81 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Suhu Perendaman dengan Larutan Natrium Metabisulfit terhadap Karakteristik Fisikokimia Tepung Labu Kuning (Cucurbita moschata D.)

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    Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata D.) is an agricultural commodity with a fairly complete nutritional content and high fiber. The use of pumpkin which is still limited to traditional processed food can be expanded by processing it into flour. Pumpkin flour has a longer shelf life than a fresh pumpkin. It is also easy to distribute and to process into various types of processed food. This study is aimed to evaluate the physicochemical characteristics of pumpkin flour produced from different pretreatments. Pretreatments such as soaking in 0.10% sodium metabisulfite solution at room temperature 30 Ă‚ÂşC and  80Ă‚ÂşC for 10 minutes. The parameters measured were moisture content, ash, protein, fat, carbohydrates,  dietary fiber, and color.  Based on the test results, the difference in immersion temperature only significantly affected the color value. Pumpkin flour soaked in 0,10% sodium metabisulfite at an initial temperature of 80 Ă‚ÂşC had color values of L= 64,87 ± 0,04; b* +52,95 ± 0,05, higher but color value a* =+6,89 ± 0,06.Labu kuning (Cucurbita moschata D.) merupakan komoditas pertanian yang memiliki kandungan gizi yang cukup lengkap dan serat yang tinggi. Pemanfaatan labu kuning yang masih terbatas pada pangan olahan tradisional dapat diperluas dengan mengolahnya menjadi bentuk tepung. Labu kuning dalam bentuk tepung memiliki umur simpan yang lebih panjang, mudah didistribusikan dan mudah diolah menjadi beragam jenis pangan olahan.  Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan suhu perendaman terhadap karakteristik fisikokimia tepung labu kuning. Perlakuan berupa perendaman dengan larutan natrium metabisulfit 0,10 % pada variasi  suhu air perendaman yang berbeda  yaitu 30 Ă‚ÂşC dan 80 Ă‚ÂşC selama 10 menit. Parameter fisikokimia yang diukur adalah kadar air, abu, protein, lemak, karbohidrat, dan serat pangan, dan warna. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, perbedaan suhu perendaman hanya berpengaruh nyata terhadap nilai warna. Tepung labu kuning hasil perendaman natrium metabisulfit 0,10% pada suhu awal air perendaman 80 Ă‚ÂşC memiliki nilai L= 64,87 ± 0,04; b* =+52,95 ± 0,05 dan  nilai warna a* =+6,89 ± 0,06 yang menunjukkan warna lebih cerah dan lebih kuning dibandingkan dengan perlakukan suhu perendaman 30 Ă‚ÂşC

    Evaluation of glycemic index determination method

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    In Indonesia, determination of glycemic index (GI) was performed according to approved protocols prescribed by FAO (1998) and BPOM (2011); but, remarkable differences among these methods exist, primarily regarding the points of recommendation. This present work aimed to evaluate the technical steps of the protocol for determining GI between two protocols recommended by BPOM (2011) and FAO (1998). Ten healthy subjects (age 21-36 years old and body mass index (BMI) 18.5-24.9 kg/m2) were recruited for the study. The blood glucose was measured with repeated glucose trials, while the number of sampling points for the blood glucose test was also investigated. The range of GI for rice, wheat cookies, NS-cookies, HMT-cookies were 68 – 77; 55 – 60; 35 – 43; 35 – 41, respectively, using the combination of three different aspects between FAO and BPOM protocol. Noticeably, the difference in glucose trials did not cause significant variations to GI (n=10, p>0.05). Regarding statistical performance between methods, the Coefficient of Variance (CV) resulted from BPOM protocol (10 subjects, 5 sampling points) ranged 37 to 49%, being slightly higher compared to CV obtained from FAO protocol (7 subjects with triplicate glucose trials, 7 sampling points), i.e., 33% and 35%. The conclusive remark was noticed, that the most satisfying protocol for determination of GI was achieved using no less than two reference food trials, seven subjects, and seven blood sampling points

    Growth, Production and Bioactive Content of Several Black Cumin (Nigella sativa L.) Accessions With Different Harvesting Times in a D3 Type Climate Regime

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    Black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) is a species Ranunculaceae family which grows in the Middle Eastern and Southern Mediterranean countries. Black cumin is also known as habbatus sauda , or kalonji in South Asia. Black cumin seeds are used as spice traditional medicine; the essential oil compound in the seeds has been identified as thymoquinone. Thymoquinone has a potent antioxidant effect, which could protect organs from oxidative damage by generating free radical agents. Indonesia is one of the most geographically diverse country in the world. Some regions have scattered low and high plains, abundant sunlight, evenly distributed rainfall throughout the year, and highly diverse soil types. The purpose of this study was to study the growth, production, thymoquinone and thymol content of several accessions of black cumin with different harvesting time in D3 type climate regimes. The research was conducted from April to September 2019 in Ngadirejo Village, Sukapura District, Probolinggo Regency, East Java with an altitude of 1.680 m above sea level. The experiment used a randomized complete block design with one factor for the vegetative phase, namely accession (“American”, “Indian”, “Kuwait”, and “Slovenian”) and two factors for the generative phase, namely accession and harvesting time. The harvesting time of black cumin was conducted at 6, 7, and 8 weeks after the anthesis. “Indian” and “Slovenian” accession demonstrated the best vegetative growth, whereas “Indian” had the highest capsules number per plant, seeds weight per plant, and the highest estimated production compared to other accessions (603 kg seeds. ha-1). “American”, “Indian” and “Kuwait” accessions are well adapted in D3 type climate. The harvesting time of 7 to 8 weeks from anthesis was shown to be optimal for all accessions. Thymoquinone and thymol content for the four accessions was circa 349.64– 3,030.45 μg. g-1 of seeds and 385.56 – 2,003.46 μg.g-1 of seeds, with potential production values of 0.18 - 1.83 kg.ha-1 and 0.19 - 0.45 kg.ha-1, respectively. The optimal harvesting time to maximize seed production was unaffected by the black cumin accession

    Pandan Wangi rice as reference food and the use of 25 g portion in glycemic index test

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    The notion of the Glycemic Index (GI) can be utilized to aid in the choosing of foods for a healthy diet, leading to low GI claims that have been commonly found in various food products. The convenience of the test subject could affect GI results, such as the type of reference food and how much of it to be consumed. Therefore, the goals of this research were to see if white rice (Pandan Wangi) could be used as a reference food and to compare GI result obtained from a different portion of available carbohydrate. The recruited subjects ranged in age from 21-36 years old with BMI of 18.5-24.9 kg/m2). Glucose measurement and sample testing (white rice and cookies) were conducted in the experiment. Overnight fasting was required of volunteers, and blood samples were obtained using One Touch Ultra Lifescan. There were seven points of blood sampling with triplication of glucose testing GI values were calculated with Incremental Area Under Curves (IAUC). The result means of GI were 74±16 (white rice), 60±24 (wheat cookies), 38±14 (NS-cookies), and 39±16 (HMT-cookies). The correlation between IAUC glucose and rice was significant with r=0.834 (n=10, p<0,01). GI of white rice based on 25g available carbohydrates (AVCHO) was significantly different from GI based on 50g AVHCO (n=10, p<0.05). Pandan Wangi white rice can be used to substitute glucose or white bread in GI tests with a conversion factor of 0.74. It needed further study regarding the use of 25 g AVCHO as the basic portion in GI test.

    Karakteristik Fisik dan Fitokimia Buah Kecombrang (Etlingera elatior (Jack) R.M. Sm)

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    ABSTRAK: Buah kecombrang termasuk famili Zingiberaceae, dimanfaatkan sebagai rempah, flavor makanan, dan herbal tradisional. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui karakteristik fisik dan identifikasi bioaktif fitokimia 3 klon buah kecombrang (warna ungu, merah, dan merah muda) secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Ekstrak diperoleh melalui maserasi serbuk selama 26 jam dengan 0.1% HCl (1:10) dalam methanol. Penelitian menunjukkan buah kecombrang merah muda memiliki karakteristik fisik dominan (panjang, diameter, keliling, berat, jumlah pipilan buah) dan warna tercerah. Sedangkan buah kecombrang ungu mengandung total fenolik, total flavonoid, dan aktivitas antioksidan tertinggi yaitu total fenolik 1,51±0,03 mg GAE/g ekstrak berat kering (bk), total flavonoid 0.38±0.03 mg QE/g ekstrak bk (ungu), aktivitas antioksidan 599.07±92.58 mg AAE/100 g (DPPH) dan 59.14±5.72 mg AAE/100 g ekstrak bk (FRAP). Analisis PCA (Principal Component Analysis) menunjukkan korelasi negatif antara karakteristik fisik dengan fitokimia dan aktivitas antioksidan. Kata Kunci: antioksidan, buah kecombrang, karakteristik fisik, karakteristik fitokimia, PCA. ABSTRACT: Kecombrang is belongs to the family of Zingiberaceae, as spice, food flavoring, traditional herbal medicine. The research aimed to study physical and characterize bioactive phytochemicals of 3 klons kecombrang fruit (purple, red, and pink) by qualitative and quantitative analysis. The extract was obtained through maceration of powder for 26 hours with 0.1% HCl (1:10) in methanol.  The result showed that pink kecombrang had dominant physical characteristics (length, diameter, circumference, weight, number of pieces of fruit) and brightest colors. While purple kecombrang contained the highest total phenol, total flavonoids and antioxidant activity which are 1.51 ± 0.03 mg GAE/g dw extract 0.38 ± 0.03 mg QE/g dw extract, 599.07 ± 92.58 mg AAE/100 g dw (DPPH method) and 59.14 ± 5.72 mg AAE/100 g dw (FRAP method) respectively. PCA analysis showed a negative correlation between physical characteristics and phytochemical characteristics and antioxidant activity.  Keywords: Kecombrang fruits, physical characteristics, phytochemical characteristics, antioxidant, PCA

    Validation Method of Flame-AAS with Microwave Digestion for Mineral Analysis in Carbohydrate-Rich Samples

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    One of the effective methods for mineral destruction is by using microwave digestion. However, some parameters in the microwave manual book are different with AOAC method such as the volume of acid, temperature, and the length of destruction time (Δt). Thus, a validation for mineral analysis method of Fe, Zn, and Cu by using microwave digestion method is required. In this study, carbohydrate-rich samples such as rice and canned pineapple were being used for the validation of mineral analysis method of Fe, Zn, and Cu using microwave digestion. The parameters of this research include LOD, LOQ, LDM, linearity, precision, accuracy, and reproducibility. The accuracy result for Fe, Zn, and Cu mineral was found in the range of 75-120% with good precision value (% RSD 0.990. For LDM values in the rice samples consecutively for Fe, Zn, and Cu minerals were 0,06; 0,07; 0,04 mg/L, while for the canned pineapple were 0,07;0,10;0,01 mg/L, respectively. The results of a modified method for minerals Fe, Zn and Cu analysis in carbohydrate-rich samples was not significantly different from AOAC (2012). Thus the method was acceptable to be used in laboratory analysis

    In Vitro α-Glucosidase Inhibition and Antioxidant Activity of Mulberry (Morus Alba L.) Leaf Ethanolic Extract

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    This present work aimed to investigate the in vitro antioxidant activity and α-glucosidase inhibitory effect of mulberry leaf ethanolic extract. Antioxidant analysis was performed using Thiobarbituric Acid (TBA) assay at concentrations of 125, 200, 500, and 1,000 ppm. The results showed that the optimum incubation time was four days and the extracts could reduce the formation of MDA, i.e. 41.21%, 45.33%, 44.19%, and 36.00%, respectively. This suggests that concentration of 200 ppm was found as the best treatment. In addition, the result showed that ethanolic extract of mulberry leaf also showed inhibition against α-glucosidase with the IC50 of 309.82 µg/ml

    Pengujian Toksisitas Akut LD50 Infusa Benalu Teh (Scurrula sp.) dengan Menggunakan Mencit (Mus musculus)

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efek pemberian infusa benalu teh (Scurrula sp.) terhadap toksisitas akut lethal dose 50 (LD50) dan mengkaji perubahan histopatologi hati, ginjal, dan limpa mencit. Sebanyak 30 ekor mencit jantan dan 30 ekor mencit betina dibagi menjadi enam kelompok dan lima ulangan. Mencit percobaan yang tidak diberi infusa benalu teh dikelompokkan sebagai kontrol, sedangkan yang diberi infusa benalu teh dosis 1, 5, 10, 15, dan 20 g/kg BB dikelompokkan sebagai perlakuan. Pemberian infusa benalu teh dilakukan satu kali pada awal penelitian secara oral kemudian mencit diamati gejala klinis, mortalitas, dan bobot badan. Pada akhir penelitian (hari ke-14), mencit percobaan dikorbankan untuk dievaluasi secara histopatologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian infusa benalu teh pada mencit sampai dengan dosis 20 g/kg BB tidak menimbulkan kematian ataupun gejala klinis spesifik serta pertumbuhan normal. Gambaran histopatologi menunjukkan bahwa pemberian infusa benalu teh pada semua mencit percobaan sampai dengan dosis 20 g/kg BB tidak ditemukan adanya degenerasi maupun nekrosis pada organ hati, ginjal, maupun limpa. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa infusa benalu teh dikelompokkan dalam sediaan praktis tidak toksik dan tidak menimbulkan kelainan pada organ hati, ginjal, maupun limpa
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