11 research outputs found

    Filozofski aspekti problema Maksvelovog demona

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    In this thesis, we will analyze Maxwell’s thought experiment from few different points of view. First, we will analyze the relation of Maxwell’s demon with the causality on the one side and indeterminism on the other. Then, we will examine it from the point of view of philosophy of time, thermodynamics, information theory, biology and quantum mechanics. The central part of the thesis will be the analysis between entropy and information in which we will conclude that information and entropy cannot be the same, and that any exorcism that counts on this relationship must be invalid. We will make several conclusions on different aspects of the problem of Maxwell’s demon. We explore these different aspects of the problem of Maxwell’s demon through chapters that can be read independently, but they also form a bigger picture by showing us the heuristic value that Maxwell’s thought experiment bears for both philosophy and physics, but also biology, quantum computation, history of science, cosmology, etc. Instead of exorcising the demon, we can continue Maxwell’s project of analyzing validity of second law through this thought experiment, by using it much wider, in many other fields to draw some new conclusions and pay attention to some unperceived aspects of old phenomena.U ovoj disertaciji analiziraću Maksvelov misaoni eksperiment sa nekoliko različitih tački gledišta. Najpre ću analizirati odnos Maksvelovog demona i pojma kauzalnosti na jednoj strani, kao i pojma indeterminizma, na drugoj. Nakon toga ću analizirati problem Maksvelovog demona sa tačke gledišta filozofije vremena, termodinamike, informatike, biologije i kvantne mehanike. Centralni deo teze biće analiza odnosa entropije i informacije u okviru koje ću zaključiti da informacija i entropija nisu i ne mogu biti isto, kao i da egzorcizam koji se oslanja na izjednačavanje ova dva pojma ne može biti validan. Doneću još neke zaključke koji se tiču raznih aspekata problema Maksvelovog demona. Istražiću ove različite aspekte kroz odeljke koji se mogu čitati nezavisno, ali koji takođe zajedno čine širu sliku, ukazujući nam heurističku vrednost koju ovaj Maksvelov misaoni eksperiment donosi kako na polju filozofije fizike, tako i na polju biologije, kvantne fizike, istorije nauke, kosmologije i tako dalje. Umesto da prognamo demona, mi možemo nastaviti Maksvelov projekat analiziranja validnosti drugog zakona termodinamike, koristeći ga mnogo šire, kao i u mnogim drugim poljima kako bismo došli do novih zaključaka i obratili pažnju na neke nove, ranije neopažene, aspekte starog fenomena


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    Introduction: Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental disorders. Benzodiazepines belong to the group of anxiolytic sedatives and the most prescribed drugs in the world. The aim in ours study was to evaluate the differences in the exposure of the population to benzodiazepines (in period from 2014-2018) be tween Serbia, Slovenia and Croa tia, the three countries of th e Southwestern Balkans with varying degrees of socioeconomic development. Study design: A academic investigator initiated, pharmacoepidemiological difference-in -difference time se ries analysis of population exposure to benzodiazepines between the three, geogr aphically close Balkans countries (Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia) wi th varying degrees of socioeconomic developmen t has been carried out. Study was conducted as academic investigator initiated, in a retrospective manner on monthly basis international data set from January 2014 to December 2018. Results: At the annual level, during the study period from Januar y 2014 to December 2018, compared to Slovenia, Serbia and Croatia had higher DIDs, from 5 fold (Croatia) to 6 fold (Serbi a), for all benzodiazepines in total. By analyzing the differenc es-in- difference, we have shown that influence of both time (month) and c ountry on DIDs is significant as well as their mutual intera ction (the country × month) for all benzodiazepines in total. Conclusion: Serbia and Croatia must implement exp licit measures of reduci ng benzodiazepine prescription in health primary care based on evidence-based recommendations in the indicati ons where general medicine practitioners/family doctors most commonly prescribe these medicines. Without providing a realistic supplement/alternative to benzodiazepines such as increasing the availability of psychotherapy and impr oving the structure of psyc hiatric professionals in healthcare settings, implicit measures are not recommended for reducing pr escription, implementing accountability measures for prolonged prescription of benzodiazepines, and in particular for“ masked ”somatic diseases . All this comes to the fore by raising economic development and socioeconomic stabilit


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    Introduction: Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental disorders. Benzodiazepines belong to the group of anxiolytic sedatives and the most prescribed drugs in the world. The aim in ours study was to evaluate the differences in the exposure of the population to benzodiazepines (in period from 2014-2018) be tween Serbia, Slovenia and Croa tia, the three countries of th e Southwestern Balkans with varying degrees of socioeconomic development. Study design: A academic investigator initiated, pharmacoepidemiological difference-in -difference time se ries analysis of population exposure to benzodiazepines between the three, geogr aphically close Balkans countries (Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia) wi th varying degrees of socioeconomic developmen t has been carried out. Study was conducted as academic investigator initiated, in a retrospective manner on monthly basis international data set from January 2014 to December 2018. Results: At the annual level, during the study period from Januar y 2014 to December 2018, compared to Slovenia, Serbia and Croatia had higher DIDs, from 5 fold (Croatia) to 6 fold (Serbi a), for all benzodiazepines in total. By analyzing the differenc es-in- difference, we have shown that influence of both time (month) and c ountry on DIDs is significant as well as their mutual intera ction (the country × month) for all benzodiazepines in total. Conclusion: Serbia and Croatia must implement exp licit measures of reduci ng benzodiazepine prescription in health primary care based on evidence-based recommendations in the indicati ons where general medicine practitioners/family doctors most commonly prescribe these medicines. Without providing a realistic supplement/alternative to benzodiazepines such as increasing the availability of psychotherapy and impr oving the structure of psyc hiatric professionals in healthcare settings, implicit measures are not recommended for reducing pr escription, implementing accountability measures for prolonged prescription of benzodiazepines, and in particular for“ masked ”somatic diseases . All this comes to the fore by raising economic development and socioeconomic stabilit

    Docking studies, cytotoxicity evaluation and interactions of binuclear copper(ii) complexes with s-isoalkyl derivatives of thiosalicylic acid with some relevant biomolecules

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    The numerous side effects of platinum based chemotherapy has led to the design of new therapeutics with platinum replaced by another transition metal. Here, we investigated the interactions of previously reported copper(II) complexes containing S-isoalkyl derivatives, the salicylic acid with guanosine-5′-monophosphate and calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) and their antitumor effects, in a colon carcinoma model. All three copper(II) complexes exhibited an affinity for binding to CT-DNA, but there was no indication of intercalation or the displacement of ethidium bromide. Molecular docking studies revealed a significant affinity of the complexes for binding to the minor groove of B-form DNA, which coincided with DNA elongation, and a higher affinity for binding to Z-form DNA, supporting the hypothesis that the complex binding to CT-DNA induces a local transition from B-form to Z-form DNA. These complexes show a moderate, but selective cytotoxic effect toward colon cancer cells in vitro. Binuclear complex of copper(II) with S-isoamyl derivative of thiosalicylic acid showed the highest cytotoxic effect, arrested tumor cells in the G2/M phase of the cell cycle, and significantly reduced the expression of inflammatory molecules pro-IL-1β, TNF-α, ICAM-1, and VCAM-1 in the tissue of primary heterotopic murine colon cancer, which was accompanied by a significantly reduced tumor growth and metastases in the lung and liver

    Sex Bias in Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Neuroinflammation: Relevance for Dimethyl Fumarate Immunomodulatory/Anti-oxidant Action

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    In the present study, upon showing sexual dimorphism in dimethyl fumarate (DMF) efficacy to moderate the clinical severity of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in Dark Agouti rats, cellular and molecular substrate of this dimorphism was explored. In rats of both sexes, DMF administration from the day of immunization attenuated EAE severity, but this effect was more prominent in males leading to loss of the sexual dimorphism observed in vehicle-administered controls. Consistently, in male rats, DMF was more efficient in diminishing the number of CD4+ T lymphocytes infiltrating spinal cord (SC) and their reactivation, the number of IL-17+ T lymphocytes and particularly cellularity of their highly pathogenic IFN-gamma+GM-CSF+IL-17+ subset. This was linked with changes in SC CD11b+CD45+TCR alpha beta- microglia/proinflammatory monocyte progeny, substantiated in a more prominent increase in the frequency of anti-inflammatory phygocyting CD163+ cells and the cells expressing high surface levels of immunoregulatory CD83 molecule (associated with apoptotic cells phagocytosis and implicated in downregulation of CD4+ T lymphocyte reactivation) among CD11b+CD45+TCR alpha beta- cells in male rat SC. These changes were associated with greater increase in the nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 expression in male rats administered with DMF. In accordance with the previous findings, DMF diminished reactive nitrogen and oxygen species generation and consistently, SC level of advanced oxidation protein products, to the greater extent in male rats. Overall, our study indicates sex-specificity in the sensitivity of DMF cellular and molecular targets and encourages sex-based clinical research to define significance of sex for action of therapeutic agents moderating autoimmune neuroinflammation-/oxidative stress-related nervous tissue damage

    Methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane films on aluminium: Electrochemical characteristics, adhesion and morphology

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    The electrochemical characteristics, adhesion and morphology of methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane (MAPT) films on aluminium were investigated during exposure to 3 wt.% NaCl. The MAPT films were deposited on aluminium surface from 2 to 5 vol.% methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane solutions, with the aim to investigate the influence of deposition parameters (silane solution concentration and curing time) on electrochemical characteristics, adhesion and morphology of MAPT films on aluminium. Using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), potential-time measurements, adhesion measurements and optical microscopy coupled with image analysis, it was shown that films deposited from 5 vol.% solution exhibited better corrosion stability and adhesion, as well as lower porosity comparing to 2 vol.% solution and improved the corrosion protection of aluminium substrate, while the curing time had no influence on these characteristics

    Corrosion protection of aluminium pretreated by vinyltriethoxysilane in sodium chloride solution

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    The corrosion protection of vinyltriethoxysilane (VTES) films on aluminium during exposure to 3% NaCl was investigated using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), potential-time measurements and optical microscopy coupled with image analysis. Composition and thickness of films were analyzed using Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) combined with depth profiling. It was shown that films deposited from 5% solution were significantly thicker and exhibited lower porosity and better corrosion stability, as compared to films deposited from 2 vol.% solution. VTES films deposited from 5 vol.% solutions and cured for 30 min exhibited better protection properties than other investigated films

    New insights into the origin and the genetic status of the Balkan donkey from Serbia

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    The Balkan donkey (Equus asinus L.) is commonly regarded as a large-sized, unselected, unstructured and traditionally managed donkey breed. We assessed the current genetic status of the three largest E. asinus populations in the central Balkans (Serbia) by analysing the variability of nuclear microsatellites and the mitochondrial (mtDNA) control region of 77 and 49 individuals respectively. We further analysed our mtDNA dataset along with 209 published mtDNA sequences of ancient and modern individuals from 19 European and African populations to provide new insights into the origin and the history of the Balkan donkey. Serbian donkey populations are highly genetically diverse at both the nuclear and mtDNA levels despite severe population decline. Traditional Balkan donkeys in Serbia are rather heterogeneous; we found two groups of individuals with similar phenotypic features, somewhat distinct nuclear backgrounds and different proportions of mtDNA haplotypes belonging to matrilineal Clades 1 and 2. Another group, characterized by larger body size, different coat colour, distinct nuclear gene pool and predominantly Clade 2 haplotypes, was delineated as the Banat donkey breed. The maternal landscape of the large Balkan donkey population is highly heterogeneous and more complex than previously thought. Given the two independent domestication events in donkeys, multiple waves of introductions into the Balkans from Greece are hypothesized. Clade 2 donkeys probably appeared in Greece prior to those belonging to Clade 1, whereas expansion and diversification of Clade 1 donkeys within the Balkans predated that of Clade 2 donkeys

    Galectin-3, Possible Role in Pathogenesis of Periodontal Diseases and Potential Therapeutic Target

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    Periodontal diseases are chronic inflammatory diseases that occur due to the imbalance between microbial communities in the oral cavity and the immune response of the host that lead to destruction of tooth supporting structures and finally to alveolar bone loss. Galectin-3 is a β-galactoside-binding lectin with important roles in numerous biological processes. By direct binding to microbes and modulation of their clearence, Galectin-3 can affect the composition of microbial community in the oral cavity. Galectin-3 also modulates the function of many immune cells in the gingiva and gingival sulcus and thus can affect immune homeostasis. Few clinical studies demonstrated increased expression of Galectin-3 in different forms of periodontal diseases. Therefore, the objective of this mini review is to discuss the possible effects of Galectin-3 on the process of immune homeostasis and the balance between oral microbial community and host response and to provide insights into the potential therapeutic targeting of Gal-3 in periodontal disease

    Localization of recognition site between transforming growth factor-beta(1) (TGF-beta(1)) and TGF beta receptor type II: possible implications in breast cancer

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    Although overexpression of TGF-beta(1) protein has been demonstrated in advanced breast cancer(BC) patients, as well as in other solid tumours, the molecular mechanism of this process remains obscure. This paper proposes that a genetic/epigenetic alteration might occur in the TGF-beta(1) gene, within the region coding for the recognition site with TGF(beta) receptor type II, leading to a disruption of the ligand-receptor interaction and triggering the TGF-beta(1) cascade-related BC progression. To establish the operational framework for this hypothesis, in the present study, this recognition site was identified by the Informational Spectrum Method (ISM) to comprise two TGF-beta(1) peptides (positions 47-66 as and 83-112 aa) and one receptor peptide at positions 112-151 as of the extracellular domain of the receptor (TbetaRII(M)). The TbetaRII(M) locus was further evaluated by ISM-derived deletion analysis of the TbetaRII sequences. To provide experimental support for the proposed model, a pilot study of plasma TGF-beta(1) analysis was performed in advanced BC patients (n = 8). Two commercial ELISA assays, one with specific alphaTGF-beta(1) MAb (MAb) and other with TbetaRII(M) as the immobilized phase, revealed pronounced differences in the pattern of plasma TGF-beta(1) elevation. In MAb-profile, the TGF-beta(1) increase was detected in 7 of 8 patients, whereas analogous TbetaRII(M)-profile revealed the elevation in 3 of 8 patients, taking a 50% of maximal elevation as the cut-off value. These findings are consistent with the proposed aberration of TGF-beta(1) ligand within the TbetaRII recognition site. Summarizing, this model system is a good starting point for further genetic studies, particularly on genetic/epigenetic alterations of sequences involved in TGF-beta(1) and TbetaRII(M) interaction, with putative prognostic value for breast cancer. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved