1,794 research outputs found

    Desarrollo de librería Django para desarrollo de RIAs e implementación de zona privada de portal web sminn.com

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    El presente proyecto consiste en dos partes bien diferencias: terminar la funcionalidad prevista para el portal web sminn.com en forma de su sección privada para profesionales y experimentar la evolución de dicho portal a una aplicación web compleja tipo "single page RIA" implementando una librería a liberar que ayude al desarrollo de dicho tipo de aplicaciones. De esta forma la primera parte aportará conocimiento de diseño y desarrollo para diferentes aspectos de un portal web estándar sobre Django y la segunda parte aportará un recurso que evolucionará junto a la comunidad de software libre. Dentro del experimento de uso de la librería para una siguiente versión del portal web sminn.com se propone la realización de pruebas de interfaz adaptable

    La crisis en el sector del catering y su evolución en las estrategias del marketing

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    Este Trabajo de fin de grado se centra en el análisis de las consecuencias y efectos que ha tenido la crisis para el desarrollo de la publicidad y sus actividades de marketing dentro del sector del catering. Como bien sabemos en los momentos de crisis también se generan oportunidades para otras actividades e ideas. Por lo tanto veremos que evolución se ha ido dando a lo largo del tiempo desde el inicio de la crisis hasta ahora con respecto a las estrategias utilizadas dentro de la comunicación publicitaria.Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública

    Implementación de algoritmos de ensamblaje de genomas en sistemas de memoria compartida y memoria distribuida

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    El desarrollo de algoritmos ensambladores de genes y la utilización de estos está viviendo un aumento muy espectacular en los últimos años. Debido a las mejoras ofrecidas en los dispositivos hardware de los numerosos supercomputadores que existen hoy en día se pueden realizar experimentos científicos de una manera más asequible que hace unos años. Este proyecto servirá como introducción en el complejo mundo de algoritmos científicos, más concretamente en algoritmos ensambladores de genomas. Veremos de primera mano cómo utilizar estas nuevas tecnologías, con ejemplos sencillos, pero con un desarrollo lo bastante importante para darnos una idea del funcionamiento de todas las fases de experimentación que engloban los algoritmos ensambladores y la utilización de la programación paralela en supercomputadores. Concretamente en este proyecto se van a analizar exhaustivamente una serie de algoritmos ensambladores que serán probados en uno de los supercomputadores más potentes de España, el Magerit 2. En estas pruebas vamos a proceder al ensamblado de genomas de tres tipos de organismos como bacterias (Staphylococcus Aureus, y Rhodobacter Sphaeroides) y una prueba gran escala con el genoma del Cromosoma 14 del Homo Sapiens Sapiens (Ser humano). Después procederemos a la comparación de todos los resultados obtenidos para poder comprobar que algoritmos realizan mejor su trabajo y ajustar dicha decisión a las necesidades que tenemos actualmente para buscar un algoritmo eficaz

    Review of the legislative framework for the remuneration of photovoltaic production in Spain: a case study

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    Spain is among the European countries with the greatest photovoltaic potential. During the first decade of the 2000s, Spain was a European leader in installed photovoltaic power and job creation in the renewable energy sector, strongly influenced by a very favorable regulatory framework and public subsidies at a time of economic growth. That situation would be completely reversed with the regulatory changes introduced in 2012 to combat the tari deficit and the instability in the electricity supply system, problems accentuated by the economic crisis. The main objective of this study is to present an exhaustive review of the legislative changes that have a ected photovoltaic energy in Spain. Using real data on electricity production and the remuneration of a typical photovoltaic plant, we show that there was a very significant fall in the economic returns that investors had come to expect, within a system that prioritized, first and foremost, the initial investment rather than the levels of electricity production. The changes to the legislative framework a ecting a typical 100 kWp photovoltaic (PV) facility that entered into service before 2007 provoked a significant decrease of 8.7% in expected revenues, calculated from real data of production and income. These economic losses can be even higher, with a drop in revenue of almost 25% if the entire period of the installation’s useful life is analyzed. Public support for renewable energy is important for its introduction into the electricity market, but so is regulatory stability that o ers investment security and predictability for maintaining investment and development in the renewable energy sectorRegional Government of Castilla y León under the “Support Program for Recognized Research Groups of Public Universities of Castilla y León” (ORDEN EDU/667/2019) and the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities under the I + D + i state program “Challenges Research Projects” (Ref. RTI2018-098900-B-I00

    Factor influencing trade show perfomance for spanish art and collecting sector

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    The aim of this research is to determine the direct relationship between the planning of exhibition participation. This will allow exhibitors understanding why they decide to go to a trade show and what the objectives are. The study focuses on the art and collecting sector, great international importance, because is relevant in the media and the benefits to the host city. Spanish art sector has a character-ristic disparity, its performance in relation to the number of exhibitors and visitors, generally, is the inverse of the exhibition sector. Finally, the results confirm that exhibitors pursue the relationships, and information search and strengthen their image. = Исследуется проблемы получения прибыли от организации и проведения торговых выставок. На примере сектора искусства и коллекционирования, имеющего большое международное экономическое значение для Испании, определяются факторы, которые в наибольшей степени необходимо учитывать при планировании таких мероприятий

    Unified formulation of a family of iterative solvers for power system analysis

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    This paper illustrates the construction of a new class of iterative solvers for power flow calculations based on the method of Alternating Search Directions. This method is fit to the particular algebraic structure of the power flow problem resulting from the combination of a globally linear set of equations and nonlinear local relations imposed by power conversion devices, such as loads and generators. The choice of the search directions is shown to be crucial for improving the overall robustness of the solver. A noteworthy advantage is that constant search directions yield stationary methods that, in contrast with Newton or Quasi-Newton methods, do not require the evaluation of the Jacobian matrix. Such directions can be elected to enforce the convergence to the high voltage operative solution. The method is explained through an intuitive example illustrating how the proposed generalized formulation is able to include other nonlinear solvers that are classically used for power flow analysis, thus offering a unified view on the topic. Numerical experiments are performed on publicly available benchmarks for large distribution and transmission systems

    Experiencias y metodologías en asignaturas b-learning para la formación y evaluación en competencias genéricas en Ingeniería

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    La integración del sistema universitario español en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y el Real Decreto 1393/2007 por el que se establece la ordenación de las enseñanzas universitarias oficiales, suponen un cambio radical en el modelo de enseñanza con respecto a la situación actual. Este modelo tiene como objetivos la adquisición de competencias y debe tener orientado al proceso de aprendizaje del estudiante. Este cambio de modelo implica un esfuerzo importante por parte de los profesores para adaptarse desde el sistema tradicional de enseñanza centrado en los conocimientos. En la EUIT de Telecomunicación de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, hemos venido desarrollando diferentes experiencias en modelos centrados en el aprendizaje utilizando metodologías docentes y evaluadoras basadas en competencias. En varias asignaturas se han venido utilizando en los útimos años procedimientos de formación semi-presencial (“b-learning”) mediante un entorno virtual de aprendizaje como Moodle, donde poder desarrollar a distancia buena parte de los contenidos, procedimientos de aprendizaje y evaluación. En estas asignaturas, impartidas por profesores de diferentes departamentos, se ha venido experimentando con diferentes actividades formativas y soluciones que permitan la obtención de capacidades, habilidades y actitudes, es decir de competencias, tanto generales como específicas. En este artículo se describen los diferentes procedimientos y actividades formativas elaboradas, los criterios de organización, los métodos evaluadores utilizados y los resultados obtenidos desde un punto de vista académico y desde las opiniones de los alumnos, obtenidas mediante encuestas

    Work-in-Progress: An Undergraduate B-Learning Experience for the Teaching of Politics of Telecommunications and Information Society

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    The Telecommunications Act of 1998, approved by the Spanish House of Representatives, set up the beginning of the telecommunications market liberalization process in Spain and the establishment of a new economic and social model based on the Information Society Paradigm, as already highlighted by the European Commission in 1993. Taking advantage of the necessity for undergraduate students to have a subject related to this matter, a new course on Politics of Telecommunications and Information Society was initially designed by a group of five professors from the Technical University of Madrid, four of which still maintain the project alive after eight years. The resulting course is teaching at the Technical University of Madrid since 1999. The course was initially conceived as an e-learning initiative based on the well-known Moodle Learning Management System and it comprises the next four lessons: Information Society, Telecommunications Regulation in Spain, Telecommunication Standardization and Certification and, e-Commerce & Internet Security

    Stable thrust on a finite-sized magnet above a Meissner superconducting torus

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    Forces and torques exerted by a superconducting torus on a permanent magnet have been mapped. It is demonstrated that stable orbits exist. Moreover, provided that the magnet remains in any of these orbits, the first critical field in the superconductor is never overpassed and the superconductor remains in the Meissner state. The consequent absence of hysteresis makes these kinds of device perfect candidates for non-frictional bearings or gyroscopes.Comment: accepted versio

    Emotional Intelligence in Physical Activity, Sports and Judo: A Global Approach.

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    Emotional intelligence (EI) has been studied in relation to health and physical activity (PA) or in a sport-specific approach. EI is related to sports performance; however, combat sports seem to show characteristics of their own that involve better control of emotions than other sports. This study aimed to analyse whether there are differences in EI dimensions between those who do not achieve World Health Organization (WHO) PA recommendations, those who meet WHO PA recommendations, those who meet WHO PA recommendations practising sports, and judokas of different levels. A descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted. The sample comprised 2938 undergraduate students from Madrid and 487 active Spanish judokas. PA was measured by the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ). EI was assessed by the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS-24). Three different one-way ANOVA and ANCOVA (controlling for gender and age) were conducted to compare the effect of type of group studied on the EI dimensions. Significant differences in EI dimensions were found between those who do not meet PA recommendations, those who meet PA recommendations, those who meet PA recommendations practising sports, and judo athletes of different levels. However, when controlling for gender and age, these differences remained specifically in emotional attention and in emotional repair. Judo athletes and high-performance judo athletes showed better EI than the rest of the studied groups.post-print375 K