23 research outputs found


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    Rinitis alergi mewakili masalah kesehatan global yang mempengaruhi 10 sampai 20% populasi dan meningkat dengan angka 30-40% dari total populasi dunia pada tahun 2011. Rinitis alergi merupakan penyakit kronis paling umum pada anak dan kejadiannya meningkat pada usia anak diatas 5 tahun. Beberapa faktor dianggap berhubungan dengan rinitis alergi antara lain genetik, usia, jenis kelamin, sering infeksi saluran napas, pemberian antibiotik sejak dini, memiliki hewan peliharaan berbulu, pemberian ASI, status sosioekonomi dan proses persalinan sesar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan antara anak yang mendapatkan ASI eksklusif dan yang tidak mendapatkan ASI eksklusif terhadap frekuensi gejala rinitis alergi yang timbul pada anak usia 5-18 tahun di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah dr. Zainoel Abidin (RSUDZA) Banda Aceh. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik komparatif dengan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah semua anak yang didiagnosis menderita penyakit rinitis alergi di Poliklinik Anak dan THT-KL RSUDZA Banda Aceh. Sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari 35 responden yang diwawancarai menggunakan kuesioner yang valid dan reliabel serta data rakam medik untuk mendapatkan status pemberian ASI dan frekuensi gejala rinitis alergi pada anak. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan antara anak yang mendapatkan ASI eksklusif dan tidak eksklusif terhadap frekuensi gejala rinitis alergi dengan nilai p = 0,000 ( P < 0,05 ). Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa anak dengan riwayat pemberian ASI eksklusif memiliki frekuensi gejala rinitis alergi yang lebih rendah dibandingkan yang memiliki riwayat ASI tidak eksklusif.Kata Kunci : Rinitis alergi, ASI eksklusif, anak usia 5-18 tahu

    Analisis Kemampuan Bertanya Siswa Melalui Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Pada Konsep Pencemaran Lingkungan Menggunakan Kurikulum 2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan bertanya siswa melalui pembelajaran berbasis masalah pada konsep pencemaran lingkungan menggunakan kurikulum 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Sampel diambil sebanyak satu kelas yaitu MIA 7. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu lembar kerja siswa digunakan sebagai sumber informasi tentang masalah pencemaran, lembar observasi digunakan untuk menuliskan pertanyaan yang diajukan siswa secara lisan, dan angket siswa digunakan untuk mengetahui tanggapan siswa terhadap pembelajaran yang dilakukan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, persentase kemampuan bertanya siswa secara lisan menurut jenjang kognitif C1-C6 secara berturut-turut yaitu 26%, 22%, 34,7%, 13%, 4,3%, dan 0%. Berdasarkan jenis pertanyaannya, persentase pertanyaan tertutup sebesar 34,8% dan pertanyaan terbuka sebesar 65,2%. Persentase pertanyaan produktif sebesar 17,4% dan pertanyaan non-produktif sebesar 82,6%. Sedangkan persentase pertanyaan yang diajukan siswa secara tulisan menurut jenjang kognitif C1-C6 secara berturut-turut yaitu 45,6%, 21,1%, 19,2%, 10%, 4,1%, dan 0%. Berdasarkan jenis pertanyaannya, persentase pertanyaan tertutup sebesar 39,3% dan pertanyaan terbuka sebesar 60,7%. Persentase pertanyaan produktif sebesar 40,7% dan pertanyaan nonproduktif sebesar 59,3%. Berdasarkan data pengolahan angket, secara umum siswa memberikan tanggapan yang positif terhadap pembelajaran berbasis masalah. Kata kunci: Kemampuan Bertanya, Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah This study aims to determine student's questioning ability through problem-based learning on environmental pollution concept by using curriculum 2013. This study use a descriptive method. MIA 7 class were taken as samples. The instrument in this study are student worksheets which used as a source of information about the problem of pollution, observation sheets which used by students to write down their verbal questions, and student questionnaire which used to determine students responses to learning performance. Based on the results of the study, the percentage of students ability to ask orally according to C1-C6 cognitive level respectively are 26%, 22%, 34.7%, 13%, 4.3%, and 0%. Based on the type of question, a percentage of closed question is 34.8% and opened questions is 65.2%. Percentage of productive question is 17.4% and the question of non-productive at 82.6%. While the percentage of students'written questionaccording to the the C1-C6 cognitive level respectively are 45.6%, 21.1%, 19.2%, 10%, 4.1%, and 0%. Based on the type of question, the percentage of closed question is 39.3% and opened questions is 60.7%. The percentage of productive question 40.7% and non-productive questions is 59.3%. Based on the data processing of the questionnaire, students generally respondpositively to problem-based learning. Keywords:Questioning Ability, Problem Based Learnin


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    Tujuan penulisan Laporan Akhir ini adalah membuat Aplikasi E-Commerce HD Kitchen berbasis Website. Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan mengolah data berupa informasi umum seputar restaurant dan makanan sehat vegetarian, data menu makanan dan minuman serta data hasil penjualan. Pada aplikasi ini, pelanggan dapat melihat informasi mengenai restaurant hingga menu secara keseluruhan dan melakukan pemesanan melalui website untuk kemudian data tersebut dapat diolah oleh administrator yang kemudian akan menghasilkan keluaran berupa struk pembayaran dan laporan penjualan. Proses tersebut dijelaskan pada laporan ini dalam bentuk desain rancangan menggunakanUsecase Diagram, Activity Diagram, Class Diagram danSequence Diagram yang dibangun menggunakan metode pengembangan sistem RUP (Rational Unified Process)dengan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database MySQL. Dengan dibuatnya aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat membantu proses penjualan baik dalam pemesanan hingga pengelolaan data transaksi yang ada sehingga dapat berjalan lebih efektif dan efisien

    Pengaruh Fasilitas Perpustakaan terhadap Minat Baca Siswa di Perpustakaan MAN Curup Rejang Lebong

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    The purpose of this study was to determine library facilities, the level of interest in reading and the effect of limited library facilities on students' reading interest at MAN Curup Rejang Lebong. This study used a quantitative research approach which showed the effect of variable X on variable Y. The population in this study were 541 students of MAN Curup Rejang Lebong. The sample in this study was 54 people or 10%. Data collection techniques used are observation, questionnaires and documentation. While technical data analysis using descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis techniques using Simple Linear Regression. With the results of the study showing that the library facilities in Curup Rejang Lebong MAN were in the good category with a percentage rate of 79.80 percent. The reading interest level of students at MAN Curup Rejang Lebong is in the high category with a percentage rate of 79.76 percent. This can be proven by the results of simple linear regression, namely the results obtained f count&gt; f table, namely 71.300&gt; 4.08, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So it can be concluded that there is an influence of library facilities on students' reading interest at MAN Curup Rejang Lebong.&nbsp;&nbsp

    The Employee Performance Evaluation by using the Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach

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    Objectives: This study is aimed to develop a multi-criteria decision-making model for evaluating employee performance and provide organizations with a guideline on how to quantify employee performance.Methodology: A hybrid approach of AHP and WSM was used in the development of the employee performance model. The AHP approach was employed to obtain the weight of each criterion. The obtained weight value is then used to calculate the performance score.Finding: Based on the literature review and interviews, nine criteria were used, namely the achievement of work targets, job knowledge, initiative, work discipline, responsibility, teamwork, integrity, communication, and cleanliness. Based on weight calculations, it was found that achievement of the work target has the highest importance weight, followed by job knowledge, initiative, work discipline, responsibility, teamwork, integrity, communication, and cleanliness.Conclusion: This study developed a multi-criteria decision-making model and a scoring guideline for evaluating employee performance. According to the results of the performance score, the assessed employee would fall into five categories i.e. unacceptable performance, performance is slightly under the minimum expectation, performance meets the standard and expectation, performance exceeds the standard and expectation, and extraordinary performance. The model can be used to help managers to make decisions regarding compensation which is to be given to employees by linking the employee performance category with compensation criteria

    Pengaruh Rasio Profitabilitas dan Rasio Solvabilitas terhadap Return Saham (Studi Pada Perusahaan Makanan dan Minuman yang terdaftar di BEI pada periode 2012-2018)

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    Return saham adalah income yang diperoleh oleh pemegang saham sebagai hasil dari investasinya di perusahaan tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh secara parsial dan simultan rasio profitabilitas dan rasio solvabilitas terhadap return saham pada perusahaan food and beverages yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) periode 2012-2018. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh perusahaan food and beverages yang terdaftar di BEI 20122018. Sampel yang digunakan sebanyak empat perusahaan dengan kurun waktu tujuh tahun. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah regresi data panel. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, secara parsial profitabilitas tidak berpengaruh terhadap return saham dan solvabilitas tidak berpengaruh terhadap return saham. Pada pengujian secara simultan, profitabilitas dan solvabilitas tidak berpengaruh terhadap return saham Kata Kunci: Return Saham, Rasio Profitabilitas, Rasio Solvabilita

    İlköğretim 1,2 ve 3. sınıf öğrencilerinde kural kavramı gelişiminin incelenmesi

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    Bu araştırmada, İlköğretim 1, 2 ve 3. sınıf öğrencilerinin kural kavramı gelişimlerini incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın evrenini, İstanbul İli, Anadolu Yakası Milli Eğitim Bakanlığına bağlı olarak faaliyet gösteren ilköğretim okullarının 1, 2 ve 3. sınıflarında okuyan öğrenciler oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu (örneklemini) ise, İstanbul İli Anadolu Yakası Kadıköy, Maltepe ve Kartal ilçelerinden rastgele yöntemle (random) seçilmiş 12 ilköğretim okulunun 1, 2 ve 3. sınıflarında öğrenim gören 405 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Bu araştırmada ilköğretimin 1, 2 ve 3. sınıf öğrencilerinin kural kavramı gelişimine ilişkin verilerin toplanmasında araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen 6 maddelik bir kişisel bilgi formu ile 30 maddelik bir ölçek kullanılmıştır 1, 2 ve 3. sınıf öğrencilerinin kural kavramı gelişimine ilişkin araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen ölçeğin yapı geçerliği, madde analizi ve güvenirlik çalışmaları olarak iç tutarlık ve test tekrar test güvenirlikleri incelenmiştir. Ölçeğin geçerlik ve güvenirlik analizleri SPSS 15.0 ve LISREL 8.54 paket programları ile yapılmış, öğrencilerin demografik verilerine bağlı olarak ölçeği ve ölçeğin alt boyutlarını algılamalarında anlamlı farklılaşmalar olup olmadığını araştırmak üzere ise SPSS 15.0 ile çözümlemeye tabi tutulmuştur. Verilerin Çözümlenmesinde, madde toplam korelasyonları, t testi, Pearson Çarpım Moment Korelasyonu, doğrulayıcı faktör analizi, frekans, yüzde, aritmetik ortalama, standart sapma, bağımsız gruplar t testi, tek yönlü varyans analizi ve post-hoc LSD testi uygulanmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; 1, 2 ve 3. sınıf öğrencilerinin bilişsel ve duyuşsal gelişimindeki bir artış, davranışsal boyutta da bir artışa neden olmakta, birindeki düşüş diğerinde de bir düşüşe neden olmaktadır. Öğrencilerin kurallarla ilgili bilişimsel-duyuşsal ve davranışsal kazanımlarının sınıflar bakımından henüz farklılaşmadığı, cinsiyet değişkenin, ilköğretimin 1, 2 ve 3. sınıflarında okuyan öğrencilerin kural bilincini geliştirmelerinde önemli bir farklılaşma kaynağı olduğu, genel olarak öğrencilerin ebeveynlerinin eğitim düzeylerinin Kural Bilinci gelişimde benzer ve önemli bir etkiye sahip olduğu, Kural Bilinci gelişimi bakımında ilköğretimin 1, 2 ve 3. sınıflarında okuyan öğrencilerin ailelerinin sosyo-ekonomik düzeylerinin önemli bir farklılaşma kaynağı olduğu, ancak bu farklılaşmanın daha çok alt ve üst SED grubunda yer alan öğrenciler arasında olduğu, okul türü değişkenin, ilköğretimin 1, 2 ve 3. sınıflarında okuyan öğrencilerin kural bilincini geliştirmelerinde önemli bir farklılaşma kaynağı olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: İlköğretim, Ahlaki Yargı ve Kural Kavramı. ABSTRACT Elementary school first, second and third grade students’ rule concept developments have been analyzed in this research. The first, second and third grade students of the elementary schools that have been operated depending on the Ministry of National Education of Anatolian Side of the City of Istanbul have been constituted the study’s core that has been coordinated according to scanning model. And, 405 students who have been receiving an education in the first, second and third grades of 12 elementary school that have been randomly selected from the Districts of Kadıköy, Maltepe and Kartal of the Anatolian Side of the City of Istanbul have been constituted research’s study group. In this study, a 6-article individual information form and 30-article scale that have been developed by researcher in collecting data belonging to the first, second and third grade students’ rule concept development of the elementary education have been used. Internal consistency and test repetition and test reliability has been analyzed as structure validity, article analyzing and reliability studies of the scale that has been developed by the researcher belonging to the first, second and third grade students’ rule concept development. The scale’s validity and reliability analyses have been carried out by SPSS 15.0 and LISREL 8.54 packaged software and the SPSS 15.0 has been subjected to analyze whether or not there have been meaningful differentiations in the students’ comprehensions in accordance with the scale and scale’s sub contents depending on demographical data. The article total correlations, t-test, Pearson Multiplying Moment Correlation, affirmative factor analyzing, frequency, percentage, arithmetical average, standard multiplying, independent groups t-test, single-way variance analyzing and post-hoc LSD test have been applied in data’s solution. According to the research’s results; an increase in the first, second and third grade students’ cognitive and perceptive development is caused to an increase in behavioral content and a decrease in the first one is also caused a decrease in another. It has been understood that the students’ cognitive, perceptive and behavioral attainments have not generally differentiated with respect to the grades; gender variable has been an important differentiation source in the rule concept developments of the first, second and third grade students’ who have been receiving an elementary education; the education levels of the students’ families have been a similar and important effect in the rule conscious development; the families’ socio-economic levels of the students who have been receiving an education in the first, second and third grades have been an important differentiation source with respect to the rule conscious development but this differentiation has been among the students who have been taken a place most likely in bottom and upper SED group and the school type variable has been an important differentiation source in the rule conscious development of the students who have been receiving an education in first, second and third grades of the elementary education. Key words: Elementary Education, Moral Judgments and Rule Concept

    İlköğretim 1,2 ve 3. sınıf öğrencilerinde kural kavramı gelişiminin incelenmesi

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    ÖZETBu araştırmada, İlköğretim 1, 2 ve 3. sınıf öğrencilerinin kural kavramı gelişimlerini incelenmiştir.Araştırmanın evrenini, İstanbul İli, Anadolu Yakası Milli Eğitim Bakanlığına bağlı olarak faaliyet gösteren ilköğretim okullarının 1, 2 ve 3. sınıflarında okuyan öğrenciler oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu (örneklemini) ise, İstanbul İli Anadolu Yakası Kadıköy, Maltepe ve Kartal ilçelerinden rastgele yöntemle (random) seçilmiş 12 ilköğretim okulunun 1, 2 ve 3. sınıflarında öğrenim gören 405 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Bu araştırmada ilköğretimin 1, 2 ve 3. sınıf öğrencilerinin kural kavramı gelişimine ilişkin verilerin toplanmasında araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen 6 maddelik bir kişisel bilgi formu ile 30 maddelik bir ölçek kullanılmıştır1, 2 ve 3. sınıf öğrencilerinin kural kavramı gelişimine ilişkin araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen ölçeğin yapı geçerliği, madde analizi ve güvenirlik çalışmaları olarak iç tutarlık ve test tekrar test güvenirlikleri incelenmiştir.Ölçeğin geçerlik ve güvenirlik analizleri SPSS 15.0 ve LISREL 8.54 paket programları ile yapılmış, öğrencilerin demografik verilerine bağlı olarak ölçeği ve ölçeğin alt boyutlarını algılamalarında anlamlı farklılaşmalar olup olmadığını araştırmak üzere ise SPSS 15.0 ile çözümlemeye tabi tutulmuştur. Verilerin Çözümlenmesinde, madde toplam korelasyonları, t testi, Pearson Çarpım Moment Korelasyonu, doğrulayıcı faktör analizi, frekans, yüzde, aritmetik ortalama, standart sapma, bağımsız gruplar t testi, tek yönlü varyans analizi ve post-hoc LSD testi uygulanmıştır.Araştırma sonuçlarına göre; 1, 2 ve 3. sınıf öğrencilerinin bilişsel ve duyuşsal gelişimindeki bir artış, davranışsal boyutta da bir artışa neden olmakta, birindeki düşüş diğerinde de bir düşüşe neden olmaktadır. Öğrencilerin kurallarla ilgili bilişimsel-duyuşsal ve davranışsal kazanımlarının sınıflar bakımından henüz farklılaşmadığı, cinsiyet değişkenin, ilköğretimin 1, 2 ve 3. sınıflarında okuyan öğrencilerin kural bilincini geliştirmelerinde önemli bir farklılaşma kaynağı olduğu, genel olarak öğrencilerin ebeveynlerinin eğitim düzeylerinin Kural Bilinci gelişimde benzer ve önemli bir etkiye sahip olduğu, Kural Bilinci gelişimi bakımında ilköğretimin 1, 2 ve 3. sınıflarında okuyan öğrencilerin ailelerinin sosyo-ekonomik düzeylerinin önemli bir farklılaşma kaynağı olduğu, ancak bu farklılaşmanın daha çok alt ve üst SED grubunda yer alan öğrenciler arasında olduğu, okul türü değişkenin, ilköğretimin 1, 2 ve 3. sınıflarında okuyan öğrencilerin kural bilincini geliştirmelerinde önemli bir farklılaşma kaynağı olduğu anlaşılmaktadır.Anahtar Kelimeler: İlköğretim, Ahlaki Yargı ve Kural Kavramı. ABSTRACTElementary school first, second and third grade students’ rule concept developments have been analyzed in this research.The first, second and third grade students of the elementary schools that have been operated depending on the Ministry of National Education of Anatolian Side of the City of Istanbul have been constituted the study’s core that has been coordinated according to scanning model. And, 405 students who have been receiving an education in the first, second and third grades of 12 elementary school that have been randomly selected from the Districts of Kadıköy, Maltepe and Kartal of the Anatolian Side of the City of Istanbul have been constituted research’s study group.In this study, a 6-article individual information form and 30-article scale that have been developed by researcher in collecting data belonging to the first, second and third grade students’ rule concept development of the elementary education have been used.Internal consistency and test repetition and test reliability has been analyzed as structure validity, article analyzing and reliability studies of the scale that has been developed by the researcher belonging to the first, second and third grade students’ rule concept development.The scale’s validity and reliability analyses have been carried out by SPSS 15.0 and LISREL 8.54 packaged software and the SPSS 15.0 has been subjected to analyze whether or not there have been meaningful differentiations in the students’ comprehensions in accordance with the scale and scale’s sub contents depending on demographical data.The article total correlations, t-test, Pearson Multiplying Moment Correlation, affirmative factor analyzing, frequency, percentage, arithmetical average, standard multiplying, independent groups t-test, single-way variance analyzing and post-hoc LSD test have been applied in data’s solution.According to the research’s results; an increase in the first, second and third grade students’ cognitive and perceptive development is caused to an increase in behavioral content and a decrease in the first one is also caused a decrease in another. It has been understood that the students’ cognitive, perceptive and behavioral attainments have not generally differentiated with respect to the grades; gender variable has been an important differentiation source in the rule concept developments of the first, second and third grade students’ who have been receiving an elementary education; the education levels of the students’ families have been a similar and important effect in the rule conscious development; the families’ socio-economic levels of the students who have been receiving an education in the first, second and third grades have been an important differentiation source with respect to the rule conscious development but this differentiation has been among the students who have been taken a place most likely in bottom and upper SED group and the school type variable has been an important differentiation source in the rule conscious development of the students who have been receiving an education in first, second and third grades of the elementary education.Key words: Elementary Education, Moral Judgments and Rule Concept

    Teknik Elektronika Catu Daya

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    i, 86 hlm.; 20 c