810 research outputs found

    Study and Forecasting of Localization in Spain

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    The objective of this study is the forecasting of the trend of logistic curve of location services, from data expressed as Hits /month, provided by the Spanish Genasys. Genasys is a leading provider of location services for mobile devices and solutions for the management of geographic data. In order to build the logistic curve of localization services, has been studied the performance of the logistic curves of the Internet and Mobile. Specifically, we used logistic curves of the global Internet, the Internet in different countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United States and Norway, the network Global Mobile-Wireless and mobile network in Saudi Arabia. Starting from the study of the three basic parameters that characterize the logistic equation of the curves known, we constructed the potential developments of the curve of location services. It was then traced a logistic curve of location services for each of the curves, whose performance is known and which was identified logistic equation that best describes it. At each stage, the choice of the best logistic curve was made considering the standard error and using the Chi Square test, a test of hypothesis testing used in statistics

    A novel approach to investigate the impact of the built environment on physical activity among young adults

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    Introduction It is now well established that the built environment can facilitate or hinder physical activity (PA), including walking and cycling for transport purposes. However, the greatest majority of the evidence relies on self-reported measures of PA. Questionnaires have a low level of accuracy compared to devices such as accelerometers and pedometers which serve to objectively measure PA. With rapid technological advancements including the widespread availability of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology and GPS-equipped smartphones, the opportunities have widened for researchers and practitioners to investigate people’s PA. These technologies are especially useful to study PA in young people, as they are often less willing to participate in studies using conventional methods of data collection (e.g. surveys, accelerometers). This study introduces a custom-designed smartphone app to collect PA data during transport and, shows how the data collected by the app can provide us with insights about young people’s transport-related PA in relation to the built environment and trip characteristics. Methods We designed and implemented a smartphone app for both iOS and Android platforms which captures all movements of its users. The app includes post-processing algorithms that among other functions, detect the types of activities within a trip. For example, a trip from A to B may consist of multiple modal activities (e.g. walking, public transport, walking). In this study, we present an algorithm to extract/calculate the details of users’ single modal activities. Data from 170 university students in Brisbane, Australia was collected using the app for an average of three days per participant. The data includes 2353 single modal activities. We conducted descriptive analysis and developed a multiple regression model to reveal the impact of built environment attributes and trip characteristics on transport-related PA. Results Among other findings, the study results show that a high proportion of walking distance over the total distance of a trip was associated with a high access to public transport and having few trips per day. In addition, education trips involved more walking distances compared to other types of trips. Discussion This study proposes a new and effective approach to collect accurate and detailed data on young people’s PA using a smartphone app. This study provides empirical support on how smartphone apps can aid household travel surveys and collect detailed data on PA patterns at low cost. Understanding PA during travel is relevant to support investments and programs that support sustainable modes of transport, such as walking and cycling. Support/Funding Source This research was partially funded by Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR), under the TAP agreement with the University of Queensland, Centre for Transport Strategy

    Cronología sobre vida en cuarentena y sentimientos confusos

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    El coronavirus llegó para cambiar nuestros hábitos y vida cotidiana completamente. Durante gran parte de 2020, la virtualidad se convirtió en la protagonista del día a día. En el presente artículo se busca realizar una reconstrucción de las sensaciones y experiencias personales vividas mes por mes durante la cuarentena en la ciudad de Tres Arroyos.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Narrar a través de la cultura popular

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    El presente texto traza un breve recorrido por la obra del escritor Manuel Puig, rememorando su aporte significativo a la literatura argentina y la influencia en la actualidad. Se pone el foco en las características de su estilo literario, en las huellas en el cine, en el reflejo de sus consumos culturales en sus relatos, y en las referencias a la cultura popular como sello narrativo.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    Study and Forecasting of Localization in Spain

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    The objective of this study is the forecasting of the trend of logistic curve of location services, from data expressed as Hits /month, provided by the Spanish Genasys. Genasys is a leading provider of location services for mobile devices and solutions for the management of geographic data. In order to build the logistic curve of localization services, has been studied the performance of the logistic curves of the Internet and Mobile. Specifically, we used logistic curves of the global Internet, the Internet in different countries such as Saudi Arabia, the United States and Norway, the network Global Mobile-Wireless and mobile network in Saudi Arabia. Starting from the study of the three basic parameters that characterize the logistic equation of the curves known, we constructed the potential developments of the curve of location services. It was then traced a logistic curve of location services for each of the curves, whose performance is known and which was identified logistic equation that best describes it. At each stage, the choice of the best logistic curve was made considering the standard error and using the Chi Square test, a test of hypothesis testing used in statistics

    Parametrical analysis of the railways dynamic response at high speed moving loads

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    The paper introduces some findings about a sensitivity analysis conducted on every geometrical and mechanical parameters which characterize the use of a railway superstructure at the high velocity. This analysis was carried out by implementing a forecast model that is derived from the simplified Gazetas and Dobry one. This model turns out to be particularly appropriate in the explication of problems connected to high velocity, since it evaluates both inertial and viscous effects activated by the moving load speed. The model implementation requires the transfer function determination that represents the action occurred by the bed surfaces on the railway and it therefore contains information concerning the geometrical and the mechanical characteristics of the embankment, of the ballast and of the sub-ballast. The transfer function H has been evaluated with the finite elements method and particularly, by resorting the ANSYS® code with a harmonic structural analysis in the frequencies field. The authors, from the critic examination of the system's dynamics response in its entirety, glean a series of observations both of a general and a specific character, finally attaining a propose of a design modification of the standard railway superstructure at the high velocity of train operation adopted today especially in Italy

    La literatura como herramienta para la enseñanza de la escritura académica

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    El siguiente trabajo se propone reflexionar a partir de mi experiencia como ayudante de cátedra en el Taller de Lectura y Escritura I, materia destinada a les estudiantes del primer año en la Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Social. Allí se resalta la importancia de la literatura en el primer contacto con la escritura académica de les estudiantes y se destacará el abordaje de los contenidos que se realiza, partiendo de la tríada contexto-texto-autor.Especialización en Docencia UniversitariaFacultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    A Case of Reversed Robin Hood Syndrome: A Prognostic Indicator for an Urgent Therapy

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    Abstract Introduction In acute stroke, the diagnosis of reversed Robin Hood syndrome (RRHS) by transcranial Doppler (TCD) helps to identify patients at high risk for neurological deterioration. Report A patient with left intracranial internal carotid artery (ICA) dissection and concomitant inadequate collateral circulation suffered from recurrent ipsilateral ischaemic symptoms, not prevented by the best medical treatment. TCD showed an RRHS. Stenting of ICA could restore an adequate flow with disappearance of the RRHS and prevention of further episodes. Discussion An invasive emergency treatment should be considered in those stroke patients in which TCD detects an inadequate haemodynamic status
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