20 research outputs found

    Asthma in an Urban Population in Portugal: A prevalence study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The prevalence and incidence of asthma are believed to be increasing but research on the true incidence, prevalence and mortality from asthma has met methodological obstacles since it has been difficult to define and diagnose asthma in epidemiological terms. New and widely accepted diagnostic criteria for asthma present opportunities for progress in this field. Studies conducted in Portugal have estimated the disease prevalence between 3% and 15%. Available epidemiological data present a significant variability due to methodological obstacles.</p> <p>Aim</p> <p>To estimate the true prevalence of asthma by gender and age groups in the population of the area covered by one urban Health Centre in Portugal.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>An observational study was conducted between February and July 2009 at the Horizonte Family Health Unit in Matosinhos, Portugal. A random sample of 590 patients, stratified by age and gender was obtained from the practice database of registered patients. Data was collected using a patient questionnaire based on respiratory symptoms and the physician's best knowledge of the patient's asthma status. The prevalence of asthma was calculated by age and gender.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Data were obtained from 576 patients (97.6% response rate). The mean age for patients with asthma was 27.0 years (95% CI: 20.95 to 33.16). This was lower than the mean age for non-asthmatics but the difference was not statistically significant. Asthma was diagnosed in 59 persons giving a prevalence of 10.24% (95% CI: 8.16 to 12.32). There was no statistically significant difference in the prevalence of asthma by gender.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The prevalence of asthma found in the present study was higher than that found in some studies, though lower than that found in other studies. Further studies in other regions of Portugal are required to confirm these findings.</p

    Sociocultural and epidemiological aspects of HIV/AIDS in Mozambique

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A legacy of colonial rule coupled with a devastating 16-year civil war through 1992 left Mozambique economically impoverished just as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic swept over southern Africa in the late 1980s. The crumbling Mozambican health care system was wholly inadequate to support the need for new chronic disease services for people with the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To review the unique challenges faced by Mozambique as they have attempted to stem the HIV epidemic, we undertook a systematic literature review through multiple search engines (PubMed, Google Scholar™, SSRN, AnthropologyPlus, AnthroSource) using Mozambique as a required keyword. We searched for any articles that included the required keyword as well as the terms 'HIV' and/or 'AIDS', 'prevalence', 'behaviors', 'knowledge', 'attitudes', 'perceptions', 'prevention', 'gender', drugs, alcohol, and/or 'health care infrastructure'.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>UNAIDS 2008 prevalence estimates ranked Mozambique as the 8<sup>th </sup>most HIV-afflicted nation globally. In 2007, measured HIV prevalence in 36 antenatal clinic sites ranged from 3% to 35%; the national estimate of was 16%. Evidence suggests that the Mozambican HIV epidemic is characterized by a preponderance of heterosexual infections, among the world's most severe health worker shortages, relatively poor knowledge of HIV/AIDS in the general population, and lagging access to HIV preventive and therapeutic services compared to counterpart nations in southern Africa. Poor education systems, high levels of poverty and gender inequality further exacerbate HIV incidence.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Recommendations to reduce HIV incidence and AIDS mortality rates in Mozambique include: health system strengthening, rural outreach to increase testing and linkage to care, education about risk reduction and drug adherence, and partnerships with traditional healers and midwives to effect a lessening of stigma.</p

    Anuário estatístico de Portugal.

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    Title from cover.Mode of access: Internet.Vols. for - issued by Ministério das Obras Públicas, Commércio e Indústria; 1893-1934 by Direcção Geral da Estatistica; 1935- by Instituto Nacional de Estatistica

    Interacciones entre las decisiones de gastos de Gobiernos locales: el ejemplo de Portugal

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    This paper aims to analyse the degree of interaction between Portuguese municipalities’ expenditure levels by estimating a dynamic panel model, based on jurisdictional reaction functions. The analysis is performed for all 278 Portuguese mainland municipalities from 1986 to 2006, using alternative ways to measure neighbourhood. Results indicate that local governments’ spending decisions are significantly and positively influenced by the actions of neighbouring municipalities. Attempts to identify the sources of interaction allow it to be concluded that they are due to spillovers that require coordination in expenditure items and to mimicking behaviour possibly to attract households and firms.来自葡萄牙的证据,区域研究。本文旨在根据行政区划的反应职责,透过评估动态面板模型,分析葡萄牙国内的市政花费层级之间的互动程度。本研究运用不同的方法来量测邻里,以此分析自 1986 年至 2006 年间葡萄牙大陆的 278 个市政当局。研究结果指出,地方政府的支出决策显着且正向地受到邻近市政行为的影响。尝试指认互动的来源使我们得以总结道,互动源自于在支出项目中需要协调的扩散,以及或可吸引家户及企业的模彷行为。Cet article cherche à analyser le degré d'interaction entre les niveaux de dépenses de l'administration municipale portugaise à partir de l'estimation d'un modèle à échantillon constant dynamique fondé sur des fonctions juridictionnelles de réaction. L'analyse est réalisée pour toutes les 278 municipalités continentales portugaises de 1986 jusqu’à 2006, employant d'autres moyens de mesurer la notion de voisinage. Les résultats indiquent que les décisions prises par l'administration municipale en matière de dépenses sont influencées sensiblement et positivement par les actions des municipalités limitrophes. Les tentatives d'identifier les origines de l'interaction permettent de conclure qu'elles sont imputables aux effets de débordement qui nécessitent la coordination des postes de dépenses et au mimétisme pour séduire les ménages et les entreprises, peut-être.In diesem Beitrag versuchen wir, das Ausmaß der Wechselwirkungen zwischen der Höhe der Ausgaben verschiedener portugiesischer Gemeinden durch die Schätzung eines dynamischen Panelmodells auf der Grundlage gerichtlicher Reaktionsfunktionen zu analysieren. Die Analyse wird für sämtliche 278 Gemeinden des portugiesischen Festlands im Zeitraum von 1986 bis 2006 durchgeführt und nutzt verschiedene Methoden zur Messung der Nachbarschaft. Aus den Ergebnissen geht hervor, dass die Ausgabenbeschlüsse von Kommunalbehörden signifikant und positiv von den Handlungen der benachbarten Gemeinden beeinflusst werden. Der Versuch einer Identifizierung der Quellen dieser Wechselwirkungen ermöglicht die Schlussfolgerung, dass diese auf Spillovers zurückzuführen sind, die eine Koordinierung im Bereich der Ausgabenposten erforderlich machen, und außerdem durch eine Nachahmung bestimmter Verhaltensweisen verursacht werden, die möglicherweise der Anwerbung von Haushalten und Firmen dienen sollen.El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el grado de interacción entre los niveles de gastos de los municipios portugueses al calcular un modelo de datos de panel dinámico basándonos en las funciones de las reacciones jurisdiccionales. Llevamos a cabo el análisis para todos los 278 municipios portugueses continentales de 1986 a 2006 usando métodos alternativos para medir el vecindario. Los resultados indican que las decisiones de los gastos de Gobiernos locales están influenciadas significativa y positivamente por las acciones de los municipios vecinos. Al intentar identificar las fuentes de esta interacción, llegamos a la conclusión de que se deben a desbordamientos que requieren coordinación en las partidas de gastos y al comportamiento mimético posiblemente para atraer a hogares y empresas.COMPETE, QREN, FEDER, FC