252 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of Nuclear Transfer Embryo Derived Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells. Part I: Cellular characterization

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    Embryonic stem cells derived from nuclear transfer embryos (ntESCs) are particularly valuable for regenerative medicine, as they are a patient-specific and histocompatible cell source for the treatment of varying diseases. However, currently, little is known about their cellular and molecular profile. In the present study, in a mouse model different donor cell-derived ntESCs from various genetic backgrounds were compared with reference ESCs and analyzed comprehensively at the cellular level. A number of pluripotency marker genes were compared by flow cytometry and immunocytochemistry analysis. Significant differences at the protein level were observed for POU5F1, SOX2, FGF4, NANOG, and SSEA-1. However, such differences had no effect on in vitro cell differentiation and cell fate: derivatives of the three germ layers were detected in all ntESC lines. The neural and cardiac in vitro differentiation revealed minor differences between the cell lines, both at the mRNA and protein level. Karyotype analyses and cell growth studies did not reveal any significant variations. Despite some differences observed, the present study revealed that ntESC lines had similar differentiation competences compared to other ESCs. The results indicate that the observed differences may be related to the genotype rather than to the nuclear transfer technology

    Tbx3: another important piece fitted into the pluripotent stem cell puzzle

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    Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are novel tools for biomedical research, with a promise for future regenerative medicine applications. Recently, Han and colleagues reported in Nature that T box gene 3 (Tbx3) can improve the quality of mouse iPSCs and increase their germline transmission efficacy. This observation contributes greatly to the improvement of iPSC technology and might be a step towards 'designer' reprogramming strategies by generating high quality iPSCs. Further studies comparing pluripotency regulation in different species, including that in human, will be necessary to verify the universal role of Tbx3 and the medical relevance of the observation


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    Somatic cell reprogramming has generated enormous interest after the first report by Yamanaka and his coworkers in 2006 on the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from mouse fibroblasts. Here we report the generation of stable iPSCs from mouse fibroblasts by recombinant protein transduction (Klf4, Oct4, Sox2 and c-Myc), a procedure designed to circumvent the risks caused by integration of exogenous sequences in the target cell genome associated with gene delivery systems. The recombinant proteins were fused in frame to the GST tag for affinity purification and to the TAT-NLS polypeptide to facilitate membrane penetration and nuclear localization. We performed the reprogramming procedure on embryonic fibroblasts from inbred (C57BL6) and outbred (ICR) mouse strains. The cells were treated with purified proteins four times, at 48-hour intervals, and cultured on mitomycin C treated MEF (mouse embryonic fibroblast) cells in complete embryonic stem cell medium until colonies formed. The iPSCs generated from the outbred fibroblasts exhibited similar morphology and growth properties to embryonic stem (ESC) cells and were sustained in an undifferentiated state for more than 20 passages. The cells were checked for pluripotency-related markers (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, cMyc, Nanog) by immunocytochemistry and by RT-PCR. The protein iPSCs (piPSCs) formed EBs and subsequently differentiated towards all three germ layer lineages. Importantly the piPSCs could incorporate into the blastocyst and led to variable degrees of chimerism in newborn mice. These data show that recombinant purified cell-penetrating proteins are capable of reprogramming mouse embryonic fibroblasts to iPSCs. We also demonstrated that the cells of the generated cell line satisfied all the requirements of bona fide mouse ESC cells: form round colonies with defined boundaries; have a tendency to attach together with high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio; express key pluripotency markers; and are capable of in vitro differentiation into ecto-, endo-, and mesoderm, and in vivo chimera formation

    Quantitative evaluation and selection of reference genes in mouse oocytes and embryos cultured in vivo and in vitro

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    BACKGROUND: Real-time PCR is an efficient tool to measure transcripts and provide valuable quantitative information on gene expression of preimplantation stage embryos. Finding valid reference genes for normalization is essential to interpret the real-time PCR results accurately, and understand the biological dynamics during early development. The use of reference genes also known as housekeeping genes is the most widely applied approach. However, the different genes are not systematically compared, and as a result there is no uniformity between studies in selecting the reference gene. The goals of this study were to compare a wide selection of the most commonly used housekeeping genes in mouse oocytes and preimplantation stage embryos produced under different culture conditions, and select the best stable genes for normalization of gene expression data. RESULTS: Quantitative real time PCR method was used to evaluate 12 commonly used housekeeping genes (Actb, Gapdh, H2afz, Hprt, Ppia, Ubc, Eef1e1, Tubb4, Hist2h2aa1, Tbp, Bmp7, Polr2a) in multiple individual embryos representing six different developmental stages. The results were analysed, and stable genes were selected using the geNorm software. The expression pattern was almost similar despite differences in the culture system; however, the transcript levels were affected by culture conditions. The genes have showed various stabilities, and have been ranked accordingly. CONCLUSION: Compared to earlier studies with similar objectives, we used a unique approach in analysing larger number of genes, comparing embryo samples derived in vivo or in vitro, analysing the expression in the early and late maternal to zygote transition periods separately, and using multiple individual embryos. Based on detailed quantification, pattern analyses and using the geNorm application, we found Ppia, H2afz and Hprt1 genes to be the most stable across the different stages and culture conditions, while Actb, the classical housekeeping gene, showed the least stability. We recommend the use of the geometric averages of those three genes for normalization in mouse preimplantation-stage gene expression studies

    Expression profiles of the pluripotency marker gene POU5F1 and validation of reference genes in rabbit oocytes and preimplantation stage embryos

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The surge in the number of gene expression studies and tendencies to increase the quality of analysis have necessitated the identification of stable reference genes. Although rabbits are classical experimental model animals, stable reference genes have not been identified for normalization. The aims of this study were to compare the expression profiles of the widely used reference genes in rabbit oocytes and preimplantation stage embryos, and to select and validate stable ones to use as reference.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Quantitative real time PCR method was used to evaluate 13 commonly used references (<it>Actb, Gapdh, Hprt1, H2afz, Ubc, Ppia, Eef1e1, Polr2a, Tbp, G6pdx, B2m, Pgk1</it>, and <it>Ywhaz</it>) and <it>POU5F1 (Oct4) </it>genes. Expressions of these genes were examined in multiple individual embryos of seven different preimplantation developmental stages and embryo types (<it>in vivo </it>and <it>in vitro</it>). Initial analysis identified three genes (<it>Ubc, Tbp</it>, and <it>B2m) </it>close to the detection limit with irregular expression between the different stages. As variability impedes the selection of stable genes, these were excluded from further analysis. The expression levels of the remaining ten genes, varied according to developmental stage and embryo types. These genes were ranked using the geNorm software and finally the three most stable references (<it>H2afz, Hprt1</it>, and <it>Ywhaz</it>) were selected. Normalization factor was calculated (from the geometric averages of the three selected genes) and used to normalize the expressions of <it>POU5F1 </it>gene. The results showed the expected expression patterns of the POU5F1 during development.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Compared to the earlier studies with similar objectives, the comparison of large number of genes, the use of multiple individual embryos as compared to pools, and simultaneous analyses of <it>in vitro </it>and <it>in vivo </it>derived embryo samples were unique approaches in our study. Based on quantification, pattern and geNorm analyses, we found the three genes (<it>H2afz, Hprt1</it>, and <it>Ywhaz</it>) to be the most stable across developmental stages and embryo types, and the geometric averages of these genes can be used for appropriate normalization.</p

    Generation of Cholinergic and Dopaminergic Interneurons from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells as a Relevant Tool for In Vitro Modeling of Neurological Disorders Pathology and Therapy

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    The cellular and molecular bases of neurological diseases have been studied for decades; however, the underlying mechanisms are not yet fully elucidated. Compared with other disorders, diseases of the nervous system have been very difficult to study mainly due to the inaccessibility of the human brain and live neurons in vivo or in vitro and difficulties in examination of human postmortem brain tissue. Despite the availability of various genetically engineered animal models, these systems are still not adequate enough due to species variation and differences in genetic background. Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) reprogrammed from patient somatic cells possess the potential to differentiate into any cell type, including neural progenitor cells and postmitotic neurons; thus, they open a new area to in vitro modeling of neurological diseases and their potential treatment. Currently, many protocols for generation of various neuronal subtypes are being developed; however, most of them still require further optimization. Here, we highlight accomplishments made in the generation of dopaminergic and cholinergic neurons, the two subtypes most affected in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases and indirectly affected in Huntington's disease. Furthermore, we discuss the potential role of hiPSC-derived neurons in the modeling and treatment of neurological diseases related to dopaminergic and cholinergic system dysfunction

    Tissue resident stem cells: till death do us part

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    Aging is accompanied by reduced regenerative capacity of all tissues and organs and dysfunction of adult stem cells. Notably, these age-related alterations contribute to distinct pathophysiological characteristics depending on the tissue of origin and function and thus require special attention in a type by type manner. In this paper, we review the current understanding of the mechanisms leading to tissue-specific adult stem cell dysfunction and reduced regenerative capacity with age. A comprehensive investigation of the hematopoietic, the neural, the mesenchymal, and the skeletal stem cells in age-related research highlights that distinct mechanisms are associated with the different types of tissue stem cells. The link between age-related stem cell dysfunction and human pathologies is discussed along with the challenges and the future perspectives in stem cell-based therapies in age-related diseases

    Derivation of induced pluripotent stem cells from a familial Alzheimer's disease patient carrying the L282F mutation in presenilin 1

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    AbstractMutations in presenilin 1 (PSEN1) lead to the most aggressive form of familial Alzheimer's disease (AD). Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) derived from AD patients can be differentiated and used for disease modeling. Here, we derived hiPSC from skin fibroblasts obtained from an AD patient carrying a L282F mutation in PSEN1. We transfected skin fibroblasts with episomal iPSC reprogramming vectors targeting human OCT4, SOX2, L-MYC, KLF4, NANOG, LIN28, and short hairpin RNA against TP53. Our hiPSC line, L282F-hiPSC, displayed typical stem cell characteristics with consistent expression of pluripotency genes and the ability to differentiation into the three germ layers

    Європейський досвід у навчальних практиках православних колегіумів України XVIII ст.: джерелознавчий аспект.

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    Дослідження зорієнтоване на виявлення ступеню використання навчальних посібників європейських вчених, їх наукового доробку у навчальній практиці православних колегіумів України. До аналізу залучені не тільки інструкції для викладачів, конспекти лекцій і каталоги бібліотек колегіумів, але й джерела особового походження, описи бібліотек викладачів, чернетки проповідей тощо, непряма інформація діловодної документації. Це дозволяє з’ясувати як поступово на місцевому рівні формувалися уявлення про європейську університетську культуру.Исследование сфокусировано на выявлении степени влияния европейского опыта на учебные практики православных коллегиумов Украины ХVІІІ в. В ходе реализации этого задания обращается внимание на информативные возможности таких видов источников как деловодческая документация, источники личного происхождения, учебные издания, литературные памятники. Делается вывод о том, что благодаря как непосредственным, так и опосредованным контактам, европейские образовательные традиции становились неотъемлемой составляющей учебной повседневности православных коллегиумов Украины.The research is focused on revealing of a degree of influence of the European experience on educational practices of Orthodox collegium in the 18th-century Ukraine. Throughout the article, special attention is paid to informative resources of office documentation, sources of a personal origin, educational editions, and literary memorials as well. The author comes to a conclusion that thanks to both direct and mediated contacts, the European educational traditions turned out to be an integral part of learning routine in Ukrainian Orthodox collegium

    Promoter analysis of the rabbit POU5F1 gene and its expression in preimplantation stage embryos

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    Background: The POU5F1 gene encodes the octamer-binding transcription factor-4 (Oct4). It is crucial in the regulation of pluripotency during embryonic development and widely used as molecular marker of embryonic stem cells (ESCs). The objective of this study was to identify and to analyse the promoter region of rabbit POU5F1 gene; furthermore to examine its expression pattern in preimplantation stage rabbit embryos. [br/] Results: The upstream region of rabbit POU5F1 was subcloned sequenced and four highly conserved promoter regions (CR1-4) were identified. The highest degree of similarity on sequence level was found among the conserved domains between rabbit and human. Among the enhancers the proximal enhancer region (PE-1A) exhibited the highest degree of homology (96.4%). Furthermore, the CR4 regulator domain containing the distal enhancer (DE-2A) was responsible for stem cell-specific expression. Also, BAC library screen revealed the existence of a processed pseudogene of rabbit POU5F1. The results of quantitative real-time PCR experiments showed that POU5F1 mRNA was abundantly present in oocytes and zygotes, but it was gradually reduced until the activation of the embryonic genome, thereafter a continuous increase in POU5F1 mRNA level was observed until blastocyst stage. By using the XYClone laser system the inner cell mass (ICM) and trophoblast portions of embryos were microdissected and examined separately and POU5F1 mRNA was detected in both cell types. [br/] Conclusion: In this study we provide a comparative sequence analysis of the regulatory region of rabbit POU5F1 gene. Our data suggest that the POU5F1 gene is strictly regulated during early mammalian development. We proposed that the well conserved CR4 region containing the DE-2A enhancer is responsible for the highly conserved ESC specific gene expression. Notably, we are the first to report that the rabbit POU5F1 is not restricted to ICM cells only, but it is expressed in trophoblast cells as well. This information may be well applicable to investigate further the possible phylogenetic role and the regulation of POU5F1 gene