4 research outputs found

    4 Co-Creating Value in Systems Development: A Shift towards Service- Dominant Logic 2012 AITP Education Special Interest Group (EDSIG) Board of Directors Journal of Information Systems Applied Research Editors JISAR Editorial Board Maximizing Visibility i

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    The journal acceptance review process involves a minimum of three double-blind peer reviews, where both the reviewer is not aware of the identities of the authors and the authors are not aware of the identities of the reviewers. The initial reviews happen before the conference. At that point papers are divided into award papers (top 15%), other journal papers (top 30%), unsettled papers, and non-journal papers. The unsettled papers are subjected to a second round of blind peer review to establish whether they will be accepted to the journal or not. Those papers that are deemed of sufficient quality are accepted for publication in the JISAR journal. Currently the target acceptance rate for the journal is about 45%. Questions should be addressed to the editor at [email protected] or the publisher at [email protected]. AITP Education Special Interest Group (EDSIG) Board of Directors Abstract Given a new product (a tuple), the research in this paper considers the problem of selecting a small subset of attributes to highlight such that the product stands out in a crowd of existing competitive products and is widely visible to the pool of potential customers. This problem has applications in marketing and product manufacturing and has been the subject of recent investigations. This research considers an important variant where a product is considered to be visible to a customer if it occurs in the skyline of the query posed by the customer. Given a set of d-dimensional points, a skyline query returns points that are not dominated by any other point on all dimensions. This problem variant poses new challenges that cannot be solved optimally using prior techniques. In this work, we develop a novel optimal algorithm based on the Signature Tree data structure as well as approximation algorithms to solve the problem. We conduct a performance study illustrating the benefits of our methods on real as well as synthetic data

    Developing an Introductory Level MIS Project in Accordance with AACSB Assurance of Learning Standard 15 Beyond the Bake Sale: Fundraising and Professional Experience for Students Involved in an Information Systems Student Chapter Microsoft Enterprise Cons

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    The Information Systems Education Journal (ISEDJ) is a double-blind peer-reviewed academic journal published by EDSIG, the Education Special Interest Group of AITP, the Association of Information Technology Professionals (Chicago, Illinois). Publishing frequency is six times per year. The first year of publication is 2003. ISEDJ is published online (http://isedjorg) in connection with ISECON, the Information Systems Education Conference, which is also double-blind peer reviewed. Our sister publication, the Proceedings of ISECON (http://isecon.org) features all papers, panels, workshops, and presentations from the conference. The journal acceptance review process involves a minimum of three double-blind peer reviews, where both the reviewer is not aware of the identities of the authors and the authors are not aware of the identities of the reviewers. The initial reviews happen before the conference. At that point papers are divided into award papers (top 15%), other journal papers (top 30%), unsettled papers, and non-journal papers. The unsettled papers are subjected to a second round of blind peer review to establish whether they will be accepted to the journal or not. Those papers that are deemed of sufficient quality are accepted for publication in the ISEDJ journal. Currently the target acceptance rate for the journal is about 45%. Information Systems Education Journal is pleased to be listed in the 1st Edition of Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Educational Technology and Library Science, in both the electronic and printed editions. Questions should be addressed to the editor at [email protected] or the publisher at [email protected]. AITP Education Special Interest Group (EDSIG) Board of Directors ABSTRACT The ubiquitous nature of social networking and online/electronic communication has become expected in every area of life by those students that are entering colleges and universities today. This is in direct opposition with the trend of colleges and universities to reduce support for basic infrastructure services such as school provided E-mail. The continued rise of reliance on adjunct professors as a source of direct on ground instruction has also led to a shift and reduction of the opportunities for the student to interact with their teachers. The availability of modern technology for communication has provided many new avenues for this interaction to take place. It is necessary for adjunct faculty and institutions to explore and leverage new channels of electronic and online communication to provide opportunities for timely and valuable exchanges between instructor and student outside of the classroom

    SEER: A Delphic approach applied to information processing

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    Kooperation statt Intervention und die Folgen für die Entnazifizierung im Bildungsbereich : das Fallbeispiel Universität

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