8 research outputs found

    Observation of Changes in the Atomic and Electronic Structure of Single-Crystal YBa₂Cu₃O₆.₆ Accompanying Bromination

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    To ascertain the role of bromination in the recovery of superconductivity in underdoped YBa2Cu3O6+y (YBCO), we have performed polarized multiple-edge x-ray-absorption fine structure (XAFS) measurements on normal (y~0.6) and brominated (Br/Cu~1/30, y~0.6) single crystals with superconducting transitions at 63 and 89 K, respectively. The brominated sample becomes strongly heterogeneous on an atomic length scale. Approximately one-third of YBCO is locally decomposed yet incorporated as a well-ordered host lattice as nanoscale regions. The decomposed phase consists of heavily distorted domains with an order not following that of the host lattice. Structurally, these domains are fragments of the YBCO lattice that are discontinued along the Cu(1)-O(1) containing planes. The local structure is consistent with the cluster expansions: Y-O(2,3)8-Cu(2)8-..., Ba-O8-Cu(2)4Cu(1)2-..., and Cu-O4... about the Y, Ba, and Cu sites. Interatomic distances and Debye-Waller factors for the expansions were determined from fits to Y K-, Ba L3-, and Cu K-edge XAFS data at room temperature. Br K-edge data reveal that Br does not enter substitutionally or interstitially into the perfect YBCO lattice. However, Br does occupy the Cu(1) sites in a nanofragment of the YBCO lattice, forming Br-O(4)-Ba-Cu2(1)Cu(2)-... nanoclusters. From polarized measurements these nanoclusters were found to be almost randomly oriented with respect to the host crystal, and probably are the nucleus of the decomposed phase. This heterogeneity brings about the unusual structural and electronic properties of the normal state previously reported in the literature. Implications on for diffraction, transport, and magnetization measurements are discussed

    Rapport d'atelier de programmation des émissions radiophoniques dans le cadre du projet AICCRA Sénégal

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    Les deux (2) jours de l’atelier ont permis de passer en revue les différentes étapes pour une meilleure diffusion à grande échelle des bonnes pratiques agricoles et d’élevage. Les particpants, venus des radios communautaires, membres de l’URAC mais également des partenaires d’AICCRA que sont l’ANCAR, l’ISRA et l’ANACIM, ont discuté des contenus à donner aux émissions radio afin d’armer au mieux les producteurs et éleveurs pour la saison des pluies 2023. A l’issue des travaux, des contenus ont été définis, des formats d’émissions déclinés et des personnes et/ou structures ressources identifiées pour l’animation des ces émissions tout en tenant compte des recommandations issues de l’enquête de perception effectuée l’année dernière sur les programmes diffusés. Enfin, les chefs de stations et animateurs des radios partenaires se chargeront de proposer des plannings de diffusion adaptés aux heures d’écoutes de leurs localités et de choisir des points focaux à la place des clubs d’écoute

    Tropical Data: Approach and Methodology as Applied to Trachoma Prevalence Surveys

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    PURPOSE: Population-based prevalence surveys are essential for decision-making on interventions to achieve trachoma elimination as a public health problem. This paper outlines the methodologies of Tropical Data, which supports work to undertake those surveys. METHODS: Tropical Data is a consortium of partners that supports health ministries worldwide to conduct globally standardised prevalence surveys that conform to World Health Organization recommendations. Founding principles are health ministry ownership, partnership and collaboration, and quality assurance and quality control at every step of the survey process. Support covers survey planning, survey design, training, electronic data collection and fieldwork, and data management, analysis and dissemination. Methods are adapted to meet local context and needs. Customisations, operational research and integration of other diseases into routine trachoma surveys have also been supported. RESULTS: Between 29th February 2016 and 24th April 2023, 3373 trachoma surveys across 50 countries have been supported, resulting in 10,818,502 people being examined for trachoma. CONCLUSION: This health ministry-led, standardised approach, with support from the start to the end of the survey process, has helped all trachoma elimination stakeholders to know where interventions are needed, where interventions can be stopped, and when elimination as a public health problem has been achieved. Flexibility to meet specific country contexts, adaptation to changes in global guidance and adjustments in response to user feedback have facilitated innovation in evidence-based methodologies, and supported health ministries to strive for global disease control targets

    Impacts de l'utilisation des eaux polluées en agriculture urbaine sur la qualité de la nappe de Dakar (Sénégal)

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    L'agriculture urbaine de la région de Dakar est un secteur en plein essor. A cause de la salinisation progressive des eaux de la nappe peu profonde (eaux de Céanes), des eaux usées brutes sont utilisées pour irriguer les champs. L'objectif de notre étude est d'évaluer la qualité chimique et microbiologique des eaux de la nappe sous-jacentes aux champs irrigués et d'identifier les sources de pollution. Notre travail a été effectué dans les sites de Pikine et de Patte d'Oie. L'analyse de la qualité chimique des eaux d'arrosage a montré qu'à Pikine, la conductivité des eaux de Céanes est plus élevée (4822±2411 μS cm-1) par rapport à celle des eaux usées (3579±1242 μS cm-1 ; p<0.04). Par contre à Patte d'Oie, les eaux d'arrosage sont moins salées (<3000 μS cm-1). La quantité d'azote total de tous les types d'eaux d'arrosage est supérieure à la valeur guide de l'OMS (5-30 mg l-1). Salmonella spp. a été isolée dans 35% des eaux d'arrosage. Un échantillon d'eaux usées a été positif pour Vibrio cholerae. L'impact des eaux d'irrigation sur la qualité chimique et microbiologique de la nappe d'eau souterraine est fortement influencé par la pluviométrie et est différent selon le site considéré. Ce travail a montré que l'irrigation avec les eaux polluées et l'usage de fumiers organiques peut altérer la qualité de la nappe et constituer des risques pour la santé

    Tropical Data: Approach and Methodology as Applied to Trachoma Prevalence Surveys

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    Population-based prevalence surveys are essential for decision-making on interventions to achieve trachoma elimination as a public health problem. This paper outlines the methodologies of Tropical Data, which supports work to undertake those surveys. Tropical Data is a consortium of partners that supports health ministries worldwide to conduct globally standardised prevalence surveys that conform to World Health Organization recommendations. Founding principles are health ministry ownership, partnership and collaboration, and quality assurance and quality control at every step of the survey process. Support covers survey planning, survey design, training, electronic data collection and fieldwork, and data management, analysis and dissemination. Methods are adapted to meet local context and needs. Customisations, operational research and integration of other diseases into routine trachoma surveys have also been supported. Between 29 February 2016 and 24 April 2023, 3373 trachoma surveys across 50 countries have been supported, resulting in 10,818,502 people being examined for trachoma. This health ministry-led, standardised approach, with support from the start to the end of the survey process, has helped all trachoma elimination stakeholders to know where interventions are needed, where interventions can be stopped, and when elimination as a public health problem has been achieved. Flexibility to meet specific country contexts, adaptation to changes in global guidance and adjustments in response to user feedback have facilitated innovation in evidence-based methodologies, and supported health ministries to strive for global disease control targets

    Tropical Data: Approach and Methodology as Applied to Trachoma Prevalence Surveys

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    Population-based prevalence surveys are essential for decision-making on interventions to achieve trachoma elimination as a public health problem. This paper outlines the methodologies of Tropical Data, which supports work to undertake those surveys. Tropical Data is a consortium of partners that supports health ministries worldwide to conduct globally standardised prevalence surveys that conform to World Health Organization recommendations. Founding principles are health ministry ownership, partnership and collaboration, and quality assurance and quality control at every step of the survey process. Support covers survey planning, survey design, training, electronic data collection and fieldwork, and data management, analysis and dissemination. Methods are adapted to meet local context and needs. Customisations, operational research and integration of other diseases into routine trachoma surveys have also been supported. Between 29th February 2016 and 24th April 2023, 3373 trachoma surveys across 50 countries have been supported, resulting in 10,818,502 people being examined for trachoma. This health ministry-led, standardised approach, with support from the start to the end of the survey process, has helped all trachoma elimination stakeholders to know where interventions are needed, where interventions can be stopped, and when elimination as a public health problem has been achieved. Flexibility to meet specific country contexts, adaptation to changes in global guidance and adjustments in response to user feedback have facilitated innovation in evidence-based methodologies, and supported health ministries to strive for global disease control targets.</p