62 research outputs found

    HSV-1 not only in human vestibular ganglia but also in the vestibular labyrinth

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    Reactivation of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) in the vestibular ganglion (VG) is the suspected cause of vestibular neuritis (VN). Recent studies reported the presence of HSV-1 DNA not only in human VGs but also in vestibular nuclei, a finding that indicates the possibility of viral migration to the human vestibular labyrinth. Distribution of HSV-1 DNA was determined in geniculate ganglia, VGs, semicircular canals, and macula organs of 21 randomly obtained human temporal bones by nested PCR. Viral DNA was detected in 48% of the labyrinths, 62% of the VGs, and 57% of the geniculate ganglia. The potential significance of this finding is twofold: (1) Inflammation in VN could also involve the labyrinth and thereby cause acute unilateral vestibular deafferentation. (2) As benign paroxysmal positional vertigo often occurs in patients who have had VN, it could also be a sequel of viral labyrinthitis. Copyright (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel

    HSV-1 genome subnuclear positioning and associations with host-cell PML-NBs and centromeres regulate LAT locus transcription during latency in neurons.

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    Major human pathologies are caused by nuclear replicative viruses establishing life-long latent infection in their host. During latency the genomes of these viruses are intimately interacting with the cell nucleus environment. A hallmark of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) latency establishment is the shutdown of lytic genes expression and the concomitant induction of the latency associated (LAT) transcripts. Although the setting up and the maintenance of the latent genetic program is most likely dependent on a subtle interplay between viral and nuclear factors, this remains uninvestigated. Combining the use of in situ fluorescent-based approaches and high-resolution microscopic analysis, we show that HSV-1 genomes adopt specific nuclear patterns in sensory neurons of latently infected mice (28 days post-inoculation, d.p.i.). Latent HSV-1 genomes display two major patterns, called "Single" and "Multiple", which associate with centromeres, and with promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies (PML-NBs) as viral DNA-containing PML-NBs (DCP-NBs). 3D-image reconstruction of DCP-NBs shows that PML forms a shell around viral genomes and associated Daxx and ATRX, two PML partners within PML-NBs. During latency establishment (6 d.p.i.), infected mouse TGs display, at the level of the whole TG and in individual cells, a substantial increase of PML amount consistent with the interferon-mediated antiviral role of PML. "Single" and "Multiple" patterns are reminiscent of low and high-viral genome copy-containing neurons. We show that LAT expression is significantly favored within the "Multiple" pattern, which underlines a heterogeneity of LAT expression dependent on the viral genome copy number, pattern acquisition, and association with nuclear domains. Infection of PML-knockout mice demonstrates that PML/PML-NBs are involved in virus nuclear pattern acquisition, and negatively regulate the expression of the LAT. This study demonstrates that nuclear domains including PML-NBs and centromeres are functionally involved in the control of HSV-1 latency, and represent a key level of host/virus interaction

    Clonal expansions of CD8+ T cells in latently HSV-1-infected human trigeminal ganglia

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    Herpes simplex virus type 1 latency in trigeminal ganglia (TG) is accompanied by a chronic immune cell infiltration. The aim of this study was to analyse the T-cell receptor β-chain repertoire in latently HSV-1 infected human TG. Using complementarity-determining region 3 spectratyping, 74 expanded β-chain sequences were identified in five TG. No clone appeared in more than one subject. Similar clones were present in the right and the left TG of two subjects. This indicates that these T cells are primed in the periphery and recognise the same antigen in the TG of both side

    BAFF is produced by astrocytes and up-regulated in multiple sclerosis lesions and primary central nervous system lymphoma

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    We report that B cell–activating factor of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family (BAFF) is expressed in the normal human brain at ∼10% of that in lymphatic tissues (tonsils and adenoids) and is produced by astrocytes. BAFF was regularly detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in brain tissue lysates and in normal spinal fluid, and in astrocytes by double fluorescence microscopy. Cultured human astrocytes secreted functionally active BAFF after stimulation with interferon-γ and TNF-α via a furin-like protease-dependent pathway. BAFF secretion per cell was manifold higher in activated astrocytes than in monocytes and macrophages. We studied brain lesions with B cell components, and found that in multiple sclerosis plaques, BAFF expression was strongly up-regulated to levels observed in lymphatic tissues. BAFF was localized in astrocytes close to BAFF-R–expressing immune cells. BAFF receptors were strongly expressed in situ in primary central nervous system (CNS) lymphomas. This paper identifies astrocytes as a nonimmune source of BAFF. CNS-produced BAFF may support B cell survival in inflammatory diseases and primary B cell lymphoma

    LRRK2 protein levels are determined by kinase function and are crucial for kidney and lung homeostasis in mice

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    Mutations in leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) cause late-onset Parkinson's disease (PD), but the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms and the normal function of this large multidomain protein remain speculative. To address the role of this protein in vivo, we generated three different LRRK2 mutant mouse lines. Mice completely lacking the LRRK2 protein (knock-out, KO) showed an early-onset (age 6 weeks) marked increase in number and size of secondary lysosomes in kidney proximal tubule cells and lamellar bodies in lung type II cells. Mice expressing a LRRK2 kinase-dead (KD) mutant from the endogenous locus displayed similar early-onset pathophysiological changes in kidney but not lung. KD mutants had dramatically reduced full-length LRRK2 protein levels in the kidney and this genetic effect was mimicked pharmacologically in wild-type mice treated with a LRRK2-selective kinase inhibitor. Knock-in (KI) mice expressing the G2019S PD-associated mutation that increases LRRK2 kinase activity showed none of the LRRK2 protein level and histopathological changes observed in KD and KO mice. The autophagy marker LC3 remained unchanged but kidney mTOR and TCS2 protein levels decreased in KD and increased in KO and KI mice. Unexpectedly, KO and KI mice suffered from diastolic hypertension opposed to normal blood pressure in KD mice. Our findings demonstrate a role for LRRK2 in kidney and lung physiology and further show that LRRK2 kinase function affects LRRK2 protein steady-state levels thereby altering putative scaffold/GTPase activity. These novel aspects of peripheral LRRK2 biology critically impact ongoing attempts to develop LRRK2 selective kinase inhibitors as therapeutics for PD

    Gamma-H2AX immunofluorescence for the detection of tissue-specific genotoxicity in vivo

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    The phosphorylation of histone H2AX in Serine 139 (gamma-H2AX) marks regions of DNA double strand breaks and contributes to the recruitment of DNA repair factors to the site of DNA damage. Gamma-H2AX is used widely as DNA damage marker in vitro, but its use for genotoxicity assessment in vivo has not been extensively investigated. Here, we developed an image analysis system for the precise quantification of the gamma-H2AX signal, which we used to monitor DNA damage in animals treated with known genotoxicants (EMS, ENU and doxorubicin). To compare this new assay to a validated standard procedure for DNA damage quantification, tissues from the same animals were also analyzed in the comet assay. An increase in the levels of gamma-H2AX was observed in most of the tissues from animals treated with doxorubicin and ENU. Interestingly, the lesions induced by doxorubicin were not easily detected by the standard comet assay, while they were clearly identified by gamma-H2AX staining. Conversely, EMS appeared strongly positive in the comet assay but only mildly in the gamma-H2AX immunofluorescence. These observations suggest that the two methods could complement each other for DNA damage analysis, where gamma-H2AX staining allows the detection of tissue-specific effects in situ. Moreover, since gamma-H2AX staining can be performed on formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue sections generated during repeated-dose toxicity studies, it does not require any further treatments or extra procedures during dissection, thus optimizing the use of resources and animals

    Orally administered branaplam does not impact neurogenesis in juvenile mice, rats, and dogs

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    Branaplam is a therapeutic agent currently in clinical development for the treatment of infants with type 1 spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Since preclinical studies showed that branaplam had cell-cycle arrest effects; we sought to determine whether branaplam may affect postnatal cerebellar development and brain neurogenesis. Here, we describe a novel approach for developmental neurotoxicity testing (DNT) of a central nervous system (CNS) active drug . The effects of orally administered branaplam were evaluated in the SMA neonatal mouse model (SMN∆7), and in juvenile Wistar Hanover rats and Beagle dogs. Histopathological examination and complementary immunohistochemical studies focused on areas of neurogenesis in the cerebellum (mice, rats, and dogs), and the subventricular zone of the striatum and dentate gyrus (rats and dogs) using antibodies directed against Ki67, phosphorylated histone H3, cleaved caspase-3, and glial fibrillary acidic protein. Additionally, image analysis based quantification of calbindin-D28k and Ki67 was performed in rats and dogs. The patterns of cell proliferation and apoptosis, and neural migration and innervation in the cerebellum and other brain regions of active adult neurogenesis did not differ between branaplam- and control-treated animals. Quantitative image analysis did not reveal any changes in calbindin-D28k and Ki67 expression in rats and dogs. The data show that orally administered branaplam has no impact on neurogenesis in juvenile animals. Application of selected immunohistochemical stainings in combination with quantitative image analysis on a few critical areas of postnatal CNS development offer a reliable approach to assess DNT of CNS-active drug candidates in juvenile animal toxicity studies

    Fingolimod inhibits brain atrophy and promotes brain-derived neurotrophic factor in an animal model of multiple sclerosis

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    Longitudinal brain atrophy quantification is a critical efficacy measurement in multiple sclerosis (MS) clinical trials and the determination of No Evidence of Disease Activity (NEDA). Utilising fingolimod as a clinically validated therapy we evaluated the use of repeated brain tissue volume measures during chronic experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) as a new preclinical efficacy measure. Brain volume changes were quantified using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 7 Tesla and correlated to treatment-induced brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) measured in blood, cerebrospinal fluid, spinal cord and brain. Serial brain MRI measurements revealed slow progressive brain volume loss in vehicle treated EAE mice despite a stable clinical score. Fingolimod (1 mg/kg) significantly ameliorated brain tissue atrophy in the cerebellum and striatum when administered from established EAE disease onwards. Fingolimod-dependent tissue preservation was associated with induction of BDNF specifically within the brain and co-localized with neuronal soma. In contrast, therapeutic teriflunomide (3 mg/kg) treatment failed to inhibit CNS autoimmune mediated brain degeneration. Finally, weekly anti-IL-17A antibody (15 mg/kg) treatment was highly efficacious and preserved whole brain, cerebellum and striatum volume. Fingolimod-mediated BDNF increases within the CNS may contribute to limiting progressive tissue loss during chronic neuroinflammation