53 research outputs found

    DomainSenticNet: An Ontology and a Methodology Enabling Domain-aware Sentic Computing

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    [EN] In recent years, SenticNet and OntoSenticNet have represented important developments in the novel interdisciplinary field of research known as sentic computing, enabling the development of a variety of Sentic applications. In this paper, we propose an extension of the OntoSenticNet ontology, named DomainSenticNet, and contribute an unsupervised methodology to support the development of domain-aware Sentic applications. We developed an unsupervised methodology that, for each concept in OntoSenticNet, mines semantically related concepts from WordNet and Probase knowledge bases and computes domain distributional information from the entire collection of Kickstarter domain-specific crowdfunding campaigns. Subsequently, we applied DomainSenticNet to a prototype tool for Kickstarter campaign authoring and success prediction, demonstrating an improvement in the interpretability of sentiment intensities. DomainSenticNet is an extension of the OntoSenticNet ontology that integrates each of the 100,000 concepts included in OntoSenticNet with a set of semantically related concepts and domain distributional information. The defined unsupervised methodology is highly replicable and can be easily adapted to build similar domain-aware resources from different domain corpora and external knowledge bases. Used in combination with OntoSenticNet, DomainSenticNet may favor the development of novel hybrid aspect-based sentiment analysis systems and support further research on sentic computing in domain-aware applications.The work of Paolo Rosso was partially funded by the Spanish MICINN under the project PGC2018-096212-B-C31.Distante, D.; Faralli, S.; Rittinghaus, S.; Rosso, P.; Samsami, N. (2022). DomainSenticNet: An Ontology and a Methodology Enabling Domain-aware Sentic Computing. Cognitive Computation. 14(1):62-77. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12559-021-09825-w627714

    Artificial intelligence applied to software testing:a tertiary study

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    Context: Artificial intelligence (AI) methods and models have extensively been applied to support different phases of the software development lifecycle, including software testing (ST). Several secondary studies investigated the interplay between AI and ST but restricted the scope of the research to specific domains or sub-domains within either area.Objective: This research aims to explore the overall contribution of AI to ST, while identifying the most popular applications and potential paths for future research directions.Method: We executed a tertiary study following well-established guidelines for conducting systematic literature mappings in software engineering and for answering nine research questions.Results: We identified and analyzed 20 relevant secondary studies. The analysis was performed by drawing from well-recognized AI and ST taxonomies and mapping the selected studies according to them. The resulting mapping and discussions provide extensive and detailed information on the interplay between AI and ST.Conclusion: The application of AI to support ST is a well-consolidated and growing interest research topic. The mapping resulting from our study can be used by researchers to identify opportunities for future research, and by practitioners looking for evidence-based information on which AI-supported technology to possibly adopt in their testing processes

    25 Years of Model-Driven Web Engineering : What we achieved, what is missing

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    Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE) approaches aim to improve the Web applications development process by focusing on modeling instead of coding, and deriving the running application by transformations from conceptual models to code. The emergence of the Interaction Flow Modeling Language (IFML) has been an important milestone in the evolution of Web modeling languages, indicating not only the maturity of the field but also a final convergence of languages. In this paper we explain the evolution of modeling and design approaches since the early years (the 90’s) detailing the forces which drove that evolution and discussing the strengths and weaknesses of some of those approaches. A brief presentation of IFML is accompanied with a thorough analysis of the most important achievements of the MDWE community as well as the problems and obstacles that hinder the dissemination of model-driven techniques in the Web engineering field.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzada (LIFIA

    Enhancing Online Discussion Forums with Topic-Driven Content Search and Assisted Posting

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    Online forums represent nowadays one of the most popular and rich repository of user generated information over the Internet. Searching information of interest in an online forum may be substantially improved by a proper organization of the forum content. With this aim, in this paper we propose an approach that enhances an existing forum by introducing a navigation structure that enables searching and navigating the forum content by topics of discussion. Topics and hierarchical relations between them are semi-automatically extracted from the forum content by applying Information Retrieval techniques, specifically Topic Models and Formal Concept Analysis. Then, forum posts and discussion threads are associated to discussion topics on a similarity score basis. Moreover, to support automatic moderation in websites that host several forums, we propose a strategy to assist a user writing a new post in choosing the most appropriate forum into which it should be added. An implementation of the topic-driven content search and navigation and assisted posting forum enhancement approaches for the Moodle learning management system is also presented in the paper, opening to the application of these approaches to several real distance learning contexts. Finally, we also report on two case studies that we have conducted to validate the two approaches and evaluate their benefits.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Model-driven development of web applications with UWA, MVC and JavaServer faces

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    This paper presents a model-driven approach to the development of web applications based on the Ubiquitous Web Application (UWA) design framework, the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and the JavaServer Faces technology. The approach combines a complete and robust methodology for the user-centered conceptual design of web applications with the MVC metaphor, which improves separation of business logic and data presentation. The proposed approach, by carrying the advantages of Model-Driven Development (MDD) and user-centered design, produces Web applications which are of high quality from the user's point of view and easier to maintain and evolve.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    Environmental complaint insights through text mining based on the driver, pressure, state, impact, and response (DPSIR) framework. Evidence from an Italian environmental agency

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    Individuals, local communities, environmental associations, private organizations, and public representatives and bodies may all be aggrieved by environmental problems concerning poor air quality, illegal waste disposal, water contamination, and general pollution. Environmental complaints represent the expressions of dissatisfaction with these issues. As the time-consuming of managing a large number of complaints, text mining may be useful for automatically extracting information on stakeholder priorities and concerns. The paper used text mining and semantic network analysis to crawl relevant keywords about environmental complaints from two online complaint submission systems: online claim submission system of Regional Agency for Prevention, Environment and Energy (Arpae) (“Contact Arpae”); and Arpae's internal platform for environmental pollution (“Environmental incident reporting portal”) in the Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy. We evaluated the total of 2477 records and classified this information based on the claim topic (air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, waste, odor, soil, weather-climate, sea-coast, and electromagnetic radiation) and geographical distribution. Then, this paper used natural language processing to extract keywords from the dataset, and classified keywords ranking higher in Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) based on the driver, pressure, state, impact, and response (DPSIR) framework. This study provided a systemic approach to understanding the interaction between people and environment in different geographical contexts and builds sustainable and healthy communities. The results showed that most complaints are from the public and associated with air pollution and odor. Factories (particularly foundries and ceramic industries) and farms are identified as the drivers of environmental issues. Citizen believed that environmental issues mainly affect human well-being. Moreover, the keywords of “odor”, “report”, “request”, “presence”, “municipality”, and “hours” were the most influential and meaningful concepts, as demonstrated by their high degree and betweenness centrality values. Keywords connecting odor (classified as impacts) and air pollution (classified as state) were the most important (such as “odor-burnt plastic” and “odor-acrid”). Complainants perceived odor annoyance as a primary environmental concern, possibly related to two main drivers: “odor-factory” and “odors-farms”. The proposed approach has several theoretical and practical implications: text mining may quickly and efficiently address citizen needs, providing the basis toward automating (even partially) the complaint process; and the DPSIR framework might support the planning and organization of information and the identification of stakeholder concerns and priorities, as well as metrics and indicators for their assessment. Therefore, integration of the DPSIR framework with the text mining of environmental complaints might generate a comprehensive environmental knowledge base as a prerequisite for a wider exploitation of analysis to support decision-making processes and environmental management activities

    User Interface Adaptation Using Web Augmentation Techniques: Towards a Negotiated Approach

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    Abstract. The use of Web augmentation techniques has an impact on tasks of owners and developers of Web sites, developers of scripts and end users. Because the Web site can be modified by external scripts, Web site's owners might lose control about how Web site contents are delivered. To prevent this, they might be tempted to modify the DOM structure of Web pages thus making harder to execute external scripts. However, communities of Web augmentation scripters are increasing since end-users still have needs not yet covered by original Web sites. In this paper we analyze the trade-offs of the introduction of Web augmentation scripts. In order to mitigate some negative effects, such as the loss of control, we propose an approach based on negotiation and coordination between actors involved in the process. We present a set of tools to facilitate the integration of scripts and to foster the dissemination of Web augmentation scripts for the benefit of all actors involved

    Transparent interface composition in web applications

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    In this paper we present an approach for oblivious composition of Web user interfaces, particularly for volatile functionality. Our approach, which is inspired on well-known techniques for advanced separation of concerns such as aspect-oriented software design, allows to clearly separate the design of the core's interface from the one corresponding to more volatile services, i.e. those that are offered for short periods of time. Both interfaces are oblivious from each other and can be seamlessly composed using a transformation language. We show that in this way we simplify the application's evolution by preventing intrusive edition of the interface code. Using some illustrative examples we focus both on design and implementation issues, presenting an extension of the OOHDM design model which supports modular design of volatile functionality.Publicado en Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, vol. 4607).Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad

    User Interface Adaptation Using Web Augmentation Techniques: Towards a Negotiated Approach

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    The use of Web augmentation techniques has an impact on tasks of owners of Web sites, developers of scripts and end-users. Because the Web sites can be modified by external scripts, their owners might lose control about how Web site contents are delivered. To prevent this, they might be tempted to modify the structure of Web pages thus making harder to execute external scripts. However, communities of Web augmentation scripters are increasing since end-users still have needs not yet covered by Web sites. In this paper we analyze the trade-offs of the introduction of Web augmentation scripts. In order to mitigate some negative effects, such as the loss of control, we propose an approach based on negotiation and coordination between actors involved in the process. We present a set of tools to facilitate the integration of scripts and to foster their dissemination for the benefit of all actors involved

    Assessing refactorings for usability in e-commerce applications

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    Refactoring has been reported as a helpful technique to systematically improve non-functional attributes of software. This paper evaluates the relevance of refactoring for improving usability on web applications. We conducted an experiment with two replications at different locations, with subjects of different profiles. Objects chosen for the experiment were two e-commerce applications that exhibit common business processes in today's web usage. Through the experiment we found that half of the studied refactorings cause a significant improvement in usability. The rest of the refactorings required a post-hoc analysis in which we considered aspects like user expertise in the interaction with web applications or type of application. We conclude that, when improving quality in use, the success of the refactoring process depends on several factors, including the type of software system, context and users. We have analyzed all these aspects, which developers must consider for a better decision support at the time of prioritizing improvements and outweighing effort.Laboratorio de Investigación y Formación en Informática Avanzad