834 research outputs found
The Construction of Meaning and Position of Mental Disorder Character in Three Romance Films
This research discusses the representation and discourse which focused on the elements of characterization and narration which is presented by mental disorder character in Silver Linings Playbook (2012), Touched with Fire (2015), and The Other Half (2016). In this research, mental illness is not analyzed as a medical narration but also is one of signifying practices. The approaches of media representation analysis from Simon Cross (2014) and Harper (2008) are used to determine the representation of life experiences and disassemble the emerging discourses. The result indicates that when mental illness is represented in the romantic film, the stereotype about abnormality, rejection, and exclusion still becomes the main structure of the narrative. The romance story that wraps it up still refers to the stereotype. Therefore, those three films can be concluded as a part of dominant statements on abnormality discourse against mental disorder sufferers. In this case, mental disorder sufferers are subjected as a subject that must change. It is because only one choice for mental disorder sufferers to be accepted in society, that is recovery.Keywords: Mental Disorder Character, Discourse, Representation, Fil
Best Practice: Strategi “Mosir” Tingkatkan Kinerja Guru di SMK Negeri 5 Kendal Tahun Ajaran 2021/2022
Peningkatan mutu sekolah terutama untuk jenjang menengah kejuruan dengan mempunyai tingat kedisiplinan yang tinggi. Kedisiplinan merupakan salah satu indicator peningatan mutu di SMK Negeri 5 Kendal yang telah disesuaikan dengan kekuatan karakteristik lingkungan sekolah. Karya tulis ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan gambaran mengenai: (1) peningkatan kedisiplinan memalui strategi MOSIR menigkatkan kinerja guru sekolah menengah kejuruan, dan (2) hasil atau dampak dari pelaksanaan strategi MOSIR di SMK Negeri 5 Kendal. Karya tulis ini merupakan pengalaman pelaksanaan manajemen di SMK dalam bentuk best practice. Pengalaman melaksanakan peningkatan kedisiplinan melalui strategi MOSIR sebagai took ukur kualitas layanan pendidikan atas: (1) meningkatnya kedisiplinan dalam memberikan layanan pendidikan melalui MOSIR (2) peningkatan tanggungjawab sesuai tugas pokok dan fungsi guru, (3) adanya perubahan karakter kemandirian, kedisiplinan dan tanggungjawab yang lebih tinggi. Dampak dari pelaksanaan impementasi MOSIR untuk meningkatkan kinerja guru adalah: (1) adanya semangat dalam meningkatkan kedisiplian terhadap kinerja guru, (2) sebagai keteladanan atas kinerja guru kepada peserta didik (3) reward menjadi salah satu motivasi terbesar untuk melakukan perubahan dan terciptanya budaya kerja yang positip dilingkungan tempat bekerja
Construction of the image of persons with disabilities in Latvian mass media
Reality construction on the Internet is an inseparable part of human lives. On one hand, many people choose to construct their own (fake) realities. On the other hand, several groups of society are affected by the realities built by the mass media. Not everything published online can be considered journalism; however, professional journalism has an important role in moulding public opinion. Thus, the functions of the media should not only be considered but also exploited deliberately and purposefully. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. The article is devoted to the analysis of the contents and linguistic features of the articles about people with disabilities published on one of the most popular news websites in Latvia – jauns.lv. The results show that both content and linguistic choices, although they are mainly unintentional, can produce and propagate misconceptions about people with disabilities. Yet the solutions targeting this issue are to be determined.Peer reviewe
Lengvai suprantama kalba socialinei įtraukčiai – atvejo aprašymas
The research is devised as a case study focused on the study course “Easy Language for Social Inclusion” developed within the ERASMUS+ project “Promoting Easy-to-Read Language for Social Inclusion/PERLSI”. The discussion is contextualized within a broader discourse on the training opportunities available for translators in the project countries (Latvia, Lithuania, and Slovenia). The macro-level of analysis introduces the socio-political frame of discourse on inclusion and information accessibility. The meso-level discussion evolves around the Easy language translator’s profile, based on the best practice offered by German scholars (Maaß and Rink 2020) and the immediate experience acquired during the project. Micro-level analysis offers insights into the course syllabus, the study materials developed to ensure the acquisition of knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary for reducing cognitive load at lexical, syntactic, and textual levels as well as the visual language of the text. Straipsnis „Lengvai suprantama kalba socialinei įtraukčiai – atvejo aprašymas“ sukurtas kaip atvejo analizė, kurios centre yra studijų kursas „Lengvai suprantama kalba socialinei įtraukčiai“. Kursas parengtas pagal ERASMUS+ projektą „Lengvai suprantamos kalbos skatinimas socialinei įtraukčiai“. Diskusijos kontekstas sukurtas platesniame diskurse apžvelgiant intralingvistinio vertimo mokymo galimybes vertėjams projekto valstybėse (Latvijoje, Lietuvoje, Slovėnijoje). Darbo tikslas yra retrospektyviai įvertinti kurso kokybę atsižvelgiant į tai, kad jis buvo parengtas siekiant pasiūlyti visapusišką įtraukiančios visuomenės, prieinamos informacijos bei lengvai suprantamos kalbos koncepcijų įvadą ir tokiu būdu ugdyti intralingvistinio vertimo sugebėjimus, reikalingus kognityviniam krūviui tiksliniame tekste mažinti. Atitinkamai analizės makrolygmeniu atskleidžiamas įtraukimo ir informacijos prieinamumo diskurso sociopolitinis rėmas bei lengvai suprantamos kalbos galutinių vartotojų svarba nustatant vertimo strategijas ir vertinant atliktus vertimus. Diskusijos viduriniu lygmeniu apžvelgiamas vokiečių akademikų siūlomas lengvai suprantamos kalbos vertėjo profilis (Maaß and Rink 2020) ir per minėtą projektą įgyta tiesioginė patirtis. Mikrolygmens analizė siūlo susipažinti su kurso planu ir mokomąja medžiaga, kuri sukurta taip, kad teiktų žinių, įgūdžių ir sugebėjimų, reikalingų kognityviniam krūviui mažinti leksiniu, sintaksiniu ir teksto rengimo lygmeniu bei teksto vizualiniam įforminimui. Kurso pabaigoje atliktos apklausos analizė leidžia tyrinėti galimybes skatinti lengvai suprantamos kalbos vertėjo profilio suvokimą ir atpažįstamumą. Numatyta, kad kursas tobulins žurnalistų, socialinių darbuotojų, mokytojų, vertėjų ir ryšių su visuomene specialistų darbą
Effectiveness Combination of Ginger Extract (Zingiber officinale) and Ranitidine Compared with Combination of Ranitidine and Placebo against Severity of Functional Dyspepsia
ABSTRACTBackground: Efficacy ranitidine as dyspepsia functional treatment was 8-35 % and ginger extracts as a traditional recipe in various countries for generations could be used as a therapy dyspepsia, antinausea, spasm, colic, and other stomach complaints. Ginger therapeutic effectiveness could reach 68-77% in vivo studies (animal models).Objective: To determined how much influence combination of ginger extract and ranitidine could improve severity of dyspepsia compared with combination of ranitidine and placebo in patients with functional dyspepsia.Method: This study was a quasi experimental. The research was conducted from December 2015 until April 2016 with 26 participants.Results: After getting therapy for 2 weeks in group I, mean SODA score in the pain scale decreased (8.4 %) of 29.07 ± 7.29 to 25.08 ± 8.22, statistically significant (p <0.046). Mean SODA score in the pain scale group II decreased (7.2%) of 25.38 ± 6.19 to 24 ± 6.01 (p=0.302). Mean SODA score in the non pain scale in group I decreased (7.7%) of 16.84 ± 2.44 to 15.15 ± 2.64 (p=0.074), while in the group II decreased (1.6%) of 15.77 ± 2.71 to 15.23 ± 2.94 (p=0.470). Mean SODA score in the satisfaction scale in group I increased (19.9%) of 7.77 ± 3.63 to 10.08 ± 3.59 (p=0.053) while in the group II increased (8.4%) of 9.62 ± 2.72 to 10.92 ± 2.46 (p=0.072). Comparison decline of SODA score in the pain scale between group I was 4.31 ± 6.3 and in group II is 1.23 ± 4.91, greater in group I but not significantly (p=0.178) at baseline to week 2nd. Comparison decline of SODA score in the non pain scale between group I was 1.69 ± 3.11 and in group II was 0.54 ± 2.6, greater in group I but not significantly (p=0.316) at baseline to week 2nd. Comparison increasing of SODA score in the satisfaction scale between group I was – 2.31 ± 3.88 and in group II was -1.31 ± 2.39, greater in group I but not significantly (p=0.437). Conclusion: Combination of ginger extract and ranitidine could decrease pain scale, non pain scale and increase satisfaction scale more effective clinically than plasebo and ranitidine for functional dyspepsia patient, but not statistic significantlyKeywords: ginger extract, severity of dyspepsia, and functional dyspepsi
Surfactants are nowadays very useful additives to improve the effectiveness of phytosanitary treatments. They contribute to change the types of impact and thus the amount of spray retained by the leaves of the treated plant.
We performed tests of retention on whole barley plants on BBCH 12 stage and small pieces of barley leaves at the same stage of growth. Spraying was done in three ways: water without surfactant, water with Break-Thru S240 and water with Li700.
The three slurries of fluorescein contained in an amount of 0.2 g / l. Fluorescein retained by the leaves in both cases is then measured by a spectrofluoremeter.
The retention tests on whole plants show that it is tripled by the first surfactant and doubled by the second. By cons on small pieces of barley leaves, the amount was increased by the use of surfactants but not to the same scale.
This study concluded that the use of surfactants in spray pesticides may increase the amount of retention as a function of leaf area and the surfactant used
The Combination of Black Hat Transform and U-Net in Image Enhancement and Blood Vessel Segmentation in Retinal Images
Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) is a disorder of the eye caused by damage to blood vessels in the retina. Damage to the retinal blood vessels can be analyzed by segmenting the blood vessels on the image. This study proposes a combination of image enhancement and blood vessel segmentation in retinal images. Retinal image enhancement is carried out using the black hat transform method to obtain a detailed view of blood vessels in retinal images. Segmentation of blood vessels in retinal images is carried out using the U-Net architecture. The results of image enhancement are measured using MSE and PSNR. This study has an MSE value below 0.05 and a PSNR above 90dB. The MSE and PSNR values obtained show that the black hat transform method is very good at image enhancement. Segmentation has an accuracy value above 0.95 and a sensitivity value above 0.85. In addition, the specificity value and f1-score are above 0.8. This shows that the proposed stages of image enhancement and blood vessel segmentation are able to accurately recognize blood vessel features in retinal images
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