174 research outputs found

    The effects of automation on receivables management

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    Mestrado Bolonha em FinançasGlobalization has created a necessity to manage efficiently the company’s working capital, more specifically its account receivable. Large international companies have been following this process and have implemented innovative solutions to keep up with this transformation. In this study, we evaluate the effects of automation (robotization) on receivables management of a multinational company. We use credit management data for the main European markets between February 2019 and December 2020 and evaluate the effect of automation on the order processing time, meaning the time that is spent processing the purchase orders and the consistency of the output, this is, the consistency among the output provided by the credit analysts and the market analysts. We find that the implementation of the robot reduced, in general, the average order processing time, but the biggest impact of this automation was for the markets with higher degree of automation, with an expected reduction on the average order processing time by, approximately, 80% (or 16 days). For the markets with medium and low automation levels, the introduction of the automation was also favourable in reducing the average order processing time, but was not so beneficial as for the group of high automated markets, since we found that for the markets exhibiting medium levels of automation, the implementation of the robot was associated with an increment by, approximately 102% to 117% of the order processing time (an increase of 3 to 4 days), compared to the group of markets with low automation. And also, we found that it is expected a decrease of the order processing time by, approximately, 65% (or 16 days, approximately) if the order is analysed after the implementation of the robot and requested by a market belonging to the group of high automated markets, compared to the markets with low automation. With this we concluded that the group of markets that benefited the most with the implementation of the robot was the markets displaying higher levels of automation, following the markets with low levels of automation, and, finally, the group of markets exhibiting medium levels of automation. We found that the consistency among the outputs provided by the credit analysts and the market analysts increased with the implementation of automation and we found a negative correlation between credit limit assigned to each customer and if the order is requested by a client with payment agreements approved.A globalização criou a necessidade de gerir de forma eficiente as necessidades de fundo de maneio, mais especificamente nas suas contas a receber. As grandes empresas internacionais têm vindo a acompanhar esse processo e implementando soluções inovadoras para acompanhar essa transformação. Neste estudo, avaliamos os efeitos da automação (robotização) na gestão de contas a receber de uma empresa multinacional. Utilizamos dados para os principais mercados europeus entre fevereiro de 2019 e dezembro de 2020 e avaliamos o efeito da automação no tempo de processamento das ordens, ou seja, o tempo que é gasto no processamento das ordens de compra e a consistência dos outputs, ou seja, a consistência entre os outputs fornecidas pelos analistas de crédito e analistas de mercado. Verificámos que a implementação do robot reduziu, em geral, o tempo médio de processamento de pedidos, mas o maior impacto dessa automação foi para os mercados com maior grau de automação, com uma redução esperada no tempo médio de processamento de pedidos em, aproximadamente, 80% (ou 16 dias). Para os mercados com níveis de automação médio e baixo, a introdução da automação também foi favorável na redução do tempo médio de processamento de pedidos, mas não foi tão benéfica quanto para o grupo de mercados de alta automatização, uma vez que descobrimos que para os mercados com níveis médios de automação, a implementação do robot está associada a um aumento de, aproximadamente, 102% a 117% do tempo de processamento das ordens (aumento de 3 a 4 dias), em relação ao grupo de mercados com baixa automação. E também, constatamos que se espera uma diminuição do tempo de processamento das ordens em, aproximadamente, 65% (ou 16 dias, aproximadamente) se o pedido for analisado após a implantação do robot e solicitado por um mercado que pertencem ao grupo de mercados altamente automatizados, em comparação com os mercados com baixa automação. Concluímos que o grupo de mercados que mais beneficiou com a implementação do robot foram os mercados com níveis de automatização mais elevados, acompanhando pelos mercados com níveis de automatização baixos e, por último, o grupo de mercados com níveis de automatização médios. Verificámos que a consistência entre os outputs atribuídos pelos analistas de crédito e analistas de mercado aumentou com a implementação da automação e verificou-se uma correlação negativa entre o limite de crédito atribuído a cada cliente e se o pedido é solicitado por um cliente com acordos de pagamento aprovados.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An innovative integrated approach to characterize coffee resistance mechanisms to Colletotrichum kahawae

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia Agronómica - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - ULCoffee berry disease, caused by the hemibiotrophic fungus Colletotrichum kahawae, is a major constraint to Arabica coffee production in Africa. Coffee variety Catimor 88, which exhibit field resistance in Kenya, was selected to characterize the resistance to C. kahawae, comparatively to the susceptible variety Caturra. Hypocotyls of both varieties were challenged with C. kahawae (isolate Que2 from Kenya) and samples were collected during infection timecourse, simultaneously for analysis of fungal growth and plant responses (light microscopy), evaluation of enzymatic activities (spectrophotometry, electrophoresis, histochemistry) and gene expression analysis (quantitative real-time PCR). The resistance was characterized by restricted fungal growth associated with the hypersensitive reaction and early accumulation of phenolic-like compounds in the cell walls and cytoplasmic contents. Similar responses were detected in the susceptible variety but in a significantly lower percentage of infection sites. Regarding the genes related to the salicylic acid, jasmonic acid (JA) and ethylene (ET) pathways (phytohormones biosynthesis, reception, and responsiverelated genes), this study suggests the involvement of JA in the resistance while ET seems to be more related with the susceptibility. The expression of genes related to recognition and signaling (RLK, LRR-K, CML, PTL) and cell wall modification genes (PME41, MUR4) was induced in both coffee varieties, at early stages of the infection. However, in the resistant variety, a higher expression of recognition and signaling genes was induced together with the PME41 gene during fungal penetration, and the induction of expression of the Lignin-forming anionic peroxidase-like gene (PER4) was supported by the increase of total peroxidase activity and of an anionic isoform. Peroxidase was localized in the walls and cytoplasmic contents of host cells, at the infection sites. The new data obtained enable to identify potential biomarkers of disease resistance that, once validated, will be useful for marker-assisted selection in coffee breeding programmesN/

    Effects of Exposure to Urban Atmospheric Particulate Matter Suspended in Seawater on the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis

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    FCT/MCTES 04378 2020. This work was also supported by project AMBIEnCE (PTDC/CTA AMB/28582 2017). This paper contributes to the science plan of the Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) which is supported by the U S National Science Foundation via the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR), which have given their consent to this acknowledgement. Publisher Copyright: © 2024 by the authors.Atmospheric particulate matter (PM) contains numerous constituents, including organic molecules, inorganic ions, and metals, with some of them possessing hazardous properties. Although mainly associated with air pollution, PM can rapidly be transferred from air and land to aquatic ecosystems, and consequently poses a risk to marine biota. The aim of this work was to evaluate how urban atmospheric PM (a standard reference mixture of urban PM, known to contain various organic and inorganic contaminants), suspended in seawater, may cause toxicity in marine organisms. To this purpose, mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) were exposed to two concentrations of suspended PM: 5.7 and 11.4 mg/L. After 7, 14, and 21 days, the animals were collected and the gills and digestive gland were analysed for stress biomarkers (CAT, SOD, GPX, GST, MDA, and Ubi). In general, the results show that exposure to different concentrations of PM caused an increase in GST, UBI, and GPx activities compared to their respective controls. The average activities of GST (87.65 ± 30.23 nmol/min/mg of total protein) in the gills of the animals exposed to 11.4 mg/L of PM increased after 21 days of exposure, and the activity of GPx (8.04 ± 3.09 nmol/min/mg of total protein) in the gills increased after 14 days in the animals exposed to 5.7 mg/L of PM. MDA results also provided information on cellular damage, with the most pronounced effects being found in the gills of exposed mussels. This study confirms that mussels are useful as “early warning” indicators of environmental contamination and provides important information on the effects of PM on marine biota.publishersversionpublishe

    Experiência Profissionalizante na Vertente de Farmácia Comunitária, Hospitalar e Investigação

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    Este documento encontra-se dividido em três Capítulos. O primeiro referente ao Projeto de investigação desenvolvido. O segundo e terceiro, referentes as experiências profissionalizantes nas vertentes de Farmácia Comunitária e Hospitalar, respetivamente. No Capítulo I é desenvolvido o projeto de investigação, na temática da Satisfação Profissional. A Satisfação Profissional tem sido objeto de estudo nas mais diversas investigações, e a sua pertinência prende-se com os efeitos da mesma, quer sobre a organização (ao estar relacionada com produtividade, qualidade de serviço prestado e comportamentos organizacionais), quer sobre o profissional (em relação à sua qualidade de vida e saúde física e mental). A importância desta temática acresce quando se considera profissionais de saúde, nomeadamente farmacêuticos comunitários, que tem um contato direto com a população. Tendo por base o referido, o objetivo do presente trabalho é averiguar a Satisfação Profissional de farmacêuticos comunitários e verificar a sua relação com as variáveis a estudo, com enfase na relação com o seu percurso académico e profissional. Pretende-se assim contribuir para o conhecimento da satisfação com o trabalho destes profissionais e seus fatores intervenientes. Neste sentido delineou-se um estudo observacional e transversal, de abordagem quantitativa e modelo descritivo-correlacional. O instrumento de recolha é composto por duas partes: uma primeira, constituída por questões elaboradas pelo investigador, contemplando variáveis de caraterização (sociodemográficas, profissional, de formação, entre outras); e uma segunda parte, constituída pelo Questionário de Satisfação com o Trabalho, da autoria de Pais Ribeiro (2002). Contou-se com a participação de 113 farmacêuticos, 92 (81,4%) do sexo feminino e 21 (18,6%) do sexo masculino, com valor médio de idade de 36,70 anos (DP=10,20), na sua maioria casados/união de facto (n=62; 55,8%) e ainda um grande grupo de inquiridos solteiros (n=47; 41,6%. Do total de inquiridos, 38 (33,6%) exerciam um cargo de direção técnica. O número médio de anos de serviço foi de 11,18 anos (DP=7,97). Uma parte importante da amostra recolhida (n=72; 63,7%) tinha familiares que trabalham/trabalharam na área da saúde. A área farmacêutica foi primeira opção para 85 (75,2%) dos inquiridos e para 75 (66,4%) a farmácia comunitária era a área preferencial para trabalhar. No que diz respeito às perspetivas futuras, mais de metade dos inquiridos (n=59; 52,2%) revelaram insatisfação com o percurso profissional como farmacêuticos. De forma geral os níveis mais elevados de satisfação foram observados na dimensão da Relação com os Colegas, seguido pelas Condições Físicas do trabalho, e os níveis mais baixos de satisfação foram verificados nas dimensões Satisfação com a Profissão e Apoio da Hierarquia. Em virtude dos resultados obtidos espera-se estimular a preocupação relativamente ao investimento de estratégias de gestão que favoreçam a satisfação com a profissão e consciencializar a relevância das relações interprofissionais na Farmácia, nomeadamente no que diz respeito ao apoio hierárquico. O Capítulo II é referente ao Estágio em Farmácia Comunitária, realizado na Farmácia Helena, em Santarém, entre 21 de janeiro e 6 de abril de 2019, e aborda o funcionamento da farmácia, funções, competências e responsabilidades do farmacêutico comunitário, assim como descreve as atividades realizadas durante este período. Por fim, o Capítulo III referente ao Estágio em Farmácia Hospitalar, realizado nos Serviços Farmacêuticos Hospitalares do Hospital Distrital de Santarém, E.P.E., entre 8 de abril e 31 de maio de 2019, e onde serão abordadas as várias áreas em que o farmacêutico exerce a sua atividade em contexto hospitalar e atividades realizadas.This document is divided into three Chapters. The first refers to the development of the research project. The second and third, refers to professional experiences in the areas of Community and Hospital Pharmacy, respectively. Chapter I develops the research project, on the thematic Professional Satisfaction. Professional Satisfaction has been object of study in most diverse investigations, and its relevance is related to its effects, both with the organization (when related to productivity, quality of service provided and organizational behaviors), and with the professional (in relation to their quality of life and physical and mental health). The importance of this theme increases when considering health professionals, namely community pharmacists, who have direct contact with the population. Based on the aforementioned, the objective of the present work is to ascertain the Professional Satisfaction of community pharmacists and to verify their relationship with the variables under study, with emphasis on the relationship with their academic and professional trajectory. It is intended to contribute to the knowledge of the satisfaction with the work of these professionals and their intervening factors. In this sense, an observational and transversal study was designed, with a quantitative approach and a descriptive-correlational model. The collection instrument consists of two parts: a first, compiled by questions prepared by the researcher, including characterization variables (sociodemographic, professional, training, among others); and a second part, constituted by the Work Satisfaction Questionnaire, by Pais Ribeiro (2002). There were 113 pharmacists, 92 (81.4%) female and 21 (18.6%) male, with a mean age of 36.70 years (SD = 10.20), mostly married (n = 62; 55.8%) and a large group of single respondents (n = 47; 41.6%. Of the total respondents, 38 (33.6%) had a technical management position. The average number of years of service was 11.18 years (SD = 7.97). An important part of the sample collected (n = 72; 63.7%) had family members who work/worked in the health area. Pharmaceutical area was the first option for 85 (75.2%) of the respondents and for 75 (66.4%) community pharmacy was the preferred area to work in. With regard to future prospects, more than half of respondents (n = 59; 52.2%) revealed dissatisfaction with their professional career as pharmacists. In general, the highest levels of satisfaction were observed in the dimension of Relationship with Colleagues, followed by Work Physical Conditions, and the lowest levels of satisfaction were found in the dimensions of satisfaction with the profession and support of the Hierarchy. In view of the results obtained, it is expected to stimulate concern regarding the investment of management strategies that favor satisfaction with the profession and to raise awareness of the relevance of interprofessional relationships in Pharmacy, namely with regard to hierarchical support. Chapter II refers to the Internship in Community Pharmacy, held at Farmácia Helena, in Santarém, between January 21st and April 6th, 2019, and addresses the functioning of the pharmacy, functions, competences and responsibilities of the pharmacist community, as well as describes the activities carried out during this period. Finally, Chapter III is about the Internship in Hospital Pharmacy, held at the Hospital Pharmaceutical Services of Hospital Distrital de Santarém, EPE, between April 8th and May 31st , 2019, and where the various areas in which the pharmacist exercises his job in a hospital environment and performed activities

    O impacto do fear appeal nas advertências de saúde presentes nas embalagens de tabaco

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    Dissertação submetida como requisito parcial para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.Perante o fenómeno mundial do consumo de tabaco, os organismos governamentais vêm-se no dever de adotar medidas de dissuasão do consumo, tais como a aplicação de advertências de saúde nas embalagens de tabaco comercializadas. Na tentativa de persuadir os fumadores a modificarem o seu comportamento, estas advertências recorrem a estratégias como a utilização do fear appeal. No entanto, são parcos e pouco consensuais os estudos sobre a eficácia destas advertências nos consumidores portugueses. Neste contexto, esta dissertação tem como objetivos centrais percecionar se a utilização do fear appeal exerce influência nos consumidores na alteração do seu comportamento, bem como compreender quais as variáveis que influenciam o sentimento de medo e a adoção dos comportamentos recomendados. Adotou-se uma abordagem quantitativa, de estudo confirmatório, utilizando como instrumento metodológico a aplicação de um inquérito por questionário a 470 indivíduos que consumiram tabaco nos últimos 12 meses. Os participantes foram expostos a um conjunto de 6 advertências de saúde, agrupadas em 2 blocos, segundo a natureza do medo provocado: físico ou social. Após a análise, concluiu-se que a generalidade dos consumidores apresenta índices muito reduzidos no que respeita ao medo gerado pelas advertências e à perceção da eficácia das mesmas na alteração dos seus comportamentos. Foi possível verificar que as mulheres e os consumidores recorrentes são mais suscetíveis às advertências que os homens e os consumidores correntes. Esta investigação permitiu, ainda, delinear uma proposta de modelo explicativo do funcionamento do fear appeal, definindo as variáveis que influenciam o medo gerado pelas advertências, bem como os comportamentos decorrentes do mesmo.ABSTRACT: Facing the global phenomenon of tobacco consumption, government agencies have been obliged to take measures to decrease smoking habits, such as health warnings on tobacco packages. In an attempt to persuade smokers to change their behaviour, these warnings call upon strategies such as the use of fear appeal. However, studies on the efficiency of health warnings are scarce and not consensual in Portugueses’ with smoking habits. This study aims to understand if the use of fear appeal has an effect in consumers changing behaviour and which variables can influence the way fear is felt and in adopting the recommended behaviour. Choosing a quantitive approach, of confirmatory study, we used as methodological instrument a questionnaire survey to 470 individuals, who consumed tobacco in the last 12 months. Participants were exposed to a set of 6 health warnings, arranged in 2 blocks, according to the type of fear they are supposed to cause: physical or social. Analysis of data revealed that most of the consumers show very low levels of fear when facing the health warnings and consider that their effectiveness in changing behaviours is very poor. It was possible to verify that women and repeat users are more susceptible to health warnings than man and ocassional consumers. This investigation led the author to propose an explanatory model of fear appeal action, identifying variables that interfere with fear and behaviour changes, caused by the health warnings.N/

    Uncovering biodegradability and biocompatibility of betaine-based deep eutectic systems

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    Funding Information: Open access funding provided by FCT|FCCN (b-on). This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 (European Research Council) under the grant agreement No ERC-2016-CoG 725034. This work was further supported by the Associate Laboratory for Green Chemistry- LAQV which is financed by national funds from FCT/MCTES (UIDB/50006/2020) and by the Applied Molecular Biosciences Unit UCIBIO which is financed by national funds from FCT (UIDP/04378/2020 and UIDB/04378/2020). Alexandre Paiva acknowledges FCT for the financial support through IF/01146/2015. Publisher Copyright: © 2023, The Author(s).Deep eutectic systems (DES) have shown increasing popularity in last decade; however, the number of studies on the potential toxicity towards living organisms remains scarce. These studies are of the utmost importance to infer on the claimed non-toxicity and biocompatibility of DES. Most articles published, at this moment, only evaluate the toxicity towards a cell model or in different strains of bacteria. For this purpose, in this work, the effect of two DES (betaine:sorbitol:water 1:1:3 and betaine:glycerol 1:2) and their individual components were evaluated at different concentrations after administered via intraperitoneal injection in zebrafish (Danio rerio). The total antioxidant capacity, lipoperoxidation, and the activity of various enzymes that work in different antioxidant pathways (superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, catalase, and glutathione S-transferase) were assessed. The results show no significant toxicity within the tested concentrations: up to 5000 µM and 3000 µM, for the assays using the system betaine:sorbitol:water 1:1:3 and for betaine:glycerol 1:2, respectively. The toxicity of individual components was studied up to 1000 µM. Based on the encouraging results that have been obtained, it is safe to conclude that these two deep eutectic systems can be used as the new class of environmentally friendly solvents. Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]publishersversionpublishe

    A insolvência de seguradoras à luz do Solvência II

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    In the last decade, the insurer insolvency regime has been one of the focal points of European regulation policy and has since been established by two separate but complementary schemes: the Solvency Project consisting of the Solvency I and Solvency II Directives. The entry into force of Solvency II introduced a new paradigm in the insurance industry - the risk - that emerged as the main factor protecting insurance creditors. The introduction of this new benchmark for capital and solvency requirements and the consequent transposition into domestic law necessarily forced significant changes in the insurance business. The question to be answered here is whether these changes are effectively giving greater protection to creditors by comparison with previously existing schemes and whether the introduction of the risk factor was crucial in increasing creditors' protection. My research and study lead me to conclude that there were no significant changes in the protection of creditors from previous regimes. However, the introduction of the risk factor can increase the protection given to creditors in specific situations, especially in situations of financial crisis in Europe. After considering this issue, I believe that this innovative scheme was designed with a credible protection of creditors and immediate protection of the systemic risks of the European Union, even if either option is beneficial and brings important changes to the insurance sector.Na última década, o regime da insolvência das seguradoras tem vindo a receber maior atenção por parte da regulação europeia tendo, desde então, este tema já passado pela introdução de dois regimes distintos, embora complementares: o projeto solvência composto pelas Diretivas Solvência I e Solvência II. A entrada em vigor do Solvência II introduziu um novo paradigma no ramo segurador - o risco - que surgiu como o principal fator de proteção dos credores de seguros. A introdução deste novo parâmetro de avaliação de requisitos de capital e de solvência e a consequente transposição para o direito interno obrigou, necessariamente à introdução de mudanças significativas na atividade seguradora. A questão a que esta dissertação pretende dar uma resposta é se estas mudanças estão efetivamente a conferir uma maior proteção aos credores, através da comparação com os regimes anteriormente existentes, e se a introdução do fator risco foi crucial no aumento da proteção dos credores. A minha pesquisa e estudo levam-me a concluir que não houve alterações significativas na proteção dos credores face aos anteriores regimes em vigor. No entanto, e de forma mediata, a introdução do fator risco pode aumentar a proteção conferida aos credores em concretas situações, nomeadamente em momentos de crise financeira na Europa. Depois de me debruçar sobre este tema, entendo que este regime inovador foi pensado numa lógica de proteção mediata dos credores e imediata de proteção dos riscos sistémicos da União Europeia, ainda que qualquer das razões seja benéfica e traga importantes evoluções ao setor segurador

    Effect of the Combined Treatments with LC2017 and Trichoderma atroviride Strain I-1237 on Disease Development and Defense Responses in Vines Infected by Lasiodiplodia theobromae

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    Grapevine trunk diseases constitute one of the major problems for viticulture worldwide, with Botryosphaeria dieback considered as one of the most important of these diseases. In this work, we aimed to (i) evaluate the effect of the combination of two products, Esquive® (a Trichoderma-based product) and LC2017 (a low-copper-based product), in the control of Lasiodiplodia theobromae, by evaluating the internal lesion length caused by inoculation of this pathogen on greenhouse kept grapevines of cvs Cabernet Sauvignon and Touriga Nacional and, (ii) investigating their elicitor effect on plant defense responses, through the analysis of the expression of a set of genes. The pathogen was always re-isolated from the infected tissues and was able to cause wood discoloration. Touriga Nacional exhibited longer lesions than Cabernet Sauvignon, and the application of both products did not appear to reduce lesion length when compared to LC2017 applied alone. The elicitor effect of LC2017 on plant defense was confirmed by gene expression analysis, and no significant differences were found between plants treated with LC2017 and with both products. Moreover, a specific response related to the cultivar was verified, but this apparently unique interaction between product, cultivar and pathogen remains to be further investigatedinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Oral health and rehabilitation among the institutionalized elderly

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    The aging and the elderly are highly associated with limitation or dependency, with some loss of capacities and the gain of conditions or age-associated pathologies. Despite advances in preventive dentistry, edentulism and oral diseases are major public health issues in Portugal, mainly among the elderly. This study investigated the oral status and level of oral rehabilitation among Portuguese institutionalized elderly. The purpose of the study was to determine the prevalence of edentulism and assess the oral rehabilitation and oral/prosthetic hygiene habits in a sample of institutionalized elderly using a cross-sectional study in a sample of 118 institutionalized elderly. Data collection was performed by applying a questionnaire about oral health behaviors and through an intraoral observation in order to determine the oral status and verify the condition of the oral rehabilitation of each participant. The findings revealed that 78.6% have a number of decayed, missing and filled teeth more than 20, 58.8% presented total edentulism (with no natural teeth in the oral cavity) and 66.7% had a removable prosthesis. Only 44.1% practiced daily oral/prosthetic hygiene at least twice a day while 29.0% and 67.7% complained of toothache and difficulty in chewing respectively. The educational level of the elderly was associated with dental pain (p=0.012) and oral/prosthetic hygiene (p=0.034). A high prevalence of tooth loss was found in the sample studied and also the need to improve the removable prosthesis is fundamental. Improvement in oral health care and oral hygiene habits is essential to promote better oral health and quality of life among the institutionalized elderly.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sociosexual attitudes and quality of life in (non)monogamous relationships: the role of attraction and constraining forces among users of the Second Love web site

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    Research has typically shown that unrestricted sociosexuality is negatively associated with relationship quality and that relationship quality is positively associated with quality of life (QoL). However, these findings may be restricted to individuals in monogamous relationships, especially those with prior extradyadic interactions (i.e., non-consensual non-monogamous; NCNM). Indeed, individuals in consensual non-monogamous (CNM) relationships have more unrestricted sociosexuality and are also more satisfied with and committed to their relationships. Still, little research has examined whether both relationship agreements are associated differently with attraction forces (wanting to be) and constraining forces (having to be) in the relationship and how they are related to QoL. We conducted a cross-sectional study with 373 heterosexuals (73.2% men, Mage = 41.15, SD = 10.18) registered on Second Love, a dating Web site for romantically involved individuals. Results showed differences in the hypothesized model, according to relationship agreement. For individuals in CNM relationships, unrestricted sociosexuality was associated with stronger attraction forces, which were then associated with greater QoL. The opposite pattern was found for those in NCNM relationships. Furthermore, and regardless of relationship agreement, unrestricted sociosexuality was associated with weaker constraining forces, which were associated with greater QoL. These results make a novel contribution to the literature on relationship agreements and how they relate to QoL