52 research outputs found

    Status and rebuilding of European fisheries

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    Since January 2014, the reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) of the European Union is legally binding for all Member States. It prescribes the end of overfishing and the rebuilding of all stocks above levels that can produce maximum sustainable yields (MSY). This study examines the current status, exploitation pattern, required time for rebuilding, future catch, and future profitability for 397 European stocks. Fishing pressure and biomass were estimated from 2000 to the last year with available data in 10 European ecoregions and 2 wide ranging regions. In the last year with available data, 69% of the 397 stocks were subject to ongoing overfishing and 51% of the stocks were outside of safe biological limits. Only 12% of the stocks fulfilled the prescriptions of the CFP. Fishing pressure has decreased since 2000 in some ecoregions but not in others. Barents Sea and Norwegian Sea have the highest percentage (>60%) of sustainably exploited stocks that are capable of producing MSY. In contrast, in the Mediterranean Sea, fewer than 20% of the stocks are exploited sustainably. Overfishing is still widespread in European waters and current management, which aims at maximum sustainable exploitation, is unable to rebuild the depleted stocks and results in poor profitability. This study examines four future exploitation scenarios that are compatible with the CFP. It finds that exploitation levels of 50–80% of the maximum will rebuild stocks and lead to higher catches than currently obtained, with substantially higher profits for the fishers

    On the pile-up effect and priors for L-inf and M/K: response to a comment by Hordyk et al. on "A new approach for estimating stock status from length frequency data" Reply

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    We thank Hordyk et al. (2019) for pointing out a typographical error in one of our equations, which has meanwhile been fixed in the online version of Froese et al. (2018) and addressed in a corrigendum for the printed version. We agree with Hordyk et al. (2019) that accounting for the pile-up effect in binned LF samples may be appropriate in, for example, tropical species with continuous reproduction, and we have provided for such correction as an option in the latest version of the LBB software. We note, however, that this correction as well as the LBSPR method of Hordyk et al. (2016) proposed by Hordyk et al. (2019) as an alternative to LBB leads to strong overestimation of exploitation and underestimation of stock status when compared with independent assessments of 34 real stocks from temperate and subtropical areas. As for the points raised by Hordyk et al. (2019) with regard to default priors for Linf and M/K, we maintain that these defaults are adequate for a wide range of exploited species. They can be easily replaced by users if better information is available. Warnings not to use LBB if LF samples do not show the typical asymmetric pattern were already provided in the original LBB paper and are repeated here.</p

    Learning from the peer review of ‘Estimating stock status from relative abundance and resilience’

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    This contribution presents the detailed responses to the peer-review of Froese et al. (2019) “Estimating stock status from relative abundance and resilience” (ICES J. Mar. Sci. 2019) which outlined a method called “AMSY” for inferring biomass trends for stocks for which only catch-per-unit-effort and limited ancillary (‘priors’) data are available. The responses emphasize that the required priors are legitimate and straightforward to obtain, thus, making AMSY a method of choice in data-sparse situations. This is also a good example of the role of peer-review in validating and improving science

    On the pile-up effect and priors for Linf and M/K: Response to a Comment by Hordyk et al. on “A new approach for estimating stock status from length frequency data”

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    There is a recognized need for new methods with modest data requirements to provide preliminary estimates of stock status for data-limited stocks (e.g. Rudd and Thorson, 2018). Froese et al. (2018) provide such a method, which derives estimates of relative stock size from length frequency (LF) data of exploited stocks. They show that their length-based Bayesian biomass estimation method (LBB) can reproduce the “true” parameters used in simulated data and can approximate the relative stock size as estimated independently by more data-demanding methods in 34 real stocks. However, in a comment on LBB, Hordyk et al. (2019) claim (i) that the master equation of LBB is incomplete because it does not correct for the pile-up effect caused by aggregating length measurements into length classes or “bins”, (ii) that LBB is highly sensitive to equilibrium assumptions and wrongly uses maximum observed length (Lmax) for guidance in setting a prior for the estimation of asymptotic length (Linf), and (iii) that the default prior used by LBB for the ratio between natural mortality and somatic growth rate (M/K) of 1.5 (SD = 0.15) is inadequate for many exploited species. These comments are addressed belo

    Exploitation and status of European stocks

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    Report about the outcome of four workshops in 2016, about the assessment of all European stock

    Estimating stock status from relative abundance and resilience

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    The Law of the Sea as well as regional and national laws and agreements require exploited populations or stocks to be managed so that they can produce maximum sustainable yields. However, exploitation level and stock status are unknown for most stocks because the data required for full stock assessments are missing. This study presents a new method (AMSY) that estimates relative population size when no catch data are available using time-series of catch-per-unit-effort or other relative abundance indices as the main input. AMSY predictions for relative stock size were not significantly different from the “true” values when compared with simulated data. Also, they were not significantly different from relative stock size estimated by data-rich models in 88% of the comparisons within 140 real stocks. Application of AMSY to 38 data-poor stocks showed the suitability of the method and led to the first assessments for 23 species. Given the lack of catch data as input, AMSY estimates of exploitation come with wide margins of uncertainty which may not be suitable for management. However, AMSY seems to be well suited for estimating productivity as well as relative stock size and may, therefore, aid in the management of data-poor stocks

    A new approach for estimating stock status from length frequency data

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    This study presents a new method (LBB) for the analysis of length frequency data from commercial catches. LBB works for species that grow throughout their lives, such as most commercially-important fish and invertebrates, and requires no input in addition to length frequency data. It estimates asymptotic length, length at first capture, relative natural mortality, and relative fishing mortality. Standard fisheries equations can then be used to approximate current exploited biomass relative to unexploited biomass. In addition, these parameters allow the estimation of length at first capture that would maximize catch and biomass for a given fishing effort, and estimation of a proxy for the relative biomass capable of producing maximum sustainable yields. Relative biomass estimates of LBB were not significantly different from the “true” values in simulated data and were similar to independent estimates from full stock assessments. LBB also presents a new indicator for assessing whether an observed size structure is indicative of a healthy stock. LBB results will obviously be misleading if the length frequency data do not represent the size composition of the exploited size range of the stock or if length frequencies resulting from the interplay of growth and mortality are masked by strong recruitment pulses

    New developments in the analysis of catch time series as the basis for fish stock assessments: The CMSY++ method

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    Following an introduction to the nature of fisheries catches and their information content, a new development of CMSY, a data-limited stock assessment method for fishes and invertebrates, is presented. This new version, CMSY++, overcomes several of the deficiencies of CMSY, which itself improved upon the “Catch-MSY” method published by S. Martell and R. Froese in 2013. The catch-only application of CMSY++ uses a Bayesian implementation of a modified Schaefer model, which also allows the fitting of abundance indices should such information be available. In the absence of historical catch time series and abundance indices, CMSY++ depends strongly on the provision of appropriate and informative priors for plausible ranges of initial and final stock depletion. An Artificial Neural Network (ANN) now assists in selecting objective priors for relative stock size based on patterns in 400 catch time series used for training. Regarding the cross-validation of the ANN predictions, of the 400 real stocks used in the training of ANN, 94% of final relative biomass (B/k) Bayesian (BSM) estimates were within the approximate 95% confidence limits of the respective CMSY++ estimate. Also, the equilibrium catch-biomass relations of the modified Schaefer model are compared with those of alternative surplus-production and age-structured models, suggesting that the latter two can be strongly biased towards underestimating the biomass required to sustain catches at low abundance. Numerous independent applications demonstrate how CMSY++ can incorporate, in addition to the required catch time series, both abundance data and a wide variety of ancillary information. We stress, however, the caveats and pitfalls of naively using the built-in prior options, which should instead be evaluated case-by-case and ideally be replaced by independent prior knowledge

    Effects of a fishing closure area on the structure and diversity of a continental shelf fish assemblage in the NW Mediterranean Sea

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    Bottom trawling is the most extensive fishing activity affecting the continental shelf in Mediterranean waters. This gear has caused negative effects on the communities and topography of the seafloor. Temporal or spatial fishing closures have been proposed as strategies to reduce the disturbances caused by overfishing and for biodiversity recovery and restoration of ecosystems. The present study used various indicators to analyze and compare the differences between the demersal fish assemblages in a fishing closure area (FCA) established by the fishers of the Roses port (NW Mediterranean) and those on a fishing ground (FG) to assess the efficiency of this strategy two years after the cessation of fishing. Our findings demonstrated a noticeable increase in the abundance and biomass of all species in the FCA, especially species of small and medium size. Thus, our findings demonstrated that there were detectable shifts in the community (composition, rank abundance plots, ABC curves and diversity metrics) in a short time, evidencing slight disturbance effects on ecosystems. The present study also showed positive effects on the population structure, which had an increase in larger individuals, although the pattern varied between species. In particular, the European hake stock showed an increase in recruits, and the presence of large adults supported the suitability of this protection measure. Consequently, long time periods are not necessary to perceive noticeable benefits in terms of biodiversity recovery and ecosystem restoration in some deep marine ecosystems, and monitoring from the first year of fishing cessation is very important.Postprin