10 research outputs found

    Molecular and phenotypical characterization of Drosophila melanogaster Synapsin mutants and In-vivo Calcium Imaging

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    Durch genaue Kartierung der Defizienzen in den Mutanten konnten bislang unbekannte regulatorische Elemente des Synapsin Gens identifiziert werden. Mit dieser Information sollte es möglich sein, einen Synapsin-„Rescue“ Vektor zu konstruieren, der nach Transformation in die Nullmutante den wildtypischen PhĂ€notyp wiederherstellt. Beim Vergleich der im Rahmen des Berkeley Drosophila Genom Projekt veröffentlichten Sequenz des Synapsin Gens mit vor sieben Jahren publizierten Sequenzdaten fielen Diskrepanzen sowohl in der genomischen Sequenz als auch in der cDNA auf. Um zu klĂ€ren, ob es sich hier um Artefakte, Polymorphismen oder systematische Modifikationen handelt, wurde der entsprechende Bereich von neun an verschiedenen Orten gefangenen Wildtypen genomisch und auf der cDNA Ebene amplifiziert und sequenziert. In allen FĂ€llen wurde die genomische Sequenz des Genomprojekts verifiziert, so dass von einem Sequenzierfehler in der frĂŒheren Sequenz auszugehen ist. Als Folge ergibt sich eine Exon-Intron Struktur, bei der die Spleiß-Konsensussequenz (GT-AG Regel) im Intron 4 des Synapsins gewahrt bleibt. Dagegen bestĂ€tigten die RT-PCR Sequenzen die frĂŒheren cDNA-Daten, so dass ein A zu G Austausch zwischen der genomischen Sequenz und der cDNA des Proteins aufgedeckt wird. Dieser Austausch fĂŒhrt zu einer VerĂ€nderung der in allen bisher bekannten Synapsinen konservierten Zielsequenz der Proteinkinase CaMK I/ IV und PKA, was interessante Fragen zu seiner funktionellen Bedeutung aufwirft. Die Basensubstitution spricht fĂŒr ein A-zu-I RNA-Editing auf der Ebene der RibonukleinsĂ€ure. Dieser Vorgang wird durch das Enzym dADAR katalysiert und wurde bereits fĂŒr verschiedene neuronale Proteine nachgewiesen. Die fĂŒr die Reaktion benötigte doppelstrĂ€ngige SekundĂ€rstruktur der RNA kann durch die Sequenz der prĂ€-mRNA des Synapsins gebildet werden. Die potentielle „Editing site Complementary Sequence“ (ECS) konnte im Intron 4 in einem Abstand von ca. 90 Basen stromabwĂ€rts der Editing-Stelle durch ein Computerprogramm ermittelt werden. Der A zu G Austausch wird in allen Laborwildtypen und allen neu etablierten StĂ€mmen, sowie in verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien beobachtet. Lediglich in einem cDNA-Gemisch aus Eiern, Embryonen und 1. Larven findet man neben der editierten auch die nicht-editierte Sequenz. Um in spĂ€teren Experimenten die Funktion der Phosphorylierung und die Auswirkung der mRNA Editierung ermitteln zu können wurden in einem weiteren Versuch die beiden Erkennungsstellen der PKA in der cDNA durch Mutationen modifiziert, so dass Phosphorylierungstests an den Konstrukten durchgefĂŒhrt werden können. Zur phĂ€notypischen Charakterisierung der Nullmutante wurde die Defizienz-Linie Syn97 durch extensive RĂŒckkreuzung in den genetischen Hintergrund des Wildtyps CantonS eingebracht, der als Standard-Kontrollstamm fĂŒr Verhaltensexperimente und insbesondere Lernversuche dient. Die Linie Syn97CS wurde im Rahmen einer Kooperation von Mitarbeitern des Lehrstuhls in verschiedenen Verhaltenstests und Lernparadigmen auf phĂ€notypische VerĂ€nderungen ĂŒberprĂŒft. Dabei fanden sich mehrere Verhaltensunterschiede zum Wildtyp, die vermutlich auf geringfĂŒgigen Modifikationen in komplexen neuronalen Netzwerken beruhen. In operanten Lernparadigmen konnte ein Einfluss der Synapsin-Elimination auf den Lernerfolg detektiert werden. Dabei trat die Reduktion des Lernindex bereits im dritten Larvenstadien auf und setzte sich in der adulten Fliege fort. Der Einfluss des Fehlens des Synapsins auf Lernprozesse in Drosophila steht im Einklang mit Befunden aus Knock-out MĂ€usen fĂŒr SynI + II. Im reduzierten Courtship Index der Syn97CS MĂ€nnchen offenbart sich ein konkreter Hinweis auf eine verringerte Darwin’sche Fitness der Synapsin-Nullmutante. Die Gesamtheit der in der Synapsin-Nullmutante entdeckten PhĂ€notypen könnte den hohen Konservierungsgrad des Proteins zwischen Vertebraten und Invertebraten erklĂ€ren. In einem weiteren Teil-Projekt konnten Mutationen in die cDNA des Calciumsensor Cameleon 2.0 Proteins eingebracht werden, um so die verbesserte Version Cam 2.1 zu erhalten. Daraufhin wurden mehrere transgene UAS-Cam 2.1 Linien hergestellt, die bei der Kreuzung mit verfĂŒgbaren Gal4 Linien den Calciumsensor fĂŒr eine Expression in definierten Neuronenpopulationen von Drosophila zugĂ€nglich machen. In weiterfĂŒhrenden Arbeiten konnte die FunktionalitĂ€t des Fusionsproteins ĂŒberprĂŒft werden und somit die ersten Schritte hin zur Anwendung der in-vivo Calcium Imaging Methode am Lehrstuhl durchgefĂŒhrt werden.Synapsins are abundant synaptic vesicle-associated phosphoproteins which are highly conserved between species. They are involved in anchoring the synaptic vesicle to the cytoskeleton and in the neurotransmitter release. Previously the synapsin gene (syn) in Drosophila melanogaster was cloned and characterized. Several deletions in the locus were generated by jump-out mutagenesis. In this thesis I present further details on the molecular characterization of the synapsin gene as well as data on the phenotypical relevance of the protein. Previously unknown regulatory elements for the synapsin gene were identified by mapping the breakpoints of several mutants. By using this information it should be possible to generate a rescue constuct for syn mutants apsin to create a transgenic line with a wild-type-like expression. By comparing the synapsin sequence published seven years ago with the sequence from the Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project a discrepancy was detected regarding both the genomic and the cDNA sequence. In order to clarify if this discrepancy is based on an artefact, a polymorphism or a systematic modification, the region was amplified and sequenced at the genomic and cDNA level in nine different wild-type lines. In all cases the genomic sequence was identical to the data of the genome project, giving rise to the suspicion that the previously published sequence contained a sequencing artefact. This result eliminates the need to postulate an unconventional exon-intron structure that would violate the GT-AG splice consensus for in intron 4 of the synapsin gene. However the data from RT-PCR confirmed the cDNA sequence, proving an A to G exchange between genomic DNA and cDNA. This exchange leads to a modification of the aminoacid sequence at the highly conserved target site of the protein kinases CaMK I/ IV and PKA, raising interesting questions about the functional significance of the modification. The substitution is typical for an A-to-I editing event at the RNA level. The modification is catalysed by the dADAR enzyme and was already identified in several neuronal proteins. The necessary double-stranded secondary structure of the RNA can be formed by the synapsin pre-mRNA. The possible editing site complementary sequence (ECS) was detected 90 base downstream of the editing site within intron 4 by computer analysis. The A-to-G exchange was observed in all laboratory and new established wild-type strains as well as during most development stages. Only in a mixed cDNA fraction from eggs, embryos and first larvae a non-edited version coexists with the edited form. For further experiments on the function of phosphorylation at this site and on the relevance of the RNA-editing mutations were introduced into the cDNA in order to generate informative constructs for phosphorylation assays. For the phenotypical characterization of the flies lacking synapsin the null-mutant Syn97 was intensively crossed into the genetic background of the wild-type control strain CantonS, which normally serves as a control in behavioral and especially learning paradigms. The newly established Syn97CS line was tested in collaboration with colleagues at the department for significant differences in behavior or learning compared to the wild-type. Several behavioral abnormalities were found which probably are due to minor modifications in complex neuronal networks. In operant learning tasks we found influences of the protein deficiency. A reduction in the learning index already exists at the 3rd larval stage and persists in the adult fly. The influence of the elimination of synapsin on learning processes in Drosophila is in aggreement with results from synI+II knock-out mice. A link to a reduction of the Darwinian fitness of Syn97CS mutants came from experiments using the courtship suppression paradigm, where mutant males showed a reduced courtship index. In combination these phenotypes may well explain the high conservation of the protein between vertebrates and invertebrates. In another project a mutation was introduced in the cDNA of the calcium sensor cameleon 2.0 in order to create the improved version cameleon 2.1. Several UAS-Cam 2.1 transgenic lines could be established. By crossing these lines with Gal4 flies the calcium sensor could be expressed in a subset of defined neurons. In subsequent experiments the function of the modified protein could be demonstrated establishing the first steps towards in-vivo calcium imaging at the department

    Predictive olfactory learning in Drosophila

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    Olfactory learning and conditioning in the fruit fly is typically modelled by correlation-based associative synaptic plasticity. It was shown that the conditioning of an odor-evoked response by a shock depends on the connections from Kenyon cells (KC) to mushroom body output neurons (MBONs). Although on the behavioral level conditioning is recognized to be predictive, it remains unclear how MBONs form predictions of aversive or appetitive values (valences) of odors on the circuit level. We present behavioral experiments that are not well explained by associative plasticity between conditioned and unconditioned stimuli, and we suggest two alternative models for how predictions can be formed. In error-driven predictive plasticity, dopaminergic neurons (DANs) represent the error between the predictive odor value and the shock strength. In target-driven predictive plasticity, the DANs represent the target for the predictive MBON activity. Predictive plasticity in KC-to-MBON synapses can also explain trace-conditioning, the valence-dependent sign switch in plasticity, and the observed novelty-familiarity representation. The model offers a framework to dissect MBON circuits and interpret DAN activity during olfactory learning

    Memory decay and susceptibility to amnesia dissociate punishment- from relief-learning

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    Painful events shape future behaviour in two ways: stimuli associated with pain onset subsequently support learned avoidance (i.e. punishment-learning) because they signal future, upcoming pain. Stimuli associated with pain offset in turn signal relief and later on support learned approach (i.e. relief-learning). The relative strengths of such punishment- and relief-learning can be crucial for the adaptive organization of behaviour in the aftermath of painful events. Using Drosophila, we compare punishment- and relief-memories in terms of their temporal decay and sensitivity to retrograde amnesia. During the first 75 min following training, relief-memory is stable, whereas punishment-memory decays to half of the initial score. By 24 h after training, however, relief-memory is lost, whereas a third of punishment-memory scores still remain. In accordance with such rapid temporal decay from 75 min on, retrograde amnesia erases relief-memory but leaves a half of punishment-memory scores intact. These findings suggest differential mechanistic bases for punishment- and relief-memory, thus offering possibilities for separately interfering with either of them

    A role for Synapsin in associative learning: The Drosophila larva as a study case

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    Synapsins are evolutionarily conserved, highly abundant vesicular phosphoproteins in presynaptic terminals. They are thought to regulate the recruitment of synaptic vesicles from the reserve pool to the readily-releasable pool, in particular when vesicle release is to be maintained at high spiking rates. As regulation of transmitter release is a prerequisite for synaptic plasticity, we use the fruit fly Drosophila to ask whether Synapsin has a role in behavioral plasticity as well; in fruit flies, Synapsin is encoded by a single gene (syn). We tackled this question for associative olfactory learning in larval Drosophila by using the deletion mutant syn(97CS), which had been backcrossed to the Canton-S wild-type strain (CS) for 13 generations. We provide a molecular account of the genomic status of syn(97CS) by PCR and show the absence of gene product on Western blots and nerve-muscle preparations. We found that olfactory associative learning in syn(97CS) larvae is reduced to ∌50% of wild-type CS levels; however, responsiveness to the to-be-associated stimuli and motor performance in untrained animals are normal. In addition, we introduce two novel behavioral control procedures to test stimulus responsiveness and motor performance after “sham training.” Wild-type CS and syn(97CS) perform indistinguishably also in these tests. Thus, larval Drosophila can be used as a case study for a role of Synapsin in associative learning

    Synapsin Determines Memory Strength after Punishment- and Relief-Learning

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    Adverse life events can induce two kinds of memory with opposite valence, dependent on timing: “negative” memories for stimuli preceding them and “positive” memories for stimuli experienced at the moment of “relief.” Such punishment memory and relief memory are found in insects, rats, and man. For example, fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) avoid an odor after odor-shock training (“forward conditioning” of the odor), whereas after shock-odor training (“backward conditioning” of the odor) they approach it. Do these timing-dependent associative processes share molecular determinants? We focus on the role of Synapsin, a conserved presynaptic phosphoprotein regulating the balance between the reserve pool and the readily releasable pool of synaptic vesicles. We find that a lack of Synapsin leaves task-relevant sensory and motor faculties unaffected. In contrast, both punishment memory and relief memory scores are reduced. These defects reflect a true lessening of associative memory strength, as distortions in nonassociative processing (e.g., susceptibility to handling, adaptation, habituation, sensitization), discrimination ability, and changes in the time course of coincidence detection can be ruled out as alternative explanations. Reductions in punishment- and relief-memory strength are also observed upon an RNAi-mediated knock-down of Synapsin, and are rescued both by acutely restoring Synapsin and by locally restoring it in the mushroom bodies of mutant flies. Thus, both punishment memory and relief memory require the Synapsin protein and in this sense share genetic and molecular determinants. We note that corresponding molecular commonalities between punishment memory and relief memory in humans would constrain pharmacological attempts to selectively interfere with excessive associative punishment memories, e.g., after traumatic experiences

    Neuroblast lineage-specific origin of the neurons of the Drosophila larval olfactory system

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    The complete neuronal repertoire of the central brain of Drosophila originates from only approximately 100 pairs of neural stem cells, or neuroblasts. Each neuroblast produces a highly stereotyped lineage of neurons which innervate specific compartments of the brain. Neuroblasts undergo two rounds of mitotic activity: embryonic divisions produce lineages of primary neurons that build the larval nervous system; after a brief quiescence, the neuroblasts go through a second round of divisions in larval stage to produce secondary neurons which are integrated into the adult nervous system. Here we investigate the lineages that are associated with the larval antennal lobe, one of the most widely studied neuronal systems in fly. We find that the same five neuroblasts responsible for the adult antennal lobe also produce the antennal lobe of the larval brain. However, there are notable differences in the composition of larval (primary) lineages and their adult (secondary) counterparts. Significantly, in the adult, two lineages (lNB/BAlc and adNB/BAmv3) produce uniglomerular projection neurons connecting the antennal lobe with the mushroom body and lateral horn; another lineage, vNB/BAla1, generates multiglomerular neurons reaching the lateral horn directly. lNB/BAlc, as well as a fourth lineage, vlNB/BAla2, generate a diversity of local interneurons. We describe a fifth, previously unknown lineage, BAlp4, which connects the posterior part of the antennal lobe and the neighboring tritocerebrum (gustatory center) with a higher brain center located adjacent to the mushroom body. In the larva, only one of these lineages, adNB/BAmv3, generates all uniglomerular projection neurons. Also as in the adult, lNB/BAlc and vlNB/BAla2 produce local interneurons which, in terms of diversity in architecture and transmitter expression, resemble their adult counterparts. In addition, lineages lNB/BAlc and vNB/BAla1, as well as the newly described BAlp4, form numerous types of projectio neurons which along the same major axon pathways (antennal tracts) used by the antennal projection neurons, but which form connections that include regions outside the "classical" olfactory circuit triad antennal lobe-mushroom body-lateral horn. Our work will benefit functional studies of the larval olfactory circuit, and shed light on the relationship between larval and adult neurons