129 research outputs found

    Early Visual Cultures and Panofsky’s Perspektive als ‘symbolische Form’

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    This paper investigates the historical dimension of perspectival representations. It aims to provide a heterogeneous though comparative picture of culturally unrelated visual con- ceptualizations of pictorial spaces, written with a view toward explaining how the multiple modes of perspective were introduced in antiquity. Point of departure for this critical approach is Erwin Panofsky’s essay Die Perspektive als ‘symbolische Form’ , published in 1927. His essay analyses the pictorial visualization of space and spatiality in different historical contexts, examining their cultural codification in terms of the heuristic category of ‘sym- bolic form’. However, ‘perspective’, which is commonly understood as synonymous with ‘linear perspective’, deserves a new discussion in the context of diverse visual cultures: A ‘naturalisation’ of the gaze as it is suggested by pictorial spaces which function mimetically is primarily associated with the early modern period in Western art. Instead of merely re- reading Panofsky’s canonical text, this paper presents an interdisciplinary re-viewing of a selection of the pictorial examples chosen by Panofsky, commenting upon their perspec- tive(s) from different vantage points

    Retrospective, controlled observational case study of patients with central retinal vein occlusion and initially low visual acuity treated with an intravitreal dexamethasone implant

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    Background Patients with initially low visual acuity were excluded from the therapy approval studies for retinal vein occlusion. But up to 28 % of patients presenting with central retinal vein occlusion have a baseline BCVA of less than 34 ETDRS letters (0.1). The purpose of our study was to assess visual acuity and central retinal thickness in patients suffering from central retinal vein occlusion and low visual acuity (<0.1) in comparison to patients with visual acuity (≥0.1) treated with Dexamethasone implant 0.7 mg for macular edema. Methods Retrospective, controlled observational case study of 30 eyes with macular edema secondary to central retinal vein occlusion, which were treated with a dexamethasone implantation. Visual acuity, central retinal thickness and intraocular pressure were measured monthly. Analyses were performed separately for eyes with visual acuity <0.1 and ≥0.1. Results Two months post intervention, visual acuity improved only marginally from 0.05 to 0.07 (1 month; p = 0,065) and to 0.08 (2 months; p = 0,2) in patients with low visual acuity as compared to patients with visual acuity ≥0.1 with an improvement from 0.33 to 0.47 (1 month; p = 0,005) and to 0.49 (2 months; p = 0,003). The central retinal thickness, however, was reduced in both groups, falling from 694 to 344 μm (1 month; p = 0.003,) to 361 μm (2 months; p = 0,002) and to 415 μm (3 months; p = 0,004) in the low visual acuity group and from 634 to 315 μm (1 month; p < 0,001) and to 343 μm (2 months; p = 0,001) in the visual acuity group ≥0.1. Absence of visual acuity improvement was related to macular ischemia. Conclusions In patients with central retinal vein occlusion and initially low visual acuity, a dexamethasone implantation can lead to an important reduction of central retinal thickness but may be of limited use to increase visual acuity

    Nutrient and carbon dynamics along the river-estuary-ocean continuum on Central European scale

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    Nutrient and carbon dynamics within the river-estuary-coastal water systems are key processes to understand the matter fluxes from the terrestrial environment to the ocean. In a large-scale study we analysed those dynamics with the focus of the prevailing low water conditions by following a sampling approach based on the travel time of water. We started with a nearly Lagrangian sampling along the River Elbe (German part; 580 km within 8 days travel time). After a subsequent investigation of the estuary, the plume of the river was followed by raster sampling the German Bight (North Sea) using three ships simultaneously. In the river, intensive growth of phytoplankton was determined connected with high oxygen saturation and pH values as well as under-saturation of CO2, whereas concentrations of dissolved nutrients declined. In the estuary, the Elbe shifted from an autotrophic to a heterotrophic system: Phytoplankton died off upstream of the salinity gradient causing minima in oxygen saturation and pH, supersaturation of CO2, and a release of nutrients. In the coastal region, phytoplankton and nutrient concentrations were low, oxygen close to saturation, and pH in a typical marine range. We detected a positive relationship between pH values and oxygen saturation and a negative one between pCO2 and oxygen saturation. Corresponding to the significant particulate nutrient flux via phytoplankton, flux rates of dissolved nutrients from the river into the estuary were low and determined by depleted concentrations. In contrast, fluxes from the estuary to the coastal waters were higher and the pattern was determined by tidal currents. Overall, the presented observation approach is appropriate to better understand land-ocean fluxes, particularly if it is performed under different hydrological conditions including extremes and seems to be suitable to investigate the impact of such events in freshwater on coastal systems in future. The study was conducted within the frame of the Helmholtz MOSES initiative (Modular Observation Solutions for Earth Systems) targeting processes and impacts of hydrological extremes

    Evaluierung und Optimierung biologischer Verfahren zur Regulierung des Pflaumenwicklers (Cydia funebrana) und der Monilia-Krankheit im ökologischen Steinobstanbau

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    Im Verbundforschungsprojekt FKZ 06OE198, FKZ 06OE057 und FKZ 06OE348 wurden Möglichkeiten der Regulierung des Pflaumenwicklers (Cydia funebrana) an Zwetschgen in Labor-, Halbfreiland und Freilandversuchen in Geisenheim, Darmstadt, Klein-Altendorf und Weinsberg untersucht. Labor- und Freilandversuche zur Regulierung der Monilia-Krankheit wurden in Geisenheim, Weinsberg und Dresden durchgeführt. Sauerkirschsorten-Versuche sind in Weinsberg und Dresden aufgepflanzt. Umfangreiche Freilandversuche zur Verwirrung des Pflaumenwicklers mit „Isomate OFM Rosso“ in Baden-Württemberg und Rheinland-Pfalz bestätigten mit Wirkungsgraden von bis zu 70 % die Wirksamkeit dieser Methode bei ausreichend großen Flächen und niedrigem Befallsniveau. Für den kleinparzellierten Anbau und bei höherem Befallsdruck wurden entomopathogene Nematoden im Freiland gegen überwinternde Larven mit heterogenen Wirkungsgraden erprobt. Es gelang nicht Pflaumenwickler ganzjährig unter Laborbedingen zu züchten, jedoch wurden mit Tieren aus Freilandsammlungen bzw. deren Eiern nach der Überwinterung Versuche zur Infektion der neonaten Larven mit dem Apfelwicklergranulosevirus, Eiparasitierungsversuche mit Trichogramma cacoeciae, zu Applikationen mit NeemAzal-T/S und zum Einsatz von insektenpathogen Pilzen gegen überwinternde Larven durchgeführt. Bei weiterführenden Versuchen im Freiland wurden mit dem Apfelwicklergranulosevirus V15 sehr heterogene Ergebnisse erzielt. Der Einsatz von Trichogramma in Form von Trichokarten ergab Wirkungsgrade von bis zu 47 %. Eine bessere Verteilung der Trichogramma in der Anlage sollte mit einer spritzfähigen Formulierung erreicht werden, dafür liegen jedoch erst einjährige Ergebnisse vor. Für die Bekämpfung der überwinternden Pflaumenwickler mit insektenpathogenen Pilzen stellte sich Isaria fumosorosea, als am geeignetsten heraus. Jedoch gestaltete sich bisher ein Nachweis der Wirksamkeit des mit dem Pilz infizierten Mulches im Freiland sehr schwierig. Die Pflaumenwicklerlarve sucht sich zur Überwinterung kleinste Ritzen am Stamm aus. Mit Wellpappe, die um den Stamm gewickelt wurde, konnte den Larven ein attraktives Überwinterungsquartier angeboten werden. Durch Entfernen und Verbrennen der Pappringe im Winter kann der Befallsdruck im Folgejahr minimiert werden. Für die Monilia-Regulierung an Zwetschgen konnte im Labor unter einer Vielzahl an getesteten Präparaten lediglich Serenade mit einer antagonistischen Wirkung überzeugen. Es hat jedoch keine Zulassung als Pflanzenschutzmittel im Steinobst. Versuche im Freiland ergaben außerdem, dass das konsequente Eliminieren von möglichen Infektionsquellen durch das Entfernen von Monilia-Nestern vor der Ernte und von Fruchtmumien nach der Ernte letztlich bessere Effekte erzielte, als Behandlungen mit mittelgut wirksamen Pflanzenstärkungsmitteln. Für die Behandlung der Monilia-Spitzendürre an Sauerkirschen wurden verschiedene Präparate im Freiland überprüft. Die Handelsprodukte BoniProtect® forte und BoniProtect® reduzierten tendenziell die Blüteninfektionen. Da für SPU 2720 und Cuprozin bisher nur aus einem Jahr Versuchsergebnisse vorliegen, ist keine abschließende Beurteilung möglich. Jedoch lässt sich bereits durch den konsequenten Rückschnitt befallener Triebe der Befallsdruck erheblich reduzieren. An beiden Standorten erscheinen die Sauerkirschsorten ‘Morina‘, ‘Jade‘, ‘Coralin‘ und ‘Safir‘ als geeignet für den ökologischen Anbau, in Weinsberg zusätzlich ‘Topas‘ und ‘Ungarische Traubige‘. Allerdings war der Monilia-Druck nur in wenigen Jahren hoch. Bis jetzt wurden keine Infektionen mit Gloeosporium sp., einer weiteren bedrohlichen Krankheit im ökologischen Sauerkirschanbau, beobachtet

    Zygomycetes, Microsporidia, and the Evolutionary Ancestry of Sex Determination

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    Zygomycetes and their alleged sister taxon, the microsporidia, exclusively share the presence of a cluster of three genes encoding a sugar transporter, a high mobility group (HMG)-type transcription factor, and an RNA helicase. In zygomycetes, the HMG-type transcription factor acts as the sole sex determinant. This intimately ties the evolutionary history of this gene cluster to the evolution of sex determination. Here, we have unraveled the relationships of the two gene clusters by vicariously analyzing the sugar transporters and the RNA helicases. We show that if the two gene clusters share a common ancestry, it dates back to the early days of eukaryotic evolution. As a consequence, the zygomycete MAT locus would be old enough to represent the archetype of fungal and animal sex determination. However, the evolutionary scenario that has to be invoked is complex. An independent assembly of the two clusters deserves therefore consideration. In either case, shared ancestry or convergent evolution, the presence of the gene cluster in microsporidia and in zygomycetes represents at best a plesiomorphy. Hence, it is not phylogenetically informative. A further genome-wide reanalysis of gene order conservation reveals that gene order is not significantly more similar between microsporidia and zygomycetes than between microsporidia and any other fungal taxon or even humans. Consequently, the phylogenetic placement of microsporidia as sister to the zygomycetes needs to be reconsidered

    Drug-microenvironment perturbations reveal resistance mechanisms and prognostic subgroups in CLL

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    The tumour microenvironment and genetic alterations collectively influence drug efficacy in cancer, but current evidence is limited and systematic analyses are lacking. Using chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) as a model disease, we investigated the influence of 17 microenvironmental stimuli on 12 drugs in 192 genetically characterised patient samples. Based on microenvironmental response, we identified four subgroups with distinct clinical outcomes beyond known prognostic markers. Response to multiple microenvironmental stimuli was amplified in trisomy 12 samples. Trisomy 12 was associated with a distinct epigenetic signature. Bromodomain inhibition reversed this epigenetic profile and could be used to target microenvironmental signalling in trisomy 12 CLL. We quantified the impact of microenvironmental stimuli on drug response and their dependence on genetic alterations, identifying interleukin 4 (IL4) and Toll-like receptor (TLR) stimulation as the strongest actuators of drug resistance. IL4 and TLR signalling activity was increased in CLL-infiltrated lymph nodes compared with healthy samples. High IL4 activity correlated with faster disease progression. The publicly available dataset can facilitate the investigation of cell-extrinsic mechanisms of drug resistance and disease progression

    Retinal Involvement in a Patient with Cerebral Manifestation of Chronic Graft-Versus-Host-Disease

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    Background: We report a 35-year-old female patient with cerebral manifestations of chronic graft-versus-host disease (cGvHD) and putative retinal involvement after allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (alloHSCT). Patient and Methods: The patient experienced recurrent episodes of fever and encephalitic signs 7 months after alloHSCT during taper of immunosuppression (IS). Results: Cerebral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed non-gadolinium-enhancing confluent periventricular lesions and cerebrospinal fluid inflammation. After exclusion of infectious causes, treatment with steroids and antiepileptics improved cognitive deficits. Steroid reduction provoked a relapse responding to IS. 2 years later, she complained of right-sided blurred vision and floaters; both eyes showed whitish circumscribed retinal infiltrations, cellular infiltration of the vitreous and mild bilateral optic disc edema. Oncological and neurological work-up ruled out infectious diseases and other GvHD manifestations. Symptoms and signs resolved under continued systemic IS, leaving pigmented retinal scars. After IS withdrawal, classical cutaneous cGvHD developed, resolving on systemic IS. 94 months after transplantation, she is doing well. Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first observation of retinal involvement of cerebral cGvHD manifestations with retinal infiltrations documented in the absence of other causes and in parallel to periventricular lesions in cerebral MRI. Based on bone marrow histology, we discuss a small vessel pathophysiology of cGvHD

    Population vulnerability to COVID-19 in Europe: A burden of disease analysis

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    Background: Evidence has emerged showing that elderly people and those with pre-existing chronic health conditions may be at higher risk of developing severe health consequences from COVID-19. In Europe, this is of particular relevance with ageing populations living with non-communicable diseases, multi-morbidity and frailty. Published estimates of Years Lived with Disability (YLD) from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study help to characterise the extent of these effects. Our aim was to identify the countries across Europe that have populations at highest risk from COVID-19 by using estimates of population age structure and YLD for health conditions linked to severe illness from COVID-19. Methods: Population and YLD estimates from GBD 2017 were extracted for 45 countries in Europe. YLD was restricted to a list of specific health conditions associated with being at risk of developing severe consequences from COVID-19 based on guidance from the United Kingdom Government. This guidance also identified individuals aged 70 years and above as being at higher risk of developing severe health consequences. Study outcomes were defined as: (i) proportion of population aged 70 years and above; and (ii) rate of YLD for COVID-19 vulnerable health conditions across all ages. Bivariate groupings were established for each outcome and combined to establish overall population-level vulnerability. Results: Countries with the highest proportions of elderly residents were Italy, Greece, Germany, Portugal and Finland. When assessments of population-level YLD rates for COVID-19 vulnerable health conditions were made, the highest rates were observed for Bulgaria, Czechia, Croatia, Hungary and Bosnia and Herzegovina. A bivariate analysis indicated that the countries at high-risk across both measures of vulnerability were: Bulgaria; Portugal; Latvia; Lithuania; Greece; Germany; Estonia; and Sweden. Conclusion: Routine estimates of population structures and non-fatal burden of disease measures can be usefully combined to create composite indicators of vulnerability for rapid assessments, in this case to severe health consequences from COVID-19. Countries with available results for sub-national regions within their country, or national burden of disease studies that also use sub-national levels for burden quantifications, should consider using non-fatal burden of disease estimates to estimate geographical vulnerability to COVID-19

    Lineage-Specific Biology Revealed by a Finished Genome Assembly of the Mouse

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    A finished clone-based assembly of the mouse genome reveals extensive recent sequence duplication during recent evolution and rodent-specific expansion of certain gene families. Newly assembled duplications contain protein-coding genes that are mostly involved in reproductive function
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