, dan acting on findings. Luaran yang diharapkan yaitu tersusunnya kebijakan pencegahan dan pengendalian Covid-19 di pesantren, terlaksanakannya analisis situasi pondok pesantren, terbentuknya organisasi pencegahan dan pengendalian Covid-19, pesantren bisa bermitra dengan mitra potensial, terbentuknya duta PHBS santri, pengelola pesantren dapat membuat media KIE, dan 75% santri mempunyai PHBS yang lebih baik dibanding sebelum adanya program

    Faktor Personal Hygiene dengan Keberadaan Escherichia coli pada Makanan di Jasaboga Asrama Haji Surabaya

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    Hygiene and sanitation are important in determining food quality, where Escherichia coli is an indicator of food pollution that can cause foodborne illness. The purpose of this study is to analyze the personal hygiene factors of food handlers by contamination of Escherichia coli in the food provided in Surabaya haj boarding services. The method used was observational with a cross-sectional approach. The research subjects were 57 food handlers and 57 food samples in Surabaya hajj boarding services. The statistical test used is the chi-square test. There was a personal hygiene relationship between food handlers and the presence of Escherichia coli in food at Jasaboga Hajj Dormitory Surabaya (p = 0.001;

    A Systematic Review on the Effectiveness of Biological Larvaside the Vector Control Efforts in Dengue Fever Disease

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    The use of temephos as larvasida in the prevention of the disease dengue fever in Indonesia has already lasted for 40 years. Currently the most widely used larvacide for controlling Aedes sp larvae is 1% temephos. The use of in- secticides for a long time for the same targets provides unmatched pressure, which encourages the development of the population of Aedes aegypti to Become more resistant faster. One effort to overcome this problem is to find a more selective and safe biological insecticide. Biological insecticides are interpreted as an insecticide whose basic ingredients come from plants that Contain chemicals (bioactive) that are toxic to insects but are biodegradable in nature, so they do not pollute the environment and are relatively safe for humans, besides biological insecticides are also selective


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    Abstrak: Kesehatan mental pada remaja semakin membutuhkan perhatian selama pandemi COVID-19. Sekolah didorong juga berperan dalam mengawasi kesehatan mental remaja. Sayangnya, Poskestren sebagai upaya kesehatan berbasis sekolah masih dominan berorientasi pada upaya kuratif kesehatan fisik. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk menginisiasi kapabilitas sekolah dalam mengelola pelayanan kesehatan jiwa di Poskestren Al Amin sekaligus meningkatkan kesadaran siswa tentang perilaku di sekolah yang dapat memicu masalah kesehatan mental. Menggunakan konsep pendampingan dimana tim pengabdian masyarakat membantu mitra untuk dapat secara mandiri mengidentifikasi masalah kesehatan mental yang ada dan menentukan bentuk intervensi yang paling tepat. Hasilnya, dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini Poskestren mampu mengelola kesehatan mental secara mandiri melalui proses di setiap pengabdian masyarakat. Capaian keberhasilannya adalah 100% pada setiap langkah dan melebihi target hingga 145% pada langkah deliver. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam pendampingan juga membantu Poskestren dalam menilai dan mengidentifikasi kesehatan mental. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat telah berhasil merumuskan penyesuaian yang diperlukan untuk menginisiasi manajemen kesehatan jiwa sekolah berbasis pesantren.Ā Abstract: Mental health among teenagers is gaining more attention todays. Schools are encouraged to be able provide monitoring function for this issue. However, Poskestren as school based health effort is still curative physical health oriented. This community service is carried out to initiate schoolā€™s capability in managing mental health services at the Al Amin Poskestren and at the same time increase studentsā€™ awareness on daily behaviour which could triggering mental health problems. It used the concept of mentoring where the community service team helps partners to be able to independently identify existing mental health problems and determine the most appropriate form of intervention. As the results, in this community service, Poskestren was able to manage mental health independently through the process in every community service. We achieved 100% target in each steps and exceeded 145% on deliver stepā€™s target. The instruments used in mentoring also assist Poskestren in assessing and identifying mental health. Community service has succeeded in formulating the adjustments needed to initiate the mental health management of pesantren-based schools.

    Increased Thyroid Hormone Levels in Pesticide Sprayer at Agricultural Area

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    Pesticides used massively in the agricultural sector would cause many poisoning and serious health problems. Organophosphate pesticides have been identified as endocrine-disrupting chemicals. This study aimed to compare thyroid hormone levels between the sprayers chronically exposed to pesticides and the control respondents who had never been exposed to pesticides. This study was an analytical observational with a cross-sectional design. The total number of respondents was 150, 50 as sprayers and 100 as control respondents. The venous blood samples were examined using the Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). The findings significantly showed that the sprayer had a higher level of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) (4.776 Ā± 1.1166), lower triiodothyronine (T3) (108.822 Ā± 18.810), and lower thyroxine (T4) (7.808 Ā± 1.067). Determinant factors among sprayers that significantly correlated to TSH levels was age (p-value = 0.006); work duration (p-value = 0.000); personal protection equipment (PPE) (p-value = 0.045); body position (p-value = 0.014); type of pesticides (p-value = 0.004), correlated with T3 levels was age (p-value = 0.037); body position (p-value = 0.045), correlated with T4 levels was age (p-value = 0.000); PPE (p-value = 0.045). It could be concluded that chronic organophosphate exposure would increase TSH and decrease T3 and T4

    Determinants of COVID-19 prevention equipment readiness in families during pandemic in Indonesia

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    Indonesia was the country with the second-highest case of COVID-19 in the South East Asia Region (SEAR) of the World Health Organization (WHO) data until August 1, 2021. As an infectious disease, the high level of COVID-19 rate transmission requires everyone always to prepare a prevention tools kit to minimize the risk of coronavirus exposure. This study aimed to analyze the determinant factors of readiness of the COVID-19 prevention tools kit. This study used a cross-sectional design with a mix-method technique because data collection and analysis combine quantitative and qualitative approaches in several phases of the research process. Data collected from 18 representative provinces in Indonesia with a total of respondents involved were 2,196 people. The Binary Logistic Regression tests were used to analyze the variable correlation. The multivariable analytic showed that the determinant factors with a significant correlation which affected the readiness of COVID-19 prevention tools kit in each family during pandemic in Indonesia were age 37-46 years old (p=0.000; odds ratio=8.039), female gender (p=0.000; odds ratio=8.653), self-employed jobs (p=0.028; odds ratio=2.239), income > 5 million per month (p=0.000; odds ratio=7.267), good knowledge (p=0.000; odds ratio=3.311), and good perception (p=0.001; odds ratio=2.015). The supply of tools and medicines to prevent COVID-19 is indispensable during the pandemic to protect against COVID-19 infection. Masks and hand sanitizers become the main kits most individuals have, especially when doing outside home activities. At the same time, the oximeter becomes the least kit in the family. This preparation also teaches citizens to practice a healthy lifestyle. Cross-sector coordination is needed to improve public awareness of COVID-19 prevention equipment


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    ABSTRACT  Community activities during the Covid-19 pandemic that runs from home such as school and work led to an increase in non-medical household waste and medical waste (masks). The aim of study was to analyze the implementation of the management of household waste (medical and non-medical) by the community in Surabaya during the pandemic Covid-19.  The study was a descriptive cross-sectional design.  Data was collected through observation and questionnaires online for one month. The variables analyzed were the level of community knowledge and actions in the application of 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) and waste sorting. Results of research on the level of knowledge demonstrated 57,73% out of 220 people with a good knowledge level. A total of 30,9% of the people implementing the 3R, as many as 47,7% of people apply organic and non-organic waste sorting, while 16.4% of people who apply medical and non-medical waste segregation. From these results, it can be concluded that the level of knowledge of the people of Surabaya City is high but the application of waste management by the people in the City of Surabaya (application of 3R, sorting organic and non-organic waste, and sorting medical and non-medical waste) is low. Encouragement and strict regulation are needed from central and local government in waste management to support the health and environmental hygiene. Keywords: Household waste, medical waste, waste management, waste sorting, Covid-19 Pandemic   ABSTRAK Aktivitas masyarakat selama pandemi Covid-19 yang berlangsung dari rumah seperti sekolah dan bekerja menyebabkan peningkatan sampah rumah tangga non medis dan sampah medis (masker). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan pengelolaan sampah rumah tangga (medis dan non medis) oleh masyarakat Kota Surabaya selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif dengan disain cross sectional. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi dan penyebaran kuesioner online selama satu bulan. Variabel yang dianalisa adalah tingkat pengetahuan dan tindakan masyarakat dalam penerapan 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) dan pemilahan sampah. Hasil penelitian pada tingkat pengetahuan menunjukkan sebanyak 57,73% dari 220 masyarakat dengan tingkat pengetahuan baik.  Sebanyak 30,9% masyarakat menerapkan 3R, pada masyarakat yang menerapkan pemilahan sampah organik dan non organic sebanyak 47,7%, sedangkan masyarakat yang menerapkan pemilahan sampah medis dan non medis sebanyak 16,4%. Dari hasil tersebut disimpulkan bahwa tingkat pengetahuan masyarakat Kota Surabaya tinggi namun penerapan pengelolaan sampah oleh masyarakat di Kota Surabaya (penerapan 3R, pemilahan sampah organik dan non organic, serta pemilahan sampah medis dan non medis) tergolong rendah. Diperlukan anjuran dan peraturan yang tegas dari pemerintah pusat dan daerah dalam pengelolaan sampah untuk mendukung kesehatan dan kebersihan lingkungan. Kata kunci: Sampah rumah tangga, sampah medis, pengelolaan sampah, pemilahan sampah, pandemi Covid-1


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    ABSTRACT Small intestine infection caused by Giardia lamblia (giardiasis) occurs mostly in children living in developing country with poor sanitation. This study aims to determine the risk of giardiasis and personal hygiene conditions in pre-school students at KB-TK Al Amin Paciran Lamongan aged 2-6 years. Number of samples were 61 students, the dependent variable was the incidence of giardiasis, and independent variable was personal hygiene including nail hygiene, hand washing habit, footwear habit, and defecating habits. The result showed that 5 out of 61 students (8,2%) were infected with Giardia lamblia. All children (100%) with giardiasis had poor nail hygiene, footwear habit, and defecating habit. As many as 80% of students with giardiasis have poor handwashing habits. Students with poor footwear habit (OR=43,71; 95% CI 3,98-2046,9); open defecation habits (OR=13,33; 95% CI 1,40-628,05); poor nail hygiene (OR=12,31; 95% CI 1,29-580,49); poor hand washing habits (OR=5,73; 95% CI 0,5-290,96) had a greater risk of developing giardiasis. Supervision and healthy behavior are highly recommended, including using footwear when playing on the ground, defecating in the latrine, maintaining nail hygiene, and washing hands with soap before eating or after defecating. Keywords: Prevalence, giardiasis, personal hygiene, pre-school students   ABSTRAK Infeksi usus halus disebabkan oleh Giardia lamblia (giardiasis) banyak terjadi pada anak-anak yang tinggal di negara berkembang dengan tingkat sanitasi buruk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui risiko terjadinya giardiasis dan kondisi hygiene perorangan pada murid PAUD  di KB-TK Al Amin Paciran Lamongan usia 2-6 tahun. Jumlah sampel adalah 61 murid, variabel dependen adalah kejadian giardiasis, dan variabel independen adalah hygiene perorangan meliputi kebersihan kuku, kebiasaan mencuci tangan, kebiasaan menggunakan alas kaki, dan kebiasaan buang air besar (BAB). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 5 dari 61 murid (8,2%) terinfeksi Giardia lamblia. Seluruh murid (100%) dengan giardiasis mempunyai kebersihan kuku, kebiasaan menggunakan alas kaki dan kebiasaan BAB yang kurang baik. Sebanyak 80% murid dengan giardiasis mempunyai kebiasaan mencuci tangan yang kurang baik. Murid dengan kebiasaan menggunakan alas kaki kurang baik (OR=43,71; 95% CI 3,98ā€“2046,9); kebiasaan BAB sembarangan (OR=13,33; 95% CI 1,40ā€“628,05); kebersihan kuku kurang baik (OR=12,31; 95% CI 1,29-580,49); kebiasaan mencuci tangan yang kurang baik (OR=5,73; 95% CI 0,5ā€“290,96) mempunyai risiko lebih besar terkena giardiasis. Pengawasan dan berperilaku hidup sehat sangat dianjurkan antara lain menggunakan alas kaki ketika bermain di tanah, membiasakan BAB di jamban, menjaga kebersihan kuku, dan mencuci tangan dengan sabun sebelum makan atau setelah buang air besar. Kata kunci: Prevalensi, giardiasis, hygiene perorangan, murid PAU