1,051 research outputs found

    A template bank for gravitational waveforms from coalescing binary black holes: non-spinning binaries

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    Gravitational waveforms from the inspiral and ring-down stages of the binary black hole coalescences can be modelled accurately by approximation/perturbation techniques in general relativity. Recent progress in numerical relativity has enabled us to model also the non-perturbative merger phase of the binary black-hole coalescence problem. This enables us to \emph{coherently} search for all three stages of the coalescence of non-spinning binary black holes using a single template bank. Taking our motivation from these results, we propose a family of template waveforms which can model the inspiral, merger, and ring-down stages of the coalescence of non-spinning binary black holes that follow quasi-circular inspiral. This two-dimensional template family is explicitly parametrized by the physical parameters of the binary. We show that the template family is not only \emph{effectual} in detecting the signals from black hole coalescences, but also \emph{faithful} in estimating the parameters of the binary. We compare the sensitivity of a search (in the context of different ground-based interferometers) using all three stages of the black hole coalescence with other template-based searches which look for individual stages separately. We find that the proposed search is significantly more sensitive than other template-based searches for a substantial mass-range, potentially bringing about remarkable improvement in the event-rate of ground-based interferometers. As part of this work, we also prescribe a general procedure to construct interpolated template banks using non-spinning black hole waveforms produced by numerical relativity.Comment: A typo fixed in Eq.(B11

    Spin effects in Bose-Glass phases

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    We study the mechanism of formation of Bose glass (BG) phases in the spin-1 Bose Hubbard model when diagonal disorder is introduced. To this aim, we analyze first the phase diagram in the zero-hopping limit, there disorder induces superposition between Mott insulator (MI) phases with different filling numbers. Then BG appears as a compressible but still insulating phase. The phase diagram for finite hopping is also calculated with the Gutzwiller approximation. The bosons' spin degree of freedom introduces another scattering channel in the two-body interaction modifying the stability of MI regions with respect to the action of disorder. This leads to some peculiar phenomena such as the creation of BG of singlets, for very strong spin correlation, or the disappearance of BG phase in some particular cases where fluctuations are not able to mix different MI regions

    Gold nanoparticle distribution in advanced in vitro and ex vivo human placental barrier models

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    Gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) are promising candidates to design the next generation NP-based drug formulations specifically treating maternal, fetal or placental complications with reduced side effects. Profound knowledge on AuNP distribution and effects at the human placental barrier in dependence on the particle properties and surface modifications, however, is currently lacking. Moreover, the predictive value of human placental transfer models for NP translocation studies is not yet clearly understood, in particular with regards to differences between static and dynamic exposures. To understand if small (3–4 nm) AuNPs with different surface modifications (PEGylated versus carboxylated) are taken up and cross the human placental barrier, we performed translocation studies in a static human in vitro co-culture placenta model and the dynamic human ex vivo placental perfusion model. The samples were analysed using ICP-MS, laser ablation-ICP-MS and TEM analysis for sensitive, label-free detection of AuNPs

    Characteristic extraction in numerical relativity: binary black hole merger waveforms at null infinity

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    The accurate modeling of gravitational radiation is a key issue for gravitational wave astronomy. As simulation codes reach higher accuracy, systematic errors inherent in current numerical relativity wave-extraction methods become evident, and may lead to a wrong astrophysical interpretation of the data. In this paper, we give a detailed description of the Cauchy-characteristic extraction technique applied to binary black hole inspiral and merger evolutions to obtain gravitational waveforms that are defined unambiguously, that is, at future null infinity. By this method we remove finite-radius approximations and the need to extrapolate data from the near zone. Further, we demonstrate that the method is free of gauge effects and thus is affected only by numerical error. Various consistency checks reveal that energy and angular momentum are conserved to high precision and agree very well with extrapolated data. In addition, we revisit the computation of the gravitational recoil and find that finite radius extrapolation very well approximates the result at \scri. However, the (non-convergent) systematic differences to extrapolated data are of the same order of magnitude as the (convergent) discretisation error of the Cauchy evolution hence highlighting the need for correct wave-extraction.Comment: 41 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, added references, fixed typos. Version matches published version

    Are moving punctures equivalent to moving black holes?

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    When simulating the inspiral and coalescence of a binary black-hole system, special care needs to be taken in handling the singularities. Two main techniques are used in numerical-relativity simulations: A first and more traditional one ``excises'' a spatial neighbourhood of the singularity from the numerical grid on each spacelike hypersurface. A second and more recent one, instead, begins with a ``puncture'' solution and then evolves the full 3-metric, including the singular point. In the continuum limit, excision is justified by the light-cone structure of the Einstein equations and, in practice, can give accurate numerical solutions when suitable discretizations are used. However, because the field variables are non-differentiable at the puncture, there is no proof that the moving-punctures technique is correct, particularly in the discrete case. To investigate this question we use both techniques to evolve a binary system of equal-mass non-spinning black holes. We compare the evolution of two curvature 4-scalars with proper time along the invariantly-defined worldline midway between the two black holes, using Richardson extrapolation to reduce the influence of finite-difference truncation errors. We find that the excision and moving-punctures evolutions produce the same invariants along that worldline, and thus the same spacetimes throughout that worldline's causal past. This provides convincing evidence that moving-punctures are indeed equivalent to moving black holes.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps color figures; v2 = major revisions to introduction & conclusions based on referee comments, but no change in analysis or result

    Phenomenological template family for black-hole coalescence waveforms

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    Recent progress in numerical relativity has enabled us to model the non-perturbative merger phase of the binary black-hole coalescence problem. Based on these results, we propose a phenomenological family of waveforms which can model the inspiral, merger, and ring-down stages of black hole coalescence. We also construct a template bank using this family of waveforms and discuss its implementation in the search for signatures of gravitational waves produced by black-hole coalescences in the data of ground-based interferometers. This template bank might enable us to extend the present inspiral searches to higher-mass binary black-hole systems, i.e., systems with total mass greater than about 80 solar masses, thereby increasing the reach of the current generation of ground-based detectors.Comment: Minor changes, Submitted to Class. Quantum Grav. (Proc. GWDAW11

    Scanned Potential Microscopy of Edge and Bulk Currents in the Quantum Hall Regime

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    Using an atomic force microscope as a local voltmeter, we measure the Hall voltage profile in a 2D electron gas in the quantum Hall (QH) regime. We observe a linear profile in the bulk of the sample in the transition regions between QH plateaus and a distinctly nonlinear profile on the plateaus. In addition, localized voltage drops are observed at the sample edges in the transition regions. We interpret these results in terms of theories of edge and bulk currents in the QH regime.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Exact boundary conditions in numerical relativity using multiple grids: scalar field tests

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    Cauchy-Characteristic Matching (CCM), the combination of a central 3+1 Cauchy code with an exterior characteristic code connected across a time-like interface, is a promising technique for the generation and extraction of gravitational waves. While it provides a tool for the exact specification of boundary conditions for the Cauchy evolution, it also allows to follow gravitational radiation all the way to infinity, where it is unambiguously defined. We present a new fourth order accurate finite difference CCM scheme for a first order reduction of the wave equation around a Schwarzschild black hole in axisymmetry. The matching at the interface between the Cauchy and the characteristic regions is done by transfering appropriate characteristic/null variables. Numerical experiments indicate that the algorithm is fourth order convergent. As an application we reproduce the expected late-time tail decay for the scalar field.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures. Included changes suggested by referee

    Oral direct thrombin inhibitor AZD0837 for the prevention of stroke and systemic embolism in patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation: a randomized dose-guiding, safety, and tolerability study of four doses of AZD0837 vs. vitamin K antagonists

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    Aims Oral anticoagulation with vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation (AF) is effective but has significant limitations. AZD0837, a new oral anticoagulant, is a prodrug converted to a selective and reversible direct thrombin inhibitor (AR-H067637). We report from a Phase II randomized, dose-guiding study (NCT00684307) to assess safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of extended-release AZD0837 in patients with AF. Methods and results Atrial fibrillation patients (n = 955) with >= 1 additional risk factor for stroke were randomized to receive AZD0837 (150, 300, or 450 mg once daily or 200 mg twice daily) or VKA (international normalized ratio 2-3, target 2.5) for 3-9 months. Approximately 30% of patients were naive to VKA treatment. Total bleeding events were similar or lower in all AZD0837 groups (5.3-14.7%, mean exposure 138-145 days) vs. VKA (14.5%, mean exposure 161 days), with fewer clinically relevant bleeding events on AZD0837 150 and 300 mg once daily. Adverse events were similar between treatment groups; with AZD0837, the most common were gastrointestinal disorders (e.g. diarrhoea, flatulence, or nausea). D-Dimer, used as a biomarker of thrombogenesis, decreased in all groups in VKA-naive subjects with treatment, whereas in VKA pre-treated patients, D-dinner levels started tow and remained low in all groups. As expected, only a few strokes or systemic embolic events occurred. In the AZD0837 groups, mean S-creatinine increased by similar to 10% from baseline and returned to baseline following treatment cessation. The frequency of serum alanine aminotransferase >= 3 x upper limit of normal was similar for AZD0837 and VKA. Conclusion AZD0837 was generally well tolerated at all doses tested. AZD0837 treatment at an exposure corresponding to the 300 mg od dose in this study provides similar suppression of thrombogenesis at a potentially lower bleeding risk compared with dose-adjusted VKA