156 research outputs found

    Growing Consensus: The dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches

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    Tammikuussa 2004 katolinen kirkko aloi i virallisen dialogin orientaalisen ortodoksisen kirkkoperheen kanssa. Kirkot olivat kohdanneet toisiaan vuodesta 1971 asti Pro Oriente –säätiön (Wien, Itävalta) aloi eesta. Pro Oriente perustettiin Vatikaanin toisen konsiilin (1962-1965) aikana edistämään ekumeenisia dialogeja epävirallisella tasolla. Vuonna 1971 käynnistynyt konsultaatioiden sarja jatkui vuosina 1973, 1976, 1978 ja 1988. Konsultaatioita seurasivat nk. tutkimusseminaarit, joissa käsiteltiin primaattia (1991), konsiileja ja konsiliaarisuutta (1992), ekkelesiologiaa (1994) sekä auktoriteettia ja jurisdiktiota (1996). Pro Orienten ponnistukset toimivat perustana myöhemmälle viralliselle dialogille ja sen julkilausumille

    Improving Quality Assurance in Multidisciplinary Engineering Environments with Semantic Technologies

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    In multidisciplinary engineering (MDE) projects, for example, automation systems or manufacturing systems, stakeholders from various disciplines, for example, electrics, mechanics and software, have to collaborate. In industry practice, engineers apply individual and highly specialized tools with strong limitation regarding defect detection in early engineering phases. Experts typically execute reviews with limited tool support which make engineering projects defective and risky. Semantic Web Technologies (SWTs) can help to bridge the gap between heterogeneous sources as foundation for efficient and effective defect detection. Main questions focus on (a) how to bridge gaps between loosely coupled tools and incompatible data models and (b) how SWTs can help to support efficient and effective defect detection in context of engineering process improvement. This chapter describes success-critical requirements for defect detection in MDE and shows how SWTs can provide the foundation for early and efficient defect detection with an adapted review approach. The proposed defect detection framework (DDF) suggests different levels of SWT contributions as a roadmap for engineering process improvement. Two selected industry-related real-life cases show different levels of SWT involvement. Although SWTs have been successfully applied in real-life use cases, SWT applications can be risky if applied without good understanding of success factors and limitations


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    For a large number of applications, mobile devices offer a manifold variety of potentials to improve business processes. However, most projects still fail to be successful with regard to key performance indicators (KPI). There is a growing understanding that human computer interaction is a key factor for the successful use of mobile devices in practice. However, it is still unclear how interfaces can be designed according to the specific needs of a user applying mobile devices in a business context. In this study we show that user experience has a strong impact on efficient human computer interaction. We present the results of a usability study on a mobile tool for IT-Service technicians. The results show that (a) even low experienced users can achieve sufficient task performance with a usable tool and (b) that participants of all experience groups perform better in the field setting compared to the lab


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    Objective The aim of this repeated cross-sectional study was to compare patients from a psychiatric intensive care unit (PICU) over 30years regarding their diagnostic and therapeutic characteristics. Method Three samples including 100 consecutive inpatients each from the Viennese PICU were submitted to a chart review: sample no. 1 from the years 1985/86, no. 2 from 1995/96 and no. 3 from 2007/08. Results Changes in referral modes were associated with a decrease of patients with substance induced disorders and an increase of patients with affective disorders over time. The rate of admissions after accidents and suicides was stable. The use of cranial MRI increased, while intravenous psychopharmacotherapy and parenteral nutrition decreased. Involuntary admission occurred in 43% and in 37% of patients physical restraints were necessary. We saw a shift from tricyclic antidepressants to SSRIs and SNRIs from sample 1 to 3. Likewise, we observed the emergence of atypical antipsychotics and a reduction of use of typical neuroleptics mainly from sample 2 to 3. The percentage of patients receiving benzodiazepines increased over time, while the mean dosage of benzodiazepines decreased. 7% of patients received electroconvulsive therapy. Conclusions The changes over time in our samples reflect the medical progress made during the last decades. Future studies should focus on evaluation of efficacy of psychiatric intensive care using standardized measurements.(VLID)490129

    Modeling, Identification and Control at Telemark University College

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    Master studies in process automation started in 1989 at what soon became Telemark University College, and the 20 year anniversary marks the start of our own PhD degree in Process, Energy and Automation Engineering. The paper gives an overview of research activities related to control engineering at Department of Electrical Engineering, Information Technology and Cybernetics

    Drug-Induced Liver Injury during Antidepressant Treatment: Results of AMSP, a Drug Surveillance Program

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    Background: Drug-induced liver injury is a common cause of liver damage and the most frequent reason for withdrawal of a drug in the United States. The symptoms of drug-induced liver damage are extremely diverse, with some patients remaining asymptomatic. Methods: This observational study is based on data of Arzneimittelsicherheit in der Psychiatrie, a multicenter drug surveillance program in German-speaking countries (Austria, Germany, and Switzerland) recording severe drug reactions in psychiatric inpatients. Of 184 234 psychiatric inpatients treated with antidepressants between 1993 and 2011 in 80 psychiatric hospitals, 149 cases of drug-induced liver injury (0.08%) were reported. Results: The study revealed that incidence rates of drug-induced liver injury were highest during treatment with mianserine (0.36%), agomelatine (0.33%), and clomipramine (0.23%). The lowest probability of drug-induced liver injury occurred during treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors ([0.03%), especially escitalopram [0.01%], citalopram [0.02%], and fluoxetine [0.02%]). The most common clinical symptoms were nausea, fatigue, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain. In contrast to previous findings, the dosage at the timepoint when DILI occurred was higher in 7 of 9 substances than the median overall dosage. Regarding liver enzymes, duloxetine and clomipramine were associated with increased glutamat-pyruvat-transaminase and glutamat-oxalat-transaminase values, while mirtazapine hardly increased enzyme values. By contrast, duloxetine performed best in terms of gamma-glutamyl-transferase values, and trimipramine, clomipramine, and venlafaxine performed worst. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are less likely than the other antidepressants, examined in this study, to precipitate drug-induced liver injury, especially in patients with preknown liver dysfunction

    Fuel cell drive for urban freight transport in comparison to diesel and battery electric drives: a case study of the food retailing industry in Berlin

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    The option of decarbonizing urban freight transport using battery electric vehicle (BEV) seems promising. However, there is currently a strong debate whether fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) might be the better solution. The question arises as to how a fleet of FCEV influences the operating cost, the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and primary energy demand in comparison to BEVs and to Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle (ICEV). To investigate this, we simulate the urban food retailing as a representative share of urban freight transport using a multi-agent transport simulation software. Synthetic routes as well as fleet size and composition are determined by solving a vehicle routing problem. We compute the operating costs using a total cost of ownership analysis and the use phase emissions as well as primary energy demand using the well to wheel approach. While a change to BEV results in 17–23% higher costs compared to ICEV, using FCEVs leads to 22–57% higher costs. Assuming today’s electricity mix, we show a GHG emission reduction of 25% compared to the ICEV base case when using BEV. Current hydrogen production leads to a GHG reduction of 33% when using FCEV which however cannot be scaled to larger fleets. Using current electricity in electrolysis will increase GHG emission by 60% compared to the base case. Assuming 100% renewable electricity for charging and hydrogen production, the reduction from FCEVs rises to 73% and from BEV to 92%. The primary energy requirement for BEV is in all cases lower and for higher compared to the base case. We conclude that while FCEV have a slightly higher GHG savings potential with current hydrogen, BEV are the favored technology for urban freight transport from an economic and ecological point of view, considering the increasing shares of renewable energies in the grid mix.TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel - 2022DFG, 398051144, Analyse von Strategien zur vollständigen Dekarbonisierung des urbanen Verkehr

    Replication Data Management,needs and solutions: an initial evaluation of conceptual approaches for integrating heterogeneous replication study data

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    Replication Data Management (RDM) aims at enabling the use of data collections from several iterations of an experiment. However, there are several major challenges to RDM from integrating data models and data from empirical study infrastructures that were not designed to cooperate, e.g., data model variation of local data sources. [Objective] In this paper we analyze RDM needs and evaluate conceptual RDM approaches to support replication researchers. [Method] We adapted the ATAM evaluation process to (a) analyze RDM use cases and needs of empirical replication study research groups and (b) compare three conceptual approaches to address these RDM needs: central data repositories with a fixed data model, heterogeneous local repositories, and an empirical ecosystem. [Results] While the central and local approaches have major issues that are hard to resolve in practice, the empirical ecosystem allows bridging current gaps in RDM from heterogeneous data sources. [Conclusions] The empirical ecosystem approach should be explored in diverse empirical environments
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