155 research outputs found

    Open borders, closed minds: the discursive construction of national identity in North Cyprus

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    The article investigates the discursive construction of a Turkish Cypriot national identity by the newspapers in North Cyprus. It questions the representation and reconstruction processes of national identity within the press and examines the various practices employed to mobilize readers around certain national imaginings. Using Critical Discourse Analysis, the article analyses news reports of the opening of border crossings in Cyprus in 2003, based on their content, the strategies used in the production of national identity and the linguistic means employed in the process. In this way, the nationalist tendencies embedded in news discourses, as well as discriminatory and exclusive practices, are sought out

    Roadmap Umwelttechnologien 2020 - State-of-the-Art-Report (Kurzfassung)

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    Globale Umweltprobleme wie der Klimawandel, die Verknappung des Süßwasserdargebots, der Verlust an Biodiversität oder der rasant steigende Verbrauch nicht erneuerbarer Rohstoffe werden den Handlungsdruck im Umweltbereich in den nächsten Jahrzehnten deutlich erhöhen. Obwohl viele der heutigen Umweltprobleme direkt oder indirekt durch Technik verursacht sind, beinhalten moderne Umwelttechnologien gleichzeitig das Potential zu ihrer Bewältigung. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht das BMBF-Projekt „Roadmap Umwelttechnologien 2020“ welche Beiträge Forschung und Technik für künftige Umweltinnovationen leisten können. Ziel des Projekts ist es, strategische Handlungsoptionen für die Forschungsförderung und die Unterstützung des Wissenstransfers in die Praxis aufzuzeigen. Als erstes Ergebnis des Projekts wurden in einem umfassenden State-of-the-Art-Report, Umweltprobleme und zugehörige technische Lösungsansätze entlang von sieben Umwelthandlungsfeldern dargestellt. Diese sind: Klimaschutz, Luftreinhaltung, Wasserschutz, Bodenschutz, Schonung endlicher Ressourcen, Abfallwirtschaft, Erhalt von Natur und Biodiversität. Der Report gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über reife Technologien und ihr Marktumfeld, neue Technologien und ihre Potentiale sowie mögliche Hemmnisse, die der Weiterentwicklung und Marktdurchdringung im Weg stehen. In der hier vorgelegten Kurzfassung des State-of-the-Art-Reports sind wesentliche Ergebnisse aus den sieben Handlungsfeldern zusammengefasst. Jedem Handlungsfeld ist ein so genannter „Kompass“ zugeordnet, der das Beziehungsgeflecht von Problemen, Lösungsansätzen und Technologien grafisch darstellt

    Detection of a gammaretrovirus, XMRV, in the human population: Open questions and implications for xenotransplantation

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    XMRV (xenotropic murine leukaemia virus-related virus) is a gammaretrovirus that has been detected in human patients with prostate carcinoma, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and also in a small percentage of clinically healthy individuals. It is not yet clear whether the distribution of this virus is primarily limited to the USA or whether it is causally associated with human disease. If future investigations confirm a broad distribution of XMRV and its association with disease, this would have an impact on xenotransplantation of porcine tissues and organs. Xenotransplantation is currently being developed to compensate for the increasing shortage of human material for the treatment of tissue and organ failure but could result in the transmission of porcine pathogens. Maintenance of pathogen-free donor animals will dramatically reduce this risk, but some of the porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERVs) found in the genome of all pigs, can produce infectious virus and infect cultured human cells. PERVs are closely related to XMRV so it is critical to develop tests that discriminate between them. Since recombination can occur between viruses, and recombinants can exhibit synergism, recipients should be tested for XMRV before xenotransplantation

    The Aims of Lifelong Learning: Age-Related Effects of Training on Wages and Job Security

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    This study analyses the effects of training participation on wages and perceived job security for employees of different ages. Based on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, results indicate that only younger workers benefit from training by an increase in wages, whereas older employees' worries about losing their job are reduced. This observation can also be explained by the fact that goals of training courses are related to the age of participants. Moreover, I differentiate between workers who permanently and only occasionally participate in training. The results indicate that there seem to be decreasing marginal returns to training with respect to job security

    Applying Bayesian model averaging for uncertainty estimation of input data in energy modelling

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    Background Energy scenarios that are used for policy advice have ecological and social impact on society. Policy measures that are based on modelling exercises may lead to far reaching financial and ecological consequences. The purpose of this study is to raise awareness that energy modelling results are accompanied with uncertainties that should be addressed explicitly. Methods With view to existing approaches of uncertainty assessment in energy economics and climate science, relevant requirements for an uncertainty assessment are defined. An uncertainty assessment should be explicit, independent of the assessor’s expertise, applicable to different models, including subjective quantitative and statistical quantitative aspects, intuitively understandable and be reproducible. Bayesian model averaging for input variables of energy models is discussed as method that satisfies these requirements. A definition of uncertainty based on posterior model probabilities of input variables to energy models is presented. Results The main findings are that (1) expert elicitation as predominant assessment method does not satisfy all requirements, (2) Bayesian model averaging for input variable modelling meets the requirements and allows evaluating a vast amount of potentially relevant influences on input variables and (3) posterior model probabilities of input variable models can be translated in uncertainty associated with the input variable. Conclusions An uncertainty assessment of energy scenarios is relevant if policy measures are (partially) based on modelling exercises. Potential implications of these findings include that energy scenarios could be associated with uncertainty that is presently neither assessed explicitly nor communicated adequately

    The Making of Racial and Ethnic Categories: Official Statistics Reconsidered

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    One of the most striking features of the end of the twentieth century was the resurgence of the ethnic question in public debates, both in developing and in developed countries. Between conflicts and wars interpreted from an ethnic perspective (the Balkans and central Africa), nationalist struggles (the Basque country, Quebec and Belgium), and demands for recognition and political representation by new ethnic minorities resulting from immigration, every country is currently affected by what is commonly known as cultural pluralism (Hobsbawm 1993; Dieckhoff 2000; Faist 2009; Simon and Piché 2013). This ‘ethnic renewal’, to coin the expression used to qualify the growing interest for ethnic diversity in the 1960s in the US, is not only driven by a sort of obsession for cultural differences as an explanation for all kinds of social and political phenomenon. It derives from different legacies: from the increasing diversity of the population of countries that have undergone large immigration flows to the long lasting cohabitation of national minorities within modern Nation states, from the history of slavery to the post-colonial era. This resurgence or extension of the salience of ethnicity in most of the societies around the world can be found not only in public discourses, policy-making, scientific literature and popular representations, but also in the pivotal realm of statistics. Indeed, at the turn of century, an increasing number of countries are processing routinely data on ethnicity or race of their population. This is precisely what this book is about: ethnic and racial classifications in official statistics, as a reflection of the representations of population and an interpretation of social dynamics through different lenses

    The Debate About the Consequences of Job Displacement

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