66 research outputs found


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    Co- education involves a whole of strategies, practices, perspectives and options all of which allow the admission of typically and non- typically developed children in the General School. The issue, however, remains whether school can be restructured as a place where the equal participation of all children in the educational process and the acceptance of their diversities, are ascertained or not. In the context of the present research which was conducted during the 2014- 2015 school year, views of Greek Kindergarten Teachers (N: 217) and Elementary School teachers (N: 303) in the District of Epirus were assessed, regarding the factors which affect admission in the general school, of children with special educational needs. From the extracted data, the need for the general school to be aptly organized and the educators to work together in the context of a dynamic collaboration, not only with each other, but also with the special and parallel support educators, appeared on the purpose of determining the strategies, the practices, the suitable preconditions and the content of the educational process.  Article visualizations

    Competing coexisting phases in 2D water

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    International audienceThe properties of bulk water come from a delicate balance of interactions on length scales encompassing several orders of magnitudes: i) the Hydrogen Bond (HBond) at the molecular scale and ii) the extension of this HBond network up to the macroscopic level. Here, we address the physics of water when the three dimensional extension of the HBond network is frustrated, so that the water molecules are forced to organize in only two dimensions. We account for the large scale fluctuating HBond network by an analytical mean-field percolation model. This approach provides a coherent interpretation of the different events experimentally (calorimetry, neutron, NMR, near and far infra-red spectroscopies) detected in interfacial water at 160, 220 and 250 K. Starting from an amorphous state of water at low temperature, these transitions are respectively interpreted as the onset of creation of transient low density patches of 4-HBonded molecules at 160 K, the percolation of these domains at 220 K and finally the total invasion of the surface by them at 250 K. The source of this surprising behaviour in 2D is the frustration of the natural bulk tetrahedral local geometry and the underlying very significant increase in entropy of the interfacial water molecules

    High-Resolution Two-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

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    International audienceNuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is a ubiquitous branch of spectroscopy that can explore matter on the scale of the atom. Significant improvements in sensitivity and resolution have been driven by a steady increase of static magnetic field strengths. However, some properties of nuclei may be more favourable at low magnetic fields. For example, line-broadening due to chemical shift anisotropy increases sharply at higher magnetic fields. Here, we present a two-field NMR spectrometer that permits the application of rf-pulses and acquisition of NMR signals in two magnetic centres. Our prototype operates at 14.1 T and 0.33 T. The main features of this system are demonstrated by novel NMR experiments that correlate zero-quantum coherences at low magnetic field with single quantum coherences at high magnetic field, so that high resolution can be achieved in both dimensions, despite a ca. 10 ppm inhomogeneity of the low field centre. Two-field NMR spectroscopy offers the possibility to circumvent the limits of high magnetic fields, while benefiting from their exceptional sensitivity and resolution. This approach opens new avenues for NMR above 1 GHz

    Deliverable 1.1 review document on the management of marine areas with particular regard on concepts, objectives, frameworks and tools to implement, monitor, and evaluate spatially managed areas

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    The main objectives if this document were to review the existing information on spatial management of marine areas, identifying the relevant policy objectives, to identify parameters linked to the success or failure of the various Spatially Managed marine Areas (SMAs) regimes, to report on methods and tools used in monitoring and evaluation of the state of SMAs, and to identify gaps and weaknesses in the existing frameworks in relation to the implementation, monitoring, evaluation and management of SMAs. The document is naturally divided in two sections: Section 1 reviews the concepts, objectives, drivers, policy and management framework, and extraneous factors related to the design, implementation and evaluation of SMAs; Section 2 reviews the tools and methods to monitor and evaluate seabed habitats and marine populations.peer-reviewe

    The effect of staying power on offensive and defensive power of a modern warship

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    This thesis develops the relationship between the three major attributes of a modern warship: staying power, offensive power, and defensive power. Based on W. Hughes' Salvo Model, we show that there is an inverse linear relationship between a ship's staying power and its defensive power and a nonlinear relationship between its staying power and its offensive power. Using the embellishments that E. Hatzopoulos added regarding scouting effectiveness and alertness, we also compare the results for survivability with A. Lalis obtained from the Hatzopoulos model using scouting and alertness. We examine survivability using defensive power (or equivalently staying power, because of their linear relationship) and also offensive power.http://archive.org/details/theeffectofstayi1094539892Lieutenant Commander, Hellenic NavyApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Μελέτη συνδετικότητας του εγκεφάλου στο ηλεκτροεγκεφαλογράφημα του ύπνου και της επιληψίας

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    From birth, we spend at least one third of our lives asleep. After decades of research the reasons still remain to be elucidated. Greek mythology describes sleep as the brother of death while Edgar Allan Poe reads that the boundaries that divide life from death are, at best shadowy and vague.A neuropathy of the brain, closely related to sleep is epilepsy. Epilepsy is a group of neurological disease that express by epileptic seizures and has been characterised by Hippocrates as the Sacred Disease. The ause of most cases of epilepsy is unknown.Both sleep physiology and epilepsy diagnosis are studied via the Electroencephalogram (EEG). Although many studies have looked into the EEG macrostructural architecture of both, the modern technological advancements have made available the detailed investigation of microstructural EEG elements, such as the sleep spindle and the spike and wave discharge, using various computational techniques with brain connectivity being amongst them.In this study we focus on the computational investigation of the sleep spindle and the spike and wave discharge, hallmark EEG elements of sleep and epilepsy respectively. The sleep spindle has been associated with various cognitive functions and neuropsychological diseases, whereas the spike and wave discharge is the primary EEG indicator for epilepsy.For the computational study of the above we have used a range of computational techniques, such as time averaging, voltage topographies and time frequency analysis. Moreover, we developed a connectivity method specifically designed for the investigation of EEG microelements. This connectivity tool makes use of the Imaginary part of Coherence, reduces the volume conduction and reference EEG problems while it features sophisticated error-assessment statistical analysis.Secondly, in a network examination of ten healthy subjects a strongly interacting network that involves parietal-occipital and left frontal areas was identified. Furthermore, another two substantially interconnected nodes related to occipital and right frontotemporal regions were found. These findings suggest that these areas are primarily crucial in the maintenance and regional distribution of the sleep spindle and furthermore important in the understanding of various physiological and abnormal br.ain functions the sleep spindle function are involved with. In order to study the fundamental origins of epileptiform EEG manifestations, the boundaries between the survivable condition and irreversible coma conditions, GSWD were invastigated in Non Colvulsive Status Epilepticus and Anoxic Brain Injury patients. Although the morphological aspects of the GPEDs between NCSE and ABI patients were indifferent, a clear differentiation between the two was found with regards to the voltage topography of the negative GPD phase.Finally, in order to elucidate possible links between sleep spindles and spikes generators we looked into those in 3 groups of idiopathic focal epilepsies of childhood. A positive correlation between spike and spindle density as well as between the morphology of spikes and spindles was found. The latter suggest that the generation of spikes and spindles is likely to be under led by similar neurophysiological mechanisms

    Aimants permanents pour la RMN et l'IRM

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    Les matériaux aimantés offrent une alternative intéressante aux aimants supraconducteurs dans le contexte d applications RMN moins exigeantes en intensité de champ magnétique. Ce travail s attache à l étude théorique et expérimentale de systèmes aimantés au profil de champ magnétique contrôlé dans une région d intérêt pour la RMN. Après l introduction d un formalisme basé sur la décomposition en harmoniques sphériques pour la conception de ce type d aimants, nous avons étendu ces concepts à la mesure et à l ajustement de profils de champ simulés ou réels. Le cas des champs magnétiques homogènes doit être traité séparément de celui des forts gradients du fait des gradients concomitants. Nous avons donc mis en place un formalisme pour chacune des deux situations. En utilisant ces développements théoriques, nous avons conçu et réalisé plusieurs prototypes. Nous décrivons en particulier un système d aimant à bas coût créant un champ homogène à 12 ppm dans 2 mm3 de 0.12 T. Cette performance est obtenue après l ajustement du système par ajout de petits aimants permanents. De plus, nous avons fabriqué un aimant unilatéral générant un fort gradient de champ (3.3 T/m) avec des variations du champ dans les directions transverse inférieures à 50~ppm dans un centimètre de diamètre, âpres ajustement par perturbation de la géométrie de l aimant. Cet aimant a pu être intégré avec des bobines de surface de notre conception pour réaliser un système complet de RMN ex situ permettant la mesure de temps de relaxation et d effectuer de l imagerie 1D avec une résolution démontrée de 15 m.Permanent magnets are a good alternative to superconducting magnets for NMR applications demanding a smaller magnetic field strength. This work focuses on the theoretical and experimental study of permanent magnet systems with controlled field profiles, suitable for NMR. After introducing a formalism based on spherical harmonics decomposition for the design of such magnets, we extended these concepts to the characterization (field mapping) and shimming of simulated or fabricated structures. The cases of the generation of a homogeneous field and of a strong field gradient have to be treated separately due to concomitant fields. Consequently, we provided a different framework for both situations. Using these frameworks, we fabricated several prototypes after our designs. We described the performance of a low-cost homogeneous in situ magnet achieving 0.12~T with 12~ppm homogeneity in a 3~mm3 volume after shimming based on additional magnet pieces. In addition, a single-sided static gradient structure is presented. The shimming of this magnet, based on geometry alteration, demonstrated the possibility to map precisely a very strong field gradient (3 T/m) and to control the spatial variations of that profile. This single sided magnet was then integrated with surface coils of our own design in order to perform ex situ NMR experiments. We demonstrated the ability to perform relaxation time measurements and 1D imaging with a resolution of 15~ m over several millimeters.VERSAILLES-BU Sciences et IUT (786462101) / SudocSudocFranceF