550 research outputs found

    Optical sensors for cultural heritage and biomedical applications

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    The current Ph.D. thesis is articulated in 4 different research paths. The main research topic is on the fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor and its applications, mainly related to the conservation of the original status of the artworks. The second topic is related to the development of a new methodology for measuring the cracking of the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of cultural heritage. In the third topic, it is addressed the subject on the complex diatribe related to the risk in delivering anesthesia; field in which I have been also working, being a Biomedical Engineer. Finally, in the last topic it is proposed a biomechanics study on the patellar taping with the purpose of finding a correlation between the taping and a neuromuscular response. A new era of pollution requires an important focus on the conservation of archaeological sites and monuments. In the last years, great efforts were made to develop various sensors for different tasks; the FBG was one of the most studied thanks to the multitude of applications and the surprising performances. An original fiber optic sensor that combines the fiber Bragg gratings with a pH responsive polymer coating for monitoring the pH of the rains on critical and prestigious monuments is proposed. In this study, the arrangement setup of the optical sensor is modeled with Comsol Multiphysics (Wave Optics Module), based on the FEM (Finite Element Method) solver. Monitoring the pH of the rain can be used by experts to predict and control the corrosion of specific materials, especially limestone and marble, thus scheduling timely restoration. This also depends on the materials under analysis and it can have an important impact in terms of cost reductions and higher maintenance efficiency. In conclusion, the swelling response of hydrogels to the change of surrounding pH allowed the development of a model of hydrogel coated FBG pH sensor. Modelling the FBG pH sensor for monitoring the rain in archaeology and in cultural heritage provided innovative results in terms of high sensitivity and small dimensions of the device, allowing better intervention planning. In the first chapter, a preliminary study regarding the optical ring resonator is conducted because, ultimately, the goal is to realize a sensor that combines the FBG and the ring resonator for future developments in order to improve the sensor performances. Along with the development of the FBG sensor, a new methodology for measuring the cracking for the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of cultural heritage is also studied. The methodology is characterized by being minimally invasive on the artefact that has to be preserved, which is one of the main qualities required in this field. The approach is to determine the relative distance between two optical tags, using advanced fitting algorithms for the objective function. Different kinds of objective-function were taken into account in order to identify the best configuration to determine the fitting parameters, useful to the SHM. The optical tags are introduced for this scope; they are nothing but adhesive labels with appropriate images, through which, by using advanced fitting methods and algorithms, it is possible to determine the absolute and relative position and three-dimensional rotations of the images. The third chapter of this thesis deals with the risk and perception of risk in delivering anesthesia. The study examines the different perceptions of risk associated with anesthesia systems from the viewpoints of the product manufacturer and the caregiver. Only little research has been done on the impact of the perception of risk for patient safety in anesthesia. The role of the manufacturer in mitigating the perception of risk is central in the work. The risk was examined as the probability of negative occurrences based on the Medical Device Reportable (MDR) events and these risks were compared to how the caregiver perceives and manages them when delivering anesthesia. Analysis of the manufacturer’s public Medical Device Reportable (MDR) events data was performed in the US market and it represents the actual risk achieved; the bibliographic review provided a perspective on how the risk is perceived and managed by the caregiver when delivering anesthesia. The goal of the research path is to highlight how the role of the manufacturers can have an impact on the reduction of perception of risk in anesthesia, increasing patient safety. Finally, a biomechanical proposal on the estimation of Centre of Mass (CoM) trajectory has been developed. Motion capture systems and force platforms are still considered the gold standard for the estimation of accurate CoM measurements. In the last decade, several methods based on inertial sensors systems have been proposed based on double integration of acceleration signals of pelvis-worn sensors (M. J. Floor-Westerdijk, 2012). Although the portability of those methodologies is higher, drift errors due to extremely lengthy time acquisitions affect measurements, limiting their use. For the purpose of avoiding drift error and providing an accurate tool for ambulatory and/or home CoM assessment, the accuracy of a novel method based on a Biomechanical Model (BM) will be investigated. Among the large number of potential applications, this novel approach could be used in the identification of the effects of the patellar taping on neuromuscular control. More specifically, the patellar taping technique proposed by McConnell (J. McCONNELL, 1986) allows patients to engage in pain-free physical therapy exercises, by medializing the patella. Although this technique has been demonstrated to reduce the perceived pain of patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome and improve neuromuscular activity (N. Aminaka and P. A. Gribble, 2008), a deeper investigation on how patellar tape influences postural stability thought CoM assessment could be of great interest in the long term management of Chondromalacia Patellae. It has been demonstrated, in fact, that patellar taping affects knee proprioception other than relieving pain in subjects with patellofemoral pain syndrome (M. J. Callaghan, 2008). The aim of this research program is to pursue through static and dynamic tasks performed twice both by healthy subjects and not-healthy ones, with and without patellar tape


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    Abstrak Pengolahan es krim dengan penggunaan puree buah mangrove dan gula, merupakan salah satu inovasi baru dalam pengolahan pangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan puree buah mangrove terhadap sifat organoleptik meliputi warna, tekstur, aroma, rasa dan kesukaan (2) mengetahui pengaruh penambahan jumlah gula terhadap sifat organoleptik yang meliputi warna, tekstur, aroma, rasa dan kesukaan (3) mengetahui pengaruh interaksi penggunaan puree buah mangrove dan gula terhadap sifat organoleptik yang meliputi warna, tekstur, aroma, rasa dan kesukaan (4) mengetahui hasil terbaik es krim buah mangrove dengan penggunaan puree buah mangrove dan gula (5) mengetahui kandungan gizi es krim puree buah mangrove meliputi karbohidrat, protein, lemak, energi, serat dan vitamin C (6) mengetahui harga jual es krim buah mangrove dihitung dengan rumus konvensional. Jenis penelitian ini adalah eksperimen. Perlakuan yang diberikan pada penelitian ini adalah penggunaan puree dan gula. Jumlah puree buah mangrove yang digunakan adalah 100g, 125g dan 150g dengan gula 50g dan 75g. Metode pengumpulan data dengan metode observasi melalui uji organoleptik terlatih 15 orang yaitu Dosen Prodi S1 Tata Boga Jurusan PKK Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Surabaya dan panelis semi terlatih 20 orang Mahasiswa Prodi S1 Tata Boga Jurusan PKK Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Analisis data menggunakan uji Anova Ganda dan uji lanjut Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) penggunaan puree buah mangrove berpengaruh nyata terhadap warna, aroma, tekstur, rasa dan tingkat kesukaan (2) penambahan jumlah gula berpengaruh nyata terhadap warna, tekstur, aroma, serta tingkat kesukaan dan tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap rasa. (3) interaksi antara penggunaan puree buah mangrove dan jumlah gula berpengaruh nyata terhadap warna, serta tingkat kesukaan dan tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap aroma, tekstur, dan rasa (4) produk terbaik dari es krim adalah produk dengan penggunaan puree buah mangrove 100g dan jumlah gula 50g dengan kriteria warna putih tulang, tekstur cukup lembut, cukup beraroma buah mangrove, rasa cukup manis dan asam, tingkat kesukaan cukup suka nilai rata-rata 3,32 (5) kandungan gizi es krim buah mangrove terbaik per 100 g bahan adalah karbohidrat 12,77, lemak 0,76, protein 0,94, kadar abu 3,78, serat 7,65, energi 60,94 dan vitamin C 43,46 Mg (6) Harga jual per 250 gram es krim berkisar antara Rp. 22.000,00 dengan memakai metode konvensional. Kata kunci : Es krim, puree buah mangrove, jumlah gula, harga jual   Abstract Processing of ice cream by addition puree of mangrove fruit and amount sugar is a new innovation of food processing. This research (1) to know the effect adding puree of fermented mangrove fruit on color, smell, texture, taste and likeness. (2) to know the effect adding amount sugar on the organoleptic characteristic on color, smell, texture, taste and likeness (3) to know the effect interaction of adding puree of mangrove fruit and sugar amount on the organoleptic characteristic on color, smell, texture, taste and likeness (4) to know the best result puree mangrove fruit by adds mangrove fruit and sugar amount on the organoleptic characteristic involving color, smell, texture, taste and likeness (5) to know nutrition content of the best puree of mangrove fruit ice cream involving carbohydrate, protein, fat, energy, fiber content and vitamin C. Type of this research was experimental research. The treatment in this research was adding puree of mangrove fruit and sugar amount. Puree of mangrove fruit were 100 g, 125g and 150g while sugar amount were 50g and 75g. Data collection methode preferuence of this research was conducted by observation of organoleptic test involving color, smell, texture, taste and likeness. Data obtained from 15 skilled panelist, they were lecturer of at Home Economic Department State University of Surabaya and 20 semi-skilled panelists, they were collage student of at Home Economic Department State University of Surabaya. Data was analyzed using Two Way Anava and Duncan test. The if this research result shows that (1) addition of puree of mangrove fruit significantly affected on color, smell, texture, taste and likeness (2) addition of sugar amount significantly affected on color, texture, smell, likeness and not significantly affected on taste (3) interaction between adding puree of mangrove fruit and sugar amount significantly affected on color, likeness and not significantly affected on smell, texture and taste (4) the best product of ice cream was product 100g puree of mangrove fruit, sugar amount 50g, white criteria white   bone 3,60; smooth texture taste enough mean 3,60; aroma of puree mangrove fruit enough mean 2,15; taste puree of mangrove fruit taste enough with mean 3,07; likeness was moderate with mean 3,32 (5) contained the best fruit eco ice cream contained of 100 g 12,77% cal was carbohydrate; 0,76% fat; 0,94 protein; 3,78% kadar abu; 7,65% fiber contant: 60,94% energy and 43,46% vitamin C 43,46 Mg . Keyword : ice cream, puree of mangrove fruit, sugar amount, food cos

    Engagement Sociétal des Entreprises et Politique Commerciale: Cas des Entreprises Marocaines Labellisées RSE

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    La thĂ©matique de RSE occupe l’intĂ©rĂŞt des milieux acadĂ©miques depuis plusieurs annĂ©es et connait un grand essor dans la pratique des entreprises. Toutefois, les recherches antĂ©rieures ont portĂ© plus sur les fondements thĂ©oriques, l’évolution des acceptions, l’analyse des implications sociĂ©tales et organisationnelles, voire, les effets de la RSE sur la performance de l’entreprise. Alors, peu d’intĂ©rĂŞt a Ă©tĂ© accordĂ© aux motivations des entreprises Ă  l’engagement sociĂ©tal, en l’occurrence, les motivations commerciales, d’oĂą la perspective du prĂ©sent travail. Il s’agit de contribuer Ă  l’analyse de la RSE comme instrument de la politique commerciale des entreprises, Ă  travers une Ă©tude empirique auprès des entreprises marocaines labellisĂ©es RSE de la CGEM. Pour ce faire, nous optons pour un positionnement « positiviste amĂ©nagĂ© » avec une dĂ©marche « hypothĂ©tico-dĂ©ductive », et une mĂ©thodologie d’étude quantitative. Sur le plan thĂ©orique, nous essayons d'Ă©tablir un cadre d’analyse de l’approche instrumentale des motivations Ă  l’engagement RSE. En nous appuyant sur ce dĂ©veloppement, nous construisons nos hypothèses Ă  vĂ©rifier qui sont testĂ©es selon l’approche PLS et traitĂ©es en utilisant le langage R. Au niveau des rĂ©sultats, l’étude empirique permet de conclure que l’engagement RSE contribue bien Ă  atteindre les objectifs de la politique commerciale de l’entreprise.   &nbsp

    L’engagement Sociétal des Entreprises et Politique Commerciale: Cas des Entreprises Marocaines Labellisées RSE

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    La thématique de RSE occupe l’intérêt des milieux académiques depuis plusieurs années et connait un grand essor dans la pratique des entreprises. Toutefois, les recherches antérieures ont porté plus sur les fondements théoriques, l’évolution des acceptions, l’analyse des implications sociétales et organisationnelles, voire, les effets de la RSE sur la performance de l’entreprise. Alors, peu d’intérêt a été accordé aux motivations des entreprises à l’engagement sociétal, en l’occurrence, les motivations commerciales, d’où la perspective du présent travail. Il s’agit de contribuer à l’analyse de la RSE comme instrument de la politique commerciale des entreprises, à travers une étude empirique auprès des entreprises marocaines labellisées RSE de la CGEM. Pour ce faire, nous optons pour un positionnement « positiviste aménagé » avec une démarche « hypothético-déductive », et une méthodologie d’étude quantitative. Sur le plan théorique, nous essayons d'établir un cadre d’analyse de l’approche instrumentale des motivations à l’engagement RSE. En s’appuyant sur ce développement, nous construisons nos hypothèses à vérifier qui sont testées selon l’approche PLS et traitées en utilisant le langage R. Au niveau des résultats, l’étude empirique permet de conclure que l’engagement RSE contribue bien à atteindre les objectifs de la politique commerciale de l’entreprise. The CSR’s thematic has been of interest to the academic community for several years and is experiencing a tremendous appeal in business practice. However, previous research focused more on the theoretical foundations, the evolution of acceptances, the analysis of the societal and organizational implications, and even the effects of CSR on the company’s performance. Consequently, little attention was paid to the reasons behind the adoption of the CSR approaches, in this case, the business motives, hence the perspective of this work. The aim is to contribute to the analysis of CSR as an instrument of the company’s commercial policy through an empirical survey study of CSR labeled Moroccan companies in the General Confederation of Moroccan Companies. To do this, we opt for a "positivist" positioning with an hypothetico-deductive method and a quantitative study methodology. On the theoretical level, we are trying to establish a framework for the theoretical analysis of the instrumental approach to the motivations for CSR engagement. Based on this development, we are building our hypotheses to be verified which are tested according to the PLS approach and processed using the R language. At the level of results, the empirical study concludes that societal commitment contributes well to achieving the objectives of the company's commercial policy

    L’engagement Sociétal des Entreprises et Politique Commerciale: Cas des Entreprises Marocaines Labellisées RSE

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    La thématique de RSE occupe l’intérêt des milieux académiques depuis plusieurs années et connait un grand essor dans la pratique des entreprises. Toutefois, les recherches antérieures ont porté plus sur les fondements théoriques, l’évolution des acceptions, l’analyse des implications sociétales et organisationnelles, voire, les effets de la RSE sur la performance de l’entreprise. Alors, peu d’intérêt a été accordé aux motivations des entreprises à l’engagement sociétal, en l’occurrence, les motivations commerciales, d’où la perspective du présent travail. Il s’agit de contribuer à l’analyse de la RSE comme instrument de la politique commerciale des entreprises, à travers une étude empirique auprès des entreprises marocaines labellisées RSE de la CGEM. Pour ce faire, nous optons pour un positionnement « positiviste aménagé » avec une démarche « hypothético-déductive », et une méthodologie d’étude quantitative. Sur le plan théorique, nous essayons d'établir un cadre d’analyse de l’approche instrumentale des motivations à l’engagement RSE. En s’appuyant sur ce développement, nous construisons nos hypothèses à vérifier qui sont testées selon l’approche PLS et traitées en utilisant le langage R. Au niveau des résultats, l’étude empirique permet de conclure que l’engagement RSE contribue bien à atteindre les objectifs de la politique commerciale de l’entreprise. The CSR’s thematic has been of interest to the academic community for several years and is experiencing a tremendous appeal in business practice. However, previous research focused more on the theoretical foundations, the evolution of acceptances, the analysis of the societal and organizational implications, and even the effects of CSR on the company’s performance. Consequently, little attention was paid to the reasons behind the adoption of the CSR approaches, in this case, the business motives, hence the perspective of this work. The aim is to contribute to the analysis of CSR as an instrument of the company’s commercial policy through an empirical survey study of CSR labeled Moroccan companies in the General Confederation of Moroccan Companies. To do this, we opt for a "positivist" positioning with an hypothetico-deductive method and a quantitative study methodology. On the theoretical level, we are trying to establish a framework for the theoretical analysis of the instrumental approach to the motivations for CSR engagement. Based on this development, we are building our hypotheses to be verified which are tested according to the PLS approach and processed using the R language. At the level of results, the empirical study concludes that societal commitment contributes well to achieving the objectives of the company's commercial policy

    Masuknya Buku-buku Keislaman Timur Tengah Ke Indonesia

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    Civilisation of books in Islamic era has rapidly grown since there was a record method of Al Qur\u27an and paper industry was developed in Arab. Many people are interested in Islambecause some respectable researchers introduce Islam through academic field, then it became a magnet for people who want to study about Islam. The beginning of Middle East – Islamic books in Indonesia is parallel with history of Islam in Indonesia. There are several paths used as an entrance of Middle East – Islamic books in Indonesia; through preaching by Muslim immigrants, education, translation, coordination with organizations, mass media and technology in information.Genres of books comprise Islamic law, theology, morals, exegesis, hadis (anthology of Prophet Muhammad\u27s stories), fiqih(study about ritual and obligation in Islam), and language

    Compare and Contrast between Journals Pedagogia and JEES

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    There are 4 aspects to compare and contrast between journal Pedagogia and JEES. First, journal description. The title of the journal Pedagogia is “Kesulitan Mahasiswa dalam Mencapai Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Secara Efektif” Megawati (2016a) And the title of journal JEES is “Tertiary Level Exchange Students’ Perspective on Self-Efficacy: Toward EFL Writing” Megawati (2016b). The author wrote Journal Pedagogia in Indonesian language while journal JEES wrote in English. Journal Pedagogia published on august 2016, the pages are 10 Volume 5 no.2 While journal JEES published on 19th November 2016, the pages are 12, Volume 1 no.2. Second, content of article. The content of journal Pedagogia is about English learning problems. In this study show the difficulty of learning English in four skills with the most difficult sequence to the easiest. Due to the difficulties of learning English is strongly influenced by the level of mastery language each student. While, the content of journal JEES is about the students’ self-efficacy on their writing competence. This study shows the picture of the Thailand students’ self efficacy in writing class. It got the same result which is on moderate level. It indicated the students are not maximal in following writing course. They need more guidance regarding the very different education background and learning situation. The efforts conducted by the students to get English exposure need to be maintained so that they have habit for improvement. Getting familiar with online source, collaborative activity, and taking additional English course can be alternative to get the best result. Third, method. Journal Pedagogia applied qualitative method and use observation, recording, and questionnaire as the instruments. The data were analyzed through three stages: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. While, journal JEES applied research methodology closed-ended questionnaire and interview. The questionnaires were adapted from “Writing Skills Questionnaire”. Fourth, significance. Journal Pedagogia last significance because the context of the journal is general, and the way the author explain about each student’s English skill is not specific, while Journal JEES more significant because it give more information for me. These journals focus to analyze five writing elements covering generating ideas, organization, grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics. All in all, Based on the aspects of compare and contrast journal Pedagogia and JEES, journal JEES is more significant than journal Pedagogia


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbandingan daun kenikir dengan air dan konsentrasi sukrosa terhadap karakteriktik sirup daun kenikir serta interaksinya. Manfaat dari penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan nilai ekonomis dan diversifikasi produk pangan yang fungsional. Rancangan percobaan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) pola faktorial 3x3 dengan tiga kali ulangan. Faktor yang diteliti pada penelitian ini, yaitu (faktor A) perbandingan daun kenikir dengan air dan (faktor B) konsentrasi sukrosa dan masing-masing faktor terdiri dari 3 taraf, yaitu a1 (1 : 2), a2 (1 : 3), a3 (1 : 4), b1 (50%) b2 (55%), dan b3 (60%). Respon organoleptik yang dianalisis yaitu warna, aroma, rasa, dan kekentalan. Respon kimia yang dianalisis yaitu kadar gula total, derajat keasaman (pH), total padatan terlarut, dan viskositas, aktivitas antioksidan, kadar kalsium, dan kadar tanin untuk bahan baku dan sampel tepilih. Perbandingan daun kenikir dengan air berpengaruh terhadap karakteristik sirup daun kenikir pada respon aroma, rasa, dan kekentalan. Konsentrasi Sukrosa berpengaruh terhadap karakteristik sirup daun kenikir pada respon aroma, kekentalan, kadar gula total, pH, total padatan terlarut (TPT), dan viskositas. Interaksi antara perbandingan daun kenikir dengan air dan konsentrasi sukrosa berpengaruh terhadap karakteristik sirup daun kenikir pada respon kekentalan, total padatan terlarut (TPT), dan viskositas. Kata Kunci : sirup daun kenikir, perbandingan daun kenikir dengan air, konsentrasi sukros


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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh arus kas, struktur modal, pertumbuhan laba dan pertumbuhan penjualan terhadap prediksi probabilitas kondisi financial distress pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2010 sampai 2014. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah pengujian hipotesis dengan menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Studi ini menggunakan data sekunder yang diperoleh dari laporan keuangan tahunan berakhir per 31 desember yang dipublikasikan oleh referensi perusahaan-perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonsia. Model analisis regresi logistik digunakan untuk pengujian hipotesis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa arus kas, struktur modal, pertumbuhan laba dan pertumbuhan penjualan memiliki pengaruh negatif yang signifikan terhadap financial distress.Kata Kunci: Financial distress, arus kas, struktur modal, pertumbuhan laba, pertumbuhan penjualan, analisis regresi logistik
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