1,206 research outputs found

    Gestión de la Información y uso de herramientas tecnológicas en educación superior

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    Este trabajo presenta los resultados de un Proyecto de Innovación Docente en la asignatura Sistemas de Información y Documentación sobre Educación, financiado por la Universidad de Oviedo. La intervención se ha orientado al desarrollo de la competencia de gestión de la información en el alumnado de primero de la licenciatura de Pedagogía, la cual es necesaria para que puedan seguir aprendiendo a lo largo de sus vidas. Para alcanzar este objetivo, nos ha parecido oportuno incorporar las herramientas tecnológicas en los procesos educativos. Los resultados obtenidos indican que el desarrollo de esta innovación docente ha tenido consecuencias positivas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, ya que el alumnado ha cambiado algunos de sus hábitos de búsqueda y acceso a la información y de comunicación con compañeros y profesores

    La formación del pedagogo en sistemas de información y documentación con nuevas tecnologías

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    Se presentan los resultados de una innovación docente introducida en la titulación de Pedagogía de la Universidad de Oviedo. La intervención se ha orientado al desarrollo de la competencia de gestión de la información en el alumnado de primero en la asignatura Sistemas de Información y documentación sobre Educación. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se ha realizado y desarrollado un plan de trabajo bianual. Los resultados de esta investigación revelan que las tecnologías contribuyeron a potenciar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes

    Comparison of Neural Networks for High-Sampling Rate NILM Scenario

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    2022 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), 22-24 June 2022, Messina, Italy.The common objective of techniques employed to identify the use of household appliances is related to energy efficiency and the reduction of energy consumption. In addition, through load monitoring it is possible to assess the degree of independence of tenants with minimal invasion of privacy and thus develop sustainable health systems capable of providing the required services remotely. Both approaches should initially deal with the load identification stage. For that purpose, this work presents three different solutions that take the events of the electrical current signal acquired at high frequency and process them for classification by using two different topologies of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The data of interest used as input for the ANN in the proposals are the normalized signal captured around the events, the images created by dividing that signal into sections and organizing them in a matrix, and the images coming from the Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) of the signal around the event. The dataset BLUED is used to carry out the validation of the proposal, where some of the proposed architectures obtain an F1 score above 90% for more than fifteen devices under classification.Universidad de AlcaláAgencia Estatal de Investigació

    Percepções dos alunos de Enfermagem sobre flipped classroom e avaliação contínua na sala de aula de Gestão de Enfermagem

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    Introduction: Although the training of nurses in administration and leadership has an important repercussion on the present and the future of the profession, teaching methods are still traditional in many cases. Flipped classroom is a widely used method in nursing education but studies about its application to Nursing Administration and Management are limited. Method: Qualitative study by means of anonymous survey (dichotomous and open questions). Results: 92 % of students were shown to be satisfied with the teaching methodology and 92.9 % with the assessment. Only 31.5 % had used it previously but 83 % would like to use it in more subjects. The students showed that the methodology used had improved their opinion about the content and had increased their perception its usefulness. Conclusion: The participating students have been shown to be satisfied with flipped method and continuous assessment. These teaching strategies can help motivate nursing students towards the subject of Nursing Administration and Management, which can encourage them to pursue postgraduate training and professional practice in this area.Introducción: Si bien la formación de enfermeros en Administración y Gestión tiene una importante repercusión en el presente y el futuro de la profesión, los métodos de enseñanza siguen siendo tradicionales en muchos casos. El aula invertida es un método ampliamente utilizado en la educación de enfermería, pero los estudios sobre su aplicación a la administración y gestión de enfermería son limitados. Método: Estudio cualitativo mediante cuestionario anónimo (preguntas dicotómicas y abiertas). Resultados: El 92 % de los estudiantes se mostró satisfecho con la metodología de enseñanza y el 92,9 % con la evaluación. Solo el 31,5 % lo había usado anteriormente, pero al 83 % le gustaría usarlo en más sujetos. Los estudiantes demostraron que la metodología utilizada había mejorado su opinión sobre el contenido y había aumentado su percepción útil del mismo. Conclusión: Los estudiantes participantes han demostrado estar satisfechos con el método de aula invertida. Estas estrategias de enseñanza pueden ayudar a motivar a los estudiantes de enfermería hacia la asignatura de Administración y Gestión de los Servicios de Enfermería, lo que puede animarlos a realizar una formación de posgrado y una práctica profesional en esta área.Introdução: Embora a educação de Enfermagem em Administração e Gestão tenha um grande impacto no presente e futuro da profissão, os métodos de ensino continuam a ser tradicionais em muitos casos. A sala de aula invertida é um método amplamente utilizado na educação em Enfermagem, mas os estudos sobre a sua aplicação à Administração e Gestão de Enfermagem são limitados. Método: Estudo qualitativo utilizando um questionário anônimo (perguntas dicotômicas e abertas). Resultados: 92% dos estudantes ficaram satisfeitos com a metodologia de ensino e 92,9% com a avaliação. Apenas 31,5% já o tinha utilizado antes, mas 83% gostariam de utilizá-lo em mais assuntos. Os estudantes mostraram que a metodologia utilizada havia melhorado a sua opinião sobre o conteúdo e aumentado a sua percepção útil do conteúdo. Conclusão: Os estudantes participantes mostraram-se satisfeitos com o método invertido e com a avaliação contínua. Estas estratégias de ensino podem ajudar a motivar os estudantes de Enfermagem para a disciplina de Administração e Gestão de Enfermagem, o que pode encorajá-los a empreender uma educação de pós-graduação e prática profissional nesta área

    Evaluating Human Activity and Usage Patterns of Appliances with Smart Meters

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    2022 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA), 22-24 June 2022, Messina, Italy.Population ageing is becoming a key issue for most western countries, due to the challenges that it poses to the sustainability of future healthcare systems. In this context, many proposals and development are emerging trying to enhance the independent living of elderly and cognitive impaired people at their own homes. For that purpose, the massive deployment of smart meter at houses and buildings, initially focused on improving the energy management, has become a useful tool to provide the society with a variety of services and applications that can be employed for independent living. This work proposes the use of a commercial smart meter that delivers the disaggregated consumption per appliance every hour. This device has been installed on a test house during a training period of two months, in order to infer the behavior routines in the usage of the microwave. After the training, every new day can be compared to the obtained usage pattern of that appliance, in order to launch a notification when the day routine significantly differs. Similarly, since the use of the microwave is related to cooking, activities such as breakfast, lunch or dinner, may also be monitored and/or compared to a trained pattern. The proposal has been validated preliminary with experimental data coming from the aforementioned household.Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciónUniversidad de Alcal

    A Cross-Sectional Study of Empathy and Emotion Management: Key to a Work Environment for Humanized Care in Nursing

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    Introduction: At the present time, technological advances have increased the technification of healthcare services, in which high priority is given to efficiency and results achieved, leading healthcare personnel to prioritize administrative and procedural aspects to the detriment of humanization of care and the work environment. Objective: This study was intended to continue progress in research on the work environment based on the humanization construct by analyzing the explanatory value of emotional intelligence and empathy in nursing personnel. Materials and Methods: The study was quantitative, observational, and cross-sectional. The sample was made up of 338 Spanish nurses with a mean age of 32.20 (SD = 7.54; range 22–56). The instruments employed for analysis were the Healthcare Professional Humanization Scale (HUMAS), Brief Emotional Intelligence Inventory for Adults, and Basic Empathy Scale (BES). Results: Mood and stress management—both emotional intelligence components—and cognitive empathy explained over half (51%) of the variability found in humanization of care in a sample of nurses. Furthermore, the mediation models proposed emphasized the mediating role of cognitive empathy in stress management and improvement in mood and its relationship to humanization. Conclusion: It is recommended that healthcare professionals reinforce their personal competencies in order to tend to the needs of their patients empathetically and improve emotional competencies for coping successfully with potentially stressful situations

    Proyecto Patelos

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    El trabajo investigativo sobre la elaboración de un alimento orgánico y saludable como el paté de aceitunas con frutos secos (almendras) muestra la viabilidad de la ejecución, en base al análisis realizado en Lima Metropolitana a las personas de 18 a 65 años de edad de los niveles socioeconómicos (NSE) “A” y “B”, los cuales valoran mucho las nuevas tendencias saludables que tiene una marcada preferencia hacia consumir productos funcionales. En consecuencia, nos permitió detectar diferentes comentarios dónde expresaron una aceptable valoración de nuevas alternativas de alimentos saludables. Además, se identificó que muchas personas tienen pocas alternativas en el mercado para acompañar sus alimentos durante el desayuno o meriendas, estos otros alimentos caracterizados por su gran carga calórica y niveles de azúcar, grasas o sodio; Por ello, las personas buscan alimentos alternativos que muestran y destaquen por su valor agregado al ser orgánico e incluso de interactuar con envases eco amigables, lo cual aumenta su disposición a pagar. Por último, se halló que muchas personas están empezando a tener una mejor conciencia sobre su salud debido al contexto de la pandemia generada durante el año 2019, así como adquirirlos mediante un medio seguro y de poco contacto como lo puede ofrecer los canales online caracterizada por su fácil interacción en la búsqueda de información. Para poner en marcha el proyecto se consideró analizar la industria alimentaria enfocada a: consumidores, proveedores, tendencias alimentarias, competidores, entre otros factores externos de la empresa. También, se planificó los siguientes aspectos: Plan Estratégico, Plan de operaciones, Plan de Marketing, Plan de Recursos Humanos, así como un Plan de Responsabilidad Social y un Plan Financiero necesario. Los cuales contienen información necesaria para establecer estrategias puntuales para analizar la viabilidad del proyecto. Teniendo como resultado, una inversión inicial de 38,694 soles y consiguiendo durante el primer año de operación una pérdida de 6,807 soles, pero generando utilidad de 43,526 soles y 39,556 soles para el segundo y tercer año respectivamente.The research work on the elaboration of an organic and healthy food such as olive pate with nuts (almonds) shows the feasibility of the execution, based on the analysis carried out in Metropolitan Lima to people from 18 to 65 years of age of the socioeconomic levels (NSE) "A" and "B", which highly value the new healthy trends that have a strong preference towards consuming functional products. Consequently, it allowed us to detect different comments where they expressed an acceptable valuation of new healthy food alternatives. In addition, it was identified that many people have few alternatives in the market to accompany their food during breakfast or snacks, these other foods characterized by their high caloric load and levels of sugar, fat or sodium; therefore, people look for alternative foods that show and stand out for their added value by being organic and even interacting with eco-friendly packaging, which increases their willingness to pay. Finally, it was found that many people are beginning to have a better awareness about their health due to the context of the pandemic generated during the year 2019, as well as acquire them through a safe and low contact medium as it can offer online channels characterized by its easy interaction in the search for information. To implement the project, it was considered to analyze the food industry focused on: consumers, suppliers, food trends, competitors, among other external factors of the company. Also, the following aspects were planned: Strategic Plan, Operations Plan, Marketing Plan, Human Resources Plan, as well as a Social Responsibility Plan and a necessary Financial Plan. These contain the necessary information to establish specific strategies to analyze the viability of the project. As a result, an initial investment of 38,767 soles and achieving during the first year of operation a loss of 6,807 soles but generating a profit of 43,526 soles and 39,556 soles for the second and third year respectively.Trabajo de investigació

    Cooperative and Escaping Mechanisms between Circulating Tumor Cells and Blood Constituents

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    Metastasis is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths and despite measurable progress in the field, underlying mechanisms are still not fully understood. Circulating tumor cells (CTCs) disseminate within the bloodstream, where most of them die due to the attack of the immune system. On the other hand, recent evidence shows active interactions between CTCs and platelets, myeloid cells, macrophages, neutrophils, and other hematopoietic cells that secrete immunosuppressive cytokines, which aid CTCs to evade the immune system and enable metastasis. Platelets, for instance, regulate inflammation, recruit neutrophils, and cause fibrin clots, which may protect CTCs from the attack of Natural Killer cells or macrophages and facilitate extravasation. Recently, a correlation between the commensal microbiota and the inflammatory/immune tone of the organism has been stablished. Thus, the microbiota may affect the development of cancer-promoting conditions. Furthermore, CTCs may suffer phenotypic changes, as those caused by the epithelial–mesenchymal transition, that also contribute to the immune escape and resistance to immunotherapy. In this review,we discuss the findings regarding the collaborative biological events among CTCs, immune cells, and microbiome associated to immune escape and metastatic progression

    Uncontrolled donation programs after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. An estimation of potential donors.

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    Objective To determine the number of potential deceased organ donors from out-of- hospital cardiac arrest cases (OHCA) attended by public physician-led emergency medical services in Spain, based on data recorded in the nationwide Spanish OHCA Registry (OHSCAR). Material and methods We analysed OHSCAR data on deceased OHCA patients in Spain during 13 months (1/10/2013 to 31/10/ 2014). Variables included age, sex, estimated OHCA time, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) start time and outcome. Inclusion criteria were: age 16–60 years, witnessed OHCA, no return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and time interval <15 min between OHCA occurrence and CPR initiation. Results Of a total 8789 cases, 3290 met the age criteria; of these, CPR was not witnessed in 745 cases. Among the remaining 2545 patients, 141 were included in uncontrolled donation after cardiac death (uDCD) programs, 902 arrived at the hospital with ROSC, 64 arrived with ongoing CPR and 15 cases were lost to follow-up. Of the remaining 1423 without ROSC, CPR initiation time was not recorded in 454 cases and 398 did not meet the time criteria <15 min between OHCA and CPR initiation. Finally, 571 met all the criteria and could have been potential donors. There were significant differences in the actual donors percentage from potential donors percentage between provinces with and without donor programs (141/322 = 43.8% versus 0/390 = 0%), but there were no differences in ROSC between the two types of provinces (418/1320 = 31.7% versus 652/1970 = 33.4%). Conclusions Many potential donors are missed in current clinical practice. uDCD programs are few and underused even in a country with high rates of organs transplantation.pre-print820 K