3,238 research outputs found

    Spectral correlations in systems undergoing a transition from periodicity to disorder

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    We study the spectral statistics for extended yet finite quasi 1-d systems which undergo a transition from periodicity to disorder. In particular we compute the spectral two-point form factor, and the resulting expression depends on the degree of disorder. It interpolates smoothly between the two extreme limits -- the approach to Poissonian statistics in the (weakly) disordered case, and the universal expressions derived for the periodic case. The theoretical results agree very well with the spectral statistics obtained numerically for chains of chaotic billiards and graphs.Comment: 16 pages, Late

    (Broken) Gauge Symmetries and Constraints in Regge Calculus

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    We will examine the issue of diffeomorphism symmetry in simplicial models of (quantum) gravity, in particular for Regge calculus. We find that for a solution with curvature there do not exist exact gauge symmetries on the discrete level. Furthermore we derive a canonical formulation that exactly matches the dynamics and hence symmetries of the covariant picture. In this canonical formulation broken symmetries lead to the replacements of constraints by so--called pseudo constraints. These considerations should be taken into account in attempts to connect spin foam models, based on the Regge action, with canonical loop quantum gravity, which aims at implementing proper constraints. We will argue that the long standing problem of finding a consistent constraint algebra for discretized gravity theories is equivalent to the problem of finding an action with exact diffeomorphism symmetries. Finally we will analyze different limits in which the pseudo constraints might turn into proper constraints. This could be helpful to infer alternative discretization schemes in which the symmetries are not broken.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figure

    Analytical results for the confinement mechanism in QCD_3

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    We present analytical methods for investigating the interaction of two heavy quarks in QCD_3 using the effective action approach. Our findings result in explicit expressions for the static potentials in QCD_3 for long and short distances. With regard to confinement, our conclusion reflects many features found in the more realistic world of QCD_4.Comment: 24 pages, uses REVTe

    Universal spectral properties of spatially periodic quantum systems with chaotic classical dynamics

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    We consider a quasi one-dimensional chain of N chaotic scattering elements with periodic boundary conditions. The classical dynamics of this system is dominated by diffusion. The quantum theory, on the other hand, depends crucially on whether the chain is disordered or invariant under lattice translations. In the disordered case, the spectrum is dominated by Anderson localization whereas in the periodic case, the spectrum is arranged in bands. We investigate the special features in the spectral statistics for a periodic chain. For finite N, we define spectral form factors involving correlations both for identical and non-identical Bloch numbers. The short-time regime is treated within the semiclassical approximation, where the spectral form factor can be expressed in terms of a coarse-grained classical propagator which obeys a diffusion equation with periodic boundary conditions. In the long-time regime, the form factor decays algebraically towards an asymptotic constant. In the limit NN\to\infty, we derive a universal scaling function for the form factor. The theory is supported by numerical results for quasi one-dimensional periodic chains of coupled Sinai billiards.Comment: 33 pages, REVTeX, 13 figures (eps

    Spectral Statistics in Chaotic Systems with Two Identical Connected Cells

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    Chaotic systems that decompose into two cells connected only by a narrow channel exhibit characteristic deviations of their quantum spectral statistics from the canonical random-matrix ensembles. The equilibration between the cells introduces an additional classical time scale that is manifest also in the spectral form factor. If the two cells are related by a spatial symmetry, the spectrum shows doublets, reflected in the form factor as a positive peak around the Heisenberg time. We combine a semiclassical analysis with an independent random-matrix approach to the doublet splittings to obtain the form factor on all time (energy) scales. Its only free parameter is the characteristic time of exchange between the cells in units of the Heisenberg time.Comment: 37 pages, 15 figures, changed content, additional autho

    Photon propagation in a cold axion background with and without magnetic field

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    A cold relic axion condensate resulting from vacuum misalignment in the early universe oscillates with a frequency m, where m is the axion mass. We determine the properties of photons propagating in a simplified version of such a background where the sinusoidal variation is replaced by a square wave profile. We prove that previous results that indicated that charged particles moving fast in such a background radiate, originally derived assuming that all momenta involved were much larger than m, hold for long wavelengths too. We also analyze in detail how the introduction of a magnetic field changes the properties of photon propagation in such a medium. We briefly comment on possible astrophysical implications of these results.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, revised version includes an extended discussion on physical implication

    Testing the Master Constraint Programme for Loop Quantum Gravity II. Finite Dimensional Systems

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    This is the second paper in our series of five in which we test the Master Constraint Programme for solving the Hamiltonian constraint in Loop Quantum Gravity. In this work we begin with the simplest examples: Finite dimensional models with a finite number of first or second class constraints, Abelean or non -- Abelean, with or without structure functions.Comment: 23 pages, no figure

    Optical probes of the quantum vacuum: The photon polarization tensor in external fields

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    The photon polarization tensor is the central building block of an effective theory description of photon propagation in the quantum vacuum. It accounts for the vacuum fluctuations of the underlying theory, and in the presence of external electromagnetic fields, gives rise to such striking phenomena as vacuum birefringence and dichroism. Standard approximations of the polarization tensor are often restricted to on-the-light-cone dynamics in homogeneous electromagnetic fields, and are limited to certain momentum regimes only. We devise two different strategies to go beyond these limitations: First, we aim at obtaining novel analytical insights into the photon polarization tensor for homogeneous fields, while retaining its full momentum dependence. Second, we employ wordline numerical methods to surpass the constant-field limit.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures; typo in Eq. (5) corrected (matches journal version

    From covariant to canonical formulations of discrete gravity

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    Starting from an action for discretized gravity we derive a canonical formalism that exactly reproduces the dynamics and (broken) symmetries of the covariant formalism. For linearized Regge calculus on a flat background -- which exhibits exact gauge symmetries -- we derive local and first class constraints for arbitrary triangulated Cauchy surfaces. These constraints have a clear geometric interpretation and are a first step towards obtaining anomaly--free constraint algebras for canonical lattice gravity. Taking higher order dynamics into account the symmetries of the action are broken. This results in consistency conditions on the background gauge parameters arising from the lowest non--linear equations of motion. In the canonical framework the constraints to quadratic order turn out to depend on the background gauge parameters and are therefore pseudo constraints. These considerations are important for connecting path integral and canonical quantizations of gravity, in particular if one attempts a perturbative expansion.Comment: 37 pages, 5 figures (minor modifications, matches published version + updated references

    Testing the Master Constraint Programme for Loop Quantum Gravity IV. Free Field Theories

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    This is the fourth paper in our series of five in which we test the Master Constraint Programme for solving the Hamiltonian constraint in Loop Quantum Gravity. We now move on to free field theories with constraints, namely Maxwell theory and linearized gravity. Since the Master constraint involves squares of constraint operator valued distributions, one has to be very careful in doing that and we will see that the full flexibility of the Master Constraint Programme must be exploited in order to arrive at sensible results.Comment: 23 pages, no figure