1,114 research outputs found

    The Influence of Selected Socio-Economic Factors on Consumer Awareness

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    The influence of selected socioeconomic factors on the consumer awareness of women was investigated. An instrument was developed to measure the consumer awareness of individuals. The three areas assessed were awareness of existing problems in the marketplace, awareness of laws that control these problems and sources of help for the consumer when she encounters these problems. A profile of a woman with low consumer awareness was constructed from the results of the data collected In the study. She will have an annual income of less than $8,000; she will have a high school education or less; her husband will be employed in sales, clerical or managerial work; her husband will be 40 or older and they will have no children living at home. The results of the study indicate that a ll women need assistance in be coming more aware of existing consumer protection laws and of sources of help with consumer problems. All women were more aware of possibilities of where to go for help than of what protection the law provides

    The Function and Organization of the Motor System Controlling Flight Maneuvers in Flies

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    Animals face the daunting task of controlling their limbs using a small set of highly constrained actuators. This problem is particularly demanding for insects such as Drosophila, which must adjust wing motion for both quick voluntary maneuvers and slow compensatory reflexes using only a dozen pairs of muscles. To identify strategies by which animals execute precise actions using sparse motor networks, we imaged the activity of a complete ensemble of wing control muscles in intact, flying flies. Our experiments uncovered a remarkably efficient logic in which each of the four skeletal elements at the base of the wing are equipped with both large phasically active muscles capable of executing large changes and smaller tonically active muscles specialized for continuous fine-scaled adjustments. Based on the responses to a broad panel of visual motion stimuli, we have developed a model by which the motor array regulates aerodynamically functional features of wing motion

    Bioprinted autologous human skin equivalents for in vitro testing of therapeutic antibodies

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    In recent years, advances in tissue engineering have brought forward the accessibility of human skin equivalents for in vitro applications; however, the availability of human-based engineered tissue models suitable for high-throughput screening of biologics remains limited. Here, we report a method of manufacturing fully autologous (with both fibroblasts and keratinocytes from the same donor) human skin equivalents for determining preclinical therapeutic antibody adverse immune reactions in vitro. Using a combination of precise solenoid microvalve-based bioprinting and 96-well scale Alvetex inserts, autologous skin cells were bioprinted and cultured to develop a scalable approach to manufacturing skin equivalents. We demonstrated that fibroblasts and keratinocytes can be bioprinted with a high degree of precision while maintaining viability post printing. Histological staining showed that the bioprinted 96-well based skin equivalents were comparable to human skin. The fully autologous human skin equivalents were co-cultured in vitro with autologous peripheral blood monocytes with and without muromonab-CD3 (OKT3) and natalizumab (Tysabri), biologics which are known to cause and inhibit adverse immune reactions (type IV hypersensitivity), respectively. Analysis of supernatants from skin-equivalent monocyte co-cultures revealed significant proinflammatory cytokine responses (such as interferon gamma) in co-cultures treated with OKT3 when compared to Tysabri and negative controls. Consequently, this study provides proof of concept that through a combination of bioprinting and Alvetex scaffold-based culture systems, scalable human skin equivalents can be manufactured for high-throughput identification of adverse immune reactions during preclinical stages of the drug development process

    The Immunosuppressive Activity of Heat Shock Protein 70

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    Heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) has previously been described as a potent antitumour vaccine. The mechanism relied on the ability of tumour derived HSP70 to associate with antigenic peptides, which, when cross presented, elicited a T cell mediated antitumour response. Subsequently, HSP70 was incorrectly described as a potent adjuvant of innate immunity, and although mistakes in the experimental approaches were exposed and associated with endotoxin contamination in the recombinant HSP70 specimen, questions still remain regarding this matter. Here we review only publications that have cautiously addressed the endotoxin contamination problem in HSP70 in order to reveal the real immunological function of the protein. Accordingly, “endotoxin free” HSP70 stimulates macrophages and delivers antigenic peptides to APCs, which effectively prime T cells mediating an antitumour reaction. Conversely, HSP70 has potent anti-inflammatory functions as follows: regulating T cell responses, reducing stimulatory capacity of DCs, and inducing development of immunosuppressive regulatory T cells. These activities were further associated with the immune evasive mechanism of tumours and implicated in the modulation of immune reactivity in autoimmune diseases and transplant-related clinical conditions. Consequently, the role of HSP70 in immune regulation is newly emerging and contrary to what was previously anticipated

    HI intensity mapping with FAST

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    We discuss the detectability of large-scale HI intensity fluctuations using the FAST telescope. We present forecasts for the accuracy of measuring the Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations and constraining the properties of dark energy. The FAST 1919-beam L-band receivers (1.051.05--1.451.45 GHz) can provide constraints on the matter power spectrum and dark energy equation of state parameters (w0,waw_{0},w_{a}) that are comparable to the BINGO and CHIME experiments. For one year of integration time we find that the optimal survey area is 6000 deg26000\,{\rm deg}^2. However, observing with larger frequency coverage at higher redshift (0.950.95--1.351.35 GHz) improves the projected errorbars on the HI power spectrum by more than 2 σ2~\sigma confidence level. The combined constraints from FAST, CHIME, BINGO and Planck CMB observations can provide reliable, stringent constraints on the dark energy equation of state.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, submitted to "Frontiers in Radio Astronomy and FAST Early Sciences Symposium 2015" conference proceedin

    Multifunctional Wing Motor Control of Song and Flight

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    Multifunctional motor systems produce distinct output patterns that are dependent on behavioral context, posing a challenge to underlying neuronal control. Flies use their wings for flight and the production of a patterned acoustic signal, the male courtship song, employing in both cases a small set of wing muscles and corresponding motor neurons. We took first steps toward elucidating the neuronal control mechanisms of this multifunctional motor system by live imaging of muscle ensemble activity patterns during song and flight, and we established the functional role of a comprehensive set of wing muscle motor neurons by silencing experiments. Song and flight rely on distinct configurations of neuromuscular activity, with most, but not all, flight muscles and their corresponding motor neurons contributing to song and shaping its acoustic parameters. The two behaviors are exclusive, and the neuronal command for flight overrides the command for song. The neuromodulator octopamine is a candidate for selectively stabilizing flight, but not song motor patterns

    The Function and Organization of the Motor System Controlling Flight Maneuvers in Flies

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    Animals face the daunting task of controlling their limbs using a small set of highly constrained actuators. This problem is particularly demanding for insects such as Drosophila, which must adjust wing motion for both quick voluntary maneuvers and slow compensatory reflexes using only a dozen pairs of muscles. To identify strategies by which animals execute precise actions using sparse motor networks, we imaged the activity of a complete ensemble of wing control muscles in intact, flying flies. Our experiments uncovered a remarkably efficient logic in which each of the four skeletal elements at the base of the wing are equipped with both large phasically active muscles capable of executing large changes and smaller tonically active muscles specialized for continuous fine-scaled adjustments. Based on the responses to a broad panel of visual motion stimuli, we have developed a model by which the motor array regulates aerodynamically functional features of wing motion

    Cellular Therapy for Wounds: Applications of Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Wound Healing

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    Despite progress in wound treatment including gene therapy, biological dresses and engineered skin equivalents, present treatment options for chronic wounds are restricted and not always effective. For example, inability to get consistent product from the introduced gene, biological covers may give rise to hypoxic conditions and engineered skin models are limited by their construction from substances which are hard to be degraded, and do not always result in complete replication into normal uninjured skin. A growing body of evidence suggests mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), and their secreted growth factors and microvesicles, may potentiate the wound‐healing process and as such their addition to novel wound‐healing treatments may improve the efficacy of current therapeutic strategies. Recent studies report the ability of bone marrow‐derived MSCs (BM‐MSCs) to migrate and differentiate into skin cells in vivo
