9 research outputs found

    Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of new Thiazole-2(3H)-thiones containing 1, 1, 3-trisubstituted Cyclobutane

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    The reaction of potassium salts of RNHCSSK with 2-chloro-1-(3-methyl-3-phenylcyclobutyl)ethan-1-one in ethanol at 78-80°C afforded new 1, 3-thiazole-2(3H)-thiones containing 1, 1, 3-trisubstituted cyclobutane rings at C-4. The antimicrobial activities of these compounds were also investigated against seven different microorganisms, and some of them were found to be active against several of the microorganisms at higher concentrations. (South African Journal of Chemistry: 2003 56: 21-24

    Effects of the construction and weft density on the fabric performance properties in weaving

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    Bu çalışmada kumaşların yapısal parametreleri olan doku konstrüksiyonu ve atkı sıklığının dokuma kumaşların Eğilme Dayanımı, Buruşmazlık özelliği, Yıkamadan Sonra Boyut Değişimi, Kopma Dayanımı, Yırtılma Dayanımı ve Krimp gibi çeşitli pirformans özellikleri üzerine etkisi, beş farklı örgüde ve iki farklı sıklıkta dokunan Pes/Vis karışımı kumaşlar kullanılarak incelenmiştir.In this study, the effects of the construction and weft density on the woven fabric properties, such as the form stability, dimensional stability and durability are investigated in order for the evaluation of the fabric performances. Five different weaving constructions are applied for two diffedernt weft density, using PES/VİS blended warp and weft yarns, identical in properties

    Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of new Thiazole-2(3H)-thiones containing 1, 1, 3-trisubstituted Cyclobutane

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    The reaction of potassium salts of RNHCSSK with 2-chloro-1-(3-methyl-3-phenylcyclobutyl)ethan-1-one in ethanol at 78-80°C afforded new 1, 3-thiazole-2(3H)-thiones containing 1, 1, 3-trisubstituted cyclobutane rings at C-4. The antimicrobial activities of these compounds were also investigated against seven different microorganisms, and some of them were found to be active against several of the microorganisms at higher concentrations. (South African Journal of Chemistry: 2003 56: 21-24

    Decreased expression of EFS is correlated with the advanced prostate cancer

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    Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed malignant neoplasm in men in the developed countries. Although the progression of prostate cancer and the processes of invasion and metastasis by tumor cells are comparatively well understood, the genes involved in these processes are not fully determined. Therefore, a common area of research interest is the identification of novel molecules that are involved in these processes. In the present study, we have used in silico and experimental approaches to compare the expression of embryonal Fyn-associated substrate (EFS) between normal prostate and prostate cancer. We showed that EFS expression is remarkably downregulated in prostate cancer cells, compared to normal prostate cells. We also found that decreased expression of EFS in prostate cancer cells is due to DNA methylation. In addition, we showed that high EFS expression is important to suppress a malignant behavior of prostate cancer cells. Therefore, we suggest that EFS should be considered as a novel tumor suppressor gene in prostate cancer.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK-113S433-113S290); Harran University Scientific Research Project Unit (HUBAK-13044

    Age- and diabetes-induced regulation of oxidative protein modification in rat brain and peripheral tissues: Consequences of treatment with antioxidant pyridoindole

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    The increased glyco- and lipo-oxidation events are considered one of the major factors in the accumulation of non-functional damaged proteins, and the antioxidants may inhibit extensive protein modification and nitrosylated protein levels, enhancing the oxidative damage at the cellular levels in aging and diabetes. Because of its central role in the pathogenesis of age-dependent and diabetes-mediated functional decline, we compared the levels of oxidatively modified protein markers, namely AGEs (Advanced Glycation End-protein adducts), 4-HNE (4-hydroxy-nonenal-histidine) and 3-NT (3-nitrotyrosine), in different tissues of young and old rats. Separately, these three oxidative stress parameters were explored in old rats subjected to experimentally induced diabetes and following a long-term treatment with a novel synthetic pyridoindole antioxidant derived from stobadine-SMe1EC2 (2-ethoxycarbonyl-8-methoxy-2,3,4,4a, 5,9b-hexahydro-1H-pyrido [4,3-b] indolinium dichloride). Diabetes induced by streptozotocin injection in rats aged 13-15 months, and SMe1EC2 treatment was applied during 4 months to aged diabetic rats. AGEs and 4-HNE levels were significantly elevated in brain, ventricle and kidney, but not in lens and liver of aged rats when compared with young rats. Diabetes propagated ageing-induced increase in AGEs and 4-HNE in brain, ventricle and kidney, and raised significantly lens and liver AGEs and 4-HNE levels in aged rats. In aged diabetic rats, SMe1EC2 protected only the kidney against increase in AGEs, and inhibited significantly 4-HNE levels in brain, kidney, liver and lens that were observed more pronounced in lens. 3-NT was significantly increased in brain of aged rats and in kidney, lens and ventricle of aged diabetic rats, while SMe1EC2 has no protective effect on 3-NT increase. Results demonstrate that (1) the responsiveness of different tissue proteins to glyco-lipo-oxidative and nitrosative stress in the course of normal aging was miscellaneous. (2) Diabetes is a major factor contributing to accelerated aging. (3) SMe1EC2 selectively inhibited the generation of oxidatively modified proteins, only in a limited number of tissues. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Şanlıurfa ili ve civarındaki klinik insan ve hayvan vakaları ile gıdaladaki salmonella çeşitliliğinin moleküler düzeyde belirlenmesi

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    TÜBİTAK TOVAG15.06.2014İnsan ve hayvan patojeni olan Salmonella da çiftlikten/tarladan çatala kadar olan zincirde varlığını sürdürmektedir. Salmonella enterica türleri konakçılarına göre farklı gruplara ayrılmaktadır. Günümüzde antibiyotik dirençli Salmonella suşları insan ve hayvan sağlığını tehdit etmektedir. Toplum sağlığını korumak için Salmonella’nın, çiftlikten/tarladan çatala kadar olan zincirden uzaklaştırılması gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı; genotipik ve fenotipik yöntemleri kullarak çiftlikten çatala kadar gıden kısmı olan büyük baş ve küçük baş hayvanlarda, insanlarda ve gıdalarda Salmonella çeşitliğinin popülasyon düzeyinde araştırılmasıdır. Bu amaçla Şanlıurfa bölgesinde üretilen ve açıkta satılan gıdalardan, Harran Üniversitesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Hastanesine ve Veteriner Hastanesine gelen insan ve hayvan klinik vakalardan örnek alınıp Salmonella izolasyonu yapılmıştır. invA geni ile Salmonella olarak tanımlanan izolatlar fenotipik (serotipleme) ve genotipik [çoklu bölge sekans tipleme (Multilocus Sequence Typing, MLST); vuruşlu alan jel elektroforezi (Pulsed- Field Gel Electrophoresis, PFGE)] olarak karakterize edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, 59 gıda, 53 hayvan ve 50 klinik insan izolatı elde edilmiştir. MLST analizi ile gıda izolatlarında 10 Sekans Tipi (ST), hayvan izolatlarında 15 ST ve insan klinik vakalarından elde edilen izolatlarda ise 6 farklı ST bulunmuştur. MLST’den daha fazla ayrıştırıcı gücü bulunan PFGE, gıda izolatlarında 18 PFGE Tipi (PT) bulurken, hayvan ve klinik insan vakalarından sırasıyla 27 ve 10 PT karakterize etmiştir. Antibiyotik dirençlilik testleri fenotipik ve genetik metodlarla araştırılmış, kaynaklar arasında farklılıklar gözlemlenmiştir. Gıda-kaynaklı izolatlarda tavuklardan izole edilen Salmonella izolatlarında çokluilaç dirençliliği dikkat çekmektedir. Antimikrobiyal dirençlilik genleri de, farklı kaynaklar ve serovarda değişiklik göstermiş; aminoglikozit, tetrasiklin, ve beta-laktam antimikrobiyal gruplarının fenotipik ve genetik sonuçları da uyumlu bulunmuştur. Tüm izolatların detaylı bilgileri ve de fenotipik ve genotipik özelliklerini halka açık websitelerine yüklenmiştir (Food Microbe Tracker: http://www.foodmicrobetracker.com/login/login.aspx; Pathogen Detector: pathogendetector- metu.rhcloud.com). Bu proje hem Şanlıurfa bölgesindeki hem de Türkiye’deki gıda patojenleri üzerine yapılması gereken surveyans çalışma eksikliğini giderilmesinde önemli bir katkıda bulunmuştur. Böylece Şanlıurfa bölgesindeki Salmonella geçişi (örneğin Samonella’nın nasıl insanlara geçtiği) ve ekolojisi hakkında ön-bilgiye kavuşulmuştur.Being a human and animal pathogen, Salmonella, such as other pathogens, can survive in the farm/field to fork chain, with different host species. To protect public health, Salmonella should be eliminated from the farm/field to fork chain. The objective of this research is to understand Salmonella diversity from farm to fork chain by taking samples from ovine, cattle, humans and foods, at the population level by using genotypic and phenotypic methods. For this aim, samples were collected from street food, produced and sale at Şanlıurfa region, as well as from human and animal clinical cases at Medical and Veterinerary Schools at Harran University and Salmonella was isolated from all these samples. Confirmed Salmonella isolates with invA gene were further characterized using phenotypic (serotyping) and genotypic [Multilocus sequence typıng (MLST) and pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE)[ methods. As a result, 59 food, 53 animal and 50 human clinical isolates were obtained. MLST study showed 10 Sequence Types (STs) in food isolates, 15 STs in animal and 6 STs in human clinical isolates. PFGE, representing a better discrimination than MLST, distinguished 18 PFGE Types (PTs) in food isolates, where animal isolates showed 27 patterns and human clinical isolates were represented by 10 PTs. Antimicrobial resistance profiles were also detected by phenotypic and genetic methods (disk diffusion and minimal inhibitory concentration and screening of antimicrobial resistance encoding genes). Antimicrobial resistance testing results differed according to the source and serovar of the isolate. The chicken originated food isolates had taken attention due to high number of MDR profiles. There was a great agreement between phenotypic and genetic results of aminoglycoside, tetracycline and beta-lactam antimicrobial resistance profiles. Isolate information as well as results of phenotypic and genotypic characterizations was downloaded publicly available websites (Food Microbe Tracker: http://www.foodmicrobetracker.com/login/login.aspx; Pathogen Detector: pathogendetector- metu.rhcloud.com). This project helped us to fill the gap of surveillance studies on foodborne pathogens in Sanliurfa region, as well as Turkey. Characterization of Salmonella isolates collected from animal and human, as well as foods in Sanliurfa region provided better understanding of transmission (i.e. transmission of Salmonella to humans) and ecology of Salmonella in Sanliurfa region