1,301 research outputs found

    Creativity for Learning Biology in Higher Education

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    Learning biology is considered difficult, especially in some areas like cell division, genetics, and hormones (Cimer, 2012). On the other hand, there is a connection between student success in learning science with creativity (Son, 2009). As creativity can be defined as the formation of new and useful ways to solve a problem (Sternberg & Kaufmann, 2010), it can be used to help students to learn biology. Meanwhile, according to Guilford (1950), creativity includes divergent and convergent thinking. Research on creativity in learning biology helps to integrate different research findings, formulating ideas, and analogies (Dunbarr, 1997). Analogy is a process to explain a difficult topic, by referring to other more familiar topics. While integrating different research findings is important, students usually cannot find any relations among different topics. Formulating ideas is used to support students’ skills in developing a hypothesis and a resulting conclusion. Although the benefit of creativity in science education is critical, the research on this field is still lacking. The research in creativity to support learning biology may help to improve learning result, as well as prepare students for their future career

    International Collaboration of Distance Learning Universities for Online Learning in Indonesia

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    Indonesian higher education must improve its enrollment as well as its quality. One possibility for improving the quality of distance learning universities is collaboration with foreign universities. This paper discusses models for international collaboration among distance learning universities. However, there are also several problems that may result from collaboration. As a consequence, the model of collaboration should include joint development of curriculum, quality assurance, and appropriate technology

    A Two-Wheeled Vehicle Navigation System Based on a Fuzzy Logic Controller

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    The paper deals with a two-wheeled vehicle,namely ESG-2 (Extended Segway-like Generation- 2) navigation control system using a fuzzy logic controller. The vehicle employs two wheels left and right independently which are controlled independently using a fuzzy logic controller respectively. The controllers deal with a compact and implementable application for the normal using with a person (human with 60kg weight in average) loaded on the vehicle. A modified infrared-based range sensor system is applied to the vehicle as a tilt sensor and it is incorporated with an accelerometer to control its response in case of the dynamics disturbances. The fuzzy controller runs in tilt-mode while a reference tilt using a potentiometer (as steer system) is taken into account for navigating the vehicle. From the simulation using MATLAB @ and experiments it is obvious that the prototype of ESG-2 is quite challenging to be developed in the future

    Desain Ilustrasi Booklet Profesi Jamu Gendong Di Era Milenial

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    Herbal medicine is one of the Javanese cultures that existed in ancient times during the Majapahit era. Along with the times of technological advances in terms of modes of transportation, now many herbal medicine sellers use vehicles and do not hold their herbs. The identity of the herbal medicine profession has also begun to shift from cultural values because it no longer uses kebaya and batik cloth. Through current convenience, the seller of herbal medicine is more looking at the economic and practical aspects. So, the problem is the millennial generation thinks that this is only a normal profession and does not have any cultural value. Plus the herbal medicine profession has begun to be scarce in some rural and urban areas; it is difficult for millennials to interact directly with this profession. Whereas carrying herbal medicine is one area of work that is quite helpful in the economy of some circles of society. So the design is important to do to provide information on the carrying herbal medicine profession for millennials. The booklet is a medium that will be used in the design to provide information on the existence of the carrying herbal medicine profession. Jamu gendong merupakan salah satu budaya suku Jawa yang telah ada pada zaman dahulu saat era Majapahit. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman dari kemajuan teknologi dalam segi moda transportasi, kini banyak penjual jamu yang memakai kendaraan dan tidak menggendong jamunya. Identitas profesi jamu gendong juga sudah mulai bergeser dari nilai-nilai budaya karena tidak lagi memakai kebaya dan kain batik. Melalui kemudahan saat ini, penjual jamu gendong lebih melihat segi ekonomis dan kepraktisannya. Jadi, permasalahannya generasi milenial beranggapan bahwa ini hanya sebatas profesi biasa dan tidak memiliki nilai budaya apapun. Ditambah profesi jamu gendong sudah mulai langka pada beberapa wilayah pedesaan, hal itu menyulitkan milenial dalam berinteraksi langsung dengan profesi ini. Padahal jamu gendong merupakan salah satu bidang pekerjaan yang cukup membantu dalam perekonomian beberapa kalangan masyarakat. Sehingga perancangan ini penting dilakukan untuk memberikan informasi profesi jamu gendong pada generasi milenial. Booklet merupakan media yang akan digunakan pada perancangan dalam memberikan informasi eksistensi profesi jamu gendong.&nbsp


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    This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the effect of the use of audiovisual media and interest in learning on science learning outcomes for class VI SDN 02 Trans Batumarta IX, a total of 38 students. This study used a quasi-experimental approach with a 2 x 2 factorial design. Sampling was done using a saturated sample technique. Data collection techniques using interest in learning questionnaires and tests. Data analysis technique used descriptive analysis with two-way ANOVA technique and Tukey test. Based on the calculation results, it was found that there were significant differences in science learning outcomes between students who were taught using audiovisual media and those who were taught with conventional learning. There are differences in science learning outcomes between students who have a high learning interest and students who have a low learning interest. Science learning outcomes for students who have a high interest in learning are higher when taught using audiovisual media compared to using conventional learning. Science learning outcomes for students who have a low interest in learning are higher when taught with conventional learning compared to learning using audiovisual media. There is an interaction effect between the use of audiovisual media and students' learning interest on science learning outcomes


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    This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the effect of the use of audiovisual media and interest in learning on science learning outcomes for class VI SDN 02 Trans Batumarta IX, a total of 38 students. This study used a quasi-experimental approach with a 2 x 2 factorial design. Sampling was done using a saturated sample technique. Data collection techniques using interest in learning questionnaires and tests. Data analysis technique used descriptive analysis with two-way ANOVA technique and Tukey test. Based on the calculation results, it was found that there were significant differences in science learning outcomes between students who were taught using audiovisual media and those who were taught with conventional learning. There are differences in science learning outcomes between students who have a high learning interest and students who have a low learning interest. Science learning outcomes for students who have a high interest in learning are higher when taught using audiovisual media compared to using conventional learning. Science learning outcomes for students who have a low interest in learning are higher when taught with conventional learning compared to learning using audiovisual media. There is an interaction effect between the use of audiovisual media and students' learning interest on science learning outcomes


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    Penelitian ini dilator belakangi oleh murid kurang aktif bertanya selama proses belajar berlangsung di kelas. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini ialah bagaimana aktivitas belajar siswa, bagiamana aktivitas guru dalam mengajar dan peningkatan hasil belajar siswa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan aktivtas belajar siswa dan aktivitas guru mengajar serta membantu siswa meningkatkan hasil belajar. Model cooperative learning tipe jigsaw adalah suatu model dimana siswa belajar secara berkelompok (kelompok asal dan kelompok ahli )pada tahap awal siswa dibagi menjadi kelompok asal dengan materi yang berbeda, setelah semua siswa mendapat tugasnya masing-masing, siswa mempelajari materi tersebut, guru membentuk kelompok ahli, dalam kelompok ahli semua siswa mempelajari materi yang sama, kemudian ber diskusi dikelompok ahli, sesudah itu tiap kelompok mempresentasikan.metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas model Kemmis dan Tagggart mencakup empat tahapan yaitu :perencanaan, tindakan, obervasi, refleksi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terlihat ada peningkatan aktivitas belajar dan aktivitas murid serta hasil belajar dalam penerapan model cooperative learning tipe jigsaw. Hal ini diperkuat dari hasil observasi data penelitian. Aktivitas siswa pada daur 1 mencapai46% daur 2 mencapai63.35 dan daur 3 mendapati 72.6% serta aktivitas guru daur 1 mencapai 65.5% siklus 2 mencapai 75 % daur 3 mendapati 87.5% padahal bagi hasil belajar siswa pada pra siklus nilai rata-rata diperoleh 27.87 daan setelah menggunakan penerapan model cooperative learning tipe jigsaw hasil belajar pada siklu 1 naik menjadi 41.05 , pada siklus 2 memperoleh 65.52 dan pada siklus 3 mendapati 75.52. dari data yang ada dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan model cooperative learning tipe jigsaw bisa naik hasil buah kesuksesan belajar murid bagi materi perjuangan mempertahankan kemerdekaan


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh penilaian kinerja, kompensasi, dan kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai pada Direktorat Jenderal Pajak area Kota Pangkalpinang. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi adalah pegawai Direktrorat Jenderal Pajak area Kota Pangkalpinang sejumlah 71 pegawai. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling, sehingga jumlah sampel yang diambil berjumlah 58 pegawai. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebar kuesioner pada Bulan Februari 2021. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linier berganda. Hubungan keeratan antara penilaian kinerja, kompensasi, dan kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai adalah kuat, R = 0,806 atau sebesar 80,6%. Pengaruh (R Square / R ²) penilaian kinerja, kompensasi, dan kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai adalah sebesar 0,650 atau 65,0%. Sisanya sebesar 35,0% dipengaruhi faktor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah (1) penilaian kinerja berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai, (2) kompensasi tidak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai, dan (3) kepuasan kerja berpengaruh terhadap kinerja pegawai Direktorat Jenderal Pajak area Kota Pangkalpinang
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