838 research outputs found

    La composition en acides aminés, dans le régime alimentaire des larves de daurade royale, affecte-t-elle leur performance ?

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    7 páginas, 2 figuras, 4 tablas.[EN] Live preys commonly used in fish larval rearing seem to be imbalanced in terms of amino acids. Manipulation of their amino acid composition is difficult, but the use of microencapsulated diets allows this manipulation. This study analysed the effect of amino acid supplementation, in order to compensate for dietary amino acid imbalances, on growth and survival of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) larvae. Larvae were reared until 32 days after hatching, in a closed recirculating water system (19 °C), using only live food (rotifers and Artemia). Thereafter, larvae were fed Artemia or one of the experimental microencapsulated diets: supplemented with indispensable amino acids (IAAsup diet), or supplemented with dispensable amino acids (DAAsup diet). Experiment lasted for 10 days. Dietary supplementation with indispensable amino acids resulted in A/E ratios [(each indispensable amino acid) × (total indispensable amino acids)−1 × 1000] more similar to the ones of larval seabream and in higher IAA:DAA ratios than in the DAAsup diet. Survival was similar in larvae fed the IAAsup diet (75%) or Artemia (87%), but was significantly lower in larvae fed the DAAsup diet (52%). Larvae from all treatments more than doubled their average dry weight during the experimental period. Final dry weight was similar in larvae fed both microcapsules, but these were lighter than larvae fed with Artemia. Relative growth rate (RGR) and total biomass production tended to be higher in larvae fed the IAAsup (RGR = 9% day−1) than the DAAsup diet (RGR = 7.5% day−1) and only in this last treatment these parameters were significantly lower than in larvae fed with Artemia. Therefore, dietary supplementation with indispensable amino acids resulted in a more balanced dietary amino acid profile, which significantly increased survival. Further studies introducing microdiets earlier in the development seem necessary in order to optimise growth.[FR] Les proies vivantes utilisées dans les élevages larvaires semblent déséquilibrées en terme d'acides aminés. Manipuler la composition en acides aminés est difficile mais l'usage d'aliments encapsulés le permet. Cette étude analyse l'effet d'une supplémentation en acides aminés sur la croissance et la survie des larves de daurade royale (Sparus aurata) afin de compenser un déséquilibre. Les larves sont élevées jusqu'à 32 jours après éclosion en circuit fermé (eau à 19 °C), en utilisant des aliments vivants uniquement (rotifères et Artemia). Les larves sont ensuite nourries avec des Artemia ou bien avec des aliments microencapsulés expérimentaux, supplémentés en acides aminés soit indispensables (régime IAAsup) soit non-indispensables (régime DAAsup). La durée de l'expérience est de 10 jours. La supplémentation en acides aminés indispensables conduit à des ratios A/E [(chaque AA indispensable) × (total en AA indispensables)−1 × 1000] plus proches de ceux de la larve de dorade et des ratios IAA/DHA plus élevés que ne le fait la supplémentation en acides aminés non-indispensables. Le taux de survie est similaire chez les larves nourries avec le régime IAAsup (75 %) ou Artemia (87 %) mais inférieur significativement chez les larves soumises au régime DAAsup (52 %). Le poids sec moyen de ces larves, quel que soit leur régime alimentaire, a doublé durant la période expérimentale. Le poids sec est similaire chez les larves nourries de microcapsules mais moins élévé chez celles nourries d'Artemia. Le taux de croissance relative (RGR) et la production de biomasse totale tendent à être plus élevés chez les larves nourries en IAAsup (RGR = 9 % jour−1) que celles nourries en DAAsup (RGR = 7,5 % jour−1). C'est seulement dans ce dernier traitement que les paramètres sont plus faibles significativement que chez les larves nourries d'Artemia. Ainsi, les supplémentations alimentaires en acides aminés indispensables peuvent augmenter la survie. D'autres études, introduisant des micro-aliments de façon plus précoce dans le développement, semblent nécessaires afin d'optimiser la croissance.The authors acknowledge funding by project AGL2004-06669-C02-01 (MCYT, Spain) and grant SFRH/BPD/14835/2003 (FCT, Portugal).Peer reviewe

    3D echoendoscopy and miniprobes for rectal cancer staging

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    Background: rectal cancer staging using rigid probes or echoendoscopes has some limitations. The aim of the study was to compare rectal cancer preoperative staging using conventional endoluminal ultrasonography with three-dimensional endoscopic ultrasonography and miniprobes. Materials and methods: sixty patients were included and evaluated with: a) a conventional echoendoscope (7.5 and 12 MHz); b) miniprobes (12 MHz); and c) the Easy 3D Freescan software for three-dimensional endoscopic ultrasonography. The reference or gold standard was conventional endoluminal ultrasonography in all cases and pathological assessment for those without preoperative therapy. The differences in T and N staging accuracy in both longitudinal and circumferential extension were evaluated. Results: with regard to T staging, conventional endoluminal ultrasonography had an accuracy of 85% (compared to pathological analysis), and the agreement between miniprobes vs conventional endoluminal ultrasonography (kappa = 0.81) and three-dimensional endoscopic ultrasonography vs conventional endoluminal ultrasonography (k = 0.87) was significant. In addition, miniprobes had an accuracy of 82% and three-dimensional endoscopic ultrasonography had a higher accuracy (96%). With regard to N staging, conventional endoluminal ultrasonography had an accuracy of 91% with a sensitivity of 78%. However, the agreement between miniprobes and conventional endoluminal ultrasonography and three-dimensional endoscopic ultrasonography and conventional endoluminal ultrasonography (k = 0.70) was lower. Interestingly, miniprobes had a lower accuracy of 81% whereas three-dimensional endoscopic ultrasonography had an accuracy of 100% without any false negative. No false positives were observed in any of the techniques. Accuracy for T and N staging was not influenced by longitudinal or circumferential extensions of the tumor in all types of endoscopic ultrasonography analyzed. Conclusions: miniprobes and especially three-dimensional endoscopic ultrasonography may be relevant during rectal cancer staging.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Introdução: Atualmente, a tuberculose ainda representa um sério problema de saúde pública. A idade precoce e a infeção VIH constituem importantes fatores de risco para doença grave ou disseminada. Caso clínico: Apresentamos o caso de uma menina de três anos de idade observada por febre prolongada sem foco infecioso evidente ao exame físico. O estudo analítico inicial foi sugestivo de infeção urinária, pelo que iniciou antibioticoterapia empírica. A urocultura confirmou esse diagnóstico, mas a febre persistiu. Na investigação complementar, a radiografia torácica revelou um infiltrado pulmonar com padrão miliar. O Mycobacterium tuberculosis foi isolado no aspirado gástrico, líquor e urina. Iniciou tratamento com antituberculosos e corticóide, com melhoria clínica significativa. Conclusões: Nesta era de tecnologia médica avançada, a tuberculose ainda é um desafio diagnóstico, especialmente quando a apresentação clínica é atípica e extrapulmonar. Um elevado índice de suspeição clínica é fundamental, pois a instituição precoce do tratamento é decisiva para o prognóstico

    Pigmentation abnormalities in juveniles sole Solea senegalensis Kaup, 1858

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    The Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis Kaup, 1858, has a high market value, and is therefore considered a potentially valuable new species for aquaculture. To attain its potential, it is necessary to improve the production of juveniles, so that production of market-size fish can get fully underway. The mass production of sole in aquaculture will only be possible when hatcheries begin to be able to produce juveniles for ongrowing. Several studies have been conducted to improve sole production (Dinis, 1986, 1992; Dinis et al., 1999), and some pigmentation abnormalities were reported, which require further study. The present paper describes the principal abnormalities found in sole pigmentation. Studies indicate that 11 % of juveniles present pigmentation problems, which could be considered a problem insofar as mass production is involved, because such fish would be difficult to market.El lenguado Solea senegalensis Kaup, 1858 es una especie de valor comercial elevado y está considerada de interés potencial para la acuicultura. En consecuencia, existe una creciente necesidad de desarrollar el cultivo larval de esta especie a escala industrial y producir juveniles para engorde en las piscifactorías. Se han realizado diversos trabajos con el objetivo de mejorar la metodología en la producción de S. senegalensis (Dinis, 1986, 1992; Dinis et al., 1999) y se señalan algunas limitaciones: entre ellas, las anomalías de pigmentación. Se describen aquí las principales anomalías en la pigmentación del lenguado a partir de puestas naturales de reproductores salvajes mantenidos en cautividad. El porcentaje total de alevines mal pigmentados fue del 11 %, lo que puede constituir un problema cuando se pretende la producción a gran escala, pues entraña un obstáculo para su comercialización, con el consiguiente descenso de la rentabilidad.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Histochemical aspects of the yolk-sac and digestive tract of larvae of the Senegal sole, Solea senegalensis (Kaup, 1858)

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    8 páginas, 3 figuras, 1 tabla.Histochemical distribution of glycoproteins, carbohydrates and proteins rich in different aminoacids were studied using histological and histochemical procedures, in Senegal sole, Solea senegalensis (Kaup, 1858) larvae from hatching until day 15. Glycogen, proteins and glycoproteins were detected in the yolk-sac of the larvae at hatching and during the yolk-resorption. The epithelia1 digestive system (brush border, enterocytes and goblet cells) contained neutral and acid mucins (carboxylated andlor sulphated). Glycogen was observed in the cytoplasm of the digestive absortive cells (enterocytes) and in the liver (hepatocytes) on day 3-4 posthatching. Protein reactions, and specially those that showed proteins rich in arginine, tyrosine and tryptophan, were very intense in the zymogen granules of the pancreatic cells. Oesophageal and intestinal goblet cells contained glucose N-acetyl and sialic acid residues, but the mucin content of these mucous cells did not show affinity towards Con-A, suggesting the absence of glycoproteins with Mannose andlor glucose residues. WGA showed a very intense positivity in the microvilli of the digestive epithelium of the larvae and positive granules for both lectins, specially for Con-A, were detected in the cytoplasm of the anterior intestinal enterocytes.This work was supported by the DGICYT and ClCM of Spain (Projects PB93-0756 and AGF94-0756, 1994-1997).Peer reviewe

    Tyrosine and phenylalanine supplementation on Diplodus sargus larvae: effect on growth and quality

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    27 páginas, 3 figuras, 5 tablas. The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.comPhenylalanine is the precursor of tyrosine, which is involved in the synthesis of several molecules with key roles in the regulation of metabolism and growth, stress response and pigmentation. In this study, three experimental diets were tested: an amino acid (AA) balanced diet supplemented with phenylalanine, another supplemented with phenylalanine and tyrosine and a non-supplemented AA balanced diet. Rotifers were enriched with liposomes encapsulating free AA in order to obtain a balanced AA profile. The experimental diets resulted in similar larval survival, growth, enzyme activities of AA catabolism and nitrogen excretion in all treatments. High levels of skeletal deformities were registered and significant differences were found between the control and the phenylalanine treatment for the percentage of vertebral compressions in the trunk region of the vertebral column (30% in the control and 5% in the phenylalanine group). A significantly higher survival to a temperature stress test was found for larvae fed the diet supplemented with phenylalanine and tyrosine. The results suggest that supplementation of phenylalanine/tyrosine in fish diets may be useful in order to reduce skeletal deformities and mortalities caused by stress. The present study confirms that AA requirements may be sufficient for covering growth and survival but insufficient to cover other metabolic processes.This work was supported by the project POCI/MAR/61623/2004 – SAARGO, financed by the programme POCI 2010 (FCT, Portugal), which is co-financed by FEDER. FEDER and PN Project AGL2004-06669-C02-01 (Ministry of Education and Science, Spain) are co-financed by FEDER and project –‘Tecnologias de Produção Aquícola’– (22-05-01-FBR-00014 – QCA IIII).Peer reviewe

    Thermodynamics of adiabatic feedback control

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    We study adaptive control of classical ergodic Hamiltonian systems, where the controlling parameter varies slowly in time and is influenced by system's state (feedback). An effective adiabatic description is obtained for slow variables of the system. A general limit on the feedback induced negative entropy production is uncovered. It relates the quickest negentropy production to fluctuations of the control Hamiltonian. The method deals efficiently with the entropy-information trade off.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Improving resource efficiency and minimize environmental footprint: a case study preliminary results

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    Panasqueira Mine (Portugal) has been mainly exploited for wolframite, cassiterite and chalcopyrite (W, Sn, Cu). Through the detailed and careful characterization of tailings with different mineralogy, new invaluable insights into the weathering characteristics of many different minerals will be received, making possible proper risk assessments, and predict which type of tailings might pose severe future environmental risk namely to the Zêzere river. The Zêzere River is an important river and is under the Cabeço do Pião tailings influence. The knowledge and methods acquired will lead to a conceptual model working as guidance to a more sustainable mining in the hereafter.This work of the project Remine was funded with public national funds from FCT under the programme for International Cooperation ERA-NET, supported by ERA-MIN (2011-2015) funded under the EU 7th Framework Programme FP7-NMP having also for partners the Technical University of Luleå (Sweden) and the National Institute for Metals and Radioactive Resources (INCDMRR), Romania.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Euclid space mission: a cosmological challenge for the next 15 years

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    Euclid is the next ESA mission devoted to cosmology. It aims at observing most of the extragalactic sky, studying both gravitational lensing and clustering over \sim15,000 square degrees. The mission is expected to be launched in year 2020 and to last six years. The sheer amount of data of different kinds, the variety of (un)known systematic effects and the complexity of measures require efforts both in sophisticated simulations and techniques of data analysis. We review the mission main characteristics, some aspects of the the survey and highlight some of the areas of interest to this meetingComment: to appear in Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 306, 2014, "Statistical Challenges in 21st Century Cosmology", A.F. Heavens, J.-L. Starck & A. Krone-Martins, ed

    The Central Role of Climate Action in Achieving the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals

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    Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 refers to “Climate Action”. It is one of the 17 goals established by the United Nations in their 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The primary objective of SDG13 is to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. It recognises that climate change is a global challenge that requires immediate attention and concerted efforts from governments, businesses, communities, and individuals worldwide. SDG13 permeates a number of SDGs and also influences them in a significant way. Based on the need to contextualise SDG13 and considering its role as one of the central SDGs, this article outlines the links between SDG13 and the other SDGs. It also reports on a survey involving experts from 61 countries. The findings suggest that even though climate change impacts, particularly extreme weather events, are known to disproportionally affect poorer and minoritized communities, the synergies among related goals and climate justice seem to receive less attention. The article concludes by describing some of the means via which synergies between SDG13 and other SDGs may be achieved