2,450 research outputs found

    Variabilidade espacial de atributos do solo e produtividade da cultura de cana-de-açúcar em relação a localização topográfica

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    Soils submitted to the same management system in places with little variation of landscape, manifest differentiated spatial variability of their attributes and crop yield. The aim of this work was to investigate the correlation between spatial variability of the soil attributes and sugarcane yield as a result of soil topography. To achieve this objective, a test area of 42 ha located at the São João Sugar Mill, in Araras, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, was selected. Sugarcane yield was measured with a yield monitor fitted in a sugarcane harvester and GPS signal. A total of 170 soil samples were taken at regular 50 m grid, at a depth of 0 - 0.2 m. The area under study was divided into two sites based on topography. The following soil attributes were analysed: organic matter (OM) content, exchangeable potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg), their base saturation percentage (%BS), cation exchange capacity (CEC), pH, clay, silt, total sand and density. The use of landscape and geostatistics enable defining areas with different spatial variability in soil attributes and crop yield, providing the visualization and definition of homogeneous management zones. The largest spatial variability of soil attributes and sugarcane yield was in the lowest part of the field.Solos submetidos ao mesmo sistema de manejo em locais com pequena variação de relevo manifestam variabilidade espacial diferenciada de atributos do solo e das plantas. Objetivou-se com este trabalho estudar a correlação entre a variabilidade espacial de atributos físicos e químicos do solo com a produtividade da cana-de-açúcar em duas posições do relevo, de acordo com a topografia da área. O estudo foi realizado no município de Araras, SP, em uma área de 42 ha, pertencente à Usina São João. Para o mapeamento da produtividade da cultura da cana-de-açúcar utilizou-se um monitor de produtividade acoplado à colhedora e ao sinal de GPS. Coletaram-se 170 amostras do solo, em uma malha regular de 50 m entre pontos, na profundidade de 0,0 - 0,2 m. O talhão de estudo foi dividido em duas áreas menores, segundo a topografia. Os atributos do solo avaliados foram: teor de matéria orgânica (MO), potássio (K), cálcio (Ca), magnésio (Mg), saturação por bases (V%), capacidade de troca catiônica (CTC), pH, argila, silte, areia total e densidade. O uso do relevo e da geoestatística possibilitou definir áreas com diferentes variabilidades espaciais para atributos do solo e produtividade da cultura de cana-de-açúcar, proporcionando a visualização e definição de zonas homogêneas de manejo de acordo com o relevo. A maior variabilidade espacial de atributos do solo e a produtividade da cultura de cana-de-açúcar ocorreram na parte mais baixa do talhão.1250125

    Critical assessment of enhancement factor measurements in surface-enhanced raman scattering on different substrates

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    The SERS enhancement factor (SERS-EF) is one of the most important parameters that characterizes the ability of a given substrate to enhance the Raman signal for SERS applications. The comparison of SERS intensities and SERS-EF values across different substrates is a common practice to unravel the performance of a given substrate. In this study, it is shown that such a comparison may lack significance if we compare substrates of very distinct nature and optical properties. It is specifically shown that the SERS-EF values for static substrates (e.g. immobilized metallic nanostructures) cannot be compared to those of dynamic ones (e.g. colloidal metal nanoparticle solutions), and that the optical properties for the latter show strong dependence on the metal-molecule interaction dynamics. The most representative experimental results concerning the dynamic substrates have been supported by generalized Mie theory simulations, which are tools used to describe the substrate complexity and the microscopic information not usually taken into account17332129421301CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE MINAS GERAIS - FAPEMIGFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPES

    Thin and Deep Gaussian Processes

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    Gaussian processes (GPs) can provide a principled approach to uncertainty quantification with easy-to-interpret kernel hyperparameters, such as the lengthscale, which controls the correlation distance of function values. However, selecting an appropriate kernel can be challenging. Deep GPs avoid manual kernel engineering by successively parameterizing kernels with GP layers, allowing them to learn low-dimensional embeddings of the inputs that explain the output data. Following the architecture of deep neural networks, the most common deep GPs warp the input space layer-by-layer but lose all the interpretability of shallow GPs. An alternative construction is to successively parameterize the lengthscale of a kernel, improving the interpretability but ultimately giving away the notion of learning lower-dimensional embeddings. Unfortunately, both methods are susceptible to particular pathologies which may hinder fitting and limit their interpretability. This work proposes a novel synthesis of both previous approaches: Thin and Deep GP (TDGP). Each TDGP layer defines locally linear transformations of the original input data maintaining the concept of latent embeddings while also retaining the interpretation of lengthscales of a kernel. Moreover, unlike the prior solutions, TDGP induces non-pathological manifolds that admit learning lower-dimensional representations. We show with theoretical and experimental results that i) TDGP is, unlike previous models, tailored to specifically discover lower-dimensional manifolds in the input data, ii) TDGP behaves well when increasing the number of layers, and iii) TDGP performs well in standard benchmark datasets.Comment: Accepted at the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 202

    Sex-specific genetic effects in physical activity: results from a quantitative genetic analysis

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    Background: The objective of this study is to present a model to estimate sex-specific genetic effects on physical activity (PA) levels and sedentary behaviour (SB) using three generation families. Methods: The sample consisted of 100 families covering three generations from Portugal. PA and SB were assessed via the International Physical Activity Questionnaire short form (IPAQ-SF). Sex-specific effects were assessed by genotype-by-sex interaction (GSI) models and sex-specific heritabilities. GSI effects and heterogeneity were tested in the residual environmental variance. SPSS 17 and SOLAR v. 4.1 were used in all computations. Results: The genetic component for PA and SB domains varied from low to moderate (11 % to 46 %), when analyzing both genders combined. We found GSI effects for vigorous PA (p = 0.02) and time spent watching television (WT) (p \u3c 0.001) that showed significantly higher additive genetic variance estimates in males. The heterogeneity in the residual environmental variance was significant for moderate PA (p = 0.02), vigorous PA (p = 0.006) and total PA (p = 0.001). Sex-specific heritability estimates were significantly higher in males only for WT, with a male-to-female difference in heritability of 42.5 (95 % confidence interval: 6.4, 70.4). Conclusions: Low to moderate genetic effects on PA and SB traits were found. Results from the GSI model show that there are sex-specific effects in two phenotypes, VPA and WT with a stronger genetic influence in males

    Scalar field in cosmology: Potential for isotropization and inflation

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    The important role of scalar field in cosmology was noticed by a number of authors. Due to the fact that the scalar field possesses zero spin, it was basically considered in isotropic cosmological models. If considered in an anisotropic model, the linear scalar field does not lead to isotropization of expansion process. One needs to introduce scalar field with nonlinear potential for the isotropization process to take place. In this paper the general form of scalar field potentials leading to the asymptotic isotropization in case of Bianchi type-I cosmological model, and inflationary regime in case of isotropic space-time is obtained. In doing so we solved both direct and inverse problem, where by direct problem we mean to find metric functions and scalar field for the given potential, whereas, the inverse problem means to find the potential and scalar field for the given metric function. The scalar field potentials leading to the inflation and isotropization were found both for harmonic and proper synchronic time.Comment: 10 page

    El wushu como herramienta para el desarrollo motor, cognitivo y socio afectivo en la escuela: un estudio exploratorio

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    [ES] El presente estudio investigó la utilización del wushu en la escuela por profesores de Educación Física (FEP) como herramienta para el desarrollo motor, cognitivo y socio‐afectivo del alumnado, y comparó a profesores practicantes y no practicantes en concepto, comprensión y aplicación de prácticas resignificadas de wushu en los grados I y II Enseñanza Primaria en São Paulo, Brasil. Para este fin, 40 PEF fueron asignados a un grupo de dos, practicantes wushu (PW, n=27) o no practicantes de wushu (NPW, n=13). Todos los participantes respondieron a un cuestionario compuesto por 11 preguntas objetivas sobre la práctica de wushu por parte de los escolares, con respuestas divididas en cuatro niveles ("no asiste", "parcialmente", "completamente" y "excede"). Se utilizó la prueba de Mann Whitney para comparar las respuestas, p≤0,05. Los resultados mostraron diferencias entre los grupos, considerando los PW que el wushu es un contenido válido para enseñar a los escolares aspectos relacionados con las artes marciales, mientras que los NPW lo consideraron poco eficiente. Ambos grupos identificaron al wushu como una actividad que satisface y supera las necesidades de desarrollo motor, cognitivo y socioafectivo de los escolares. Por otro lado, alrededor del 30% de los NPW indicaron que el wushu es difícil de utilizaren el contexto escolar, y el 40% de los NPW consideraron que las prácticas de wushu recibidas durante su formación inicial fueron escasas o inexistentes. Estos resultados sugieren la posibilidad de que exista una relación entre la experiencia de los profesores y la promoción de ciertas prácticas, y que la enseñanza de las artes marciales puede depender de la propia condición de practicantes de los profesores de Educación Física.[EN] The present work investigated the use of wushu at school by Physical Education teachers (PEF) as a tool for the motor, cognitive and socioaffective development, and compared practitioners and non‐practitioners in concept, understanding and application of wushu resignified practices in Elementary School grades I and II in São Paulo, Brazil. For this purpose, 40 PEFs were assigned to one of two groups, wushu Practitioners (PW, n=27) or Non wushu Practitioners (NPW, n=13). All participants answered a questionnaire composed of 11 objective questions about the wushu practice by schoolchildren, with answers ranging on four levels ("does not attend", "partially", "fully" and "exceeds"). The Mann Whitney test was used to compare the responses, p≤0.05. Results showed differences between groups, in which PW considered wushu a valid content to teach aspects related to martial arts for schoolchildren, while NPW believed to be inefficient. Both groups identified wushu as an activity that meets and exceeds the needs of motor, cognitive and socioaffective development in schoolchildren. On the other hand, about 30% of NPWs indicated that wushu is difficult to use in schoolchildren, and 40% of NPWs reported that wushu practices during initial teacher training were only partially or not sufficiently taught. These results suggest the possibility of a relationship between the teachers' experience and the promotion of certain practices, depending the teaching of martial arts on the teachers’ practical experience.[PT] O presente trabalho investigou a utilização do wushu como ferramenta para o desenvolvimento motor, cognitivo e socioafetivo na escola entre professores de Educação Física (PEF) e comparou praticantes e não praticantes em conceito, compreensão e na aplicação de práticas ressignificadas no Ensino Fundamental I e II em São Paulo, no Brasil. Para isso, participaram 40 PEF, separados em dois grupos Praticantes de wushu (PW, n=27) e Não Praticantes de wushu (NPW, n=13).Todos responderam um questionário com 11 perguntas objetivas sobre a prática de wushu por escolares, com respostas em quatro escalas (“não atende”, “parcialmente”, “plenamente” e “supera”). Para comparar as respostas utilizou‐se o teste de Mann Whitney, p≤0,05. O resultado mostrou diferença entre os grupos, na qual PW consideram a modalidade um sistema válido para ensinar aspectos relacionados com as artes marciais para escolares, enquanto NPW acredita ser pouco eficiente. Ambos os grupos indicaram o wushu, como uma atividade que atende e supera as necessidades de desenvolvimento motor, cognitivo e socioafetivo em escolares. Em contrapartida, cerca de 30% dos NPW indicou que o wushu é difícil para ser utilizado em escolares e 40% desse grupo informou que as práticas de wushu durante a formação na graduação foram apenas parcialmente ou não foram realizadas de maneira clara. Esses resultados sugerem a possibilidade de haver relação entre a experiência dos professores na promoção de determinadas modalidades, podendo estar o ensino das artes marciais dependente do fato dos professores serem ou não praticantes

    O wushu como uma ferramenta para o desenvolvimento motor, cognitivo e socioafetivo na escola: um estudo exploratório

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    The present work investigated the use of wushu at school by Physical Education teachers (PEF) as a tool for the motor, cognitive and socioaffective development, and compared practitioners and non-practitioners in concept, understanding and application of wushu resignified practices in Elementary School grades I and II in São Paulo, Brazil. For this purpose, 40 PEFs were assigned to one of two groups, wushu Practitioners (PW, n=27) or Non wushu Practitioners (NPW, n=13). All participants answered a questionnaire composed of 11 objective questions about the wushu practice by schoolchildren, with answers ranging on four levels ("does not attend", "partially", "fully" and "exceeds"). The Mann Whitney test was used to compare the responses, p<0.05. Results showed differences between groups, in which PW considered wushu a valid content to teach aspects related to martial arts for schoolchildren, while NPW believed to be inefficient. Both groups identified wushu as an activity that meets and exceeds the needs of motor, cognitive and socioaffective development in schoolchildren. On the other hand, about 30% of NPWs indicated that wushu is difficult to use in schoolchildren, and 40% of NPWs reported that wushu practices during initial teacher training were only partially or not sufficiently taught. These results suggest the possibility of a relationship between the teachers' experience and the promotion of certain practices, depending the teaching of martial arts on the teachers’ practical experience.El presente estudio investigó la utilización del wushu en la escuela por profesores de Educación Física (FEP) como herramienta para el desarrollo motor, cognitivo y socio-afectivo del alumnado, y comparó a profesores practicantes y no practicantes en concepto, comprensión y aplicación de prácticas resignificadas de wushu en los grados I y II Enseñanza Primaria en São Paulo, Brasil. Para este fin, 40 PEF fueron asignados a un grupo de dos, practicantes wushu (PW, n=27) o no practicantes de wushu (NPW, n=13). Todos los participantes respondieron a un cuestionario compuesto por 11 preguntas objetivas sobre la práctica de wushu por parte de los escolares, con respuestas divididas en cuatro niveles ("no asiste", "parcialmente", "completamente" y "excede"). Se utilizó la prueba de Mann Whitney para comparar las respuestas, p≤0,05. Los resultados mostraron diferencias entre los grupos, considerando los PW que el wushu es un contenido válido para enseñar a los escolares aspectos relacionados con las artes marciales, mientras que los NPW lo consideraron poco eficiente. Ambos grupos identificaron al wushu como una actividad que satisface y supera las necesidades de desarrollo motor, cognitivo y socioafectivo de los escolares. Por otro lado, alrededor del 30% de los NPW indicaron que el wushu es difícil de utilizar en el contexto escolar, y el 40% de los NPW consideraron que las prácticas de wushu recibidas durante su formación inicial fueron escasas o inexistentes. Estos resultados sugieren la posibilidad de que exista una relación entre la experiencia de los profesores y la promoción de ciertas prácticas, y que la enseñanza de las artes marciales puede depender de la propia condición de practicantes de los profesores de Educación Física.O presente trabalho investigou a utilização do wushu como ferramenta para o desenvolvimento motor, cognitivo e socioafetivo na escola entre professores de Educação Física (PEF) e comparou praticantes e não praticantes em conceito, compreensão e na aplicação de práticas ressignificadas no Ensino Fundamental I e II em São Paulo, no Brasil. Para isso, participaram 40 PEF, separados em dois grupos Praticantes de wushu (PW, n=27) e Não Praticantes de wushu (NPW, n=13). Todos responderam um questionário com 11 perguntas objetivas sobre a prática de wushu por escolares, com respostas em quatro escalas (“não atende”, “parcialmente”, “plenamente” e “supera”). Para comparar as respostas utilizou-se o teste de Mann Whitney, p<0,05. O resultado mostrou diferença entre os grupos, na qual PW consideram a modalidade um sistema válido para ensinar aspectos relacionados com as artes marciais para escolares, enquanto NPW acredita ser pouco eficiente. Ambos os grupos indicaram o wushu, como uma atividade que atende e supera as necessidades de desenvolvimento motor, cognitivo e socioafetivo em escolares. Em contrapartida, cerca de 30% dos NPW indicou que o wushu é difícil para ser utilizado em escolares e 40% desse grupo informou que as práticas de wushu durante a formação na graduação foram apenas parcialmente ou não foram realizadas de maneira clara. Esses resultados sugerem a possibilidade de haver relação entre a experiência dos professores na promoção de determinadas modalidades, podendo estar o ensino das artes marciais dependente do fato dos professores serem ou não praticantes