25 research outputs found

    Electron pitch-angle diffusion: resonant scattering by waves vs.nonadiabatic effects

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    International audienceIn this paper we investigate the electron pitchanglediffusion coefficients in the night-side inner magnetospherearound the geostationary orbit (L 7) due to magneticfield deformation. We compare the effects of resonantwave–particle scattering by lower band chorus waves and theadiabaticity violation of electron motion due to the strongcurvature of field lines in the vicinity of the equator. Fora realistic magnetic field configuration, the nonadiabatic effectsare more important than the wave–particle interactionsfor high energy (> 1 MeV) electrons. For smaller energy,the scattering by waves is more effective than nonadiabaticone. Moreover, the role of nonadiabatic effects increases withparticle energy. Therefore, to model electron scattering andtransport in the night-side inner magnetosphere, it is importantto take into account the peculiarities of high-energy electrondynamics

    Non-diffusive resonant acceleration of electrons in the radiation belts

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    International audienceWe describe a mechanism of resonant electron acceleration by oblique high-amplitude whistlerwaves under conditions typical for the Earth radiation belts. We use statistics of spacecraftobservations of whistlers in the Earth radiation belts to obtain the dependence of the angle hbetween the wave-normal and the background magnetic field on magnetic latitude k. According tothis statistics, the angle h already approaches the resonance cone at k 15 and remains close to itup to k 30–40 on the dayside. The parallel component of the electrostatic field of whistlerwaves often increases around k 15 up to one hundred of mV/m. We show that due to thisincrease of the electric field, the whistler waves can trap electrons into the potential well via waveparticle resonant interaction corresponding to Landau resonance. Trapped electrons then move withthe wave to higher latitudes where they escape from the resonance. Strong acceleration is favoredby adiabatic invariance along the increasing magnetic field, which continuously transfers theparallel energy gained to perpendicular energy, allowing resonance to be reached and maintained.The concomitant increase of the wave phase velocity allows for even stronger relative accelerationat low energy <50 keV. Each trapping-escape event of electrons of 10 keV to 100 keV results inan energy gain of up to 100 keV in the inhomogeneous magnetic field of the Earth dipole. Forelectrons with initial energy below 100 keV, such rapid acceleration should hasten their drop intothe loss-cone and their precipitation into the atmosphere. We discuss the role of the consideredmechanism in the eventual formation of a trapped distribution of relativistic electrons for initialenergies larger than 100 keV and in microbursts precipitations of lower energy particles

    Very oblique whistler generation by low-energy electron streams

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    International audienceWhistler mode chorus waves are present throughout the Earth's outer radiation belt as well as at larger distances from our planet. While the generation mechanisms of parallel lower band chorus waves and oblique upper band chorus waves have been identified and checked in various instances, the statistically significant presence in recent satellite observations of very oblique lower band chorus waves near the resonance cone angle remains to be explained. Here we discuss two possible generation mechanisms for such waves. The first one is based on Landau resonance with sporadic very low energy (<4 keV) electron beams either injected from the plasma sheet or produced in situ. The second one relies on cyclotron resonance with low-energy electron streams, such that their velocity distribution possesses both a significant temperature anisotropy above 3–4 keV and a plateau or heavy tail in parallel velocities at lower energies encompassing simultaneous Landau resonance with the same waves. The corresponding frequency and wave normal angle distributions of the generated very oblique lower band chorus waves, as well as their frequency sweep rate, are evaluated analytically and compared with satellite observations, showing a reasonable agreement

    Wave energy budget analysis in the Earth's radiation belts uncovers a missing energy

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    International audienceWhistler-mode emissions are important electromagnetic waves pervasive in the Earth's magnetosphere, where they continuously remove or energize electrons trapped by the geomagnetic field, controlling radiation hazards to satellites and astronauts and the upper-atmosphere ionization or chemical composition. Here, we report an analysis of 10-year Cluster data, statistically evaluating the full wave energy budget in the Earth's magneto-sphere, revealing that a significant fraction of the energy corresponds to hitherto generally neglected very oblique waves. Such waves, with 10 times smaller magnetic power than parallel waves, typically have similar total energy. Moreover, they carry up to 80% of the wave energy involved in wave–particle resonant interactions. It implies that electron heating and precipitation into the atmosphere may have been significantly under/over-valued in past studies considering only conventional quasi-parallel waves. Very oblique waves may turn out to be a crucial agent of energy redistribution in the Earth's radiation belts, controlled by solar activity

    Nonresonant scattering of energetic electrons by electromagnetic ion cyclotron waves: spacecraft observations and theoretical framework

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    Electromagnetic ion cyclotron (EMIC) waves lead to rapid scattering of relativistic electrons in Earth's radiation belts, due to their large amplitudes relative to other waves that interact with electrons of this energy range. A central feature of electron precipitation driven by EMIC waves is deeply elusive: moderate precipitating fluxes at energies below the minimum resonance energy of EMIC waves occur concurrently with strong precipitating fluxes at resonance energies in low-altitude spacecraft observations. Here we expand on a previously reported solution to this problem: nonresonant scattering due to wave packets of finite size. We first generalize the quasi-linear diffusion model to incorporate nonresonant scattering by a generic wave shape. The diffusion rate decays exponentially away from the resonance, where shorter packets lower decay rates and thus widen the energy range of significant scattering. Using realistic EMIC wave packets from δf\delta f particle-in-cell simulations, we then perform test particle simulations, and demonstrate that intense, short packets extend the energy of significant scattering well below the minimum resonance energy, consistent with our theoretical prediction. Finally, we compare the calculated precipitating-to-trapped flux ratio of relativistic electrons to ELFIN observations, and infer the wave power spectra that are consistent with the measured flux ratio. We demonstrate that even with a narrow wave spectrum, short EMIC wave packets can provide moderately intense precipitating fluxes well below the minimum resonance energy.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figure

    Statistics of whistler mode waves in the outer radiation belt: Cluster STAFF-SA measurements

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    International audience[1] ELF/VLF waves play a crucial role in the dynamics of the radiation belts and are partly responsible for the main losses and the acceleration of energetic electrons. Modeling wave-particle interactions requires detailed information of wave amplitudes and wave normal distribution over L-shells and over magnetic latitudes for different geomagnetic activity conditions. We performed a statistical study of ELF/VLF emissions using wave measurements in the whistler frequency range for 10 years (2001–2010) aboard Cluster spacecraft. We utilized data from the STAFF-SA experiment, which spans the frequency range from 8 Hz to 4 kHz. We present distributions of wave magnetic and electric field amplitudes and wave normal directions as functions of magnetic latitude, magnetic local time, L-shell, and geomagnetic activity. We show that wave normals are directed approximately along the background magnetic field (with the mean value of  — the angle between the wave normal and the background magnetic field, about 10 ı –15 ı) in the vicinity of the geomagnetic equator. The distribution changes with magnetic latitude: Plasmaspheric hiss normal angles increase with latitude to quasi-perpendicular direction at 35 ı –40 ı where hiss can be reflected; lower band chorus are observed as two wave populations: One population of wave normals tends toward the resonance cone and at latitudes of around 35 ı –45 ı wave normals become nearly perpendicular to the magnetic field; the other part remains quasi-parallel at latitudes up to 30 ı. The observed angular distribution is significantly different from Gaussian, and the width of the distribution increases with latitude. Due to the rapid increase of  , the wave mode becomes quasi-electrostatic, and the corresponding electric field increases with latitude and has a maximum near 30 ı. The magnetic field amplitude of the chorus in the day sector has a minimum at the magnetic equator but increases rapidly with latitude with a local maximum near 12 ı –15 ı. The wave magnetic field maximum is observed in the night sector at L > 7 during low geomagnetic activity (at L 5 for K p > 3). Our results confirm the strong dependence of wave amplitude on geomagnetic activity found in earlier studies. (2013), Statistics of whistler-mode waves in the outer radiation belt: Cluster STAFF-SA measurements

    Etude des mecanismes de generation d'ondes cyclotron electroniques par un faisceau d'electrons : interpretation de l'experience PICPAB

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    SIGLECNRS T Bordereau / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Nonlinear electron acceleration by oblique whistler waves: Landau resonance vs. cyclotron resonance

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    International audienceThis paper is devoted to the study of the nonlinear interaction of relativistic electrons and highamplitude strongly oblique whistler waves in the Earth’s radiation belts. We consider electrontrapping into Landau and fundamental cyclotron resonances in a simplified model of dipolarmagnetic field. Trapping into the Landau resonance corresponds to a decrease of electronequatorial pitch-angles, while trapping into the first cyclotron resonance increases electronequatorial pitch-angles. For 100 keV electrons, the energy gained due to trapping is similar forboth resonances. For electrons with smaller energy, acceleration is more effective whenconsidering the Landau resonance. Moreover, trapping into the Landau resonance is accessible fora wider range of initial pitch-angles and initial energies in comparison with the fundamentalresonance. Thus, we can conclude that for intense and strongly oblique waves propagating in thequasi-electrostatic mode, the Landau resonance is generally more important than the fundamentalone

    Immediate and delayed responses of power lines and transformers in the Czech electric power grid to geomagnetic storms

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    International audienceEruptive events of solar activity often trigger abrupt variations of the geomagnetic field.Through the induction of electric currents, human infrastructures are also affected, namely the equipmentof electric power transmission networks. It was shown in past studies that the rate of power-grid anomaliesmay increase after an exposure to strong geomagnetically induced currents. We search for a rapid responseof devices in the Czech electric distribution grid to disturbed days of high geomagnetic activity. Such disturbed days are described either by the cumulative storm-time Dst or d(SYM-H)/dt low-latitude indicesmainly influenced by ring current variations, by the cumulative AE high-latitude index measuring substorm-related auroral current variations, or by the cumulative ap mid-latitude index measuring both ringand auroral current variations. We use superposed epoch analysis to identify possible increases of anomalyrates during and after such disturbed days. We show that in the case of abundant series of anomalies onpower lines, the anomaly rate increases significantly immediately (within 1 day) after the onset of geomagnetic storms. In the case of transformers, the increase of the anomaly rate is generally delayed by 2–3 days.We also find that transformers and some electric substations seem to be sensitive to a prolonged exposureto substorms, with a delayed increase of anomalies. Overall, we show that in the 5-day period following thecommencement of geomagnetic activity there is an approximately 5–10% increase in the recorded anomalies in the Czech power grid and thus this fraction of anomalies is probably related to an exposure to GICs