1,518 research outputs found

    Stability of matter-wave solitons in a density-dependent gauge theory

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    We consider the linear stability of chiral matter-wave solitons described by a density-dependent gauge theory. By studying the associated Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations both numerically and analytically, we find that the stability problem effectively reduces to that of the standard Gross-Pitaevskii equation, proving that the solitons are stable to linear perturbations. In addition, we formulate the stability problem in the framework of the Vakhitov-Kolokolov criterion and provide supplementary numerical simulations which illustrate the absence of instabilities when the soliton is initially perturbed.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures. Comments are welcom

    The design of a deep water catenary riser

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    The overall aim of this study is to propose and develop a cost effective production design concept suitable for oil reservoirs situated in deep (1500 m) water which can be quickly and safely installed in areas with limited weather windows. The proposed design is based upon a steel catenary riser which will connect an FPSO directly into either a wellhead or seabed pipeline system thereby eliminating both the connection complexes and high cost associated with a central manifold. The catenary geometry will ensure that the structure is inherently compliant whilst a carrier pipe arrangement will provide structural protection and buoyancy to a flowline bundle contained within. The interface between the riser and the surface production vessel is a critical part of any riser system and so for the purposes of this study two design arrangements are considered. The first is based upon a direct connection between an FPSO turret and riser whereas the second is a hybrid design in which the riser is supported by a sub-surface buoy which is hydraulically connected to an FPSO using flexible flowlines. This hybrid connection has the advantage of decoupling FPSO and riser motions. Design development is carried out by examining a range of critical areas

    Improving scenario methods in infrastructure planning: a case study of long distance travel and mobility in the uk under extreme weather uncertainty and a changing climate

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    This paper develops a mixed method approach to infrastructure planning through a United Kingdom (UK) case study examining the impact of a changing climate on long distance travel and mobility between London and Glasgow. A novel combination of a qualitative method - Systematic Qualitative Foresight (SQF) - and quantitative simulation using discrete choice stated preference methods is applied. The main dataset is a travel behaviour survey of over 2,000 residents of London and Glasgow. Three illustrative SQF-based scenarios are developed incorporating society, technology and climate dimensions. For each scenario, the choice of long-distance travel mode by two groups of respondents generated by cluster analysis is simulated using stated preference survey data to describe the choices likely to be made by actors within each scenario. We demonstrate the importance of considering a wide range of variables when creating instruments for infrastructure planning decisions. Our results show that weather-related disruption has consequences for travel behaviour, with a considerable number of travellers deciding not to travel despite the importance of their trip. However, the vast majority of travellers would still travel. This should be considered by policy makers, and those responsible for transport infrastructure, in order to increase its resilience to extreme weather and demand, and better devise contingencies plans to contain, and minimise, the effect of the disruptions on the users. The method described has wider implications for infrastructure planning, particularly in its ability to engage a broader range of stakeholders and to avoid linear models of prediction. By emphasising the creation of a plausible decision space, it offers the possibility of increased robustness and resilience in infrastructure planning

    Managing sleep and wakefulness in a 24 hour world

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    This article contributes to literature on the sociology of sleep by exploring the sleeping practices and subjective sleep experiences of two social groups: shift workers and students. It draws on data, collected in the UK from 25 semi-structured interviews, to discuss the complex ways in which working patterns and social activities impact upon experiences and expectations of sleep in our wired awake world. The data show that, typically, sleep is valued and considered to be important for health, general wellbeing, appearance and physical and cognitive functioning. However, sleep time is often cut back on in favour of work demands and social activities. While shift workers described their efforts to fit in an adequate amount of sleep per 24-hour period, for students, the adoption of a flexible sleep routine was thought to be favourable for maintaining a work–social life balance. Collectively, respondents reported using a wide range of strategies, techniques, technologies and practices to encourage, overcome or delay sleep(iness) and boost, promote or enhance wakefulness/alertness at socially desirable times. The analysis demonstrates how social context impacts not only on how we come to think about sleep and understand it, but also how we manage or self-regulate our sleeping patterns

    Responses to selection for lean growth in sheep

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    This paper reports the selection responses achieved, and related results, following 9 years of index selection for lean growth in Suffolk sheep. The breeding goal of the index used comprised carcass lean weight and carcass fat weight at a constant age, with relative economic values of + 3 and –1 per kg. The selection criteria were live weight (LWT), ultrasonic fat depth (UFD) and ultrasonic muscle depth (UMD) adjusted to a constant age of 150 days. By year 9, responses in LWT, UFD and UMD in both sexes, as judged by the divergence between selection and control line performance, amounted to 4·88 kg, –1·1 mm and 2·8 mm respectively; these responses are between 7 and 15% of the overall means of the traits concerned. Although selection was originally on index scores based on phenotypic records, the retrospective analyses reported here used the mixed model applications of residual maximum likelihood to estimate parameters and best linear unbiased prediction to predict breeding values. The statistical model comprised fixed effects plus random effects accounting for direct additive, maternal additive and temporary environmental variation. Estimated genetic trends obtained by regressing estimated breeding values on year of birth were similar to annual responses estimated by comparing selection and control line means. Estimates of direct heritabilities were 0·054, 0·177, 0·286, 0·561 and 0·410 for birth weight (BWT), weaning weight (WWT), LWT, UFD and UMD respectively. Corresponding estimates of maternal heritabilities were 0·287, 0·205, 0·160, 0·083 and 0·164. Phenotypic correlations between all pairs of traits were positive and usually moderately high. There were low negative direct additive correlations between BWT and WWT, and between BWT and LWT, but higher positive maternal additive correlations between all other pairs of weight traits

    Healthcare workers' willingness to work during an influenza pandemic: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    To estimate the proportion of healthcare workers (HCWs) willing to work during an influenza pandemic and identify associated risk factors, we undertook a systematic review and meta-analysis compliant with PRISMA guidance. Databases and grey literature were searched to April 2013, and records were screened against protocol eligibility criteria. Data extraction and risk of bias assessments were undertaken using a piloted form. Random-effects meta-analyses estimated (i) pooled proportion of HCWs willing to work and (ii) pooled odds ratios of risk factors associated with willingness to work. Heterogeneity was quantified using the I(2) statistic, and publication bias was assessed using funnel plots and Egger's test. Data were synthesized narratively where meta-analyses were not possible. Forty-three studies met our inclusion criteria. Meta-analysis of the proportion of HCWs willing to work was abandoned due to excessive heterogeneity (I(2) = 99.2%). Narrative synthesis showed study estimates ranged from 23.1% to 95.8% willingness to work, depending on context. Meta-analyses of specific factors showed that male HCWs, physicians and nurses, full-time employment, perceived personal safety, awareness of pandemic risk and clinical knowledge of influenza pandemics, role-specific knowledge, pandemic response training, and confidence in personal skills were statistically significantly associated with increased willingness. Childcare obligations were significantly associated with decreased willingness. HCWs' willingness to work during an influenza pandemic was moderately high, albeit highly variable. Numerous risk factors showed a statistically significant association with willingness to work despite significant heterogeneity between studies. None of the included studies were based on appropriate theoretical constructs of population behaviour

    Two different subunits of importin cooperate to recognize nuclear localization signals and bind them to the nuclear envelope

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    AbstractBackground: Selective protein import into the cell nucleus occurs in two steps: binding to the nuclear envelope, followed by energy-dependent transit through the nuclear pore complex. A 60 kD protein, importin, is essential for the first nuclear import step, and the small G protein Ran/TC4 is essential for the second. We have previously purified the 60 kD importin protein (importin 60) as a single polypeptide.Results We have identified importin 90, a 90 kD second subunit that dissociates from importin 60 during affinity chromatography on nickel (II)–nitrolotriacetic acid–Sepharose, a technique that was originally used to purify importin 60. Partial amino-acid sequencing of Xenopus importin 90 allowed us to clone and sequence its human homologue; the amino-acid sequence of importin 90 is strikingly conserved between the two species. We have also identified a homologous budding yeast sequence from a database entry. Importin 90 potentiates the effects of importin 60 on nuclear protein import, indicating that the importin complex is the physiological unit responsible for import. To assess whether nuclear localization sequences are recognized by cytosolic receptor proteins, a biotin-tagged conjugate of nuclear localization signals linked to bovine serum albumin was allowed to form complexes with cytosolic proteins in Xenopus egg extracts; the complexes were then retrieved with streptavidin–agarose. The pattern of bound proteins was surprisingly simple and showed only two predominant bands: those of the importin complex. We also expressed the human homologue of importin 60, Rch1p, and found that it was able to replace its Xenopus counterpart in a functional assay. We discuss the relationship of importin 60 and importin 90 to other nuclear import factors.Conclusion Importin consists of a 60 and a 90 kD subunit. Together, they constitute a cytosolic receptor for nuclear localization signals that enables import substrates to bind to the nuclear envelope

    Children, family and the state : revisiting public and private realms

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    The state is often viewed as part of the impersonal public sphere in opposition to the private family as a locus of warmth and intimacy. In recent years this modernist dichotomy has been challenged by theoretical and institutional trends which have altered the relationship between state and family. This paper explores changes to both elements of the dichotomy that challenge this relationship: a more fragmented family structure and more individualised and networked support for children. It will also examine two new elements that further disrupt any clear mapping between state/family and public/private dichotomies: the third party role of the child in family/state affairs and children's application of virtual technology that locates the private within new cultural and social spaces. The paper concludes by examining the rise of the 'individual child' hitherto hidden within the family/state dichotomy and the implications this has for intergenerational relations at personal and institutional levels
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