2,862 research outputs found

    W and Z boson Productions in CMS at LHC startup

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    We report on potential for measurement of W and Z boson production, as well as the production in association with jets. Of particular interest are jet multiplicity and PTP_{\rm T} distributions. The 10 to 100pb1100 {\rm pb}^{-1} datasets expected in the startup year of operation of LHC are likely to already provide information beyond the reach of the Tevatron collider both in jet multiplicity and PTP_{\rm T} range. We are especially interested in understanding the ratios of W+jets to Z+jets distributions by comparing them to next-to-leading order Monte Carlo generators, as these processes present a formidable background for searches of new physics phenomena.Comment: 5 page

    Jets and Missing Transverse Energy Reconstruction with CMS

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    We report on the current simulation studies regarding the reconstruction of Jets and Missing Transverse Energy (MET) with the CMS detector at the CERN proton-proton LHC accelerator. The performance of various jet algorithms is compared, when using calorimeter energy deposits as inputs to the algorithm. The plan for obtaining jet energy corrections is outlined and data-driven correction methods are described. Finally, the performance of MET reconstruction is summarized.Comment: 6 page

    A general outlook on Turkish librarianship and libraries

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    Turkey has a rich book and library tradition going back centuries. This article presents an overview of Turkish libraries and librarianship by providing information specifically on the library tradition in Turkey, public and special libraries, librarianship education, professional associations and publications, and recent developments including some special projects run by the state and NGOs

    From credit crunch to credit boom: transitional challenges in Bulgarian banking, 1999-2006

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    New econometric evidence is provided to identify the determinants of the rapid credit growth in Bulgaria and evaluate whether the credit boom has increased bank fragility, based on a panel data analysis of 30 Bulgarian banks over the 1999-2006 period. Employing Fixed effects and GMM estimation techniques to explore the link between credit and capital base in a partial adjustment framework, the study provides evidence for the growing risks of credit expansion and assesses the potential for banking distress in Bulgaria. The paper argues that after a period of severe credit crunch during 1997-1999, foreign-owned Bulgarian banks have financed a credit boom, especially since 2003 but this indicated growing risk in lending and increasing vulnerability to a systemic banking crisis as banks reduced their capital base and registered an increase in non-performing loans. Aggressive lending by less-capitalized banks without appropriate loan loss provisioning has also been verified empirically in a number of panel specifications. While well-capitalized banks have tended to expand credit in proportion to their capital base, banks with weak capital base engaged in excessive risk taking, and expanded credit despite growing ratio of non-performing loans. Hence, the credit boom has come at the expense of increased banking fragility in Bulgaria, raising the probability of bank failure in the event of a downturn in global financial flows which became a disturbing reality in 2008.Bulgarian banking, GMM estimation, credit boom, credit crunch

    The Effects of Electronic Access to Scientific Literature in the Consortium of Turkish University Libraries

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    Purpose: To provide some insight to the sharp increase in the scientific publications originating from Turkish academic and research institutions in the last few years. The underlying reasons, widespread access to literature through electronic databases being the most important, are also investigated. Design/methodology/approach: Although it is difficult to gauge national scientific productivity, number of publications in electronic databases which index thousands of scientific journals can give an idea. Web of Science is one of them, and it is provided to the Turkish academic community along with several other databases by the national library consortium. Based on the Web of Science data, a comparative analysis was performed to investigate publications originated from Turkey and other countries. Findings: The analysis revealed sharp increase in publications from Turkish institutions in the last few years. Considering the highest publishing 30 countries out of 190, the increase between 2001 and 2003 is 53.48 percent for Turkey, followed by 34.00 percent for China and 26.87 percent for South Korea. Research limitations: Although one of the largest, only one of several databases was analyzed. Additionally, there are also several other indicators of scientific productivity such as books published and citations received. Originality and value of the paper: The paper provides some insight to the importance of library consortia and efficient literature access it provides to the researchers

    The Impact of English Language on the Lifestyle and Behavior of Tertiary Level Students in Bangladesh: Case Study Jahangirnagar University

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    Nowadays English language and culture have grabbed every nucleus of almost all the University students in Bangladesh In Bangladesh English is taught as a compulsory subject in schools colleges and in universities i e from the primary level to the tertiary level The students of Jahangirnagar University in Bangladesh are no exception Here the students think that using English not only facilitates communication but also help them do well in their future life Some students think that it is a way to show smartness Out of all these the present researcher seeks to find out the impact and influence of the English language on the lifestyle of the tertiary level students in Bangladesh It also tries to prove the fact that English language is a machine or a tool of domination and power The paper briefly discusses the origin of English language in the Indian subcontinent and in Bangladesh It also refers to the works done on the same area by different researchers Then it provides an overview or an analysis of some questions to sort out the use of English by the students It finds out in what ways the students use English language At last it offers some recommendations and solution to get out of the influence of the English languag

    ELICA: An Automated Tool for Dynamic Extraction of Requirements Relevant Information

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    Requirements elicitation requires extensive knowledge and deep understanding of the problem domain where the final system will be situated. However, in many software development projects, analysts are required to elicit the requirements from an unfamiliar domain, which often causes communication barriers between analysts and stakeholders. In this paper, we propose a requirements ELICitation Aid tool (ELICA) to help analysts better understand the target application domain by dynamic extraction and labeling of requirements-relevant knowledge. To extract the relevant terms, we leverage the flexibility and power of Weighted Finite State Transducers (WFSTs) in dynamic modeling of natural language processing tasks. In addition to the information conveyed through text, ELICA captures and processes non-linguistic information about the intention of speakers such as their confidence level, analytical tone, and emotions. The extracted information is made available to the analysts as a set of labeled snippets with highlighted relevant terms which can also be exported as an artifact of the Requirements Engineering (RE) process. The application and usefulness of ELICA are demonstrated through a case study. This study shows how pre-existing relevant information about the application domain and the information captured during an elicitation meeting, such as the conversation and stakeholders' intentions, can be captured and used to support analysts achieving their tasks.Comment: 2018 IEEE 26th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshop

    Investigation of Iranian Traditional Drink (Doogh) Characteristics Prepared from Camel Milk Containing Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5

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      Background and objective: Probiotics offer beneficial impact to human health, including lowering serum cholesterol and decreasing occurrence of intestinal infections as well as conferring anti-carcinogenic activities to foods. The present study assessed probiotic doogh drinks made from camel milk and stability of Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 (free or microcapsulated) during product shelf life at refrigerated temperatures as well as at simulated gastrointestinal conditions.Material and methods: Microcapsules of Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 were produced through coacervation of gelatin and high-methoxy pectin (esterification degree of 70%) or gelatin and Arabic gum as wall materials. Stability of probiotic bacteria in gastrointestinal simulated conditions was assessed. Sensory acceptance of samples was investigated using Hedonic test (9-points) during cold storage for 35 days.Results and conclusion: After 35 days of cold storage, doogh samples included Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 microcapsulated by gelatin- pectin and gelatin-Arabic gum had more survival (77.11 and 74.19%, respectively) than free cells (62.34%). As bacteria subjected to simulated gastric juice, the bacterial logarithmic population of free, gelatin-pectin and gelatin-Arabic gum microcapsulated Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 reached to 4, 6 and 5, respectively. In the case of exposure to simulated intestinal fluid, logarithm of the bacterial population reached to 5.6, 6.5 and 6.2 for free, gelatin-pectin and gelatin-Arabic gum bacterial microcapsules, respectively. Organoleptic assessment showed no significant differences between samples in terms of aroma, appearance and overall acceptance. As a result, doogh produced from camel milk containing gelatin-pectin and gelatin-Arabic gum microcapsules of Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 included a further cold storage stability, compared to that containing free bacteria. Furthermore, a final probiotic population of more than 106 were seen for microcapsules in simulated intestinal fluid.Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

    Turkey participation in the banking sector and the importance of place

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    Dünyada büyük bir gelişim sürecine giren faizsiz bankacılık; 1970'li yıllarda pratiğe aktarılmış olup; ilk olarak 1976 yılında Mısır' da uygulama alanı bulmuştur. 'Faizsiz Bankacılık' adı altında yaygınlaşan katılım bankaları, başlangıçta müslüman ülkelerde faaliyet gösterirken, bugün farklı ihtiyaçların karşılanması noktasında tüm dünyada önem arz eden bir işlevsellik kazanmıştır. Faizsiz bankacılık sistemi ekonomik hayatımıza yaklaşık 30 yıl önce 1983 yılında çıkarılan yasa ile giriş yapmıştır. Çıkartılan Kanun Hükmünde Kararname ile ilk faizsiz banka "Özel Finans Kurumu" adıyla kurulmuş olup, sonrasında 5411 sayılı bankacılık kanununda yapılan değişikle bu kurumların adı "Katılım Bankaları" olarak değiştirilerek günümüze kadar bu şekliyle, gelişerek gelmiştir. Ülkemizde katılım bankaları özellikle 2001 yılından sonra büyük bir ivme kazanmış olup, ticari bankalar ile rekabet edebilir hale gelmiştir. Bunda katılım bankalarının, Bankalar Kanununa tabi ve ticari bankalar ile mevzuat bakımından eşit haklara sahip olmasının büyük etkisi vardır. İşbu çalışmada Türk bankacılık sistemi içerisinde katılım bankacılığının yeri, sistemde yer alan diğer bankalarla olan ilişkisi değişik açılardan ele alınarak; tüm dünyadaki finansal entegrasyon ve tasarrufların değerlendirilmesi ihtiyacı sonucu gelişme gösteren katılım bankacılığına ışık tutulmaya çalışılacaktır.Interest free banking experiencing a major development process in the world was first practiced in 1970s and first implemented in Egypt in 1976. While participation banks having become widespread under the name of "Interest free banking" were active in Muslim countries at first, it has gained a considerable function all over the world in terms of satisfying various needs today. Interest free banking system was introduced to our economic life through a law enacted in 1983, approximately 30 years before. The first interest free bank was founded under the name of "Private Finance Institution" based on the decree with power of law and the name of these institutions was changed as "Participation Banks" later on due to an amendment in the banking law numbered 5411 and it has reached its current position as a result of its always developing form. Participation banks gained a great momentum especially after 2001 in our country and are able to compete with commercial banks today. The fact that participation banks abide by Banking Laws and have equal rights with commercial banks in terms of legislation has played a great role in this development. This study focuses on the place of participation banks in the Turkish banking system, their relations with other banks in the system and presents their behavior in the current competitive environment comparatively and it is aimed to enlighten participation banking developed as a result of the need for the evaluation of savings and financial integration throughout the world

    Working with the Diaspora for Development Policy Perspectives from India

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    CARIM-India: Developing a knowledge base for policymaking on India-EU migrationHuman resource mobility is an essential feature of today’s globalised world where integrated world markets, networks and technologies are all contributing to the increasing movement of labour, students, professionals and families. The migrants of today are the Diaspora of tomorrow - and those of yesteryears, that of today. The Indo-European Diaspora represents a significant population in its size, spread and depth. Yet it is argued that their engagement – economic, social and cultural– with India is currently short of its potential relative to their counterparts in North America. This paper examines that relationship and suggests how both India and the EU must draw upon the Indian strategy to widen and strengthen the bridge that the Indian Diaspora represents. The paper focuses on a five select countries in the EU for this analysis, i.e. Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands, being countries that not only have the largest presence of Overseas Indians in mainland Europe but are also strategically important for India. The paper examines the link between Diaspora and development and concludes that it’s a relationship that needs to be nurtured for mutual benefit. It argues that the Indo-European Diaspora has contributed to the economies of the host countries and now is in a position to play a part in India’s developmental efforts. For this a conducive framework needs to be in place. The Indian Government’s policies and programmes are steps in this direction and the time is opportune for the Diaspora to evolve mutually beneficial strategies with both host and home countries to carry forward the relationship.CARIM-India is co-financed by the European University Institute and the European Union