1,012 research outputs found

    Developing And Implementing A Program Of Instruction For Church Administrators And Ministers Of The Antillian Union Conference Of Seventh-Day Adventists To Enlarge Their Understanding Of The Doctrine Of Spiritual Gifts As It Relates To Their Roles And Functions

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    Problem Due to the lack of opportunity of administrators and ministers of the Antillian Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists to take full advantage of the materials that can be found in the English language on the doctrine of spiritual gifts, there is not a clear understanding of spiritual gifts among the majority of the church administrators and ministers. There is a need for them to understand how spiritual gifts relate to their roles and functions. Method The steps utilized in the project were: (1) a theological presentation of the doctrine of spiritual gifts; (2) studies presented by means of sermons, lectures, and seminars at Union level, conference level, and special workshops; (3) classes in which studies of the theological, historical, and administrative implications of the doctrine of spiritual gifts in its relationship to administrators and ministers were undertaken; and (4) assignments and practice to enable administrators and ministers not only to understand spiritual gifts but to fulfill their roles and functions according to their gifts and to help others to do likewise. Results Method The steps utilized in the project were: (1) a theological presentation of the doctrine of spiritual gifts; (2) studies presented by means of sermons, lectures, and seminars at Union level, conference level, and special workshops; (3) classes in which studies of the theological, historical, and administrative implications of the doctrine of spiritual gifts in its relationship to administrators and ministers were undertaken; and (4) assignments and practice to enable administrators and ministers not only to understand spiritual gifts but to fulfill their roles and functions according to their gifts and to help others to do likewise. Results It was demonstrated through this project that the administrators and ministers developed a broad awareness of the doctrine of spiritual gifts. They also perceived that their own spiritual lives were affected and the effectiveness of their roles and functions were related to their understanding of the doctrine of spiritual gifts. Conclusion Some of the conclusions arising out of this project were: (1) A careful study of the doctrine of spiritual gifts among administrators and ministers leads them to a renewal of their dedication to God; (2) administrators and ministers discovered new avenues of service; (3) a program of instruction on the doctrine of spiritual gifts is valuable, useful, and of great advantage for administrators and ministers in order to be effective in the fulfillment of their role and functions; and (4) such a program can be a catalyst for the church to experience both spiritual and numerical growth

    Partnerships for disaster risk insurance in the EU

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    Abstract. With increasing costs inflicted by natural hazard perils, and amidst state budget cuts, concerns are mounting about the capacity of governments to design sustainable, equitable and affordable risk management schemes. The participation of the private sector along with the public one through public–private partnerships (PPPs) has gained importance as a means of providing catastrophic natural hazard insurance to address these seemingly conflicting objectives. In 2013 the European Commission launched a wide-ranging consultation about what EU action could be appropriate to improve the performance of insurance markets. Simultaneously, the EU legislator instigated major reforms in the legislation and regulations that pertain to how PPPs are designed or operate. This paper has a dual objective: first, we review and summarize the manifold legal background that influences the provision of insurance against natural catastrophes. Second, we examine how PPPs designed for sharing and transferring risk operate within the European regulatory constraints, illustrated using the example of the UK Flood Reinsurance Scheme (Flood RE) between the state and the Association of British Insurers

    Prospects for high accuracy time dissemination and synchronization using coded radar pulses from a low-earth orbiting spacecraft

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    The radar (an acronym for radio detection and ranging) is an instrument developed just before the WW-II to precisely measure the position of an object (target) in space. This is done by emitting a narrow pulse of electromagnetic energy in the RF spectrum, receiving the return echo and measuring the time of flight in the two-way path from the emitter to the target. The propagation delay provides a measure of the range to the target, which is not in itself sufficient to uniquely locate the position of the same in space. However, if a directional antenna is used, the direction of the echo can be assessed by the antenna pointing angles. In this way the position of the target can be uniquely determined in space. How well this can be done is a function of the resolution of the measurements performed (range and direction, i.e.: angles); in turn, the resolution will dictate the time and frequency requirements of the reference oscillator

    Estado actual da pescaria de camarāo no Banco de Sofala

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    A summary of the shrimp fishery history as well as the most important recommendations for the period 1977-1990 is presented. During the last years the catch rates have decreased. Although many possible causes can be appointed, such as, weather conditions and increase of effort, there is no clear explanation for it. A relationship between catch rates in the main period of recruitment (January to March) and the level of recruitment of the same year was established. Based on this relationship, the total annual catch is predicted for the level of fishing mortality chosen. Fishing mortality is estimated as 2.28 yearˉ¹ and a gradual reduction of fishing effort is recommended until 2.17 yearˉ¹ calculated as F(sub)0.1

    Large Signal Analysis of a New Meander Line Topology for W-band Traveling Wave Tubes

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    Satellite distribution of high data rate needs wide frequency band. The millimeter waves, in particular the W-band, provide wide bandwidth and relatively low attenuation. The link transmission power can be provided only by Traveling Wave Tubes (TWTs). A new meander line topology to be used as slow wave structure for 71-76 GHz TWTs, with improved performance in comparison to the conventional one, is proposed. The new meander line compared to a standard meander line shows flatter gain and higher output power. © 2019 IEEE

    Deforming tachyon kinks and tachyon potentials

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    In this paper we investigate deformation of tachyon potentials and tachyon kink solutions. We consider the deformation of a DBI type action with gauge and tachyon fields living on D1-brane and D3-brane world-volume. We deform tachyon potentials to get other consistent tachyon potentials by using properly a deformation function depending on the gauge field components. Resolutions of singular tachyon kinks via deformation and applications of deformed tachyon potentials to scalar cosmology scenario are discussed.Comment: To appear in JHEP, 19 pages, 5 eps figures, minor changes and one reference adde

    Effect of wheel track on the density and composition of weeds in a maize crop

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar si la compactación producida por la rodada del tractor durante las operaciones de siembra influye en la composición y densidad de malas hierbas en cultivo de maíz. Para ello se llevó a cabo el conteo e identificación de las especies presentes en 160 unidades muestrales localizadas en la interlínea de cultivo, de las cuales la mitad estaba afectada por la rodada del tractor y la otra mitad no. El contraste de medias entre los datos con rodada y sin rodada para la riqueza de especies, densidad total y densidad por especies se realizó mediante el test de Mann-Whitney. Los resultados han puesto de manifiesto que las especies principales, a excepción de “Cyperus rotundus”, fueron significativamente más abundantes en las interlíneas con rodada. En relación a la comunidad arvense, ésta fue igualmente más diversa y abundante en las interlíneas con rodada.The aim of this study was to analyze whether the compaction caused by the tractor during sowing operations affects the composition and density of the weed flora in maize crops. For that, 160 sample units were taken in the crop interline, where half of them were affected by the tractor tread and the other half not. In each sampling unit we carried out the count and identification of weed species. The Mann-Whitney test was performed to contrast differences in species richness, total and individual species densities between tractor-tread and not tractor-tread data. The results revealed that the main species, except for “Cyperus rotundus” were significantly more abundant in the interline with tractor tread. In relation to the weed community, it was also more diverse and abundant in the interline with tractor tread

    Accompanying weeds of a poplar energy crop under different management strategies

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    Se han evaluado los efectos de distintas estrategias de manejo sobre las poblaciones de malas hierbas y la productividad (i.e. biomasa) de un cultivo energético de chopo en la zona centro de España. Para ello, se han realizado dos estudios: 1) análisis durante el primer año de cultivo, el más sensible a la competencia con arvenses, repetido tres veces; y 2) valoración al cabo de los tres años de duración del turno de corte. Los resultados han puesto de manifiesto una evolución de la flora arvense con el tiempo, encontrando cambios significativos según la estrategia de manejo. Al finalizar el turno de tres años, las estrategias más productivas fueron la cubierta vegetal sembrada con “Lolium multiflorum” y la basada en herbicidas, coincidiendo con una menor competencia de malas hierbas respecto a la estrategia estándar basada en labores.We have evaluated the effects of different management strategies on weed populations and productivity (i.e. biomass) of a poplar energy crop in central Spain. To do this, two studies have been performed: 1) analysis performed during the first year of production, the most sensitive to competition with weeds, repeated three times; and 2) an assessment after the three-year harvest cycle. The results have revealed a weed flora evolution over time, finding significant changes as a function of management strategies. At the end of the three-year harvest cycle, the most productive strategies were cover crop sown with “Lolium multiflorum” and that based on herbicides, coinciding with less competition with weeds compared to the standard strategy based on tillage