35 research outputs found

    NoC Design Flow for TDMA and QoS Management in a GALS Context

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    International audienceThis paper proposes a new approach dealing with the tedious problem of NoC guaranteed traffics according to GALS constraints impelled by the upcoming large System-on-Chips with multiclock domains. Our solution has been designed to adjust a tradeoff between synchronous and clockless asynchronous techniques. By means of smart interfaces between synchronous sub-NoCs, Quality-of-Service (QoS) for guaranteed traffic is assured over the entire chip despite clock heterogeneity. This methodology can be easily integrated in the usual NoC design flow as an extension to traditional NoC synchronous design flows. We present real implementation obtained with our tool for a 4G telecom scheme

    Les enjeux actuels des études de population : Une analyse des thèses de doctorat soutenues en France

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    Résumé Cet article vise à explorer le champ des études de population en France à travers le contenu des thèses de doctorat soutenues dans ce pays au cours de la dernière décennie (2000-2012). Nous utilisons pour cela une base de données regroupant 943 thèses. Les analyses menées sont issues de modèles multivariés et de métho­des de statistique textuelle. Les résultats montrent la présence majoritaire de thè­ses réalisées en référence principalement à la sociologie et dans une moindre mesure à la démographie. La migration constitue la thématique la plus fréquemment traitée. Elle est principalement abordée en lien avec la culture, l’identité, la religion, les minorités, de façon qualitative, ou avec les notions d’environnement, de territoire, de logement. Les études sur la mortalité et la santé ou sur la dynamique de population adoptent généralement une démarche plus quantitative et de modélisation tandis que celles portant sur la fécondité, la famille, la sexualité et la nuptialité occupent une position intermédiaire, proche des études de genre. La scolarisation et l’enseignement sont quant à eux traités en lien avec différentes thématiques, sans prépondérance de l’une d’entre elles. Cette première exploration de la base des thèses apporte ainsi des éléments déterminants pour mieux comprendre le contour des études de population ainsi que la manière dont les disciplines se complètent en leur sein. À plus long terme, elle devrait être étendue à une période plus longue et pourrait servir au développement d’une base de données internatio­nale sur les thèses de doctorat en études de population. Abstract This article aims at exploring the field of population studies in France through the lens of doctoral theses defended in this country during the last decade (2000-2012). We rely on the analysis of a database of 943 doctoral theses. Analyses performed include multivariate modeling and textual analysis. Results show that the theses refer mainly to sociology and to a lower extent to demography. Migration is the most frequently researched topic. It is mainly associated either with culture, identity, religion, minorities using qualitative approaches or oriented towards the notions of environment, housing and territory. In contrast, studies on mortality and health or population dynamics tend to involve more quantitative approach and modeling whereas fertility, family, nuptiality and sexuality are often analyzed in conjunction with gender relations, in an intermediate position. Teaching and schooling are equally linked with many topics. This first exploration of the theses database provides insights into population studies boundaries as well as the way disciplines complement each other in this field. In the long term, it could be extended to a longer period and set the basis for the development of a comparative international database of doctoral theses in population studies

    Annexe bibliographique : les effets de la crise sur les comportements démographiques

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    Cette bibliographie (341 références au total) a été préparée au Service de la documentation, de la bibliothèque et des archives de l’INED, en collaboration avec les auteurs. Elle s’étend de 2009 à début 2018 et comporte des références sur ces 5 pays : la France, la Grèce, le Portugal, l’Espagne et l’Italie (comparés parfois à d'autres pays européens ou pays hors de l'Europe)

    Automated derivation of NoC Communication Specifications from Application Constraints

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    International audienceThis paper focuses on the highest step of our NoC design flow, which addresses the efficient deployment of real applications over an ad hoc NoC. At this level we propose a methodology and a tool to decide the NoC parameters and to generate the path coding within network interfaces for guarantied and best effort communications. The originality of our approach is based on two points. First our tool includes a derivation technique to obtain NoC communication constraints (latency, bandwidth) from application designer knowledge (application throughput). Secondly, the decision tool explores a 3D graph (t,x,y) for path allocation while taking into account mutual exclusion and global latency for FIFO minimisation under time constraints. This paper illustrates the first point. Two real applications: smart camera and multiprocessor turbo-decoder are presented to illustrate the design flow

    A Generic CAD Tool for Efficient NoC Design

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    Network on Chip (NoC) using packet switching is a solution to cope with complex systems on chip (SoC) communications. However, tools are needed to help designers to deal with NoC. The two elements composing a NoC are its routers and its Network Interfaces (NI). In this paper, we focus on the specification and generation steps of the µspider NOC design flow that addresses what we consider as the main features of a realistic and useful NoC. Firstly, the synthesis tool is based on a generic router a user through a user friendly design interface. Secondly, it supports the management of different levels of quality of service (QoS) allowing a guaranteed throughput (GT) service in addition to a classical best effort (BE) service. Finally, it can be tuned to handle asynchronous communications. The paper presents the router architecture and its various custom characteristics. We show the trade-off between a hierarchical QoS channel implementation and the performance of the system

    µSpider: A CAD Tool for Efficient NoC Design

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    In this paper, we present a generic router and a tool that allow the designer to easily and quickly customise a NoC in order to meet the requirements of a set of applications. Our router addresses what we consider as the main features of a realistic and useful NoC. Firstly, it supports the management of different levels quality of service (QoS) allowing guaranteed throughput service in addition to the classical best effort service. Secondly, it is associated to a CAD tool, which can fully configure and generate the NoC VHDL code at the RTL level. The paper presents the router architecture and its various custom characteristics as well as their impacts on the performance of the system