9 research outputs found

    Physical and chemical attributes of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica) varieties Copena, Pelon Blanco and Pelon Rojo

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    Objective: attest and compare the fundamental attributes for fresh raw cactus cladodes and its chemical constituent’s quality when dried and grounded for three varieties of cactus prickly; copena, pelon blanco y pelon rojo. Design/methodology/approach: measurements of physical attributes and chemical constituents were made by using proved and reliable techniques. Data will aid to explore the potential for these cactus material when being handled from basic to complex processes, taking into account; its need for size and quality of storage and their effect when they interact with processing devices and handling apparatus for the new product being elaborated. Results: physical attributes among the three cactus´ varieties showed slightly differences on parameters, but length, wide and electric conductivity. While for chemical analysis, cactus cladodes were chopped, dried and grounded. Chemical compounds showed slightly differences between the three varieties, but pelon blanco had higher percentage of fat and lowest concentration of zinc and potassium. All three varieties had no iron. Limitations on study/implications: there was not management for cactus prickly production. Varieties´ attributes are as they come from the field. Stabilization of chemical constituents for pelon blanco could be necessary, according to the expected features of new products, or lead to a new line of by-products. Findings/conclusions: mechanical handling of raw cladodes around the premises is facilitated, and its wear and maintenance are reduced, less management costs. Flour from each variety was kept at around 10% water content to safeguarding storage. Regarding the protein and carbohydrates content, flour of all three varieties ensure integration with other compounds and guarantee new products with high protein content.Objective: attest and compare the fundamental attributes for fresh raw cactus cladodes and its chemical constituent’s quality when dried and grounded for three varieties of prickly pear cactus “Copena”, “Pelon blanco” and “Pelon rojo”. Design/methodology/approach: measurements of the physical attributes and chemical constituents were made by using proved and reliable techniques. Data will aid to explore the potential for these cactus materials when being handled from basic to complex processes, considering its need for size and quality of storage and their effect when they interact with processing devices and handling apparatus for the new product being elaborated. Results: the physical attributes among the three assessed cactus varieties showed slight differences in their parameters, but length, wide and electric conductivity. While for their chemical analysis, cactus cladodes were chopped, dried and grounded. Chemical compounds showed slight differences between the three varieties, but Pelon blanco had a higher fat percentage and the lowest zinc and potassium concentration. None of the varieties had iron. Limitations on study/implications: there was no management on the prickly pear cactus production. The assessment of the cultivars’ attributes was as they were from the field. Stabilization of the chemical constituents of Pelon blanco could be necessary, according to the expected features of new products, or lead to a new line of by-products. Findings/conclusions: mechanical handling of raw cladodes around the premises is facilitated, and its uses and maintenance are fewer management costs. Flour from each variety was kept at around 10 % water content to safeguarding storage. Regard the protein and carbohydrates content, flour of the three varieties ensure integration with other compounds and guarantees new products with high protein content

    Recolecta, establecimiento y caracterización de semilla de higuerilla (Ricinus communis L.) en el altiplano centro-norte de México

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    Objective: To evaluate growth, development, yield and characterization of the seed produced by 20 seed collections of castor bean gathered from Aguascalientes, Jalisco, San Luis Potosí and Zacatecas, Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: Seed collected in each site was extracted and cleaned; then, the average size and weight were measured, and color was determined. Seeds were sown in bags, registering the days to emergence; when seedlings reached a 15-cm average height, they were transplanted to a plot in the community of Diego Martín, municipality of Salinas, San Luis Potosí, Mexico. Results: The average number of clusters per plant was 26.8, and the average height of the plant was 2.95 m. Regarding the weight of 100 seeds, the average was 18.6 g, with a maximum value of 46.1 g for the seed collected at Salinas de Hidalgo, San Luis Potosí, which also presented the longest seed (15.7 mm). The most frequent background color of seed was gray, with dark brown spots on top. Concerning seedling emergence, the collected seeds called Francia Chica (100%) and Villa Hidalgo (94%) stood out. Limitations on study/implications: Wild plants commonly present a wide genetic variability, which makes necessary long-term studies to get more stable seed lines. Findings/conclusions: Seed collected in Salinas de Hidalgo, San Luis Potosí, excelled in some parameters such as size, weight and emergence.Objetivo: Evaluar el crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento de higuerilla, y caracterizar la semilla obtenida por 20 recolectas de higuerilla realizadas en los estados de Aguascalientes, Jalisco, San Luis Potosí y Zacatecas, México. Diseño/metodología/aproximación: Se hizo una extracción y limpieza de la semilla de cada recolecta, de la que se midió tamaño y peso promedios y se determinó su color. Se prepararon macetas para producir plántulas, registrando los días a emergencia y al alcanzar en promedio 15 cm de altura se trasplantaron en una parcela en la comunidad de Diego Martín, municipio de Salinas, San Luis Potosí, México. Resultados: El número promedio de racimos por planta fue 26.8 y la altura media de planta fue de 2.95 m. Con relación al peso de 100 semillas, el promedio fue de 18.6 g, con un valor máximo de 46.1 g para la recolecta de Salinas de Hidalgo, San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, la que también presentó la semilla de mayor longitud (15.7 mm). El color más frecuente (moda) de fondo de la semilla fue el gris, con manchas café oscuro encima. En emergencia de las plántulas sobresalieron las colectas denominadas Francia Chica (100%) y Villa Hidalgo (94%). Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: Las plantas silvestres comúnmente presentan una amplia variabilidad genética, lo que hace necesarios los estudios a largo plazo para obtener líneas de semillas más estables. Hallazgos/conclusiones: Semillas recolectadas en Salinas de Hidalgo, S. L. P, sobresalieron en algunos parámetros, como tamaño, peso y emergencia

    Digestión anaerobia de estiércol de ovino para producir biogás y bioabono

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    Objective: To test three different sheep manure management to produce biogas and biofertilizer. Design/methodology/approach: A 2.51 m3 membrane reactor was used and three ways of preparing the manure were evaluated: fresh crushed, fresh without treatment and dry ground. Each treatment was evaluated for one month and the daily production of biogas, the ambient temperature and the pH of the effluent and the flowing were recorded. The nutritional content of the digest was analyzed. Results: The highest production of biogas (1.20 m3 día-1) was obtained with fresh crushed manure, and was statistically higher than that generated with fresh untreated manure (0.86 m3 día-1) and dry ground manure (0.75 m3 día-1). These yields were from 0.05 to 0.08 m3 of biogas per kg of manure fed. The liquid effluent showed a low content of nutrients, however, about 56 liters were obtained daily. The mud, on the other hand, presented important contents of nutrients that makes it a material with high potential as a biofertilizer. Limitations on study/implications: During the evaluation of untreated fresh manure and dry ground manure the ambient temperature was higher, but the biogas production was lower. Findings/conclusions: It was demonstrated that good production of biogas and biofertilizers can be obtained from sheep manure by means of their anaerobic digestion in a tubular biodigester.Objetivo: Evaluar tres diferentes manejos de estiércol de ovino para producir biogás y bioabono. Diseño/metodología/aproximación: Se usó un reactor de geomembrana de 2.51 m3 y se evaluaron tres formas de preparar el estiércol de ovino: fresco triturado, fresco sin tratamiento y seco molido. Cada manejo se evaluó por un mes y se registró la producción diaria de biogás, la temperatura ambiente y pH del afluente y del efluente. Se analizó el contenido nutrimental del digerido. Resultados: La mayor producción de biogás (1.20 m3 d-1) se obtuvo con el estiércol fresco triturado, y fue estadísticamente mayor al generado con estiércol fresco sin tratar (0.86 m3 d-1) y con estiércol seco molido (0.75 m3 d-1). Estos rendimientos fueron de 0.05 a 0.08 m3 de biogás por kg de estiércol alimentado. El efluente líquido mostró bajo contenido de nutrientes, no obstante diariamente se obtuvieron alrededor de 56 L. El lodo, en cambio, registró contenidos importantes de nutrientes que lo hace un material con alto potencial como bioabono. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: Durante la evaluación del estiércol fresco sin tratamiento y seco molido la temperatura ambiente fue mayor, pero la producción de biogás fue menor. Hallazgos/conclusiones: Se demostró que a partir del estiércol de ovino se puede obtener buena producción de biogás y bioabonos, mediante su digestión anaerobia en un biodigestor tubular

    Efecto de salinidad sulfática en quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.)

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    Objective: Evaluate a quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) cultivar in a semi-hydroponic system, simulating different levels of sulphatic salinity (CaSO4·2H2O a 0, 3 000, 4 000 y 5 000 µS cm-1). Design/methodology/approach: The cultivation of quinoa established in a semi-hydroponic system, simulating different conditions of sulphatic salinity, taking as a source of salinity reactive grade dihydrated calcium sulphate (CaSO4 · 2H2O), this salinity source is obtained to simulate the conditions of the evaporitic basin of Río Verde-Matehuala, where a saline diversity of waters and soils mainly calcium sulphate is formed. The reactions were 0, 3,000, 4,000 and 5,000 µS cm-1, being that null in salts, the treatment control. Results: The seed yield per plant in sulfate salts treatments ??were for 3,000 µS cm-1 with 30.65 g/p, following the treatments of 4,000 µS cm-1 with 23.31 g/p and 5,000 µS cm-1 with 19.13 g/p; on the other hand, the control resulted in the highest value in yield with 43.41 g/p. Limitations on study/implications: It is important to develop more studies under biotic and abiotic conditions that occur in other regions and test another type of salinity such as hydrochloric. Findings/conclusions: Under the conditions in which the study will be affected, it is possible to grow quinoa in sulphate soils, but with the restrictions imposed by the effect of the decrease in osmotic potential damaged by salts.Objetivo: Evaluar un cultivar de quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) en un sistema semi-hidropónico, simulando diferentes niveles de salinidad sulfática (CaSO4·2H2O a 0, 3,000, 4,000 y 5,000 µS cm-1). Diseño/metodología/aproximación: El cultivo de quinoa establecido en un sistema semi-hidropónico, bajo la simulación de diferentes condiciones de salinidad sulfática, tomando como fuente de salinidad sulfato de calcio dihidratado grado reactivo (CaSO4·2H2O) utilizando esta fuente de salinidad para representar las condiciones de la cuenca evaporítica de Río Verde-Matehuala, donde emerge una diversidad salina de aguas y suelos principalmente sulfato cálcicos. Las concentraciones fueron 0, 3,000, 4,000 y 5,000 µS cm-1, siendo aquella nula de sales, el tratamiento control. Resultados: El rendimiento de semillas por planta en los tratamientos con sales sulfáticas, los valores altos fueron para 3,000 µS cm-1 con 30.65 g/p, seguido de los tratamientos de 4,000 µS cm-1 con 23.31 g/p y 5,000 µS cm-1 con 19.13 g/p; por su parte el control resultó con el valor más alto en rendimiento con 43.41 g/p. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: Es importante desarrollar más estudios bajo condiciones bióticas y abióticas que pueden presentarse en otras regiones y probar otro tipo de salinidad tal como la clorhídrica. Hallazgos/conclusiones: Bajo las condiciones del estudio, es posible cultivar quinoa en suelos sulfáticos pero con las restricciones que impone el efecto de la disminución del potencial osmótico causado por las sales

    Cálculo del balance de energía para higuerilla (Ricinus communis L.) desde las etapas de producción en campo hasta el valor energético de cada componente de la planta

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    Introducción : Pruebas de balance de energía permiten redirigir los insumos desde las etapas de producción de un cultivo, e igualmente, precesar la cantidad de energía utilizada para cada proceso y así, verificar la eficiencia al transformar la energía contenida en el cultivo cuando debe cumplir con una función deseada. Método : la planta de higuerilla (Ricinus communis L.) con propósitos de cultivo energético fue sembrada en campo y sometida a procesos de mantenimiento de l cultivo y en la cosecha, la planta completa fue colectada para análisis energético, donde cada una de sus partes inclu i das las semillas fueron evaluadas en función de su contenido de energía. Así, para determinar el balance de energía; los valores de la energía biológica de la planta fueron comparados con la energía aplicada en cada uno de los procesos técnicos y físicos para la producción del cult i vo y en su procesamiento . Resultados : La energía aplicada para producir el cultivo r esulta un 28% superior a la energía a obtener de la planta. Asimismo, la biomasa de la planta completa de higuerilla, sin contar las semillas genera el doble de energía comparado con el aceite de las semillas, por lo que, conviene utilizar toda la planta e n términos de energía . Conclusión : Es recomendable utilizar el aceite de las seillas como biomaterial, ya que el b a lance es positivo en un 15%

    Evaluation of the functionality of a constructed wetland system under semidesert and saline conditions

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    Objective: Evaluate the functionality of a constructed wetland used to treat the wastewater from a school by recording water inflow and outflow, in addition to the local conditions that affect its operation and compliance with environmentalregulations.Design/methodology/approach: Verification of the installation specifications; programmed measurements of the inflowoutflowwater balance and ambient temperature; and analysis of the salinity effect and wetland performance.Results: The high evapotranspiration at the site contributed to the decrease in the resident volume of water within the wetland, causing water stress to the vegetation, not complying with the regulation about the reduction/elimination of water pollutants.Study limitations/implications: The high daytime temperature significantly decreased the daily inflow volume of wastewater, even after adding the precipitation water, which affects the biological activity of the vegetation; therefore, the study was performed on half of the wetland surface. Thus, the wetland was unable to reduce the pollutants to safe levels.Findings/conclusions: The amount of recovered treated water is minimal. The inflow is five times lower than the designed flow of the construction. The weekly log was appropriate to observe fluctuations in the water balance and its effect on the vegetation within the wetland

    Physical and chemical attributes of prickly pear cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica) varieties Copena, Pelon Blanco and Pelon Rojo

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    Objective: attest and compare the fundamental attributes for fresh raw cactus cladodes and its chemical constituent’s quality when dried and grounded for three varieties of prickly pear cactus “Copena”, “Pelon blanco” and “Pelon rojo”. Design/methodology/approach: measurements of the physical attributes and chemical constituents were made by using proved and reliable techniques. Data will aid to explore the potential for these cactus materials when being handled from basic to complex processes, considering its need for size and quality of storage and their effect when they interact with processing devices and handling apparatus for the new product being elaborated. Results: the physical attributes among the three assessed cactus varieties showed slight differences in their parameters, but length, wide and electric conductivity. While for their chemical analysis, cactus cladodes were chopped, dried and grounded. Chemical compounds showed slight differences between the three varieties, but Pelon blanco had a higher fat percentage and the lowest zinc and potassium concentration. None of the varieties had iron. Limitations on study/implications: there was no management on the prickly pear cactus production. The assessment of the cultivars’ attributes was as they were from the field. Stabilization of the chemical constituents of Pelon blanco could be necessary, according to the expected features of new products, or lead to a new line of by-products

    Potential of the physical and chemical characteristics of prickly pear (Opuntia albicarpa Seheinvar var. Villanueva) seeds in agroindustrial processes: Frutos de las cactáceas

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    Objective: verifying of physical attributes and assessment of chemical quality from tuna’s seeds, including; seeds´ size, internal friction, external friction, performance for size reduction, sieving and electric conductivity, soluble protein, total protein, phosphorous, carbohydrates, amount of oil and minerals by utilizing Villanueva variety. Design/methodology/approach: verify and compare the physical attributes and chemical parameters by using proved and reliable techniques, in order to explore their impacts on its future potential, when seeds are intended to agroindustrial processes, taking into account; its need for size and quality of storage space and their effect when they interact to handling apparatus and the material they are manufactured. Results: the selected groups of 100 seeds from 4 consecutive harvests of tunas did not have differences. While for chemical analysis, seeds were milled and the revised chemical compounds showed differences between harvest years, in consequence, drought, management and crop protection affect significantly those attributes. The factors were not included into this study. Limitations on study/implications: tuna is harvested during 4 months a year. This reduces availability of raw matter from other varieties and from other regions, in order to expand this study and for carrying out comparisons between diverse parameters. Findings/conclusions: there were not significate differences for seeds´size (wide, large, thickness), external friction and electric conductivity, therefore, handling equipment does not need special specifications. While, for internal friction and for all chemical compounds analyzed from seeds´ flour, showed significate differences. The latter means that, it is required to homogenize these parameters by using other compounds for the agrifood processesObjective: To verify the physical attributes and assess the chemical quality from prickly pear’s seeds (Opuntia albicarpa Seheinvar cv. Villanueva), including seeds´ size, internal friction, external friction, performance for size reduction, sieving and electric conductivity, soluble protein, total protein, phosphorous, carbohydrates, amount of oil and minerals. Design/methodology/approach: To verify and compare the physical attributes and chemical parameters using proved and reliable techniques, to explore their impacts on its future potential, when seeds are intended to agro-industrial processes, considering; its size and quality of space storage and their effect when interacting with handling apparatus and the material they are manufactured with. Results: Selected groups of 100 seeds from four consecutive prickly pears harvests had no differences. While for their chemical analysis, seeds were milled and their revised chemical compounds showed differences between harvest, therefore, drought, management and crop protection significantly affect those attributes. The factors were not included in this study. Limitations on study/implications: Prickly pears are harvested for 4 months per year. This reduces the availability of raw material from other varieties and from other regions, to expand this study and to compare between diverse parameters. Findings/conclusions: There were not significant differences in seed size (wide, large, thickness), external friction and electric conductivity; therefore, handling equipment does not need specifications. While, for the internal friction and all chemical compounds analyzed from seeds´ flour, significate differences were quantified. The latter means that, it is adequate to homogenize these parameters by using other compounds in the agrifood processes

    Los agaves mezcaleros del altiplano Potosino y Zacatecano

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    En el Altiplano Potosino y Zacatecano, los agaves mezcaleros son un componente socioeconómico importante ya que se pueden aprovechar desde el punto de vista económico, ya que tiene valor en el mercado para la producción de bebidas espirituosas como el mezcal; social, ya que su producción y modo de empleo genera jornales disminuyendo la migración; en la salud, por la producción de aguamiel, jarabes e inulinas como complemento nutricional; científico, por los aportes al conocimiento en la variación biológica de los agaves; debido a la diversidad y su plasticidad para enfrentar temperaturas extremas y sequías prolongadas, entre otros. Es por todo ello de importancia la caracterización de cada una de las variantes biológicas de esta especie, para lo cual se describieron sus caracteres morfológicos mediante el uso de una guía técnica descrita para agaves. La descripción es sólo un primer paso para su registro y protección legal, además de preservar la biodiversidad de este recurso genético de la nación, generando estrategias para su aprovechamiento sustentable con el fin de valorar la conservación de este patrimonio que se mantiene hoy en día vivo en manos de numerosas comunidades, que requieren opciones para su desarrollo socio económico donde el agave es protagonista