56 research outputs found

    Bacterial protein interaction networks: connectivity is ruled by gene conservation, essentiality and function

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    Protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks are the backbone of all processes in living cells. In this work we relate conservation, essentiality and functional repertoire of a gene to the connectivity kk of the corresponding protein in the PPI networks. Focusing on a set of 42 bacterial species with reasonably separated evolutionary trajectories, we investigate three issues: i) whether the distribution of connectivity values changes between PPI subnetworks of essential and nonessential genes; ii) how gene conservation, measured both by the evolutionary retention index (ERI) and by evolutionary pressures (evaluated through the ratio Ka/KsK_a/K_s and ENC plots) is related to the the connectivity of the corresponding protein; iii) how PPI connectivities are modulated by evolutionary and functional relationships, as represented by the Clusters of Orthologous Proteins (COGs). We show that conservation, essentiality and functional specialization of genes control in a quite universal way the topology of the emerging bacterial PPI networks. Noteworthy, a structural transition in the network is observed such that, for connectivities k40k\ge40, bacterial PPI networks are mostly populated by genes that are conserved, essential and which, in most cases, belong to the COG cluster J, related to ribosomal functions and to the processing of genetic information

    Codon Bias Patterns of E.coliE.coli's Interacting Proteins

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    Synonymous codons, i.e., DNA nucleotide triplets coding for the same amino acid, are used differently across the variety of living organisms. The biological meaning of this phenomenon, known as codon usage bias, is still controversial. In order to shed light on this point, we propose a new codon bias index, CompAICompAI, that is based on the competition between cognate and near-cognate tRNAs during translation, without being tuned to the usage bias of highly expressed genes. We perform a genome-wide evaluation of codon bias for E.coliE.coli, comparing CompAICompAI with other widely used indices: tAItAI, CAICAI, and NcNc. We show that CompAICompAI and tAItAI capture similar information by being positively correlated with gene conservation, measured by ERI, and essentiality, whereas, CAICAI and NcNc appear to be less sensitive to evolutionary-functional parameters. Notably, the rate of variation of tAItAI and CompAICompAI with ERI allows to obtain sets of genes that consistently belong to specific clusters of orthologous genes (COGs). We also investigate the correlation of codon bias at the genomic level with the network features of protein-protein interactions in E.coliE.coli. We find that the most densely connected communities of the network share a similar level of codon bias (as measured by CompAICompAI and tAItAI). Conversely, a small difference in codon bias between two genes is, statistically, a prerequisite for the corresponding proteins to interact. Importantly, among all codon bias indices, CompAICompAI turns out to have the most coherent distribution over the communities of the interactome, pointing to the significance of competition among cognate and near-cognate tRNAs for explaining codon usage adaptation

    Essentiality, conservation, evolutionary pressure and codon bias in bacterial genes

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    Essential genes constitute the core of genes which cannot be mutated too much nor lost along the adaptive evolutionary history of a species. Natural selection is expected to be stricter on essential genes and on conserved (highly shared) genes, than on genes that are either nonessential or peculiar to a single or a few species. In order to further assess this expectation, we study here how essentiality of a gene is connected with its degree of conservation among several unrelated bacterial species, each one characterised by its own codon usage bias. Confirming previous results on E- Coli, we show the existence of a universal exponential correlation between gene essentiality and conservation in bacteria. Moreover, we show that, within each bacterial genome, there are at least two groups of functionally distinct genes, characterised by different levels of conservation and codon bias: i) a core of essential genes, mainly related to cellular information processing; ii) a set of less conserved genes with prevalent functions related to metabolism. The genes in the first group are more retained among species, are subject to a relatively purifying conservative selection and display a more selected choice of synonymous codons.The core of essential genes is close to the minimal bacterial genome, which is in the focus of recent studies in synthetic biology, though we confirm that othologues of genes that are essential in one species are not necessarily essential in other species. We also list a set of highly shared genes, which could constitute a reservoir of targets for new anti-microbial drugs

    Co-evolution between Codon Usage and Protein-Protein Interaction in Bacteria

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    We study the correlation between the codon usage bias of genetic sequences and the network features of protein-protein interaction (PPI) in bacterial species. We use PCA techniques in the space of codon bias indices to show that genes with similar patterns of codon usage have a significantly higher probability that their encoded proteins are functionally connected and interacting. Importantly, this signal emerges when multiple aspects of codon bias are taken into account at the same time. The present study extends our previous observations on E.Coli over a wide set of 34 bacteria. These findings could allow for future investigations on the possible effects of codon bias on the topology of the PPI network, with the aim of improving existing bioinformatics methods for predicting protein interactions

    Human GBP1 binds LPS to initiate assembly of a caspase-4 activating platform on cytosolic bacteria

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    The human non-canonical inflammasome controls caspase-4 activation and gasdermin-D-dependent pyroptosis in response to cytosolic bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Since LPS binds and oligomerizes caspase-4, the pathway is thought to proceed without dedicated LPS sensors or an activation platform. Here we report that interferon-induced guanylate-binding proteins (GBPs) are required for non-canonical inflammasome activation by cytosolic Salmonella or upon cytosolic delivery of LPS. GBP1 associates with the surface of cytosolic Salmonella seconds after bacterial escape from their vacuole, initiating the recruitment of GBP2-4 to assemble a GBP coat. The GBP coat then promotes the recruitment of caspase-4 to the bacterial surface and caspase activation, in absence of bacteriolysis. Mechanistically, GBP1 binds LPS with high affinity through electrostatic interactions. Our findings indicate that in human epithelial cells GBP1 acts as a cytosolic LPS sensor and assembles a platform for caspase-4 recruitment and activation at LPS-containing membranes as the first step of non-canonical inflammasome signaling

    The Role of Interferon-Inducible Guanylate-Binding Proteins (GBPs) in Non-Canonical Inflammasome Activation

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    Caspase-4 Activation and Recruitment to Intracellular Gram-Negative Bacteria

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    The non-canonical inflammasome pathway functions as the primary cytosolic innate immune detection mechanism for Gram-negative bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in human and mouse cells and controls the proteolytic activation of the cell death executor gasdermin D (GSDMD). The main effectors of this pathways are the inflammatory proteases caspase-11 in mice and caspase-4/caspase-5 in humans. These caspases have been shown to bind LPS directly; however, the interaction between LPS and caspase-4/caspase-11 requires a set of interferon (IFN)-inducible GTPases, known as guanylate-binding proteins (GBPs). These GBPs assemble to form coatomers on cytosolic Gram-negative bacteria, which function as recruitment and activation platforms for caspase-11/caspase-4. Here we describe an assay to monitor caspase-4 activation in human cells by immunoblotting and its recruitment to intracellular bacteria using the model pathogen Burkholderia thailandensis

    Codon usage bias and environmental adaptation in microbial organisms

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    In each genome, synonymous codons are used with different frequencies; this general phenomenon is known as codon usage bias. It has been previously recognised that codon usage bias could affect the cellular fitness and might be associated with the ecology of microbial organisms. In this exploratory study, we investigated the relationship between codon usage bias, lifestyles (thermophiles vs. mesophiles; pathogenic vs. non-pathogenic; halophilic vs. non-halophilic; aerobic vs. anaerobic and facultative) and habitats (aquatic, terrestrial, host-associated, specialised, multiple) of 615 microbial organisms (544 bacteria and 71 archaea). Principal component analysis revealed that species with given phenotypic traits and living in similar environmental conditions have similar codon preferences, as represented by the relative synonymous codon usage (RSCU) index, and similar spectra of tRNA availability, as gauged by the tRNA gene copy number (tGCN). Moreover, by measuring the average tRNA adaptation index (tAI) for each genome, an index that can be associated with translational efficiency, we observed that organisms able to live in multiple habitats, including facultative organisms, mesophiles and pathogenic bacteria, are characterised by a reduced translational efficiency, consistently with their need to adapt to different environments. Our results show that synonymous codon choices might be under strong translational selection, which modulates the choice of the codons to differently match tRNA availability, depending on the organism’s lifestyle needs. To our knowledge, this is the first large-scale study that examines the role of codon bias and translational efficiency in the adaptation of microbial organisms to the environment in which they live